

Rumors of Democrats’ decision to replace Biden have shocked the nation

There has been widespread speculation that the Democrats will replace Joe Biden. But new evidence has completely exposed their plans. And new rumors of the...

Alarming new development at U.S. border could not be worse

With Joe Biden doing nothing about our border security, the situation has gotten out of hand. And it seems impossible to come back from...

NYC mayor investigation brought before grand jury and Democrats are terrified

The Left has been doing everything they can to lock up Trump. But now it looks like things have completely backfired on them. Because the...

CNN’s recent Trump trial announcement has America stunned

The Left is not backing down from its goal of destroying this great nation. But now, things have taken a major turn. And CNN’s recent...

Leading Democrat makes shocking media demands that violate Constitutional rights

The Radical Left does not care about the rights of Americans. But this new violation has shocked everyone. And a leading Democrat has made shocking...

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