Prudent Politics

1679 POSTS

This high profile politician exposes for living in a retirement home

Many around the country have asked for term limits. This isn't going to make anyone feel better. Because this high profile politician was exposed for...

John Fetterman betrayed Democrats with these shocking comments about Trump

Senator Fetterman has been a surprise to say the least. He was billed as a radical, but has since joined Republicans on some key...

Trump takes Biden to court in a move that has the White House crumbling

Donald Trump is getting his revenge. He's not letting Joe Biden off the hook. And Trump takes Biden to court in a move that...

The White House was exposed for sending thousands of American troops into this foreign nation

Joe Biden has destabilized this country and the world. But now it's all out in the open. Because the White House was exposed for sending...

Joe Biden goes missing and the Democrats’ response will completely shock you

Biden is no where to be found. His absence comes at the worst time possible. And Joe Biden has gone missing and the Democrats' response...

Prudent Politics

1679 POSTS