Prudent Politics

1620 POSTS

A leading Democrat just made a stunning disclosure that could cost her the election

Democrats' political situation is getting worse every day. Races they thought were safe are now within the reach of Republicans. And a leading Democrat just...

All hell will break loose if Republicans win this one race

The 2022 midterms are proving to be a hotly contested cycle this time around. Everything is up for grabs for Republicans and Democrats alike. And...

Paul Ryan just played this dirty trick on Donald Trump

Paul Ryan, the former RINO Speaker of the House, is not a fan of Donald Trump. Ryan is one of many establishment insiders attempting...

The Supreme Court just slapped Nancy Pelosi with a stunning order

For years, the Democrats relied on the High Supreme Court to legislate from the bench for their radical agenda. But the tides are changing...

Trump’s 2024 announcement has RINO Republicans kicking and screaming

Donald Trump continues to gear up for a 2024 re-election campaign. And Trump had something to say to the Republican Party. And Trump's 2024 announcement...

Prudent Politics

1620 POSTS