Newest stolen valor claims are so bad that Tim Walz’s campaign might be over

Ever since America learned the truth about Kamala Harris’s VP pick, there has been major controversy. Because Tim Walz is a pathological liar.

And the newest stolen valor claims are so bad that Tim Walz’s campaign might be over.

In a powerful address delivered at a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) post in Pennsylvania, Republican vice presidential nominee and Marine veteran Senator JD Vance (R-OH) leveled a devastating critique of Democrat vice presidential nominee Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, revealing serious inconsistencies in Walz’s claims about his military service.

The fallout from these revelations has infuriated millions of veterans and Americans who see the dishonesty as a disqualifying character flaw, unfit for leadership in the highest office of the land.

Vance, speaking in front of a crowd of veterans and their families, didn’t hold back in his sharp condemnation of Walz’s false statements. “We’re not attacking his honorable service. We’re attacking the dishonesty about that service. That is not honorable. That is the height of dishonor, and Tim Walz should not be the vice president of the United States because of it,” Vance declared.

Governor Tim Walz served 24 years as a reservist in the Army National Guard, an accomplishment in and of itself. However, it’s not Walz’s service that’s under scrutiny—it’s the misleading and dishonest claims he’s made about that service. Walz has repeatedly claimed he retired as a “command sergeant major,” an E-9 rank, when in reality, he retired as a sergeant major, an E-8 rank.

While he was provisionally promoted to command sergeant major, he did not meet the requirements to officially retire at that rank.

Moreover, Walz has implied he was “in war,” despite never deploying in combat. He has referred to himself as a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which gives the impression that he served in Afghanistan. Yet, Walz never set foot in the combat zones of Afghanistan, spending his time in Europe instead.

Perhaps most damning, Walz retired from the Army National Guard after learning his unit was being deployed to Iraq. At the time, he was responsible for over 100 soldiers as their command sergeant major. Instead of leading them into combat, Walz chose to retire early and run for Congress.

These glaring inconsistencies have not gone unnoticed by the public, particularly by veterans who feel betrayed. “Tim Walz said that he carried a weapon in war. He never went to war. Tim Walz said that he didn’t know his unit was about to deploy to Iraq when even his own press release at the time said that he knew exactly that,” Vance pointed out.

Veterans who have sacrificed everything for this nation are particularly sensitive to any politician who attempts to embellish or distort their military record, and in Walz’s case, the outrage has been palpable.

In typical fashion, the Left and the Harris-Walz campaign have tried to brush off these serious allegations, claiming Walz simply “misspoke” when he said he carried a weapon “in war.” Yet, they have not addressed any of the other falsehoods Walz has made about his service. Instead, they’ve turned their attack on Vance, accusing him of undermining Walz’s military service.

This attempt to deflect from the real issue—a candidate’s honesty and integrity—has left many Americans frustrated and angry. Vance put it succinctly, saying, “Tim Walz claimed to be a command sergeant major, even had it printed on his challenge coins, and he knew he never achieved that rank. And, now, Kamala Harris, showing terrible judgment, has decided that her way out of this political problem is to claim that she and Tim Walz are the victims.”

The Left’s response has been to portray Harris and Walz as victims of political smears, but the real victims, as Vance aptly pointed out, are the veterans whose service is being tarnished by Walz’s fabrications. For many veterans, the insult runs deep.

They see Walz’s lies as a direct slap in the face to those who’ve served honorably, without embellishing their records. Veterans have sacrificed time, health, and in many cases, their lives for this country. To have someone like Tim Walz make false claims about his own service is seen as deeply dishonorable.

The outrage surrounding Walz’s lies isn’t just limited to veterans; millions of Americans are also disgusted by his deceit. As Vance made clear, the issue at hand is not about diminishing Walz’s actual service but about confronting his dishonesty. “This is about disparaging the dishonesty and asking Kamala Harris, ‘Why are you showing such poor judgment by standing by a guy who insulted our veterans and lied about his service?'” Vance asked pointedly.

The Harris-Walz campaign’s decision to gloss over these issues is emblematic of a larger problem within the Democratic Party. There’s a pervasive sense that they can avoid accountability by redirecting the conversation, focusing on personal attacks or playing the victim card. But this strategy is wearing thin.

The American people, and particularly veterans, are tired of the dishonesty and the evasion of responsibility. They want leaders who will stand by their principles and who can be trusted to tell the truth, even when it’s difficult.

Veterans and their families have expressed their dismay over Walz’s lies and the subsequent cover-up. For those who’ve worn the uniform, integrity and honor are not negotiable. By lying about his service and then attempting to downplay those lies, Walz has alienated an important segment of the electorate.

As Vance stood surrounded by veterans, including those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifices for their country, he drove home a point that resonated with every person in the room: “Every single person standing with me has sacrificed something for this country. Some of us, like Brian, have sacrificed more than most Americans can possibly fathom,” Vance said, referring to a veteran beside him. “But every single one of us honors every veteran for their service whether they went to war or not. So long as you did what this country asked you to do, you deserve to be praised for it.”

Tim Walz’s repeated lies about his military service have become a major issue in this election, and rightly so. They speak to a broader problem of character, integrity, and the lengths to which politicians on the Left will go to deceive the public. The Harris-Walz campaign can continue to try and sweep these issues under the rug, but the American people—especially veterans—are not so easily fooled.

In this crucial election, millions of Americans are waking up to the truth: Tim Walz is not fit to be vice president, and Kamala Harris’s decision to stand by him only underscores her poor judgment. The veterans and everyday Americans who value honesty and integrity will not stand for this kind of deception. And come election day, they will make their voices heard.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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