Kamala Harris’ newest campaign promise is the most destructive and Radical one yet

Kamala Harris has constantly terrified Americans with her harmful and horrific campaign promises. But no one was prepared for things to get this extreme.

And Harris’ newest campaign promise is the most destructive and Radical one yet.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s endorsement of reparations for black Americans has resurfaced, raising critical concerns about the implications of such a policy. An unearthed video from 2019 reveals Harris expressing support for “some form of reparations,” a stance that stands in stark contrast to the views of a significant majority of Americans.

According to a 2022 Pew Research poll, 68% of Americans oppose reparations.

“I think there needs to be some form of reparations and we can discuss what that is,” Harris told The Root when asked if “black people should get reparations.”

Kamala Harris’s political record is a testament to her radical leftist agenda, which includes supporting policies that could severely impact the nation’s economy, social structure, and security.

GovTrack’s scorecard ranked Harris as the most liberal senator in 2019, placing her further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Harris herself even admits that she it Radical and extreme as seen in clips like this one:

This extreme positioning caused the New York Times to rate Harris as the least electable of ten possible Democratic nominees. Her endorsement of reparations is just another example of her radical policy proposals.

Harris has consistently backed policies that many conservatives believe are detrimental to the nation’s stability and prosperity:

Illegal Immigration: Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants, and compared ICE to the KKK.
Healthcare: Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation, which would eliminate private health insurance.
Energy and Environment: Supported banning fracking and defended banning offshore drilling.
Law Enforcement: Supported defunding the police and raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that bails out violent criminals, including those accused of murder and r*pe.

Recently, Harris appears to be walking back some of her radical positions. According to anonymous campaign officials cited by the New York Times, Harris now supports fracking, wants to increase funding for border security, no longer supports mandatory buybacks of assault weapons, and has retreated from advocating for a single-payer health insurance program.

However, Harris and her campaign aides have yet to fully embrace these changes publicly, causing doubt about her true positions.

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The proposal for reparations is fraught with complexities and potential harm. Reparations could lead to significant economic strain, creating divisions and resentment among different racial and ethnic groups. It risks reinforcing a victimhood mentality rather than promoting unity and collective progress.

Moreover, the logistics of implementing reparations are highly problematic. Determining eligibility, the amount of compensation, and the method of distribution would require an immense bureaucratic effort.

Such measures could also open the door to further claims from other groups, leading to an unending cycle of reparation demands.

The strong opposition to reparations among the American public, as evidenced by the Pew Research poll, highlights the political risk for Harris and the Democratic Party. Embracing such a divisive issue could alienate moderate voters and strengthen the resolve of conservative opposition. The policy’s unpopularity underscores the disconnect between Harris’s radical agenda and the electorate’s preferences.

Kamala Harris’s endorsement of reparations and her radical policy history raise serious concerns about her suitability for national leadership.

Her fluctuating stances suggest a lack of consistent principles, while her support for divisive and economically damaging policies threatens to harm the nation’s unity and prosperity.

As the 2024 election approaches, voters must scrutinize Harris’s record and rhetoric to make informed decisions about the future direction of the country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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