Biden-Harris administration make a shocking policy decision that puts our enemies first

The Biden-Harris administration has made it clear that they do not care about Americans. But now they have crossed a line.

Because they have made a shocking policy decision that puts our enemies first.

The Biden-Harris administration has taken a controversial stance against a proposed bill aimed at curbing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) influence in the United States.

The bill, known as H.R. 3334, or the ‘STOP CCP Act,’ seeks to impose strict sanctions on Chinese Communist Party officials involved in human rights abuses, violations of Hong Kong’s autonomy, and increased military aggression toward Taiwan.

It specifically targets CCP members who have engaged in “sanctionable conduct” and seeks to prevent them from purchasing land in the United States or obtaining visas for entry.

For many Americans, this bill represents an essential step in protecting American sovereignty and human rights. Yet, the Biden-Harris administration has come out in opposition, claiming the bill’s punitive measures would harm diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China, citing concerns that it would “cut off any channels of communication between our two governments and undermine the Administration’s efforts to build diplomatic consensus on China.”

The White House’s refusal to support the bill has sparked fierce criticism, raising questions about the administration’s priorities.

The STOP CCP Act, which was introduced in response to growing concerns over CCP influence in America and abroad, would impose mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on members of the CCP’s National Congress.

These sanctions would particularly target officials responsible for Hong Kong’s suppression, military threats toward Taiwan, and ongoing human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims and other minority groups within China.

The bill’s sanctions aim to block Chinese officials from purchasing property in the U.S. and make them ineligible for visas, while also ensuring that any CCP member involved in these actions is held accountable. It would provide a critical check on Beijing’s increasing global influence, particularly in sensitive sectors of the U.S. economy such as agriculture, technology, and real estate.

Additionally, the bill outlines specific conditions under which sanctions can be lifted. These include Beijing halting its aggression toward Taiwan, ending the suppression of Hong Kong’s autonomy, stopping the persecution of Uyghur Muslims, and ceasing intellectual property theft from American companies.

Despite the bill’s strong measures, which align with U.S. security interests and human rights standards, the Biden-Harris administration has expressed opposition. In a press release, the White House claimed that such sanctions would destabilize U.S.-China relations.

Their primary concern lies in the potential breakdown of diplomatic channels, which they argue are necessary for addressing broader issues between the two nations.

However, critics argue that the administration’s position prioritizes diplomatic engagement at the expense of protecting American interests and upholding human rights. By opposing this bill, many conservatives believe the Biden-Harris administration is once again showing weakness in the face of Chinese aggression.

From military threats toward Taiwan to the genocide of Uyghur Muslims, the CCP’s actions have demonstrated a blatant disregard for international norms and human rights. Under the Trump administration, the U.S. took significant steps to address these challenges through a strong foreign policy that emphasized America’s global leadership.

The STOP CCP Act would build upon that legacy by sending a clear message to Beijing that its behavior will no longer be tolerated.

This opposition to the STOP CCP Act is just the latest example of the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to confront the CCP effectively. Time and time again, Biden’s team has shown a reluctance to hold China accountable. Whether it’s softening tariffs, watering down sanctions, or refusing to take a strong stance on intellectual property theft, the administration appears more focused on appeasing the CCP than protecting American workers and national security.

In particular, the administration’s stance on Hong Kong and Taiwan has been troubling. The people of Hong Kong, who once enjoyed relative autonomy, have seen their freedoms steadily eroded by Beijing’s authoritarian hand. Taiwan, a key ally in the Indo-Pacific, continues to face existential threats from the CCP, which has ramped up military exercises in the Taiwan Strait. The Biden administration’s weak response only emboldens China’s aggressive posturing.

Moreover, the ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province, including mass detentions, forced labor, and surveillance, represent one of the greatest humanitarian crises of our time. Yet the administration’s opposition to the STOP CCP Act suggests it is unwilling to go beyond rhetoric in confronting these atrocities.

The Biden administration’s rationale for opposing the STOP CCP Act rests on the argument that isolating Chinese officials through sanctions would “undermine efforts to build diplomatic consensus on China.” But this argument rings hollow for many.

Is diplomacy really effective when one party—China—is clearly acting in bad faith? Beijing has repeatedly flouted international norms, and every time the U.S. softens its approach, China only takes advantage.

What message does this send to the world? That the U.S. is willing to look the other way when confronted with CCP aggression? The administration’s fixation on preserving diplomatic channels risks sending a signal to authoritarian regimes that their actions will not have meaningful consequences.

The bill even includes a provision allowing the president to waive sanctions for up to 60 days if deemed necessary for national security purposes. This flexibility already provides the administration with an outlet to preserve certain diplomatic efforts while holding CCP officials accountable. Opposing the bill outright, however, suggests that the Biden-Harris administration is more interested in appeasing Beijing than protecting American values.

At a time when China’s global influence is expanding rapidly, America needs to take decisive action. Beijing is buying up large swaths of land, some of which are strategically located near military bases and key infrastructure, raising significant security concerns.

The STOP CCP Act would ensure that land purchases by Chinese Communist officials who threaten U.S. interests or human rights are blocked. Yet, by opposing this measure, the Biden-Harris administration is leaving the door open for CCP officials to continue exploiting America’s open economy.

Furthermore, this weak response emboldens China on the world stage. With America retreating, who will stand up for the Uyghur Muslims or the people of Taiwan? Who will protect intellectual property from being stolen, and who will safeguard U.S. national security from Chinese encroachment? If the Biden administration refuses to act, America risks losing its standing as the global leader for human rights and democratic principles.

In opposing the STOP CCP Act, the Biden-Harris administration has once again signaled that it prioritizes diplomacy with the Chinese Communist Party over protecting American sovereignty, human rights, and security. This refusal to take a stand against Beijing’s aggression and violations of basic freedoms not only undermines America’s moral authority but also jeopardizes its national security.

Americans deserve leadership that is willing to confront the CCP’s rising influence head-on. It’s time for the administration to stop kowtowing to Beijing and start standing up for the values and interests that make America strong.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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