Prudent Politics

1396 POSTS

Top presidential candidate receives major blow that could end everything

Funding plays a major part in every politician’s career. It has the ability to make or break it. And now, a top presidential candidate has...

GOP leaders issue one order over Biden admin’s attempts to silence free speech

Joe Biden and the Radical Left do everything they can to silence the truth and control the narrative. But people are fighting back. And now...

Ron DeSantis makes a surprising VP announcement

With rumors circulating regarding who Trump might pick as his running mate, people are wondering who it will be. But now, this news has...

GOP receives support from the least likely place after a historic meeting with Trump

Typically, unions are extremely Democrat. And their endorsements play a major role in elections. But now, the GOP received support from the least likely...

Jim Jordan makes a demand that has Biden horrified

There have been many investigations into Joe Biden recently. But this new discovery and demand is insane. And Jim Jordan has made a demand...

Prudent Politics

1396 POSTS