Tim Walz caught bribing families to do the unthinkable to their children

The Radical Left wants to make America believe that Tim Walz is pro-family and will help our children. But his track record spells out a completely different story.

And Tim Walz has been caught bribing families to do the unthinkable to their children.

In a move that has raised serious concerns among parents and critics alike, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, now the Democratic vice presidential nominee, offered parents a cash reward to encourage the vaccination of their young children against COVID-19.

The incentive program, alarmingly titled “Kids Deserve a Shot,” was rolled out in January 2022 and offered $200 to families who got their children between the ages of five and eleven “fully vaccinated.”

This is not just another misguided policy from the left; it is a deeply concerning initiative that put the health and safety of innocent children on the line for the sake of political expediency.

Walz announced this so-called incentive on social media, using a tone that belied the gravity of his actions. “Big news: Starting this month, families who get their 5- to 11-year-olds vaccinated can get $200! That’s cash in your pocket for starting the year off right by protecting your child from COVID,” Walz tweeted.

It is worth noting that the eligibility for this cash reward required parents or guardians to provide documentation proving that their children had received both shots of the vaccine between January 1 and February 28, 2022.

Walz justified this push by pointing to a surge in the Omicron variant at the time, saying, “As Omicron surges across our nation, we’re continuing to use every resource we have to keep our families safe and healthy.”

But this justification rings hollow when we consider the facts. By the time Walz was pushing this incentive, it was already becoming clear that children were at a significantly lower risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Furthermore, concerns were mounting about the potential side effects of the vaccines, particularly in young children.

Yet, Walz pushed forward with a scheme that essentially bribed parents into subjecting their children to an experimental vaccine.

What Tim Walz did with the “Kids Deserve a Shot” program wasn’t just irresponsible; it was dangerous. By offering financial incentives for something as critical as a child’s health decision, Walz set a disturbing precedent for governmental overreach.

The notion that the state can pay parents to make decisions about their children’s health is a slippery slope that should concern every American.

This wasn’t Walz’s first attempt at coercion under the guise of public health. In Fall 2021, the governor first touted the incentive, even going as far as offering students $100,000 scholarships if they got vaccinated.

It’s clear that Walz was willing to pull out all the stops to increase vaccination numbers, regardless of the potential risks involved.

The issue here is not whether vaccines are inherently good or bad; it’s about the method and the message. The government should never be in the business of bribing citizens, especially when it comes to something as personal and critical as health decisions for children. Yet, this is exactly what Tim Walz did, putting politics above the well-being of Minnesota’s youngest residents.

Tim Walz’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been nothing short of tyrannical, and this vaccine bribery scheme is just the latest example. In 2020, Walz infamously set up a hotline for residents to report their neighbors for not following his draconian COVID mandates.

This “tattle hotline” was a disturbing step towards a surveillance state, encouraging citizens to turn on one another under the watchful eye of big government.

Walz’s actions during the pandemic have consistently shown his willingness to sacrifice individual freedoms for the sake of control. His vaccine incentive program is a continuation of this dangerous trend.

By dangling cash in front of parents, he attempted to strip away their agency and pressure them into making a decision that should be based solely on medical advice and personal beliefs, not financial incentives.

As Walz steps onto the national stage as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Americans should take a hard look at his record. This is a man who was willing to exploit a pandemic to further his political ambitions, even if it meant putting children at risk.

His actions during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the “Kids Deserve a Shot” program, should serve as a grim warning of what we can expect from a Walz administration.

If Walz is willing to resort to bribery to achieve his goals in Minnesota, what lengths will he go to on the national stage? This is a question every American should be asking as we approach the next election. The stakes are too high to ignore the dangerous precedent set by Walz’s actions.

Stay tuned to prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

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