

Major group fact-checks Biden’s shocking lies and exposes the administration’s dark secrets

Joe Biden, his administration, and the entire Radical Left are full of ridiculous lies. And many of them are dangerous. But now a major group...

Biden administration makes a terrifying border decision that will affect us all

The Biden administration has handled the border crisis terribly. And right now they seem to be trying to make things worse. Because the Biden administration...

Biden administration makes a Middle East move that could lead to thousands of American deaths

Joe Biden’s foreign policies are atrocious. And it seems he is always losing American lives in the process. And now, his newest move in the...

House of Representatives hits Radical leader with massive loss

The Radical Left has become increasingly bold in recent times. But thankfully there are still checks and balances. And the House of Representatives has hit...

Biden was just saved from major embarrassment, but the damage is already been done

Joe Biden is an expert at making a fool of himself. And even when people try to save him, he can’t help but ruin...

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