Trump traps Harris on the debate stage and forces her to admit this horrific truth

Kamala Harris has been doing everything she can to make Americans forget how radical she is. But Donald Trump won’t allow that.

And Trump trapped Harris on the debate stage and forced her to admit this horrific truth.

In the heated debate on Tuesday night, former President Donald Trump zeroed in on an issue that has long divided Americans — abortion. Pro-lifers have made it a cornerstone of their strategy to highlight the extremism of Democrats on the issue, and Trump’s approach on stage was no different.

Trump pressed Vice President Kamala Harris on her stance, repeatedly asking whether she would allow abortion in the final months of pregnancy — a question that Harris pointedly refused to answer.

This interaction underscores a larger, growing divide between Republicans and Democrats on the topic of abortion. On one side, Republicans, led by figures like Trump, aim to protect life, with some pushing for restrictions at various stages of pregnancy.

On the other, Democrats have largely adopted a stance that champions unrestricted access to abortion, even in the late stages of pregnancy. The debate showcased just how stark the contrast is between these two perspectives, and Trump masterfully exploited Harris’s refusal to provide clarity on her position.

During the debate, Harris attempted to paint Trump as a proponent of a national abortion ban, a claim Trump swiftly denied. In fact, Trump countered by stating that no such ban would ever reach his desk and reaffirmed his support for in vitro fertilization (IVF), a point often misconstrued by his critics.

But Trump wasn’t content with merely defending his position. He pivoted and posed a direct, cutting question to Harris: “Will she allow abortion in the ninth month, eighth month, seventh month?”

It was a query designed to force Harris into a corner — a strategy pro-lifers have advocated to expose the radical positions some Democrats hold on abortion. Harris, appearing visibly uncomfortable, responded with disapproval but notably did not provide a direct answer. “Come on,” she remarked, hoping to deflect the question.

Trump pressed further, pushing Harris to clarify her stance on late-term abortions, particularly in the final trimesters. “Would you do it?” he asked, referring to abortions in the seventh, eighth, or ninth months of pregnancy. Then, in one of the more memorable lines of the night, Trump took aim at former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s controversial remarks on late-term abortion.

Northam had once described a scenario where a baby, born alive after a failed abortion attempt, could be left to die depending on the wishes of the mother and the physician. Trump reminded the audience of this disturbing endorsement, claiming Democrats had gone so far as to support abortion even after birth.

“So in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Trump quoted Northam. “The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.”

This chilling description of post-birth decision-making left the nation shocked, and Harris’s failure to denounce such extremism spoke volumes.

Harris’s refusal to answer Trump’s question on late-term abortions is not only telling but also reflective of a broader problem within the Democratic Party. While many Americans support some level of abortion access, the idea of aborting viable babies in the final months of pregnancy is something most find morally repugnant.

Yet Democrats like Harris continue to avoid condemning the practice, likely out of fear of alienating their most extreme supporters.

Polling consistently shows that the vast majority of Americans oppose abortion in the third trimester, with many viewing it as unnecessary and inhumane. These sentiments are reflected even among those who generally support abortion rights.

However, Democrats have largely aligned themselves with organizations like Planned Parenthood, which advocate for unrestricted access to abortion — even in the latest stages of pregnancy.

Trump capitalized on this disconnect between the Democratic platform and public opinion, leaving Harris floundering on stage. By repeatedly pressing her on this issue, Trump underscored the extremism of Harris’s position without her even needing to confirm it. Her silence spoke louder than any words she could have mustered.

Ralph Northam’s comments about late-term abortion and infanticide have haunted the Democratic Party since he uttered them in 2019. His remarks about letting infants die after birth struck a chord with pro-lifers and moderate voters alike, who saw this as a horrifying endorsement of infanticide. It remains one of the most controversial moments in the ongoing abortion debate.

Trump’s decision to bring up Northam’s comments was not only a clever debate tactic but also a reminder of how far left the Democratic Party has shifted on abortion. What was once an argument about “safe, legal, and rare” has now morphed into an all-out defense of abortion at any stage, for any reason.

For Republicans, this shift presents a golden opportunity to corner Democrats on an issue where they are increasingly out of step with the American people.

Northam’s remarks, and Harris’s failure to distance herself from them, reveal the Democratic Party’s uncomfortable relationship with the abortion issue. While Democrats like to frame themselves as champions of women’s rights, their refusal to acknowledge the humanity of a baby in the late stages of pregnancy exposes a darker, more extreme agenda that voters are beginning to notice.

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