

House Democrat has an unhinged meltdown on camera

Democrats hate nothing more than Donald Trump. And after his CNN town hall, one Democrat went completely off the rails. And this House Democrat had...

Merrick Garland was sent a threat from the U.S. Senate that has him terrified

Joe Biden's DOJ head, Merrick Garland, has gone off the deep end. He's completely ignoring the law. But now Merrick Garland has been sent a...

Impeachment rumors rattle Capitol Hill

Some in the federal government are in for rude awakening. And it's coming sooner than you think. And these impeachment rumors just rattled Capitol Hill. Republicans...

Chuck Schumer was floored after he read this unnerving message

The Democrat Party is starting to crumble. Infighting threatens to boil over. And Chuck Schumer was floored after he read this unnerving message. There's a...

Joe Manchin just blindsided Joe Biden in this viral video

Democrat Senator Manchin has slowly been shifting right. He's not pulling any punches. And Joe Manchin just blindsided Joe Biden in this viral video. The...

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