Harris’ darkest secrets exposed from within her own circle

Harris has many secrets that she is trying to hide this election season. But the truth has come out anyway.

And Harris’ darkest secrets have been exposed from within her own circle.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, voters are rightfully asking for more specific details about Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda. On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s Squawk Box, Co-Chair of the Harris-Walz campaign, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), faced tough questions about the lack of transparency surrounding Harris’s economic policies.

Co-host Andrew Ross Sorkin asked a fundamental question that all voters should be asking: Should Americans know specific details about her tax and regulatory plans before heading to the polls?

The answer Coons provided should alarm anyone concerned about the direction of our nation’s economy. According to Coons, Harris has laid out a “broad vision” of her priorities but has kept most specifics under wraps.

Even more troubling, Coons admitted that Harris will be “keeping a lot of the same policies and agendas” as President Joe Biden—a presidency marked by economic stagnation, skyrocketing inflation, and regulatory overreach that has crushed small businesses and hurt American workers.

Harris’s refusal to provide specific details about her economic plans is not just political caution—it’s a calculated strategy. By sticking to broad generalities, Harris avoids scrutiny and accountability for policies that could further damage America’s already fragile economy. Coons’s defense of Harris’s “broad vision” raises serious questions about what Harris is hiding from the American people.

What we do know about Harris’s “vision” is that it includes a continuation of Biden’s disastrous economic policies. Coons admitted that Harris’s first major economic proposal was a capital gains tax increase—one that was actually lower than what Biden had pushed for, upsetting many in the Democratic caucus.

This speaks volumes about Harris’s economic priorities. Rather than focusing on policies that would grow the economy, reduce inflation, or lower taxes for working families, Harris’s first instinct was to go after investors and businesses with a tax hike. Even though the proposal was less radical than Biden’s, it still points to a deeply flawed economic philosophy that punishes success rather than incentivizing growth.

Coons’s revelation that Harris plans to “keep a lot of the same policies and agendas” as Biden should send shivers down the spine of every American voter. Under Biden’s watch, the American economy has suffered from high inflation, stagnant wages, and regulatory burdens that have stifled innovation and job creation. Harris, rather than distancing herself from these failures, seems poised to double down on them.

One of Biden’s most damaging policies has been his aggressive regulatory agenda, which has hurt small businesses, increased costs for consumers, and driven up inflation. Harris, far from offering a different approach, has signaled her intent to continue Biden’s regulatory onslaught.

Coons mentioned that Harris wants to focus on removing “regulatory barriers,” but this vague statement offers little comfort given her track record of supporting heavy-handed government intervention. Harris has consistently backed policies that expand government control over the economy, whether through burdensome regulations or increased taxes.

Coons also attempted to defend Harris’s economic agenda by pointing to her focus on building more housing and partnering with the private sector. But Harris’s plan to “build more housing” is just another example of her reliance on big government solutions.

While Harris claims she wants to remove regulatory barriers to housing construction, her record shows that she supports the same kind of top-down government control that has led to housing shortages and skyrocketing costs in places like California, where Harris’s political career began.

California’s housing crisis is a perfect example of what happens when government overregulates the housing market. Zoning restrictions, environmental regulations, and bureaucratic red tape have made it nearly impossible to build affordable housing in many parts of the state.

Yet Harris has been a staunch supporter of these types of regulations throughout her career. Now, as a presidential candidate, she claims she wants to partner with the private sector to build more housing. But if Harris’s past is any indication, her version of “partnership” will likely involve more government interference, not less.

Coons’s claim that Harris is focused on building middle-class wealth is perhaps the most disingenuous part of his defense. Under Biden’s presidency, the middle class has suffered immensely. Inflation has eroded savings, wages have stagnated, and the cost of living has skyrocketed. Biden’s economic policies, from massive government spending to burdensome regulations, have hurt the very people they claim to help.

Harris’s commitment to continuing these policies ensures that the middle class will continue to struggle under her administration. While she talks about building middle-class wealth, her actions speak louder than her words.

Her support for higher taxes on businesses and investors will stifle job creation and make it harder for middle-class Americans to save for the future. Her refusal to address inflation, coupled with her embrace of Biden’s spending policies, will only worsen the cost-of-living crisis facing millions of Americans.

As voters head to the polls in 2024, they deserve to know exactly what kind of economic policies Kamala Harris will pursue if elected president. Will she continue Biden’s reckless spending, crushing regulations, and tax hikes? Or will she offer a different vision that prioritizes growth, job creation, and economic freedom? So far, all signs point to more of the same failed policies that have left American families struggling to make ends meet.

Harris’s deliberate vagueness and refusal to provide specific details about her economic agenda should be deeply concerning to voters. The American people have a right to know how their next president plans to handle taxes, regulations, and the economy. They deserve transparency, not broad visions and empty promises.

In many ways, the Harris-Walz ticket represents a continuation of the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. While Coons claims that Harris will provide more details in the coming weeks, voters should be skeptical. If Harris truly had a plan to fix the economy, she would have shared it by now. Instead, she has chosen to keep voters in the dark, relying on vague statements about “broad visions” and “partnerships” with the private sector.

As Coons suggested, Harris and Walz may give more details this week, but don’t hold your breath. The Harris-Walz ticket is banking on the hope that voters will ignore their lack of specifics and focus instead on their rhetoric. But rhetoric won’t fix the economy, and neither will Harris’s vague “broad vision.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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