

Kamala Harris makes a shocking claim that leaves Americans outraged

Kamala Harris has the lowest approval rating of any VP in US history. And she has a habit of saying the most ridiculous things....

Ron DeSantis terrifies Joe Biden with new video exposé

Ron DeSantis has been releasing videos as part of campaign efforts during the 2024 election race. Many times, the videos outline his plans for...

Hunter Biden’s life is over after being smacked with these new criminal charges

The Biden family is running a million miles an hour to try and save face and help Hunter out of trouble. But it seems...

Ted Cruz rips into Biden for shocking refusal that nearly cost a life

Joe Biden is a disgrace to this country. Normally his incompetencies aren’t life-threatening. But now, Ted Cruz rips into Biden for his shocking refusal...

Hunter Biden is on the lam from this federal court case

Hunter Biden is a criminal and a con artist. But now it seems he is also a coward. And Hunter Biden is on the lam...

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