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Karine Jean-Pierre exposed one shocking truth about Joe Biden that will leave you stunned


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s only job is to twist the truth to shield Joe Biden. But she accidentally let one cat out of the bag.

And Karine Jean-Pierre exposed one shocking truth about Joe Biden that will leave you stunned.

President Joe Biden has always been a stumbling public speaker who has made Democrats cringe.

With his significant mental degeneration, the President’s famous gaffes and uncertainty have become even more visible and frequent.

Because of his terrible communication abilities, President Biden’s advisers decided to keep him hidden for the 2020 Presidential campaign.

His handlers carefully manage his occasional public appearances now that he’s in the White House.

Despite his tight control, Biden has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth during his few public appearances.

Both Republicans and Democrats are putting pressure on Biden to publicly confront the Communist Chinese spy balloon debacle, as well as the other mystery high-altitude objects shot down in recent weeks.

President Biden eventually addressed the public following rising pressure from his regime’s lack of transparency.

Nevertheless, before he could address the public, the legacy media grilled White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the absence of information.

Jean-Pierre has been fumbling in her attempts to justify the besieged President and his failed regime, and she made one assertion about Biden that no one saw coming.

When reporters pressed Jean-Pierre on whether President Biden would address the American people about the Communist Chinese spy balloon issue, she skirted the topic, claiming that the President was taking the problem very seriously.

According to Newsmax White House journalist James Rosen, Biden has a number of alternatives for speaking to the public.

“There’s obviously a variety of settings the President can employ: set pieces, impromptu remarks, teleprompter, no teleprompter, et cetera, et cetera,” Rosen said.

“Is it the view of the President’s communications team that he is equally adept in all settings, in terms of communications?” he added. “Or are there some that play to greater strengths, some where he probably isn’t as strong, et cetera?”

“I will tell you this,” Jean-Pierre replied. “The President is the best communicator that we have in the White House.”

The terrifying element for the besieged Press Secretary is that she may be telling the truth for the first time.

Jean-Pierre has come under fire from all sides for her performance as White House Press Secretary.

Vice President Kamala Harris frequently produces terrible word salads that leave people perplexed.

Jean-Pierre was extensively derided on social media following her stupid remark.

“The guy can’t utter coherent sentences on a regular basis… but at least he hasn’t called Canada ‘Canadia,’” Steve Guest, a communications advisor for Senator Ted Cruz ( R-TX) said on social media.

Jean-Pierre mispronounced “Canada” as “Canadia” during an interview with MSNBC.

Karine Jean-Pierre stepped on a rake when she stated that a President who fails to string together a coherent sentence communicates better than she does.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s been delivered devastating test results


President Biden’s been worried about this day for a long time. Now it’s arrived.

And Joe Biden’s been delivered utterly devastating test results.

According to fresh information issued on Thursday morning, the Producer Price Index (PPI), which monitors inflation upstream from consumers, saw its key headline and core values climb at their fastest rates since June and March 2022, respectively.

According to the Department of Labor Statistics, yearly growth in the headline PPI increased to 6.0 percent in January after increasing by 0.7 percent.

The statistic issued on Thursday exceeded expectations and showed the biggest monthly gain since last June’s 0.9 percent increase, despite estimates calling for a monthly headline PPI increase of only 0.4 percent.

Importantly, the headline PPI gain in January more than negated any “progress” President Joe Biden may have touted in decreasing expenses last year when PPI showed drops of -0.2% in December 2022 and -0.3% in July.

Core PPI inflation, which does not include food, energy, or trade services, increased by 0.6 percent in January, the highest gain since it increased by 0.9 percent in March 2022.

The numbers released on Thursday are yet another step backward for Americans’ hopes that the country’s exorbitant prices will soon begin to decline noticeably. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which was released earlier this week, and the PPI, however, both revealed inflation to be burning hotter than anticipated.

Additionally, it fuels concerns that the Federal Reserve will keep raising interest rates through 2023, as evidenced by Thursday’s decline on Wall Street in response to the most recent PPI data.

The economy has been a serious sore point for the Biden administration ever since late 2021.

According to polls, Americans have largely listed the state of the economy and inflation as their number one issue heading into the 2024 election cycle.

Polls have also shown that Americans trust Republicans way more than they trust Democrats to get America on the right track economically.

Overall, this is devastating for Joe Biden and the Democrats right now. Joe Biden is insisting on another 2024 run, and all measures indicate that the economy is going to get worse.

He said during his State of the Union address that inflation has eased, but that’s only partially true. The rate of inflation has eased from nearly 10% to now 6% or so. But the federal government’s goal has been 2% year-over-year inflation.

That 2% mark is what we got during the Trump administration’s tenure, but it looks like we’re about to get more double-digit inflation from the Biden economy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden started screaming after being backstabbed by this major Democrat


Joe Biden’s presidency is a total disaster for the country. Even his allies are starting to jump ship.

And President Biden started screaming after being backstabbed by this major Democrat.

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was previously seen as one of the Democratic Party’s rising stars.

Despite his horrifying mistakes, such as placing infected people in nursing homes, the media adored him during the pandemic.

Cuomo’s political career ended abruptly when he resigned following numerous sexual assault charges.

However, the former New York Governor raised eyebrows by admitting that Republicans such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott are correct about the border situation.

Cuomo attacked President Joe Biden for his terrible handling of the border situation on his Matter of Fact podcast, saying that the “southern states were right.”

“It was a mistake for President Biden to open the border without having a plan to handle the tremendous flow of people,” Cuomo said. “President Biden had said he would do it in the campaign but you can’t change a policy unless you have the program in place to manage the change.”

Cuomo revealed what Biden officials and other Democrats have long denied: Joe Biden purposefully opened the border.

He explained that the Biden administration was unaware of the “consequences of enacting those promises.”

“The southern states were right that opening the border created a tremendous hardship for them to handle,” Cuomo said in a nod to states like Florida, Arizona and Texas. “They were right that the federal government was not prepared.”

The former New York Governor did say he disagreed with DeSantis, Abbott, and former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s policies of transporting illegal immigrants to sanctuary states like New York.

Joe Biden demolished former President Donald Trump’s successful border security programs, and the repercussions have been disastrous.

Under Biden, more than six million illegal immigrants have entered the country, nearly as many as the left-wing state of Massachusetts.

Cuomo blamed Joe Biden for precipitating the border situation.

“This is a federal problem,” Cuomo explained. “Immigration is a federal responsibility.”

Cuomo claimed that the influx of illegal immigrants under Biden was wreaking devastation across the country.

“The border is not just the gateway for people, but for drugs,” Cuomo said.

With the southern border open, drug overdose deaths, particularly from fentanyl, are on the rise.

Mexican drug cartels are smuggling record volumes of fentanyl into the United States over the United States-Mexico border.

“This is on top of a homeless problem that had already strained resources in urban areas,” Cuomo added.

New York City and other Democrat-led cities are collapsing under the weight of their increasing illegal populations and are asking federal disaster help to deal with them.

Joe Biden’s border crisis has been such a fiasco that even Democrats like Andrew Cuomo have given up on supporting his dictatorship.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Lindsey Graham just announced a traitorous move


RINO Senator Lindsey Graham isn’t even hiding it anymore. He’s an enemy of the United States of America.

Because Lindsey Graham just announced a traitorous move that will leave you red with rage.

Ever since Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016, there’s been a marked shift in the Republican party back to true conservative values that the Republican voter base cherish.

Gone are the days when the likes of Mitt Romney and John McCain could easily win the Republican nomination for President because Donald Trump changed politics forever as an anti-establishment outsider.

But the Republican party still has RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who are deeply entrenched in their offices in Congress.

Mitt Romney, for example, is still a U.S. Senator even after losing the 2012 election by a wide margin.

Lindsey Graham is also another RINO who conservatives can’t seem to rid themselves of. For every good thing he does, he does makes five other moves that are blatantly anti-conservative and anti-true Republican.

There’s one issue RINOs should never cross Republican voters on, and that’s immigration. Donald Trump reinvigorated the base with the idea of building a wall on the southern border to protect America from illegal immigrants trying to pour over the border.

But Lindsey Graham is doing exactly that – crossing his base on immigration.

According to reports, Lindsey Graham will be introducing the DREAM Act of 2023 to provide illegal immigrants with an amnesty path to permanent living in the United States.

Graham is teaming up with the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin on the legislation, as they have in years past.

Newsmax reports:

Graham is teaming with Senate Judiciary Committee chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., to introduce the DREAM Act of 2023, which would allow illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children who meet certain education or work requirements to earn permanent residence.

“While I continue to support relief for DREAMers, I hope my Democratic colleagues understand we must repair a broken border and address a tsunami of illegal immigration before that is remotely possible,” Graham said according to a press release on the Senate Judiciary government website.

He says that they must “convince” Americans that illegal immigration will stop in order to give the DREAMers this amnesty.

“To provide relief to this population, we must first convince Americans that the unending wave of illegal immigration will stop.”

Breitbart has reported that the amnesty bill would give 2 million illegal immigrants permanent residence in the United States and will cost Americans tens of billions of taxpayer dollars.

Bretibart reports:

A prior Breitbart News analysis found that a DACA amnesty would cost American taxpayers some $115 billion by opening Obamacare rolls to newly legalized illegal aliens. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that such an amnesty would cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Let’s be very clear. Lindsey Graham does not care about the “humanity” of illegal immigrants like he claims to.

This is a political stunt and an attempt to pander to the “independent” Americans who already weren’t his voters to begin with. He’s betraying his voters back in South Carolina who don’t want to see illegal immigrants granted amnesty and cost Americans billions more in taxpayer dollars.

It’s a typical move of a RINO. And once a RINO, always a RINO.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Merrick Garland was EXPOSED weaponizing the DOJ for this sinister reason


Attorney General Merrick Garland has been targeting conservatives from day one. But he crossed a major red line with one disturbing decision.

And Merrick Garland was EXPOSED weaponizing the DOJ for this sinister reason.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is President Joe Biden’s chief political stooge.

The FBI is being used to crack down on Americans who reject the Biden administration.

According to a leaked internal memo from the FBI’s Richmond field office, the agency was planning to classify Catholics as “potential terrorists.”

Former FBI agent and whistleblower Kyle Seraphin revealed the intelligence paper, which claimed that traditional Catholics who attend Latin Mass were associated with “white supremacy” and constituted a threat of “violence.”

The document seems to have predicated this erroneous evaluation on propaganda from the extremist left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The SPLC is a discredited left-wing nonprofit that professes to be “apolitical” in order to slander conservatives and make them the target of political persecution.

According to the report, traditional Catholics have “anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology.”

The FBI said that they had “high confidence” in the alleged threat presented by Catholicism based on fraudulent evidence from the SPLC.

This is an obvious attempt to target a conservative religious group opposed to the Biden administration’s hardline abortion-on-demand program.

After the intelligence document was revealed, the FBI’s religious intolerance prompted anger.

The FBI backed down from the document, stating it did not match the agency’s standards.

“Upon learning of the document, FBI Headquarters quickly began taking action to remove the document from FBI systems and conduct a review of the basis for the document,” the FBI claimed. 

“The FBI is committed to sound analytic tradecraft and to investigating and preventing acts of violence and other crimes while upholding the constitutional rights of all Americans and will never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.”

The FBI only backed down once the horrifying document was revealed, and public outrage ensued.

The persecution of traditional Catholics follows the Justice Department’s targeting of other pro-life Catholics following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

House Republicans are planning an investigation into the Justice Department’s politicized targeting of pro-lifers, especially Catholics.

This is just another setback for the FBI, which has been exposed as the Biden regime’s political enforcers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe what AOC just said about Hunter Biden


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been known for being totally unhinged. But she just took it to another level.

And you won’t believe what AOC just said about Hunter Biden.

More damning details concerning the dubious activities of the Biden family are revealed every day.

And the double standards and favoritism being displayed to the Biden family have incensed the populace.

Joe Biden and his family have allegedly committed crimes and misdemeanors that would throw the average American in jail for decades now and gotten away with it.

However, those days of impunity might be coming to an end now that Republicans are in charge of the House of Representatives.

Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, which is at the heart of numerous ongoing investigations, was found to contain a number of incriminating documents, according to a repairman who worked on it.

After all this time, Hunter finally acknowledges that the laptop is his.

However, the Left and its propagandists in the “mainstream” media tried all in their power to censor it, bury it, and even deny it almost as soon as this story broke before the 2020 presidential election.

This included requesting Twitter to remove the initial report on the laptop from the New York Post just before the 2020 elections.

The Left just crushed the news because they understood that a further investigation into this controversy would have been disastrous for Joe Biden and the Democrat party in the 2020 elections.

The laptop and its infamous contents, however, are now again making headlines.

To stop the recently rekindled investigations from going any further, Democrats and their media goons are inventing a myriad of absurd justifications.

For instance, vocal socialist and radical Leftist favorite Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) just came up with the most ludicrous justification to date.

Additionally, AOC stated, “I think it’s especially atrocious given that this was a person who has been open about struggling with substance misuse and it’s just a horrifying thing to do.”

In summary, Hunter Biden should not be held liable for any potential crimes, according to AOC, because of his extensive drug usage past.

Some of the thousands of drug addicts who are currently imprisoned for their crimes would disagree.

But nobody should be shocked by AOC’s absurd justification.

Radical leftists like AOC are known for abdicating responsibility, and it appears that the Democrat platform shares this trait.

The good news is that it appears that no one who is truly looking into these issues has paid much attention to or taken seriously any of these comments.

As one of the Republicans looking into the incident, Congressman James Comer (R-KY) recently stated, “This coordinated effort by the Biden Administration to hide information about President Biden and his family’s shady business schemes is alarming and raises many questions.”

However, AOC’s remarks highlight how anxious some Democrats are to protect Joe Biden and his family from any additional inquiries.

Nobody is above the law in the United States, even the President, and this is the cornerstone of the country’s criminal justice system.

But it doesn’t appear like Joe Biden, the FBI, the DOJ, or any of Biden’s Democratic allies comprehend this fundamental idea.

Hunter’s Biden laptop should be made public, as should the reasons Joe Biden and his thugs are determined to prevent any discussion of it.

These challenging concerns will need to be addressed soon by Joe Biden and his friends, and perhaps House Republicans will keep them accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris will never live down the shame from this embarrassing act


Kamala Harris believed she was on the verge of a historic win. She was forced to face the harsh reality of one massive blunder.

And Kamala Harris will never live down the shame from this embarrassing act.

The most important function assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris by President Joe Biden is that of the regime’s “border czar.”

Under her watch, the Biden border crisis is out of control, with unprecedented volumes of illegal immigration.

Vice President Harris is avoiding visits to the border and has repeatedly asserted that “the border is secure.”

Instead of doing her job and guarding the border, Harris is stumbling around looking for the ostensible “root causes” of illegal immigration in Central America.

After months of seemingly doing nothing as the regime’s “border czar,” the Vice President attempted to conduct a victory lap during a press conference.

Private corporations are investing $4.2 billion in Central America for economic growth, gender fairness, green energy, and other regime priorities, according to Harris.

“These investments have created jobs, these investments have increased access to the financial system, including to the internet,” Harris said. “Our root causes strategy and these investments represent a long term development effort, but we are already beginning to see positive trends.”

Harris also stated that the Biden administration will spend an additional $956 million of your tax dollars in Central America, on top of the $3.2 billion already spent.

During the news conference, she attempted to claim that the number of illegal aliens encountered at the southern border had decreased in January.

While Harris asserted that there are “positive trends” at the border, the truth is much different.

Under President Biden, December was the worst month on record for illegal immigration, and in January, over 150,000 illegal aliens – nearly the population of a mid-sized city like Pasadena, California – were apprehended at the southern border.

Vice President Harris was lambasted by National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd when she attempted to pat herself on the back.

“This is nothing more than a political stunt,” Judd said. “We cannot control what happens in other countries. We can only control what happens here, and we’re not doing that.”

Transferring funds to Central America for progressive causes like as gender justice and green energy accomplishes little to address the current border problem, which is exacerbated by the Biden administration’s open border policy.

Previous presidential administrations attempted to stabilize Central America with little success.

Stephen Miller, one of the architects of previous President Donald Trump’s successful border security policy, believes the Vice President would simply exacerbate the situation.

“Sending more money to Central America — while leaving our border wide open — means more cash is available for illegal immigrants to pay their smugglers,” Miller told Fox News. “As long as the Administration continues to allow illegal immigrants to enter by the millions — from over one hundred countries — giving American cash to three nations in Central America is just a further accelerant to record illegal immigration.”

Kamala Harris’ ludicrous answer to the border situation will only add fuel to the flames.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kayleigh McEnany asked Joe Biden one question he isn’t going to like


Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany took time away from the network to enjoy motherhood. But she’s back fiery than ever.

And Kayleigh McEnany asked Joe Biden one question he isn’t going to like.

Kayleigh McEnany is now caring for another newborn instead of the infants of the White House press corps, but she hasn’t lost any of her composure.

The former White House press secretary made her first appearance back on Fox News’ “Outnumbered” on Tuesday. Her co-hosts gave her a warm greeting and encouraged all new mothers.

But she didn’t spend any time returning to the current events, starting off with a direct query for the person who now occupies her former position at the White House podium.

McEnany, who is well-known for her Christian faith and devotion to her family, offered some words of wisdom to nursing mothers on the “Outnumbered” set as she made her triumphant return:

Even if the experience seems like drudgery, savor it for the blessing it is.

“I just want to say one thing. … It’s so easy as a mom to get into the habit of diaper, bottle, swaddle,” she said.

“It’s a routine you do every three hours. Diaper, bottle, swaddle. And you can lose the moment.“ And so, all those young moms out there, take a beat, take a moment, take it in.”

Even on her first day back, McEnany shown that she is just as well-prepared as she was during her press conferences, where she routinely outperformed the phonies posing as reporters in the liberal media.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the current White House press secretary, was brought up as the hosts discussed the Biden administration’s disgraceful handling of the Chinese spy balloon that crossed the North American continent last week. Jean-Pierre consistently demonstrates that she is not qualified for the position.

“I have some gaps I’d love to have explained,” she proclaimed.

“First of all, the leaking against the Trump administration – three balloons in the Trump administration – denied by [Mike] Pompeo, denied by Mark Esper, denied by John Bolton, denied by many others, all defense officials that I’ve seen in the administration,” McEnany added.

“I never had a Chinese spy balloon tab on my binder, I can tell you that much, because we didn’t know about it. At least I certainly didn’t. So the leaking against the Trump administration was interesting.”

She continued by questioning why there had been a three-day delay between the Pentagon’s discovery of the Chinese surveillance balloon and the President’s briefing on the subject.

“But the gap I want explained … The Pentagon, Jan. 28, says U.S. officials first detected the balloon and its payload on Jan. 28, this is before it crosses Alaska. Jan. 31, Karine Jean-Pierre at the White House says this, ‘He, the president, was briefed on this on Tuesday.’ That’s Jan. 31,” McEnany said.

“Was the president of the United States not briefed on this for three days? Did he miss the opportunity to shoot it down over Alaska?” McEnany asked.

It’s an excellent question.

According to the White House website where briefing transcripts are released, the following formal Jean-Pierre news briefing wasn’t till Wednesday. Additionally, concerns about President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address predominated the Wednesday briefing. The balloon questions that did surface failed to fill the void McEnany mentioned.

According to reports from pro-Biden media outlets like CNN and Politico, American military officials were aware of the Chinese balloon on January 28, but Biden wasn’t made aware of it until January 31.

Every day it becomes more and more obvious that Karine Jean-Pierre, a lady of near-stupefying stupidity, is unable to perform the duties for which she is being compensated.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

RINO Mitch McConnell could lose everything after this sick plot was uncovered


Mitch McConnell has never been a conservative. He would rather play ball with Democrats and collect his paycheck than defend America.

But RINO Mitch McConnell could lose everything after this sick plot was uncovered.

Conservatives wanted changes in the Republican Senate leadership following the November midterm elections.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) strategy of caving to President Joe Biden on guns, the Green New Deal, and numerous socialist spending sprees while failing to offer a positive conservative agenda contributed significantly to Republicans underperforming in numerous races across the country.

Voters witnessed Senator McConnell vote for President Biden’s entire program, and Democrats remained in power partly because the Republican establishment offered no meaningful alternative other than not having the letter “D” beside their name.

Despite pre-election polls indicating that Republicans would win the majority, McConnell’s catastrophic plan allowed Democrats to take one Senate seat.

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) ran against Senator McConnell in the GOP conference’s leadership elections, and he received the support of nine other Senate conservatives.

But, as usual, McConnell got his revenge in the end, removing Senator Scott and conservative Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) from the Senate Commerce Committee solely for daring to reject the Kentucky Senator’s rule.

Scott said in an email to supporters that McConnell intended to silence conservatives for criticizing his ineffective leadership.

“Mitch McConnell just removed me from a Senate Committee for challenging him for Republican Leader,” Scott wrote. “This is what happens when you challenge leadership in Washington.”

“It’s the kind of vintage Washington insider move you find here in the swamp,” he added. “But that won’t stop me from pushing Senate Republican leaders to act like Republicans.”

Senator McConnell attempted to dismiss the stories of Lee and Scott losing their committee assignments.

“The way we do things, for two years, he could have traded in one of his permanent committees for Commerce and stayed on it,” McConnell claimed of Scott. 

“He had a temporary assignment. There were others who wanted it. And I gave it to two other Senators. No particular reprisal in mind, I had no animus toward Rick Scott at all.”

“He could have picked that as one of his two main committees,” he continued. “There were others who wanted a temporary assignment on Commerce, in addition to him. I ended up giving it to Sen. [Shelley Moore] Capito and Sen. [Cynthia] Lummis, both of whom I think would argue that they, too, could be good members of the Commerce Committee.”

McConnell is free to say whatever he wants, but it’s evident that he wanted to send a message to conservatives.

Senator McConnell said in 2014 that the Republican establishment would “crush” Tea Party primary candidates everywhere, despite the fact that the Tea Party wave won Republicans both House and Senate majorities in 2010.

Mitch McConnell now wants to scare conservatives into sitting down, shutting up, and bowing to the Republican establishment elite.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump sent Joe Biden packing with one video


Americans are hurting due to Joe Biden’s policies. And Donald Trump has had enough.

Because Donald Trump sent Joe Biden packing with this one video.

As one could’ve expected, Joe Biden’s most recent State of the Union address was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish.

Joe Biden invited guests like the Nichols family but then proceeded to mispronounce Tyre Nichols’ name and instead called him Tyler Nichols.

Biden also seemed to indicate that he thought the Super Bowl was on Wednesday instead of Sunday, even though it is always played on a Sunday.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave the Republican response to Joe Biden’s State of The Union address, and she did a fairly good job.

She pointed out how Joe Biden and the Democrats represent extremism that the American people simply don’t want to reach our cities and towns.

But she wasn’t the only one responding to Joe Biden’s lie-filled speech.

Donald Trump chimmed in with his own comments in a video that he shared on social media where he completely blasted Biden for being one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history.

“Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our Southern border,” Trump began in his video.

Trump would go on to state the facts about how violent criminals who hurt our societies are pouring over the border because of the southern border crisis that Joe Biden has worsened.

Then he lamented Joe Biden’s economic policies.

“Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century,” Trump said.

“Real wages are down 21 months in a row. Gas prices have soared and are now going up much higher than even before and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year,” the former President added.

Additionally, Trump noted how the Biden admin is using the DOJ against his political enemies and that they are waging “war” on free speech.

“His administration is waging war on free speech,” Trump ranted.

“They’re trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children. He’s leading us to the brink of World War III. And on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt president in American history, and it’s not even close.”

He did end the mini-video speech with hope for our nation, however.

He said that there is “unfinished business” to make America great again and that he believes America will be stronger than ever before if we “put America first.”

You can watch the video below:

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A leading Republican was just accused of this heinous crime by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Politicians are known for not being the most virtuous people. But Americans couldn’t help but be horrified by this.

That’s because a leading Republican was just accused of this heinous crime by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) reacted angrily after Republicans removed her ally, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), from the Foreign Relations Committee due to Omar’s long history of anti-Semitic statements.

Ocasio-Cortez arrived on CNN to explain the issue, and guest anchor John Berman referenced a scenario from the House Speaker election.

Cameras captured Rep. Ocasio-Cortez speaking with Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), whom previous House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) expelled off committee assignments over an anime video that she said incited violence against the New York socialist.

Berman questioned what they discussed and whether Rep. Gosar apologized.

Gosar, according to Ocasio-Cortez, did not apologize, and she told him the only thing she agreed on was opposing Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for Speaker of the House.

“No, no,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “There was never an apology. But I think what a lot of people sometimes fail to understand is that when a workplace has been made unsafe for a person, it is then up to that individual to try to survive on their own. This is not an institution that protects, this is not a party that protects people that they disagree with.”

“But that being said, what it comes to with those remarks with Representative Gosar, one of the things I told him is, ‘I can’t stand what you did, and I can’t stand what you stand for, but I don’t think that you should support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker either,’” she continued. “And, you know, that’s one thing on one day that I think both of us were in alignment on.”

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez then reverted to her tried-and-true technique of accusing Rep. Gosar and other Republicans of “stochastic terrorism” against her.

“I think it’s uncomfortable serving with people who engage in what many experts deem stochastic terrorism, which is the incitement of violence in a — which is an incitement of violence using digital means and large platforms so that individual themselves may not be the one that’s wielding a weapon,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed.

Ocasio-Cortez then falsely claimed she required the same degree of protection as the President of the United States just to travel owing to alleged death threats she received as a result of Republicans participating in “stochastic terrorism.”

“But I have had to ride, as has Representative Omar, I’ve consistently had to ride in 20,000-pound armored vehicles, you know, engaging in some of the most gruesome threats that you can imagine that were incited by Republican members,” Ocasio-Cortez suggested. 

“This is not just about a tweet. It is about what life looks like and the marshaling of hundreds, thousands, if not millions of people into doing something. And Donald Trump knows that very well, and he uses and used his rallies very strategically in order to engage in political intimidation of what he deemed his political enemies.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Democratic colleagues adore the phrase “stochastic terrorism.”

Stochastic terrorism is a phrase coined by the Left to outlaw speech that they oppose.

Dictionary.com defines stochastic terrorism as “public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.”

In effect, Democrats can claim that anyone who criticizes them is engaging in “stochastic terrorism” because someone might attack a Democrat someday, even if there is no evidence that anyone is in any danger.

Democrats want to imprison Americans for their political ideas and expression.

They’re merely utilizing stochastic terrorism as a means to an end.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This family photo has Donald Trump worried sick


Donald Trump has already announced his run for President for 2024. But he might need to cancel his campaign.

Because this family photo has Donald Trump worried sick to his stomach.

The truth is that the Trump family is one of the more admired first families in the recent American history.

Millions of Americans became heavily invested in the lives of Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and the rest of the entire family.

The reason for that is that the Trump family individuals actually care about America and doing good in their societies, unlike most powerful Washington, D.C. moguls.

But recently, Americans keeping up with the Trumps noticed something odd from just one photo posted online.

This past July, Ivanka Trump’s mother, Ivana, passed away after falling down the stairs of her home in Manhattan.

The entire Trump family was shaken and her ex-husband Donald Trump shared his condolences over her passing and Ivana was eventually buried at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Reports online indicated that the loss of Ivanka’s mother has been really hard on her so far, and there might be truth to those reports.

Ivanka Trump posted a picture to her Instagram account with a simply caption that reads “Vote!”

But what’s concerning Americans who have become fond with the Trump’s is Ivanka herself.

Some are commenters pointed out that she appears to be very skinny.

“Love you but you need to eat. Not looking well at all,” one fan said.

“You lost so much weight since your mom passed away,” another noted.

Ivanka posted during the holidays that she was going through grief since it was her first holiday season without her mother being around.

“This is the first holiday season since the passing of my mother. It’s true: grief during the holidays can be harder than any other time of the year,” Ivanka Trump said on Instagram.

“The loss of a parent is one of life’s very painful passages for which one is never fully prepared. It hits at the very core of your being. And it takes a good amount of time to emerge from how it dislocates you.” she said.

Of course, no one should assume that anything is wrong with Ivanka, but it’s reasonable to expect fans to show concern if they notice something off.

Donald Trump is in a tough position right now, as well.

Another presidential term would be a huge burden for his family, and truly no one is ever prepared for that type of scrutiny.

Another run may be difficult on family members like Ivanka.

But Donald is also concerned about the state of the country as well, so it’s a tough plate to balance.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.