

Leftists are losing their minds after two Democrats were sent to prison for this massive fraud

Democrats and the corporate-controlled media say that voter fraud does not exist. But that's not the case. And Leftists are losing their minds after two...

Chuck Schumer just exposed Mitch McConnell’s strategy to betray conservatives in Congress

Mitch McConnell has a lengthy history of betraying conservative voters in back room deals with Democrats. He will go to any length to stay...

Donald Trump’s huge election decision caught everyone off guard

Donald Trump plans to run for President in 2024. But he's having to make some difficult decisions to make. And Donald Trump's huge election decision...

The Supreme Court handed Democrats a major election loss with this critical decision

With every year, Democrats are growing more and more radical in their approach to the election cycle. They think they should win every election...

Chuck Schumer is sweating bullets over this news coming out of Georgia

The midterm elections were a mixed bag for both major parties. But Democrats are desperate to win a 51st seat in the Senate Chamber. That's...

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