Top Tim Walz appointee caught plotting to overthrow America

Tim Walz’s administration in Minnesota has long been under scrutiny. But no one was expecting this.

And a top Tim Walz appointee has been caught trying to overthrow America.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s administration has come under fire as one of his key education appointees, Professor Brian Lozenski, openly advocated for the overthrow of the United States.

The alarming comments were recently brought to light by National Review, raising serious concerns about the radical ideologies influencing Walz’s education policies, especially as the 2024 election looms and scrutiny intensifies around those connected to vice-presidential candidate Walz.

Lozenski, a professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, was appointed by Walz to help shape the state’s ethnic studies curriculum through an “implementation framework.” However, recent revelations about his extreme political beliefs have sparked outrage and raised questions about how deeply far-left ideologies are embedded within the educational system in Minnesota and beyond.

In a 2022 Zoom recording discussing his book My Emancipation Don’t Fit Your Equation: Critical Enactments of Black Education in the US, Lozenski outlined his radical views on critical race theory (CRT) and the future of the United States. During the discussion, Lozenski boldly claimed that the United States, as it exists today, is inherently and irreversibly racist and must be “overthrown.”

Lozenski stated: “The United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So, if the nation-state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with, it must be overthrown.” These statements are a direct call for dismantling the nation, aligning with the most extreme elements of CRT ideology. He further clarified that CRT is not just about diversity or storytelling, but is a radical movement aimed at insurrection and overthrowing the current system.

“It’s not about that. It’s about overthrow. It’s insurgent. And we, we need to be, I think, more honest with that,” Lozenski added, sending a clear message that proponents of CRT have far more radical intentions than many in the mainstream are willing to admit.

Lozenski’s incendiary remarks have placed Governor Tim Walz under significant pressure. Walz has positioned himself as a progressive leader, and his embrace of radical ideologues like Lozenski raises serious concerns about the direction of Minnesota’s education system. Appointing someone who openly calls for the overthrow of the United States to a position of influence over education policies reveals the extreme undercurrents within Walz’s administration.

Moreover, Lozenski’s comments are not an isolated incident. Recent reports have also shed light on other far-left figures surrounding Walz. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who Walz appointed to handle the George Floyd case, has raised eyebrows for his outspoken support of radical censorship in Brazil, where the government silenced conservative voices on X (formerly Twitter). Ellison’s apparent support for authoritarian measures in other countries casts further doubt on the democratic values supposedly espoused by the Walz administration.

Additionally, Walz has been linked to a Muslim leader who has shared pro-Hitler propaganda. This disturbing connection, combined with Lozenski’s radical views, paints a troubling picture of the individuals influencing policy decisions in Minnesota. Voters are left wondering how much of these extremist viewpoints are guiding the governor’s decisions, particularly when it comes to shaping the minds of future generations through education.

Brian Lozenski’s comments exemplify the real dangers behind critical race theory, a doctrine that has increasingly infiltrated schools across the country under the guise of diversity and inclusion. CRT, at its core, views the United States as an inherently racist nation, and its proponents argue that the only solution is to dismantle and remake the country.

Lozenski’s honesty about CRT’s true goals is startling, as many of its supporters attempt to downplay its radical underpinnings. “The United States needs to be deconstructed, period,” Lozenski declared in his 2022 remarks. Such statements align with the far-left’s broader effort to tear down the country’s foundational institutions, from the family to the Constitution itself.

What’s even more troubling is Lozenski’s admission that CRT advocates often “lie” to themselves and others about what their movement truly stands for. According to Lozenski, those who claim that CRT is simply about promoting diversity and telling untold stories are not being honest. “We need to be more honest with that,” he said, emphasizing that CRT is fundamentally about challenging and overturning the U.S. system of governance and societal structures.

This level of candor from a Walz appointee is shocking but not altogether surprising. For years, conservatives have warned that CRT is not simply about education or racial justice, but a dangerous ideology designed to undermine the United States from within. Lozenski’s remarks confirm what many have feared: that the left’s agenda in schools is about more than equality—it’s about revolution.

The fact that someone like Lozenski was selected by Governor Walz to help shape Minnesota’s ethnic studies standards is deeply concerning. It shows just how pervasive radical leftist ideologies have become in the educational system. Under the guise of promoting “equity” and “inclusion,” teachers and administrators are indoctrinating students with anti-American rhetoric, teaching them to view their country as irredeemably racist and in need of overthrow.

Minnesota is not alone in this regard. Across the country, states are grappling with the growing influence of CRT in the classroom. Parents and conservative lawmakers have pushed back against the infiltration of these divisive ideas, but their efforts have been met with fierce resistance from left-wing educators and unions.

Now, with figures like Brian Lozenski in positions of power, the battle over education in America has reached a new level of urgency.

Minnesota’s ethnic studies standards, which Lozenski was appointed to influence, could shape the curriculum for years to come. If CRT is allowed to become the foundation of education in the state, students will be taught that their country is fundamentally evil and that the only way forward is through rebellion and dismantling the system. This is a dangerous precedent that threatens to erode the fabric of the nation.

The radicalism surrounding Tim Walz and his administration should alarm every Minnesotan—and every American. By appointing individuals like Brian Lozenski to positions of influence, Walz is signaling that he is willing to embrace far-left extremists who advocate for the overthrow of the United States. This is not just about policy differences—it’s about the very future of the country.

As the 2024 election approaches, voters must ask themselves whether they want leaders who associate with and elevate radicals who believe in the deconstruction of the United States. Walz’s judgment in selecting Lozenski for such an important educational role speaks volumes about the priorities of his administration and the left-wing agenda being pushed in Minnesota.

Conservatives must remain vigilant and continue to push back against these dangerous ideologies. The battle for the soul of America is being fought in classrooms across the nation, and figures like Brian Lozenski represent the frontlines of that fight. The stakes are nothing less than the survival of the country as we know it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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