Prudent Politics

1391 POSTS

Gross abuse by a Radical Liberal leader has people outraged

The Radical Left has been doing everything they can to destroy this great nation. But now they have taken it too far. And gross abuse...

NYC just betrayed Americans for this foreign enemy

Liberals never had any great love for this country. But the citizens of their strongholds are being punished now. And NYC just betrayed Americans...

Sickening Hakeem Jeffries allegations have the Democratic party in a panic

The Democrat party has been accusing Republicans of crimes since the dawn of time it seems. But now, the script has been flipped. And...

Chilling Trump assassination rumors have Americans outraged

It is no secret that the Radical Left hates Trump. But no one expected them to take things this far. And new chilling assassination...

Stunning scandal rocks the White House and you won’t believe how Biden responds

The current administration has been covered in scandal after scandal over the past three years. But now things have risen to a new high....

Prudent Politics

1391 POSTS