Joe Biden stunned by recent Supreme Court statement that could halt all of his plans

Joe Biden seems to not care about the law and the way of things. But now, he is being held in check.

And Biden was stunned by a recent Supreme Court statement that could halt all of his plans.

On Sunday, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch issued a stern warning to President Biden regarding the administration’s controversial plans to “reform” the highest court in the land.

In an interview with Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream, Gorsuch, 56, cautioned Biden to “be careful” with the proposed changes, emphasizing the critical role of an independent judiciary in safeguarding American freedoms.

Justice Gorsuch’s comments come in response to Biden’s recently unveiled SCOTUS reform package, which has garnered enthusiastic support from Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The package includes several radical proposals: imposing 18-year term limits on Supreme Court justices, a constitutional amendment to overturn presidential immunity, and the establishment of an enforceable code of ethics for the justices.

During the interview, Gorsuch refrained from diving into the political fray, a testament to his commitment to judicial impartiality. When asked about the court’s stance on potential changes, he replied, “You’re not going to be surprised that I’m not going to get into what is now a political issue during a presidential election year. I don’t think that would be helpful.”

Instead, he articulated the foundational importance of an independent judiciary, a principle seemingly under siege by the current administration.

Gorsuch elaborated, “The independent judiciary… What does it mean to you as an American? It means that when you’re unpopular, you can get a fair hearing.” This poignant reminder highlights the essence of a judiciary free from political pressures and whims.

“If you’re in the majority, you don’t need judges and juries to hear you, to protect your rights, if you’re popular. It’s there for the moment when the spotlight’s on you – when the government’s coming after you. And don’t you want a ferociously independent judge and jury of your peers to make those decisions?”

The Democrats’ drive to alter the composition and functioning of the Supreme Court has been evident since the tenure of President Trump, who appointed three justices, thereby shifting the court’s balance.

These appointments led to significant judicial decisions, such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the presidential immunity ruling in Biden’s January 6 case against Trump, which left the Democrats reeling.

Rather than respecting the court’s decisions, Democrats have resorted to attacking the institution itself, showcasing a disturbing lack of regard for the separation of powers.

President Biden, who initially opposed such reforms, has now seemingly capitulated to the far-left wing of his party. His proposed reforms are a transparent attempt to undermine the judiciary’s independence and reshape it to align with his administration’s agenda.

This shift is particularly troubling given Biden’s earlier stance against court-packing and judicial interference, a stance he has now abandoned in favor of political expediency.

Despite the administration’s fervor, the likelihood of these reforms passing is minimal. The proposals require bipartisan support, which is virtually non-existent in today’s polarized political landscape.

Even among Democrats, there is considerable skepticism about the wisdom and feasibility of such drastic changes. The reforms, therefore, appear to be more of a political stunt aimed at placating the progressive base rather than a serious attempt at judicial improvement.

Biden’s proposals are nothing short of an assault on the Constitution and the rule of law. The imposition of term limits on Supreme Court justices, for instance, undermines the lifetime appointment system designed to ensure judicial independence.

This system protects justices from political pressures and allows them to make decisions based solely on legal merit rather than political considerations.

Similarly, the proposed constitutional amendment to overturn presidential immunity is a thinly veiled attempt to target political adversaries. This amendment could open the door to endless legal harassment of sitting presidents, undermining the executive branch’s ability to govern effectively.

The push for an enforceable code of ethics, while seemingly benign, is another attempt to exert political control over the judiciary.

The Supreme Court already adheres to high ethical standards, and the introduction of an external code risks politicizing judicial conduct and decision-making.

Justice Gorsuch’s warning to President Biden serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of an independent judiciary.

The Democrats’ proposed reforms threaten to erode the foundational principles of American governance, turning the Supreme Court into a political battleground rather than a bastion of justice.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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