Radical squad members shocked by massive lawsuit that could end their political careers

Members of the Radical Left are always getting themselves into trouble. But unfortunately they are rarely caught or punished for it.

But now, “squad” members have been shocked by a massive lawsuit that could end their political careers.

Three prominent members of the progressive congressional “Squad”—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Jamaal Bowman—are embroiled in a class-action lawsuit. The lawsuit, brought forth by a group of students, alleges that these lawmakers “incited and encouraged” the chaotic and violent protests against Israel at Columbia University earlier this year.

The protests, which took a radical anti-Israel stance, saw the campus quad overrun with demonstrators chanting inflammatory slogans, burning Israeli flags, hurling rocks, and occupying Hamilton Hall.

The situation escalated to such a degree that law enforcement had to intervene, much to the chagrin of the involved congressmembers.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, known for her incendiary rhetoric, vehemently criticized the police for breaking up the unruly demonstration.

In a tweet on April 30, she ominously warned, “If any kid is hurt tonight, responsibility will fall on the mayor and university presidents,” labeling the police involvement as “a nightmare in the making.”

This irresponsible and inflammatory statement highlights a pattern of behavior from the “Squad”—fomenting unrest and then decrying the necessary actions taken to restore order.

Ocasio-Cortez’s remark, far from promoting peace, added fuel to an already volatile situation, jeopardizing the safety of students and law enforcement alike.

The lawsuit, filed anonymously by five students—including two Jewish students—paints a harrowing picture of the protest. The plaintiffs describe the “Gaza Encampment” as an act of “extreme and outrageous conduct,” blatantly illegal and in direct violation of university rules.

They recount a terrifying atmosphere where they were harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied by the protesters.

In a particularly chilling account, one Jewish student told the New York Post, “During the protests, I witnessed numerous offensive and antisemitic signs and messages, including antisemitic skunk posters with the Star of David.” He further recounted an incident where he was singled out for wearing a yarmulke, confronted by a protest leader who physically shoved him when he refused to move. This kind of targeted harassment is a stark reminder of the deep-seated antisemitism that pervades such radical movements.

The court papers filed by the students encapsulate the gravity of the situation: “In a civilized community, one does not call for the obliteration of a major metropolitan area, praise terrorists, or threaten death and destruction upon our classmates and their families, friends, and coreligionists.”

This statement underscores the sheer extremity and danger of the rhetoric and actions promoted by the protesters and, by extension, the lawmakers who supported them.

Ilhan Omar, whose own daughter was arrested at the Columbia encampment while protesting as a Barnard student, adds another layer of complexity to this case. Omar’s history of controversial statements and actions regarding Israel has long been a point of contention.

Her involvement in this protest, directly and through her daughter, further cements her position as a polarizing and divisive figure who appears to prioritize radical activism over responsible leadership.

Jamaal Bowman, another member of the “Squad,” also finds himself implicated in this lawsuit. His support for the protest and criticism of law enforcement’s actions illustrate a worrying trend among these progressive lawmakers: an apparent endorsement of chaos and disruption under the guise of social justice.

This not only endangers students but also undermines the very principles of law and order that are fundamental to a functional society.

The lawsuit also accuses Ocasio-Cortez, Bowman, and Omar of trespassing on Columbia University’s campus in April, participating in the encampment despite access being restricted to those with student IDs.

This allegation further demonstrates their blatant disregard for rules and regulations, emphasizing their role in exacerbating the situation.

This case highlights a broader issue with the “Squad” and their brand of radical progressivism. Their actions and rhetoric often seem more focused on creating discord and division rather than fostering constructive dialogue and solutions.

By encouraging and supporting these disruptive protests, they not only threaten public safety but also undermine the democratic principles they claim to uphold.

The actions of Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Bowman during the Columbia protests reflect a troubling pattern of behavior: inciting unrest, demonizing law enforcement, and disregarding the rule of law. These are not the actions of responsible leaders but rather of agitators more interested in grandstanding than governance.

As the lawsuit progresses, it will undoubtedly shed more light on the true nature of the “Squad” and their impact on our society.

For now, it stands as a stark reminder of the dangers of radicalism and the importance of holding our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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