Prudent Politics

1373 POSTS

The Pentagon is under fire after these racist revelations

The radical Left wants nothing more than to divide and conquer this country. And nowhere has this been more evident than in how they...

Donald Trump could shut down CNN with this stunning move

CNN's been on a bumpy ride the past few years. The network's ratings are taking and their bank accounts are dwindling. And now Donald Trump...

Donald Trump’s face turned red when he heard what Obama had to say about him

Barack Obama was hoping to be replaced by another radical Democrat. That didn't happen when President Trump beat Hillary Clinton. But Obama just let out...

This Democrat dropped a bombshell about Hillary Clinton’s future in 2024

The Clinton's are like a fungus you just can't seem to get rid of. Hillary won't be happy until she wields the executive power. And...

Joe Biden has blood on his hands after this tragedy in the Middle East

There's no doubt that Joe Biden's approach to foreign policy has been disastrous. The botched Afghanistan pullout highlighted that reality. And now Joe Biden has...

Prudent Politics

1373 POSTS