Biden makes a stunning admission that exposes his past lies

Joe Biden is a liar, and he doesn’t care about the American people. And now the whole world can see how bad things are.

Because Biden has made a stunning admission that exposes his past lies.

On Thursday, President Biden made headlines with the announcement of a $7.3 billion investment into rural electrification projects as part of the much-debated Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The administration’s decision to funnel billions of dollars into green energy initiatives has reignited the debate over the purpose and effectiveness of this massive spending package.

During a speech in Westby, Wisconsin, Biden’s comments raised eyebrows and added to the confusion surrounding the true intent of the Inflation Reduction Act. In what appeared to be a slip-up, Biden suggested that the bill wasn’t actually about reducing inflation, leaving many Americans wondering what this legislation was really meant to accomplish.

Biden’s statement, which came while promoting his administration’s new rural electrification project, was particularly telling: “I’m proud to announce that my investments, through my investments, the most significant climate change law ever – and by the way, it is a $369 billion bill – it’s called the, we should have named it what it was.”

This slip of the tongue has left critics questioning whether the Inflation Reduction Act was ever intended to tackle inflation in the first place, or if it was just another green energy boondoggle hidden behind a misleading title.

Biden’s remarks, whether intentional or not, only serve to confirm what many conservatives have been saying since the IRA’s inception: the bill has little to do with reducing inflation and everything to do with pushing a radical green agenda.

Signed into law in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act passed Congress along strict party lines, with no Republican support. Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, solidifying the bill’s passage and launching what Democrats hailed as a historic piece of climate legislation.

From the start, Republicans have been vocal in their opposition to the act, calling it a wasteful spending spree under the guise of economic relief. Despite its title, the IRA directs billions of taxpayer dollars toward green energy projects, including solar, wind, and now rural electrification.

The $7.3 billion investment announced this week will be distributed across 16 cooperatives providing electricity to rural areas in 23 states, as part of a broader $13 billion allocation for rural electrification programs. While the Biden administration has touted this investment as a way to bring power to underserved communities, critics argue that it’s yet another example of Democrats using taxpayer money to fund their green energy priorities.

When the Inflation Reduction Act was first proposed, Americans were grappling with record inflation, high gas prices, and skyrocketing grocery bills. Many saw the bill as a potential lifeline that would help ease the economic burden on working-class families. Instead, the law turned out to be a massive green energy spending plan, with very little focus on inflation. In fact, President Biden has admitted this fact multiple times.

During a speech in Utah earlier this year, Biden echoed his recent comments in Wisconsin, saying he shouldn’t have called the bill the Inflation Reduction Act because “it has less to do with reducing inflation than it has to do with providing alternatives that generate economic growth.” It’s clear that even the President himself sees the IRA for what it truly is: a climate change law, not an economic relief package.

Republicans and conservative economists have long pointed out the absurdity of naming a bill that focuses on green energy as an “Inflation Reduction Act.” According to many experts, the law will do little to bring down inflation or provide any real relief to struggling American families.

PBS News reported that economists have criticized the IRA, saying it “has just not been a significant factor” in lowering inflation rates. Yet the administration continues to claim victory, even as prices at the pump remain high and families struggle to make ends meet.

Biden’s announcement of the $7.3 billion investment in rural electrification is the latest example of the administration’s prioritization of green energy projects over actual economic solutions. While the administration claims the project will create 4,500 permanent jobs and 16,000 construction jobs, many conservatives are skeptical of these numbers and the long-term benefits of such investments.

Rural America, in particular, has been hit hard by the Biden administration’s policies. Rising fuel prices, inflation, and burdensome regulations have made life more difficult for farmers, ranchers, and small business owners across the country.

Instead of addressing these pressing issues, the Biden administration is once again pouring billions of dollars into unproven green energy projects, with little evidence that they will actually improve the lives of everyday Americans.

This rural electrification project is part of a broader push by the administration to “modernize” America’s energy grid and transition the country away from fossil fuels. While the administration touts this as a forward-thinking move, many conservatives see it as a blatant attempt to impose the Green New Deal on rural communities that are already struggling to survive.

The failure of the Inflation Reduction Act to address actual inflation is one of its most glaring flaws. As inflation continues to erode the purchasing power of American families, the Biden administration remains focused on its climate agenda.

Rather than tackling the root causes of inflation, such as excessive government spending and burdensome regulations, the administration is pouring money into green energy projects that may never deliver on their promises.

The $369 billion set aside for green energy in the IRA is a prime example of this misguided approach. Instead of providing immediate relief to Americans who are suffering under high inflation, the Biden administration is using taxpayer dollars to fund experimental energy projects that may take decades to yield results—if they ever do.

Congressional Republicans have made their opposition to the Inflation Reduction Act clear from the very beginning. Every single GOP member of the House and Senate voted against the bill, and many continue to criticize it as a wasteful and ineffective piece of legislation.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has been particularly vocal in his criticism, calling the bill a “disaster” for the American economy. “This so-called Inflation Reduction Act does nothing to lower prices for working families,” McCarthy said last year. “It’s just a $369 billion slush fund for Democrats to push their radical climate agenda.”

Many conservatives share McCarthy’s sentiment, viewing the IRA as yet another example of the Democrats’ reckless spending and misplaced priorities. Instead of addressing the real issues facing American families, such as inflation, crime, and border security, Democrats are focused on pushing their progressive agenda, regardless of the cost.

President Biden’s $7.3 billion rural electrification investment is just the latest in a long line of green energy boondoggles funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. Despite its name, the IRA has done little to address inflation, and Biden’s own comments have confirmed that the bill was never really about inflation to begin with.

As Republicans continue to criticize the law and its impact on American families, the Biden administration remains focused on its climate change agenda, no matter the cost to the American taxpayer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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