Oprah’s shocking comments at the DNC have disgusted even Democrats

Oprah Winfrey could not be any more out of touch with reality. But she still pretends like she knows what is going on.

And now, Oprah’s shocking comments at the DNC have disgusted even Democrats.

Oprah Winfrey, once hailed as America’s talk-show queen, made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Wednesday. Her performance, complete with a theatrical belting of “Joooooy!” in her signature vocal vibrato, was intended to rally the faithful and spread what she called “joy” among the thousands gathered. But beneath the surface of this glittering spectacle lay a sinister attempt by Democrat elites to manipulate black voters yet again.

In her speech, Oprah portrayed Democrats as the champions of justice, painting them as the only party standing against “bullies,” racists, and sexists. “I have been on the receiving end of it,” the multi-millionaire media mogul claimed, invoking the legacy of the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and the struggle against segregation in the South.

But what Oprah conveniently omitted were the inconvenient truths that expose the Democrat Party’s dark and divisive past—a past that they are desperately trying to erase from public memory.

While Oprah tried to tie the Democrats to the fight for civil rights, she neglected to mention that it was Democrats who were the very architects of segregation in the South. It was Democrats who stood in the schoolhouse doors, who blocked the pathways to progress for black Americans, and who fought tooth and nail against the very civil rights they now claim to champion.

The history books are littered with examples of Democratic officials who actively opposed integration and civil rights. Alabama Governor George Wallace (D) is perhaps the most infamous of them all.

On June 11, 1963, Wallace literally stood in front of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama to block the enrollment of black students, a moment that will forever be etched in the annals of history as a symbol of Democratic resistance to equality.

And Wallace was not alone. In September 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (D) ordered the state’s National Guard to block the entrance to Central High School, preventing nine black students—the “Little Rock Nine”—from integrating the school.

These Democratic leaders were not isolated extremists; they were part of a broader party-wide effort to maintain segregation and keep black Americans in a state of perpetual second-class citizenship.

Oprah’s revisionist narrative conveniently ignores the fact that the Civil Rights Act of 1964—one of the most significant pieces of legislation in American history—was vehemently opposed by many in her beloved Democratic Party. In Congress, 80 percent of Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, while less than 70 percent of Democrats did.

To stop the bill from passing, Democratic senators launched a filibuster that lasted 75 days. They were willing to go to any lengths to prevent the legislation from becoming law.

When Democrats like Oprah stand before crowds of black voters and claim to be their saviors, they are not just lying—they are spitting on the graves of those who fought and died for the rights that Democrats once sought to deny.

Even today, the Democratic Party continues to be haunted by its racist past—and present. In 1977, none other than Joe Biden, the current Democratic President, voiced his opposition to school busing that would have integrated black students into white schools.

He claimed that such policies would lead to his children growing up in a “racial jungle.” This wasn’t a slip of the tongue; it was a deliberate statement from a man who has spent decades on the wrong side of history.

More recently, in 2019, Biden praised segregationists like the late Senators James Eastland (D-MS) and Herman Talmadge (D-GA), both of whom believed black people were inferior to whites.

Biden’s eulogy of these men was not only an affront to the progress that civil rights activists fought for but also a clear indication that the Democratic Party has never truly shed its racist roots.

Even Kamala Harris, Biden’s own Vice President, once attacked him for his opposition to school busing, suggesting during a 2019 presidential primary debate that Biden was a racist. Yet, in true Democratic fashion, Harris swept this incident under the rug when Biden chose her as his running mate, proving once again that the Democrats will abandon any principle if it serves their political ambitions.

Oprah’s attempt to link Kamala Harris to the legacy of black girls in the segregated South is as misleading as it is insulting. Kamala Harris is no daughter of the civil rights struggle; she was raised in Montreal, Canada, by two elite college professors—a Jamaican father and an Indian mother.

Harris has as much connection to the black experience in the American South as Biden has to the struggles of working-class Americans. Yet, the Democrats continue to parade her around as a symbol of progress, hoping to fool black voters into believing that she represents their interests.

The truth is, Democrats are panicking. Black voters are beginning to see through the lies and manipulation, and they are defecting from the Democratic Party in droves. The failed economic policies of the Biden-Harris administration—dubbed “Kamalanomics”—have wreaked havoc on black communities across the country.

Sky-high consumer prices, unaffordable essential goods, and a stagnant job market have made it clear that the Democrats are not the party of the people—they are the party of the elite.

But it’s not just the economy that has black voters turning away from the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris’ open-border policies have allowed illegal aliens to flood into the country, putting a strain on local governments and disproportionately affecting black communities. Public services like policing and education are being cut back to provide free housing and other taxpayer-funded perks to illegals. Meanwhile, black Americans are left to fend for themselves in neighborhoods that are becoming increasingly unsafe and under-resourced.

In contrast, former President Donald Trump has consistently stood up for the interests of black Americans. Under Trump’s leadership, black unemployment hit record lows, and black-owned businesses flourished. Trump’s policies empowered black communities by cutting taxes, reducing regulation, and investing in opportunity zones. And unlike the Democrats, Trump never pandered—he delivered real results.

As more black voters see through the Democrats’ lies and manipulation, they are turning to Trump as the leader who will fight for their interests, not just use them as political pawns. The Democratic Party has always been on the wrong side of history, and its recent actions prove that it remains so today.

Oprah’s appearance at the DNC was nothing more than a desperate attempt to whitewash the Democratic Party’s dark history and manipulate black voters into staying on their plantation. But black Americans are waking up to the truth: the Democrats have never been their allies, and they never will be. The time has come to reject the party of segregation, filibusters, and failed policies and to embrace a future of opportunity and prosperity under Republican leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

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