Prudent Politics

1382 POSTS

Jack Smith drops bombshell that outlines his absurd and illegal plans

Jack Smith has been coming after Trump and doing everything he can to stop the former president. But now, he has crossed yet another...

Biden’s law breaking has finally been exposed for all to see

Joe Biden has been pushing his radical agenda on the American people since before he was president. But now, things might be slowing down...

Donald Trump’s shocking announcement to supporters will make your jaw drop

The Left cannot stop attacking Trump and trying to stop him from running for president. But the American people know the truth about the...

House Speaker Johnson calls out Senate for this absurd refusal

The Senate is being controlled by Democrats right now, and because of that it is almost impossible to get anything accomplished. But now the...

Judge overturns election and rules election fraud in shocking twist

Democrats refuse to admit that there is any election fraud at all even when evidence seems to point otherwise. But now, new evidence has...

Prudent Politics

1382 POSTS