Joe Biden’s brain broke on camera and now all hell is breaking loose

President Biden has been known as the king of gaffes for years. He can hardly stop himself anymore.

And Joe Biden’s brain broke on camera and now all hell is breaking loose.

Joe Biden’s presidency is in absolute shambles. His poll numbers are in the toilet and even his own party is turning on him.

You would think with so much working against him that he would at least try to stick to the script.

But no, poor ol’ Joe is stammering away and tripping over his own feet yet again.

During a news conference finishing up his tour in Helsinki, Finland, President Joe Biden said Ireland was his home — and then stumbled as he boarded Air Force One to return to the United States.

Biden, who arrived in Helsinki shortly after the NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, delivered remarks alongside Finnish President Sauli Niinistö. Niinistö was perplexed as Biden tried to finish his planned speech.


“The ministry of cola’s the daughter of Ireland — daughter of Ireland, you can tell that’s a Freudian slip, I’m thinking of home — the daughter of Iceland,” Biden said as Niinistö watched.

“And I want to say, I think we’ve had a very productive summit.”

Biden then took questions from two pre-selected reporters in the room before leaving the news conference without answering any further questions.

Just hours later, when Biden prepared to leave Europe for the United States, he appeared to have some trouble walking the stairs to Air Force One, even using the shorter staircase.


The president appeared to stumble a little after the first few steps before righting himself and taking the remaining stairs at a somewhat faster speed.

Biden has apparently been utilizing the shorter stairs more frequently since his fall onstage at the Air Force Academy in Colorado, which White House Press Corps employees noted last month and inquired about with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Reporters wondered if the shorter steps, which former presidents frequently used when the weather was bad, were being used more frequently because of the amount of times Biden has tripped on the longer stairs or his recent fall in Colorado, but Jean-Pierre evaded.

“I don’t have any decision process to walk through,” she said.

“I’m sure there’s a protocol that’s used for Air Force One, I just don’t have one.”

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