Prudent Politics

1649 POSTS

Joe Biden wasn’t prepared for what Ron DeSantis just did to him

Biden has taken a beating lately. His radical agenda is falling apart at the seams, and he’s desperately trying to piece it back together. But...

Biden just blew billions on his latest blunder

No one ever accused Joe Biden of being stingy with the taxpayers' money. His reckless spending has sent us spiraling past $30 trillion in...

You won’t believe which Democrat just claimed to be God

There’s no doubt that Democrats believe they’re better than conservatives. But now they’ve gone too far. You won't believe which Democrat just claimed to...

Kamala Harris was just exposed for doing this one thing to Joe Biden

Harris is known to perform “favors” to advance her career. That’s how she got her start in this business. Kamala Harris was just exposed for...

Donald Trump couldn’t stop laughing after this Democrat admitted he was right all along

During his four years in office, Donald Trump turned a ton of heads for breaking the status quo. He drove the political establishment crazy. But...

Prudent Politics

1649 POSTS