Top US official sounds the alarm on a stunning foreign threat

Joe Biden’s foreign policies are an absolute disaster. But no one thought things would ever get this bad.

Now, a top US official sounded the alarm on a stunning foreign threat.

Former U.S. official Dan Senor, in a recent interview, expressed his strong belief that the Hamas terrorist organization is not genuinely interested in negotiating a ceasefire agreement with Israel.

Instead, Senor argued, Hamas is intent on prolonging the conflict for as long as possible. His remarks came during an interview with Margaret Hoover on PBS’s “Firing Line,” where the discussion focused on Israel and U.S. foreign policy.

Senor, who served as a senior advisor and chief spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, reflected on the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attacks carried out by Hamas.

He admitted to having naively believed that the barbaric nature of these attacks would galvanize international support for Israel.

“I did not think within a matter of days the outrage of the world would be directed at Jews for objecting to being massacred,” Senor said, expressing his disillusionment with the global reaction.

The conversation took a deeper turn as Senor addressed the broader issue of anti-Semitism.

He defined it succinctly, stating, “At the end of the day, if I had to boil it down, it is holding the Jewish people to a standard that you hold nobody else. That is anti-Semitism. That is discrimination.” Senor emphasized that questioning the legitimacy of the Jewish state, the sole Jewish state in the world, is a clear form of anti-Semitism.

“Against that backdrop, in a sense, it’s not surprising that everything the Jewish state does is wrong, if that’s your frame. And when you say, ‘everyone else can do X, Y, and Z, but the Jewish state can’t,’ that is a form of discrimination and that is anti-Semitism. And that is what we’re watching now.”

Senor highlighted the unique scrutiny Israel faces, noting, “Israel is being held to a standard that no other country or no other people in the world have ever been held to. This is the most scrutinized war that I have ever seen.”

His comments reflect a deep frustration with the international community’s apparent double standards when it comes to Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist threats.

Turning to the issue of a potential ceasefire, Senor dismissed the notion that Hamas is genuinely interested in peace negotiations.

“I do not believe Hamas is serious about a real negotiation,” he stated unequivocally. According to Senor, Hamas believes it is in a winning position and has no incentive to negotiate a ceasefire that would essentially spell its end.

“The reason they think they are winning is because over the last few months pressure has been mounting on Israel, not on Hamas,” Senor explained.

He elaborated further, saying, “The idea that Hamas would negotiate a ceasefire that negotiates them out of existence is preposterous. They’re not going to do that, especially if they think time is on their side. A deal that ensures that they aren’t around anymore is a loss that I don’t think they’re going to sign up for.”

This assessment underscores Senor’s belief that Hamas is playing a long game, using the conflict to bolster its standing and influence while painting Israel as the aggressor.

Senor’s comments come at a time when the Biden administration’s foreign policy approach toward the Middle East is under intense scrutiny.

Many people argue that the administration’s policies have emboldened terrorist organizations like Hamas by signaling a lack of unequivocal support for Israel.

The international community’s mixed reactions to Israel’s defensive measures have also contributed to this complex and volatile situation.

Dan Senor’s interview on PBS’s “Firing Line” sheds light on the enduring complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges faced by Israel in securing its right to exist amid relentless attacks from terrorist organizations like Hamas.

His remarks underscore a broader concern among conservatives about the international community’s failure to hold Hamas accountable and the potential consequences of perceived double standards in the treatment of Israel.

As the situation continues to evolve, the call for a more balanced and principled approach to Middle Eastern policy remains a critical issue for policymakers and the global community.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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