Prudent Politics

1387 POSTS

Joe Biden’s border crisis got so much worse with this one move

Joe Biden has effectively ruined border security and thrown this nation into a ridiculous crisis. All of this could have been avoided with strong...

Nikki Haley’s desperate attempts at thwarting Trump just fell massively short

Despite recent hiccups, Donald Trump still majorly leads in the Republican polls. He looks untouchable. And Nikki Haley's desperate attempts at thwarting Trump just fell...

Democrat Mayor admits that Biden has destroyed this country

The Radical Left is trying to paint a rosy picture of Joe Biden for this election season. However, when your own party turns on...

Trump-appointed judge foils Radical Left’s latest plan

The Radical Left is doing everything they can to push their harmful agenda on the world. But thankfully there are still true patriots who...

Prudent Politics

1387 POSTS