Prudent Politics

1397 POSTS

Biden suffers shocking loss that has exposed major cracks in the Democrat party

Joe Biden has been propped up by the Democrat party for years in their desperate attempt to oppose Trump. But recently, even Democrats seem...

Mayorkas makes a disturbing comment when confronted about Laken Riley

Laken Riley’s murder was a tragic one that could have easily been avoided. And Biden is responsible for her death. But now, Mayorkas has...

This House Democrat is utterly humiliated after being attacked by their own mob

The Radical Left seems to be very supportive of violent protests… Except when it’s directed towards them. And now, this House Democrat is utterly humiliated...

Biden official caught stealing taxpayer dollars for one sinister purpose

The Radical Left has proven that they are willing to do anything to push their agenda. But no one expected this. And a Biden...

Former Border Patrol Chief makes horrific claim that completely exposes the Left

It is not a secret that the Radical Left hates America. And the situation at the border seems to be proof. But now, the...

Prudent Politics

1397 POSTS