Prudent Politics

1683 POSTS

Trump makes alarming statement about Biden that has the Left scrambling

One thing Trump is known for is his strong rhetoric. America seems to love that he speaks the truth in his campaign speeches. But now,...

Trump receives shocking endorsement by unlikely ally and Democrats are worried

As the primaries draw nearer and nearer, Democrats are starting to sweat. Many of their past supporters have ditched them in order to endorse...

Key Democrat figure attacked over suspected voter fraud

Democrats and voter fraud go hand in hand. But nonetheless, people were shocked to learn of this. And a key Democrat figure has been attacked...

Secret Biden report exposed and you won’t believe what he’s hiding

The current administration hides many things from the American people. But this new discovery is mind-blowing. And a secret Biden report has been exposed, and...

Leftist state unleashes one radical scheme that left even Democrats scratching their heads

Even while the Radical Left continues to try and destroy this nation, true Americans are fighting back. But will it be enough? And this Leftist...

Prudent Politics

1683 POSTS