Prudent Politics

1675 POSTS

Hillary Clinton confidant makes an unreal claim about Joe Biden you won’t believe

The Clintons' reach is long. Now they're rearing their heads once again. And this Hillary Clinton confidant made an unreal claim about Joe Biden you...

Washington, D.C. rushes to cover-up this illegal targeting of conservatives

The nation's capital shouldn't have an agenda. But we all know where they stand. And now Washington, D.C. rushed to cover-up this illegal targeting of...

Bombshell report reveals Joe Biden’s involvement in this scandal involving a deadly global threat

Biden's presidency is coming to an end. But all the skeletons in his closet are about to be revealed. And this bombshell report reveals...

Leader of this foreign threat just made one demand of Donald Trump

Trump has his hands full and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. He's going to be one busy man after his inauguration. And...

The Pentagon is sounding the alarm on a secret weapon that is terrifying D.C.

The US has plenty of enemies. And now they've got their crosshairs trained. And now the Pentagon is sounding the alarm on a secret weapon...

Prudent Politics

1675 POSTS