Horrifying new details emerge regarding the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration moves

The current administration is responsible for some of the worst illegal immigration this nation has ever seen. And things are only getting worse.

Because horrifying new details have emerged regarding the administration’s immigration moves.

The immigration crisis has once again reared its ugly head, this time in the city of San Diego, California, where Border Patrol facilities have been pushed beyond their limits, unable to cope with the relentless influx of illegal immigrants. The situation has grown so dire that authorities are busing these individuals to McAllen, Texas, in a desperate attempt to manage the chaos.

This crisis is a direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies, which have not only overwhelmed cities like San Diego but have also exposed the glaring hypocrisy of Democratic leaders who claim to champion the cause of immigrants.

Under President Donald Trump, America witnessed some of the most robust and effective immigration policies in decades. Trump’s approach was simple yet powerful: secure the border, enforce the law, and ensure that immigration was conducted legally and orderly.

His administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed, was a game-changer. It significantly reduced the number of illegal crossings and restored a semblance of order to our southern border.

Trump also prioritized the construction of a border wall, a physical barrier that served as a deterrent to illegal immigration and human trafficking. His administration made it clear that while America is a nation of immigrants, it is also a nation of laws.

Trump’s policies were not only strong but fair and humane, ensuring that those who wished to come to the United States did so through the proper legal channels. This approach respected the rule of law, protected American citizens, and upheld the integrity of our immigration system.

In stark contrast, the Biden-Harris administration has taken a reckless and irresponsible approach to immigration. From day one, they dismantled Trump’s effective policies, halting border wall construction and ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy. This open-border agenda has had disastrous consequences, leading to an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration.

Over 9.5 million encounters have been recorded nationwide since Biden took office, and an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrants have successfully evaded border patrol and entered the country undetected.

The situation in San Diego is a direct result of these failed policies. San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond recently sounded the alarm, revealing that the city’s border patrol facilities have been maxed out, unable to cope with the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants.

The crisis has forced authorities to bus these individuals to McAllen, Texas, all at the expense of American taxpayers.

“You may see this plane next time you’re at the San Diego Airport,” Desmond wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “Every other day, this plane transports migrants from San Diego to McAllen, Texas, because Border Patrol facilities in San Diego are over capacity. Here’s how the process works: Migrants surrender to Border Patrol agents, are taken to a processing center, placed on a bus, and then flown to Texas—all on your dime.”

Desmond didn’t mince words, blaming the crisis squarely on the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies. These policies, he argued, have strained city resources to the breaking point and created serious security concerns.

San Diego, a sanctuary city that has prided itself on welcoming immigrants, is now forced to turn them away, unable to manage the sheer volume of illegal crossings.

The crisis in San Diego has laid bare the hypocrisy of Democratic leaders who claim to be the champions of immigrants. California, a state dominated by liberal policies, has long touted itself as a sanctuary for those seeking a better life. Yet, when faced with the reality of mass illegal immigration, these same leaders are now scrambling to offload the problem onto other states like Texas.

The situation is nothing short of a betrayal of the very values these leaders profess to uphold. Instead of providing real solutions, the Biden-Harris administration and California’s Democratic leadership have only exacerbated the crisis, leaving cities like San Diego to deal with the fallout. It’s a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do”—while they claim to support immigrants, their policies are causing unimaginable suffering and chaos both for the immigrants themselves and for the American communities forced to bear the burden.

The human cost of the Biden-Harris administration’s policies cannot be overstated. Border facilities are overwhelmed, resources are stretched thin, and illegal immigrants are being housed in hotels on the taxpayer’s dime.

In February, a San Diego shelter that was housing “asylum seekers” was forced to shut down because it ran out of funds after housing too many people. The city has even resorted to using the San Diego Airport as a makeshift holding center, housing more than 300 migrants in November.

This is a far cry from the orderly and humane system that Trump’s policies sought to establish. Instead of upholding the law and ensuring that immigrants come to this country legally, the Biden-Harris administration has created a chaotic and inhumane situation that benefits no one. American citizens are paying the price, both in terms of their safety and their hard-earned tax dollars, while illegal immigrants are left in limbo, with no clear path to legal status.

The contrast between Trump’s strong, fair, and humane immigration policies and the disastrous approach of the Biden-Harris administration could not be starker.

Trump understood that a secure border is essential for a secure nation and that immigration must be conducted in a legal and orderly manner. His policies reflected a commitment to the rule of law, the safety of American citizens, and the humane treatment of those seeking to come to this country.

In contrast, the Biden-Harris administration has embraced an open-border agenda that has led to chaos, overwhelmed cities, and a humanitarian crisis. The situation in San Diego is just one example of the catastrophic consequences of their policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

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