

Tucker Carlson got the last laugh against this radical Leftist who tried to put him in prison

Leftists will stoop to any low to deplatform their ideological opponents. That includes lobbing false accusations. But Tucker Carlson is the last one laughing after...

Documents just leaked that prove the Left was trying to overturn the 2016 election

For two years, Democrats have accused conservatives of being "election deniers" and threats to democracy. But they were just projecting. Because documents just leaked that...

Adam Schiff has egg on his face after being caught in this embarrassing lie

Democrat Representative Adam Schiff is one of the most insane Democrats in Congress. He has no integrity whatsoever. But Schiff has egg on his face...

This RINO used one word to describe Donald Trump that will leave your jaw on the ground

Some Republicans smell blood in the water around Donald Trump. They think it's their turn to swoop in and steal the 2024 nomination. And now...

Merrick Garland is terrified after an FBI agent exposed this enormous scandal

The FBI is steeped in controversy. Details are seeping out that show the Bureau specifically targeted conservatives. And Merrick Garland is terrified after an FBI...

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