New shocking report reveals the real threat of the Biden-Harris administration

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are a danger to this nation. But some of the danger is hidden in plain sight.

And a new shocking report has revealed the real threat of the Biden-Harris administration.

As the Biden-Harris administration approaches the end of its first (and hopefully last) term, the disastrous impact of their policies on the American economy has become undeniable. Middle-class Americans, who have long been the backbone of our nation, are bearing the brunt of these reckless policies.

Yet, in a stunning display of political hypocrisy, Vice President Kamala Harris is now promising to “fix” the very problems she and President Joe Biden have created. But how can she claim to solve the crisis when she has been in office for nearly four years and has done nothing but make it worse?

One of the most glaring examples of the Biden-Harris administration’s failure is the staggering increase in gas prices since they took office:

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average price of unleaded gasoline has soared by 50% since January 2021. When Biden and Harris were sworn into office, the price of gas was around $2.38 per gallon. Today, that price has skyrocketed to an average of $3.36 per gallon, with the highest average price ever recorded under their administration reaching $5.016 per gallon in June 2022.

These rising gas prices are not just a minor inconvenience; they are a direct attack on the financial well-being of everyday Americans. For families who are already struggling to make ends meet, the increased cost of gasoline adds to the burden of an already difficult economic situation.

Commuters, truck drivers, small business owners, and anyone who relies on transportation are being crushed by these rising costs, all while the Biden-Harris administration continues to push their radical green energy agenda.

The surge in gas prices is just one part of a broader economic catastrophe that has unfolded under the Biden-Harris administration. Inflation has been rampant, with prices increasing by 20% since Biden and Harris took office.

While the administration tries to spin the narrative by celebrating a slight decrease in the inflation rate to just under 3% in July, this number is still nearly 50% higher than the normal inflation rate of 2% that top economists typically recommend.

This relentless inflation is not an abstract economic term—it is a daily reality for millions of Americans who are watching their purchasing power evaporate before their eyes. Groceries, housing, healthcare, and basic necessities have all become more expensive, forcing families to make tough choices between paying bills and putting food on the table.

The Biden-Harris administration’s misguided policies, including excessive government spending and restrictive regulations on the energy sector, have fueled this inflationary fire, leaving middle-class Americans to pick up the pieces.

Now, as Kamala Harris assumes the role of the Democrat nominee for president, she is attempting to rewrite history and paint herself as a champion of the very issues she has helped to destroy. In her first interview since becoming the nominee, Harris made the audacious claim that her administration has set ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously arguing that a thriving clean energy economy can grow without banning fracking—a complete reversal of her previous stance.

This is the same Kamala Harris who, during the 2020 campaign, vocally supported efforts to ban fracking and impose crippling restrictions on the energy industry. It was her tie-breaking vote in the Senate that helped pass the so-called Inflation Reduction Act in 2022, a bill that was nothing more than a Trojan horse for the Biden-Harris administration’s radical green energy agenda. The result? Skyrocketing energy costs, lost jobs in the energy sector, and an economy teetering on the brink of collapse.

Harris’s sudden change of heart on fracking and energy policy is nothing more than a transparent attempt to distance herself from the disastrous consequences of the administration she has been a part of for nearly four years. Her promises to “fix” the economy ring hollow when she has been at the forefront of the policies that have driven it into the ground.

The real victims of the Biden-Harris administration’s failures are the hardworking middle-class Americans who have been left behind. These are the families who are struggling to pay their bills, the small business owners who are being squeezed by rising costs, and the everyday citizens who are watching their savings dwindle as inflation erodes their purchasing power.

The Biden-Harris administration’s policies have not only failed to address the economic challenges facing the nation but have actively made them worse. By prioritizing their radical agenda over the needs of the American people, they have betrayed the very voters who put them in office.

It is important to remember the stark contrast between the economic record of President Donald Trump and the catastrophic failures of the Biden-Harris administration

Under Trump, America experienced unprecedented economic growth, record-low unemployment, and energy independence. Gas prices were stable, inflation was under control, and middle-class Americans saw their wages rise as the economy thrived.

In sharp contrast, the Biden-Harris administration has overseen an economic decline that has left millions of Americans worse off than they were four years ago. The promise of “Build Back Better” has turned into a nightmare of higher costs, lower wages, and diminished opportunities for the very people they claimed to champion.

As Kamala Harris now tries to position herself as the candidate who will “fix” the economy, the American people should ask one simple question: Why hasn’t she done anything to fix it in the past four years? Harris has been in a position of power and influence throughout this administration, yet she has done nothing to address the real issues facing the nation. Instead, she has been complicit in the policies that have led to the suffering of millions of Americans.

Harris’s newfound promises to “fix” the economy are nothing more than empty rhetoric from a politician who has consistently put her own political ambitions above the needs of the American people. Her record speaks for itself, and it is a record of failure, hypocrisy, and betrayal.

As the nation looks ahead to the 2024 election, the choice could not be clearer. The American people need real leadership that will prioritize their needs, restore economic stability, and put the country back on the path to prosperity. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have proven that they are not up to the task. Their policies have devastated the economy, hurt middle-class Americans, and left the nation in a weaker position on the global stage.

It is time for a change. It is time to reject the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration and embrace the proven leadership of President Donald Trump, who has shown that he can deliver real results for the American people. The stakes are too high to settle for more empty promises and failed policies. The future of our nation depends on it.

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