Democrats join forces to destroy the US Supreme Court

The Radical Left hates the Supreme Court. And they won’t rest until it is either destroyed or on their payroll.

But now, Democrats have joined forces to destroy the US Supreme Court.

Ever since President Donald Trump successfully shifted the ideological balance of the Supreme Court with the appointments of Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats have been threatening to pack the court with additional justices.

This latest move took a significant step forward when Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced a bill on Wednesday that would not only enlarge the Supreme Court but also grant unprecedented control over it, particularly by making it more difficult to overturn decisions made by previous justices.

The Washington Post reported that Wyden’s bill also proposes “auditing” judges in a move that Republicans are calling an outright attempt to politicize and control the judiciary.

Wyden and his Democratic colleagues are selling this bill as a way to “democratize” the court, but Republicans see it for what it is: a power grab aimed at securing a liberal agenda at a pivotal moment in American history.

The United States is facing a series of national crises, from a border that is under siege by tens of millions of illegal immigrants to the unprecedented political division across the country. And in the midst of this chaos, Democrats are seeking to change the rules of the game by fundamentally altering the structure of the Supreme Court.

Wyden claims that his goal is to make the court more popular with the public and restore its luster, which he says has been tarnished by political infighting. “It’s not an atomic secret that the process for selecting justices is politicized,” Wyden told The Washington Post.

“You’ve got this thoroughly politicized process resulting in a Supreme Court that now frequently issues sweeping rulings to overturn laws and upend precedents. We are proposing a way to restore some balance between the three branches of government.”

But let’s be clear: This isn’t about restoring balance. It’s about controlling the Supreme Court. Wyden’s bill seeks to expand the number of justices from nine to 15 over the next 12 years, which would allow Democrats to gradually stack the bench with liberal judges who will ensure that their agenda is upheld at every turn. Wyden argues that such a long transition would prevent one party from dominating the process, but anyone can see that this is a thinly veiled attempt to dilute the conservative majority Trump established during his presidency.

The real frustration for Democrats is that the Supreme Court, thanks to Trump’s appointments, has become a formidable conservative force, handing down rulings that have limited the overreach of the federal government, protected religious freedoms, and upheld Second Amendment rights. Democrats know they can’t win on these issues in the court of public opinion or through legislation, so they are resorting to the most extreme tactic possible: changing the court’s composition to secure favorable rulings.

Wyden’s plan doesn’t stop with simply adding more justices. It would make it harder to repeal decisions made by previous courts by requiring a two-thirds majority in both the Supreme Court and the circuit courts of appeals to overturn an act of Congress. This is an outrageous power play that would shield liberal legislation from future conservative courts and enshrine leftist policies into law, regardless of public opinion or the democratic process.

One of the most dangerous aspects of Wyden’s proposal is the introduction of judicial audits. According to the bill, Supreme Court justices would be required to submit to an annual audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with the findings published for all to see.

Additionally, nominees would have to release three years of past tax returns in order to be eligible for confirmation. This would subject the highest court in the land to the whims of partisan bureaucrats and set a dangerous precedent for future political interference.

What’s worse is the bill’s provision that would allow two-thirds of the justices to force another justice to recuse themselves from a case. This could be easily abused by a liberal majority to remove conservative justices from critical cases, further tipping the scales of justice in their favor. Wyden’s bill also mandates that justices release all of their legal opinions, including those related to emergency rulings, stripping them of the confidentiality necessary to deliberate sensitive cases without political pressure.

Democrats are trying to frame these measures as necessary reforms to increase transparency and accountability in the judiciary, but Republicans know better. This is nothing more than an attempt to weaponize the court against political opponents and undermine its independence.

The concept of court packing is not new. It was famously attempted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s when he sought to expand the Supreme Court to pass his New Deal legislation. His plan was ultimately rejected by Congress, with many members of his own party recognizing the dangerous precedent it would set.

The Supreme Court was meant to be an independent branch of government, free from political manipulation, and any attempt to pack the court with partisan judges threatens the very foundation of our democracy.

In fact, Democrats themselves have acknowledged the dangers of court packing in the past. When Republicans controlled the Senate in 2016 and refused to hold a vote on Merrick Garland, President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, then-Senator Joe Biden argued that court packing was not the answer. Now, with Trump’s conservative appointees on the bench, Democrats have conveniently changed their tune.

Wyden’s bill also proposes expanding the number of federal judicial circuits from 13 to 15, adding another 100 district court judges and 60 appellate judges. This would ensure that liberal judges have a greater influence across the country, not just at the Supreme Court level. Wyden argues that this expansion is necessary because other democracies, such as Canada, have larger high courts. However, this argument fails to take into account the unique structure of the United States government, which was carefully designed to balance power between the three branches.

The Constitution does not specify the number of justices on the Supreme Court, but for more than 150 years, that number has remained at nine. The current system has worked for generations, and any attempt to change it would be an unprecedented and dangerous move.

Wyden’s bill is not about restoring balance or “democratizing” the court, as he claims. It is about stacking the judiciary with partisan judges who will rubber-stamp the radical left’s agenda. By expanding the court, making it harder to repeal liberal decisions, and subjecting justices to audits and political pressure, Democrats are trying to transform the Supreme Court into a tool of their own making.

Republicans must stand firm against this assault on our Constitution and fight to protect the independence of the judiciary. The Supreme Court was established to interpret the law impartially, not to be a pawn in the Democrats’ game of political chess. As Wyden and his colleagues push forward with this dangerous scheme, the American people must remain vigilant and reject any attempt to undermine the very foundation of our democratic system.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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