Leading Republican Governor discovers this terrifying secret about the Biden administration

The Biden administration is full of corruption. But no one thought things would get this far.

And now, a leading Republican Governor has discovered this terrifying secret about the Biden administration.

In a bombshell interview Thursday night, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed that federal investigators are refusing to cooperate with state officials in their investigation into the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

This alarming development raises serious concerns about the Biden-Harris administration’s willingness to provide transparency in a case that could have resulted in the tragic loss of a former president and current Republican frontrunner.

Speaking with Laura Ingraham on Fox News, DeSantis did not mince words. After signing an executive order earlier this week authorizing Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to conduct a criminal investigation, DeSantis emphasized the gravity of the situation and the clear obstruction the state has encountered from federal authorities.

“The answer is ‘no,’ they’re not being cooperative,” DeSantis told Ingraham. “I am concerned. For example, we were rebuffed, our investigators were rebuffed just going to the fence line outside of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.”

This is not just a matter of inconvenience or bureaucratic red tape. The refusal by federal authorities to cooperate with the state of Florida is an outrageous overreach by the Biden administration, which appears to be playing politics with an investigation that could have resulted in a deadly attack on a former president. DeSantis’ comments highlight the disturbing trend of federal interference, raising the question: what are they hiding?

The governor made it clear that this obstruction was not a one-time incident but part of a larger pattern of refusal to allow the state to conduct its own lawful investigation. “The Biden-Harris administration does not want the state of Florida to be involved in the investigation,” DeSantis said. “I don’t expect them to cooperate at all.”

This is not the first time questions have arisen about the Biden administration’s treatment of Donald Trump. Whether it’s the weaponization of federal agencies against Trump or the continued efforts by Democrats to smear and sideline him, this latest act of blocking Florida’s investigation only adds fuel to the fire of suspicion.

Governor DeSantis’ decision to initiate a state-level investigation was not only reasonable but necessary. He pointed out that multiple violations of Florida law likely occurred across various jurisdictions during the assassination attempt.

“We think at least three judicial circuits, this guy … committed potential violations of Florida law. So we have a duty to investigate this. We have a duty to bring the appropriate charges and we also have a duty to inform the public about how this happened,” DeSantis said.

In light of the federal government’s refusal to cooperate, Florida is stepping up to do what the Biden administration won’t: ensure a full, transparent investigation and hold any wrongdoers accountable. DeSantis’ strong stance in favor of law and order, even in the face of federal resistance, demonstrates a sharp contrast with the chaos and lack of accountability coming from the current administration.

The public has every right to demand answers. How could an assassin get that close to Donald Trump? How was this allowed to happen again, especially after a similar assassination attempt just two months prior? These are critical questions that DeSantis’ investigation seeks to address, even as the Biden administration drags its feet.

Governor DeSantis made it clear that one of his primary reasons for launching a state investigation is the lack of public trust in the federal investigation. “I don’t believe the public has any confidence in the investigation,” DeSantis said.

And who could blame the public for feeling that way? After all, this isn’t the first time federal agencies have come under fire for their handling—or mishandling—of high-profile investigations involving Trump.

DeSantis went a step further, outlining how his administration immediately took steps to ensure key evidence was preserved, something the federal government has a poor track record of doing. “So as soon as we got word of this on Sunday, I told our guys in state law enforcement, save all his social media because you know Facebook will delete it, the tech companies want to delete it,” DeSantis explained. This move is critical, especially considering how Big Tech has repeatedly shielded those with far-left ideologies from scrutiny while quickly silencing conservative voices.

The governor’s concerns also extended to how this assassin—who tried to shoot Trump at the Trump International Golf Club—ended up in Florida in the first place. “We need to know, how did he end up in Florida to begin with? What is this pathway this guy has taken to end up in those bushes trying to assassinate the former President of the United States and current Republican nominee?” DeSantis questioned.

These are valid concerns. The federal government’s apparent unwillingness to get to the bottom of this assassination attempt could potentially leave the public in the dark about key facts, including whether this individual was part of a broader plot or was influenced by the growing culture of political violence perpetuated by radical leftist rhetoric.

DeSantis also noted the federal government’s failure to answer questions about previous incidents of political violence, including the first assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, and even the Las Vegas mass shooting several years ago. “We have not gotten answers about Butler,” DeSantis said, referring to the location where Trump was shot in July. “We have not gotten answers about things like that Las Vegas shooting from many years ago.”

These lingering questions only further erode public trust in federal investigations, and DeSantis is right to push for answers. His decision to authorize a state investigation underscores his commitment to transparency and accountability—something that appears sorely lacking in the current administration.

Let’s not mince words: the federal government’s refusal to cooperate with Florida’s investigation into the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is nothing short of an attack on justice and democracy. At a time when political violence is on the rise, the federal government should be doing everything in its power to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice. Instead, they are stonewalling Florida’s efforts, all while doing nothing to ensure the American people get the truth.

By refusing to fully investigate these incidents or cooperate with state authorities, the Biden-Harris administration is sending a chilling message: that political violence is acceptable, so long as it targets individuals they disagree with.

This is a dangerous precedent that could lead to further violence, and it’s why DeSantis’ actions are not just about defending Trump, but about defending democracy itself.

In a time when the federal government appears more interested in covering up than uncovering the truth, Governor Ron DeSantis is doing what every American should expect from their leaders: standing up for justice, law, and accountability. The federal government’s refusal to cooperate with Florida’s investigation into the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump is both alarming and unacceptable.

Governor DeSantis has made it clear that the state of Florida will not back down in its efforts to uncover the truth and hold those responsible accountable. As we approach the 2024 election, the American people deserve answers—not stonewalling, not political games, and certainly not a cover-up.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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