Terrifying threat from China exposes Joe Biden’s foreign incompetence

Joe Biden seems to be doing everything he can to weaken America. And new developments highlight this.

Because a terrifying new threat from China has exposed Joe Biden’s foreign incompetence.

Recent reports have surfaced indicating that Communist China is in the process of constructing a military spy base in Cuba, significantly raising concerns about national security in the United States.

Newly published satellite images by The Wall Street Journal reveal the base’s development in El Salao, a town located just outside of Santiago de Cuba. Alarmingly, this new installation is in close proximity to the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

The construction of this base commenced early in President Joe Biden’s administration and is reportedly designed to accommodate a large formation of antennas known as a circularly disposed antenna array.

This sophisticated array is capable of locating and intercepting electronic signals, marking a significant leap in China’s espionage capabilities, even if they are utilizing older technology that both the U.S. and Russia have long abandoned.

The spy base at El Salao is not an isolated endeavor but part of a broader network of Chinese intelligence installations in Cuba.

According to reports, it joins three other bases located at Bejucal, Wajay, and Calabazar. Intelligence officials warn that these facilities represent a severe national security threat to the United States.

By leveraging Cuba’s proximity to the U.S., China is positioned to intercept sensitive electronic communications from U.S. military bases, space facilities, and both military and commercial shipping routes. Additionally, these installations could potentially facilitate the surveillance of American citizens, raising profound privacy and security concerns.

The establishment of these bases is part of China’s aggressive strategy to expand its footprint and influence in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This expansion aims not only to weaken the U.S. presence in the region but also to challenge the U.S. for global supremacy. China’s strategic investments and projects across the region underline this ambition.

For instance, China is constructing a megaport in Peru, which has raised alarms among U.S. officials.

They fear this port could shift the balance of power in the region and make Latin American countries more susceptible to economic coercion from Beijing.

Similarly, China is making significant inroads into Argentina, Honduras, Colombia, and Brazil through various projects, further extending its influence in the Western Hemisphere.

One of the most concerning examples of China’s encroachment in the region is its efforts to effectively take over the paradise island of Antigua, situated just a few hundred miles from the U.S. Virgin Islands.

China is developing a Chinese-run special economic zone on the island, which will feature its own customs and immigration formalities, a shipping port, and a dedicated airline.

This zone will even have the capability to issue passports, according to a report from Newsweek. The economic zone will support a wide range of businesses, from logistics to cryptocurrencies and even facial surgery and virology.

This ambitious project in Antigua exemplifies China’s broader strategy: to create enclaves of Chinese influence and control that can operate with a degree of autonomy from the host nation, thereby solidifying its economic and political foothold in key strategic locations.

The Biden administration faces mounting pressure to address these developments. Critics argue that the administration’s policies have not been sufficiently robust in countering China’s expansionist agenda.

They assert that more decisive actions are necessary to protect U.S. interests and maintain the country’s strategic advantage in the Western Hemisphere.

There is also a call for increased cooperation with regional allies to counterbalance China’s growing influence. Strengthening economic and military ties with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is seen as essential to counter China’s encroachment and to reassure these nations of America’s commitment to their sovereignty and security.

The revelation of China’s construction of a military spy base in Cuba near Guantanamo Bay marks a significant escalation in the geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China. It underscores the lengths to which China is willing to go to challenge U.S. dominance and expand its influence in the Western Hemisphere.

As China continues its aggressive expansion, it is imperative for the U.S. to adopt a comprehensive and strategic approach to counter these moves, protect national security, and uphold its position as the leading global superpower. The stakes are high, and the time for decisive action is now.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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