Recent polling uncovers a troubling issue for the Harris-Walz ticket

The Harris campaign is doing everything they can to make sure Kamala sits in the Oval Office. But things are not going well for them.

And recent polling has uncovered a troubling issue for the Harris-Walz ticket.

As the 2024 election heats up, all eyes are on the highly anticipated vice presidential debate next week between Ohio Senator JD Vance and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. In a matchup that pits American principles against progressive policies, the latest polling data reveals a clear advantage for Vance, former President Donald Trump’s running mate, over Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’s counterpart.

Exclusive polling data provided to Breitbart News ahead of its public release shows that voters across the country trust Vance more than Walz on key issues facing the nation, including immigration, national security, the economy, and crime.

The numbers indicate a growing confidence in Vance’s leadership, as well as significant skepticism regarding Walz, particularly due to his reported ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

When it comes to issues that dominate headlines and spark public debate—immigration and national security—Vance has a clear edge over Walz. According to the poll conducted by the Senate Opportunity Fund, 45 percent of likely voters said they trust Vance more on both immigration and national security, compared to just 39 percent for Walz.

This six-point lead is indicative of the growing concerns among Americans about border security, the rise in illegal immigration, and national defense under the Biden-Harris administration.

Immigration, in particular, has been a hot-button issue throughout the Biden presidency, as the administration’s open-border policies have led to a historic surge in illegal crossings, overwhelming border states and creating security risks.

In contrast, Vance has taken a hardline approach, advocating for stricter border controls, increased funding for Border Patrol, and a renewed focus on national sovereignty. His stance resonates with voters who are increasingly concerned about the long-term implications of unchecked immigration, including crime and economic strain.

National security has also emerged as a key concern for voters, especially in the wake of foreign policy blunders such as the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Vance’s clear vision of a strong, America-first foreign policy stands in stark contrast to the weak and indecisive leadership of the Biden-Harris administration.

Vance’s focus on rebuilding America’s military strength, strengthening alliances, and confronting adversaries like China has earned him the trust of voters, while Walz’s record offers little reassurance.

As inflation continues to squeeze American families, it’s no surprise that the economy remains one of the top concerns heading into the 2024 election. Here, too, Vance has a notable advantage over Walz. The poll shows that 45 percent of voters trust Vance more on economic issues, compared to 40 percent who side with Walz.

This five-point lead reflects widespread discontent with the Biden administration’s handling of the economy, particularly the skyrocketing inflation and reckless government spending that have hurt working-class Americans.

Vance has positioned himself as a champion of fiscal responsibility and economic growth. His focus on reducing government regulation, cutting taxes, and promoting pro-business policies has struck a chord with voters who are tired of the stagnant wages and rising costs that have defined the Biden years. Meanwhile, Walz’s embrace of progressive economic policies—such as higher taxes, expansive welfare programs, and government intervention—has left voters skeptical of his ability to manage the economy effectively.

The economic concerns of 2024 are not just about inflation but about the broader question of America’s financial future. Vance’s vision of a thriving economy built on conservative principles of free markets, limited government, and individual responsibility contrasts sharply with the failed policies of the current administration, and voters are taking notice.

Crime is another issue where JD Vance outshines Tim Walz. As crime rates continue to rise in major cities across the country, voters are increasingly looking for leaders who will prioritize law and order. According to the poll, 43 percent of likely voters trust Vance more on crime, compared to 40 percent for Walz, giving Vance a three-point edge on this critical issue.

The spike in violent crime over the past few years has been a direct result of the Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies, including the defund-the-police movement and lenient sentencing guidelines that have emboldened criminals and undermined law enforcement. In contrast, Vance has consistently advocated for law and order, supporting stronger police funding, tougher sentencing for violent offenders, and the restoration of public safety in communities across the country.

Walz, on the other hand, has faced criticism for his handling of crime in Minnesota, particularly in the wake of the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis. His refusal to take decisive action to restore order during those chaotic days, coupled with his support for progressive criminal justice reforms, has left voters questioning his ability to keep Americans safe.

Perhaps the most damaging revelation for Tim Walz is his close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, which has been uncovered in recent weeks. The Senate Opportunity Fund poll found that a solid majority—54 percent—of likely voters are less likely to trust Walz after learning about his trips to China, many of which were sponsored directly by the CCP. Thirty-nine percent of respondents said they were much less likely to trust him, underscoring the seriousness of these allegations.

Walz’s cozy relationship with China raises red flags, especially at a time when China poses the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States. From its aggressive military buildup to its theft of intellectual property and unfair trade practices, China has consistently sought to undermine American interests. The idea that a potential vice president could have such close ties to a hostile foreign government is deeply concerning to many Americans.

Vance, on the other hand, has been a vocal critic of the CCP and has called for a tougher stance on China, including trade policies that protect American workers and national security measures that limit China’s influence in the United States. His unwavering stance against the CCP is yet another reason why voters trust him more on national security and foreign policy.

Americans’ Growing Disillusionment with Harris and the Biden Administration
The polling data also reveals a broader trend of disillusionment with the current administration. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they oppose Vice President Kamala Harris, while only 45 percent expressed support for her. This negative view of Harris mirrors the broader dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s performance, as 67 percent of voters say the country is on the wrong track. Only 26 percent believe that the Biden-Harris administration is moving America in the right direction.

Republicans, buoyed by these numbers, also lead the generic ballot, with 46 percent of voters supporting the GOP and just 41 percent backing the Democrats. This represents a growing rejection of the Democrats’ policies and their handling of key issues like the economy, national security, and crime.

With the vice presidential debate just days away, JD Vance heads into the showdown with a clear advantage over Tim Walz on the issues that matter most to voters. From immigration to national security, the economy, and crime, Vance has earned the trust of the American people, while Walz struggles to overcome his own political baggage—particularly his ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Vance’s conservative principles, focus on law and order, and commitment to rebuilding America’s economy stand in stark contrast to Walz’s progressive policies and questionable foreign relationships. As voters prepare to cast their ballots in 2024, it is clear that JD Vance is the leader they can trust to guide the nation through these challenging times.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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