Trump brutally attacked in this newest incident of misinformation

The Radical Left will do anything in their power to attack Trump. And they have shown that they will cross any line in order to do so.

But now, Trump has been brutally attacked in this newest incident of misinformation.

As Donald Trump campaigns for the White House in 2024, House Democrats have launched yet another investigation against the former president. This time, they’re questioning whether the Department of Justice (DOJ) improperly shut down an inquiry in 2020 into a potential $10 million bribe from Egyptian President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi during Trump’s 2016 campaign.

The investigation is based on claims that have already been thoroughly debunked, and Trump’s campaign has made it clear that this is nothing more than a politically motivated attack.

House Democrats’ latest investigation is just the newest chapter in their long-running campaign to discredit and undermine Donald Trump. From the moment he announced his candidacy in 2015, Trump has been the target of relentless investigations, media smears, and baseless accusations. This time, they’re recycling old and unfounded claims in a desperate attempt to derail his 2024 campaign.

Stephen Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump’s campaign, responded to this latest inquiry with a pointed dismissal, stating, “This is textbook Fake News.” Cheung’s response highlights a troubling pattern: the media and House Democrats continue to fall for the same old tricks, pushing hoaxes and shams in their never-ending quest to take down Trump.

The crux of the Democrats’ latest inquiry revolves around a report from The Washington Post suggesting that top DOJ officials in 2020 blocked an FBI investigation into whether a $10 million bribe from Egypt influenced Trump’s campaign.

However, the facts tell a different story. Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. attorney who closed the case, made it clear that the inquiry was shut down due to a complete lack of evidence. Despite the lack of substance, House Democrats are determined to keep this non-story alive.

It’s worth noting that this is not the first time Trump has been accused of financial improprieties with foreign governments. The infamous Trump-Russia collusion probe, led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, also began with sensational headlines and breathless media coverage. In the end, the investigation found no evidence of collusion, yet it succeeded in its primary goal: to tarnish Trump’s reputation and hinder his presidency.

This latest investigation is especially hypocritical given the ongoing GOP-led inquiries into President Joe Biden and his family’s shady financial dealings. Republicans recently unveiled an impeachment report detailing millions of dollars in foreign payments to the Biden family and its associates.

Yet, instead of addressing these serious allegations, House Democrats have chosen to deflect by doubling down on their attacks against Trump.

The timing of this investigation is telling. With Trump’s popularity surging and his 2024 campaign gaining momentum, Democrats are scrambling to find any way to slow him down.

They know they can’t beat him on the issues, so they resort to the same old playbook: endless investigations, baseless accusations, and media manipulation.

Trump has long referred to the numerous investigations against him as part of a “witch hunt,” and with good reason. Since the day he announced his candidacy, the establishment—both within the government and the media—has sought to destroy him.

They’ve tried to paint him as a Russian puppet, a corrupt businessman, and now, as someone who accepted bribes from foreign governments. Yet, time and again, these investigations have fallen apart under the weight of their own absurdity.

The reason for this relentless persecution is simple: Trump represents an existential threat to the Washington establishment. He’s a disruptor, someone who refuses to play by their rules, and they’re terrified of what he might do if he gets another four years in office. They saw what happened during his first term—economic growth, deregulation, a strong military, and a return to American greatness—and they’ll do anything to stop him from continuing that agenda.

While Democrats focus their energy on baseless investigations into Trump, they conveniently ignore the real scandal staring them in the face: the Biden family’s corrupt dealings. The evidence is overwhelming—Hunter Biden’s laptop, emails, bank records, and witness testimony all point to a pattern of corruption that reaches the highest levels of government. Yet, the mainstream media and House Democrats refuse to hold Biden accountable.

This double standard is not only unfair; it’s dangerous. By focusing their attention on Trump, Democrats are allowing corruption to flourish unchecked in the White House. The American people deserve better. They deserve a government that holds everyone accountable, regardless of party affiliation.

The latest investigation into Trump is nothing more than a desperate attempt by House Democrats to stop his 2024 campaign. It’s a rehash of old, debunked claims that have no basis in fact. But Democrats and their allies in the media are hoping that if they throw enough mud, some of it will stick.

Trump’s campaign has rightly rebuffed this investigation as a politically motivated smear. The American people should see it for what it is: a continuation of the witch hunt that began the moment Trump decided to challenge the establishment. As Trump himself has said, “They’re not after me; they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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