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Donald Trump was blindsided by this devastating backstab from Fox News


Donald Trump’s relationship with Fox News is deteriorating. He’s not a huge fan of what he’s seeing from the network.

But Donald Trump was blindsided by this devastating backstab from Fox News.

Donald Trump has had a rocky relationship with big media titans ever since the beginning.

Liberal outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and NBC spent years pushing false narratives in hopes of discrediting the former president.

Unfortunately for them, it only strengthened his resolve and he’s back with a fury now.

But even nominally conservative outlets like Fox News have pulled underhanded tricks on Trump.

And Donald Trump’s most recent critique of Fox News was directed at the network for airing repeated segments of left-wing comedian and HBO Real Time anchor Bill Maher.

Maher is a frequent opponent of the woke Left’s lunacy, including Critical Race Theory and their hardline gender ideology, and Fox News commentators like to broadcast Maher’s footage to demonstrate that many Democrats are rebelling against the Party’s radical agenda.

Trump, on the other hand, warned Fox News that Maher is a far-left liberal who supports abortion, gun control, and frequently repeats the fabricated Democrat talking point that former President Donald Trump and the 74 million Americans who voted for him want to overthrow the United States government.

“It amazes me that Fox News and soft Conservatives immediately put up Bill Maher on their Network when he makes a statement that is close to normal,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

“They think they’re being so cool, but MAGA people and real Conservatives view them as fools, playing right into the Radical Left’s hands, and don’t like it.”

Trump went on to criticize Fox News for airing excerpts of a liberal comedian who despises everything the Fox News audience believes in.

“Bill Maher is a Low Ratings sleazebag who should never be shown on a Conservative Network,” Trump added.

“He doesn’t believe in anything we stand for, and never will. He’s laughing at you for being weak and stupid!”

Even Maher, in his own way, agrees with Trump’s criticism.

“Let’s get this straight,” Maher said recently. “It’s not me who changed — it’s the Left, who is now made up of a small contingent who’ve gone mental, and a large contingent who refuse to call them out for it. But I will.”

“That’s why I’m a hero at Fox these days,” he concluded. “Which shows just how much liberals have their head up their a–, because if they really thought about it, they would have made me a hero on their media.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden just got stunning news about a White House coup


The Biden administration utterly collapsing is raising a ton of questions. Even Democrats admit they don’t know who is in charge anymore.

And now Joe Biden’s received stunning news about a White House coup.

Joe Biden has been putting on a facade for two years that everything in his administration is going smoothly and that the nation is stronger than ever before.

But anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain can see that those two statements are stretches, to say the least.

Just in the past several weeks, we’ve seen the Biden administration desperately trying to save face from the classified documents scandal that Joe Biden is facing.

And his job approval continues to sink underwater with the majority of Americans disapproving of how Joe Biden is handling the Presidency.

This has forced even many Democrats to wonder what they will do about the 2024 election and whether they can truly run Joe Biden again.

Some within Democrat circles have proposed the likes of Kamala Harris or even Hillary Clinton, but almost everyone acknowledges that both of those options are too toxic.

They’ve tried to get creative with their options, and one name in particular keeps coming up.

It’s surprising for sure. He certainly hasn’t done well at his job as the United States secretary of transportation for the Biden administration.

On top of that, he’s faced quite a bit of negative press lately for the domestic flight outage that some argue he is responsible for.

But his latest comments seem to indicate that he truly isn’t going to be looking to run for President in 2024 with the hope that Joe Biden steps aside.

“I don’t have any plans to do any job besides the one I’ve got,” Buttigieg told the media recently.

He would go on to say he has “the best job in the federal government.”

“I love this job, and I feel like we’re right in the middle of the action,” Buttigieg told Punchbowl News. “I’m not planning on going anywhere because we’re smack in the middle of historic work.”

Of course, it’s unclear if he’s just saying this to get the media off his back about running in 2024.

But it certainly leaves more questions unanswered.

The simple truth is that Joe Biden is going to have an incredibly tough job ahead of him in 2024 should he plan on running again for a second term.

His advancing age on top of sore approval numbers make his outlook pretty grim even in the best case scenarios.

In his worst case scenarios, he’ll be utterly blasted at the ballot box by a strong conservative Republican like Ron DeSantis.

Then there’s also the impact a Joe Biden campaign would have on the House and Senate elections. If Biden dramatically loses at the ballot box, it could mean that the House and Senate will swing far in the favor of the GOP as well.

For now, though, Joe Biden won’t be looking over his shoulder to stomp out anyone within his administration trying to take his spot.

But it feels like a matter of time before Joe Biden will be forced to step aside.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer screamed in rage after this top Democrat made this massive mistake


Chuck Schumer has a razor-thin Senate majority. One wrong move could cost him control.

And Chuck Schumer screamed in rage after this top Democrat made this massive mistake.

Democrats exceeded expectations by gaining one Senate seat in last year’s midterm elections.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer now has a 51-49 seat majority in the Upper Chamber.

Democrats are on pins and needles as the 2024 elections approach, because to an unfavorable Senate map that has the Party playing defense.

Arizona is one of the most important battleground states in the country, as the Senate race in 2024 might determine which party controls the majority.

Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), the current Senate seat holder, surprised the nation when she quit the Democratic Party to become an Independent.

The Arizona Senate election in 2024 is shaping up to be a three-way fight.

The first Arizona Democrat to enter the race is far-left Congressman Ruben Gallego, who could be the party’s frontrunner.

Gallego’s radical ties came back to haunt him after launching his bid in the battleground state.

The Congressman is bolstering his Senate campaign with extreme leftists who have a history of disparaging law enforcement.

Rebecca Katz worked on Senator John Fetterman’s (D-PA) campaign and is a Bernie Sanders supporter (I-VT).

She became a major consultant for the Gallego campaign, and her social media history revealed dangerous anti-police language.

Katz accused the police of carrying out a wave of violence against unarmed individuals following the death of George Floyd in 2020.

“We don’t have to imagine this. We’ve seen black people with no weapons getting the s— beat out of them for peacefully protesting all over the country. The police are most certainly not standing by and watching,” Katz said on social media.

In a 2020 social media post, Chuck Rocha, Gallego’s Latino outreach, charged cops of beating people based on their race.

Democrats have been fleeing the war on police enforcement that was initiated in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.

The Democratic Party promoted the failed “defund the cops” initiative and regularly chastised cops.

This triggered a tremendous crime wave, with murder and violence reaching their greatest levels in a generation across the country.

Democrats have done everything they can to brush their antipathy toward cops under the rug since they learned it was political poison.

Gallego is already indicating that he intends to surround his campaign with extreme leftists in a swing state like Arizona.

“Ruben Gallego is stocking his campaign with anti-police radicals. Arizona families can’t trust Gallego to stand up to Democrats’ ‘Defund the Police’ movement,” National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokeswoman Maggie Abboud told Fox News Digital.

Ruben Gallego’s ties to anti-police fanatics may cost him dearly in one of the most significant Senate contests in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe what Joe Biden just did to turn America into a communist country


Everyone knows the Democrat Party today can’t stand freedom and capitalism. They want to turn America into Venezuela.

And you won’t believe what Joe Biden just did to turn America into a communist country.

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone – and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.”

Barack Obama spoke those words when he had had enough of the then-Republican-controlled legislature failing to approve the legislation he wanted.

When it comes to executive orders, Joe Biden, Obama’s former vice president, is actually exceeding his predecessor.

President Biden issued 22 executive orders during his first week in the White House.

Former President Trump issued four in his first week, for comparison’s sake.

Biden enacted more than 60 executive orders in his first full year in office.

If you want to find a President with a greater yearly average, you have to go all the way back to the Jimmy Carter Presidency.

By the end of 2022, he increased that number to 106, according to the official register.

No end is in sight, either.

President Biden’s flagship initiative throughout his tenure in office may be responsible for one of his largest abuses of executive authority.

With a single stroke of the pen in August of last year, Biden attempted to erase hundreds of billions of dollars from the books without the approval of Congress.

The President attempted to start one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history by an unconstitutional executive order.

If he succeeds, he will have stolen upwards of a trillion dollars from American workers who did not attend college or who had worked hard to pay off their student debt – and handed it on a silver platter to partying college students and graduates with pointless degrees who had no intention of repaying their debts.

The legal system is currently deciding whether or not that order stands.

However, the President is already focusing on what could be his subsequent “pen and phone” moment.

The far-Left Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and squad leader Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York are urging the White House to enact nationwide rent control.

They asked for this in a letter they addressed to the White House last month.

According to PJ Media, the Biden Administration has started a chain of events that will result in just that.

A landlord is only permitted to charge a certain price for renting a property or renewing a lease under a government policy called rent control.

Municipalities typically pass rent control legislation, although the specifics might differ greatly.

However, Biden, Warren, and AOC want to make the program a national one.

President Biden has instructed the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to consider caps “for future investments and actions promoting renter protections,” according to Yahoo Finance.

According to the report, efforts are being made to “root out practices that unfairly prevent applicants and tenants from accessing or staying in housing” by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

However, “unfairly” is a completely arbitrary concept that neither AOC nor Warren nor anyone in the Biden Administration has attempted to define.

AOC and Warren also demanded a reinstatement to the COVID-era emergency protections that prohibited landlords from evicting tenants in their letter.

Democrats are arguing for what would essentially be a federal takeover of the rental market by citing the recent spike in rent prices.

When landlords decide it’s no longer worth the hassle to rent out homes and apartments at a loss and without the option to evict undesirable tenants, where will those who can’t afford to buy a property live?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden is fighting back tears after he was smacked with this devastating report


The Biden presidency has failed. Never before has an administration shown such terrible incompetency.

And now Joe Biden is fighting back tears after he was smacked with this devastating report.

As Joe Biden mulls over whether he should run for reelection in 2024, it seems clear to anyone with two working eyes that the American people are telling him “no”.

Recent FiveThirtyEight polling averages show Biden is limping along with just a 41.9 percent approval rating – one of the worst of his entire presidency, and down 11.1 points from when he took office.

But even more damning is a damning Gallup poll that shows what the American people think our biggest problem is.

According to the poll issued Monday, Americans believe the country’s largest problem is a lack of leadership from President Biden and Congress, outperforming inflation, the immigration crisis, and the status of the economy. ​

Despite Americans’ financial woes, “the government/poor leadership” has surpassed inflation as the “most important problem facing this country today,” according to a Gallup Poll, with 21% saying so compared to 15% last year.

Last year, the top two issues were inflation and the economy, with 16% each, followed by the government (15%), immigration (8%), and unifying the country (6%). ​

Concerns about the economy have dropped 6 percentage points to 10% in the last year, while inflation has dropped one point to 15% and immigration has risen 3 points to 11%.

The percentage of Americans who named unifying the country as one of the problems remained the same.

According to the most current data, Americans’ outlook appears to have matched the slowing rate of inflation, which decreased from 7.5% last January to 6.5% in December.

The poll was conducted between January 2 and 22, when the discovery of confidential materials at Biden’s Delaware home and the House of Representatives’ protracted struggle to elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House dominated news.

However, the poll found that Biden’s (41%) and Congress’ (21%) approval ratings have remained essentially steady over the past year.

Republicans (24%) say “the government/poor leadership” is a bigger concern than Democrats (18%).

Republicans rank inflation and the economy as the second-most pressing issues (18%), followed by the economy (11%), morality, ethics, and the family (6%), and the federal budget deficit (5%).

Democrats prioritize inflation (11%), the economy (9%), race relations (9%), national unity (8%) and the environment (6%).

And, while Americans may be concerned about the government, the economy is not exempt.

The economy is rated as poor by 45%, fair by 38%, and good by 15%.

Only 2% rate it as excellent, a percentage that is only somewhat higher than previous year.

However, 72% predict the economy will worsen, while 22% believe it will improve.

When asked about the job market, 64% believe it is a good time to find a “quality job,” while 33% believe it is a terrible time.

Last year, 62% thought it was a nice time, while 35% said it was a horrible time.

And with Biden making clear his intention to run for a second term, buckle up America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tucker Carlson just exposed Biden’s connections to Antifa


Conservatives are sounding the alarm about lawless Antifa groups rising up. But Joe Biden hasn’t lifted a finger.

Now we know why because Tucker Carlson just exposed Biden’s connections to Antifa.

The country is being swamped by left-wing violence and terrorism.

But Joe Biden is opting to remain silent rather than denouncing this savagery.

This silence demonstrates how unconcerned Joe Biden and his allies in Washington are with this left-wing terrorism.

Every American should be alarmed by this deafening silence.

Since Antifa only wants to destroy property, hurt people, and force their communist agenda on society, they don’t really care who you vote for.

Thankfully, there are some individuals out there who are prepared to confront these thugs.

One such person is Tucker Carlson, who just blasted Joe Biden on his Fox News television program, Tucker Carlson Tonight, for his unwillingness to denounce left-wing terrorism last Monday.

Carlson said, “Antifa is the armed instrument of the permanent Democratic establishment in Washington. Their job is to mobilize when politically necessary.”

Tucker Carlson added “So with that in mind, it’s interesting to note that Antifa is back in force, and that’s probably not a very good sign for Joe Biden. If nothing else, Antifa has a solid track record of getting rid of sitting Presidents.”

Again, Tucker Carlson is entirely correct on this subject.

Because terrorist organizations like Antifa, Jane’s Revenge, and Black Lives Matter carry out the dirty work of the Left, which benefits so-called “mainstream” Democrats, they are the reason why Democrats are silent about Antifa.

Without having to do anything, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can just sit back and watch while their henchmen pillage the streets of most significant American cities and towns.

The majority of Democrats are willing to put up with this violence as long as it serves their extreme agenda—or, in some cases, defends it.

There are far too many instances of left-wing violence to mention, and there is no doubt that Joe Biden and other establishment Democrats are solely to blame.

Today’s America faces a very serious threat from left-wing terrorism, and its citizens must be ready to respond.

Thugs from Antifa won’t stop until America is destroyed and fully communist rule is established.

Given this, it is reasonable to conclude that Antifa and other organizations of a similar nature do not belong in America or American society.

Legislators and law enforcement must make it a top priority to confront and stop these terrorists.

Joe Biden’s lack of response to this matter is an absolute disgrace.

Americans need to maintain putting pressure on lawmakers, particularly Democrats, to address this crucial issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden’s career in one breath


Joe Biden’s ship is sinking fast. His old friends are turning on him in droves.

And now a former Clinton advisor just ended Joe Biden’s career in one breath.

The outlook for Joe Biden in 2024 is grim, at best.

In a recent poll out of the University of New Hampshire, Biden loses by 5 percentage points in a potential matchup in the state to Pete Buttigieg.

Biden also narrowly ties with far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren with 18 percent of the vote.

Needless to say, the Biden administration is doing everything it can to stop their star from waning.

But former Clinton adviser Dick Morris says that Biden’s hopes of reelection in 2024 are effectively cut at the knees.

Morris, a longtime aide to Democratic former President Bill Clinton, told John Catsimatidis on his WABC radio show “The Cats Roundtable” about the scenario, stating, “That’s going to be the absolute end for Biden.”

Morris emphasized that the records, which have so far been discovered at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., as well as Biden’s house and garage in Wilmington, Delaware, were discovered in locations where the president’s problematic son Hunter may have had access to them.

According to many accounts, Hunter Biden identified the Wilmington house as his place of residence in 2017 following his divorce, when he was still a board member of Burisma and his father had already departed the White House.

Morris also addressed recent polling, which shows that only one-fourth of Democrats want Biden to run again in 2024.

“When Biden as president can’t get more than 25% of the primary vote in his own party, that’s near death. He’s so incredibly vulnerable,” Morris said, adding, “You’d think he’d be at 40% or 50% at the least. That means pretty much anybody that breathes on him can knock him over.”

Morris further said that the contents of the documents in question could cause problems for Biden, particularly if they contained information about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukraine.

“It’s different. Trump took them like mementos, like an ashtray. A letter from Kim Jong-un that he could show people … [Biden’s situation] is directly linked to a big bribery scandal involving the vice president and his son. That’s a whole other situation,” he said.

This likely make Morris the first major former Democrat to openly admit that Trump’s handling of classified documents is peanuts compared to Biden.

And with the jury still out on whether Biden has more documents hidden elsewhere, the scandal could get even worse.

As it stands, Joe Biden’s job approval rating is at a dismal 42.6 percent according the most recent RealClear Politics average, with a -10.4 percent spread.

Unless Biden can turn this ship around, he’s likely walking into a bloodbath come 2024.

And opportunistic vultures like California Governor Gavin Newsom, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and others are circling Biden, waiting for their chance to strike.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story.

James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family


The widespread corruption of the Biden family is almost common knowledge. Republicans won’t stop until the truth is exposed.

And James Comer just shot this broadside against the Biden family.

The new Republican House majority is conducting an extensive inquiry into Hunter’s international business operations and if they harmed President Joe Biden.

The inquiry into the Biden family’s shady operations is being led by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY).

Following the President’s increasing classified documents controversy, another channel in the inquiry into Hunter Biden has opened.

Highly secret documents, allegedly on Ukraine and Iran, were discovered stored in the closet of the Penn Biden Center, a Chinese-funded research organization.

The probable link between the Biden family and Chinese money will be investigated.

Comer stated that the investigation by his Committee will “trace the money” that flowed into the Penn Biden Center and Hunter Biden’s art sales.

Hunter decided to become an artist after losing his income from global business transactions.

Despite being 52 years old and having no official training, his paintings have sold for far more than a first-time artist might expect, with some pieces fetching half a million dollars.

Georges Bergès, Hunter’s art dealer, spoke about his ambition to become the largest art dealer in communist China.

Hunter’s burgeoning artistic career raises concerns about whether foreign purchasers are overpaying to obtain access to the Biden family.

Comer is requesting information from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the Biden administration, the University of Pennsylvania, and others regarding money that has flowed to the Biden family.

More requests were made, according to the Republican congressman, and he was willing to subpoena any evidence that was not turned over to the Committee.

“We’re trying to trace the money,” Comer told the Washington Examiner. “We’ll be looking at bank statements. We’ll be looking at bank violations.”

Treasury Secretary Yellen has ignored the Biden family’s requests for bank transactions with foreign countries that were labeled as suspicious under federal money laundering regulations.

“That’s the next phase of our investigation because we’re trying to figure out who these anonymous sources are that are sending so much money to the Biden family schemes — the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Hunter Biden’s artwork,” Comer added.

The University of Pennsylvania, which assisted in the establishment of the Penn Biden Center, received more than $60 million from Chinese sources while paying Joe Biden as a guest professor who did not teach any classes.

The President’s secret documents scandal highlights the importance of investigating the Biden family’s finances.

“If there’s nothing there, then the President should be more than willing to cooperate with House Republicans because he could make us look bad,” Comer said.

The probe into the Biden family by James Comer will be a major burden for the administration.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The military delivered intel to Joe Biden that confirmed his worst nightmare

There’s no doubt that America is more unsafe under Biden’s tenure. America’s enemies are circling like wolves.

And now the military has delivered intel to Joe Biden that confirmed his worst nightmare.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been hoping for an end to the Ukraine-Russia war for months now.

That’s because they’ve gambled on it ending by sending unfathomable amounts of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine in the form of military support.

But the military has news that Biden isn’t going to like at all.

According to Bloomberg, Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing a new, big assault in Ukraine while also anticipating a protracted conflict.

Putin, who started his nation’s unjustified invasion on February 24, has watched his forces lose territory for months.

Now, according to sources cited by Bloomberg, he wants to show that Russian forces can retake the initiative and exert pressure on Ukrainian authorities to accept a cease-fire that leaves the Kremlin in charge of the territory it presently controls.

According to Bloomberg, Putin’s next offensive may begin as early as February or March.

According to those who spoke with the site, Putin feels he has no choice but to win what he perceives to be an existential struggle with the United States and its allies.

“Putin is disappointed at how things are going but he isn’t ready to abandon his goals,” said Tatiana Stanovaya, founder of R.Politik, a political consultancy.

“It just means that the route will be longer, more bloody, and worse for everyone.”

According to sources cited by Bloomberg, even Putin is unable to ignore the military’s unexpected deficiencies. More than half of the initial advances made by Russian forces in Ukraine have been lost.

Putin is nonetheless adamant that Russia would prevail thanks to its greater forces and tolerance for casualties.

As per Bloomberg, many Kremlin officials have grown more pragmatic and realize it would be challenging to maintain the current front line.

Sergei Markov, a political adviser with extensive ties to the Kremlin, said “So far the results have been appalling because Russia wasn’t at all ready,” Bloomberg said.

“It’s morphed into a drawn-out war, and Russia doesn’t yet have enough manpower or equipment to wage it. We must stop the Ukrainian counter-offensive and thwart the West’s efforts to defeat us by gaining the military edge.”

According to estimates provided by Norway’s army chief, the Ukrainians have sustained 100,000 military casualties and 30,000 civilian fatalities in the conflict with Russia, according to reports published on Sunday.

A fresh Russian onslaught is imminent, according to officials from Ukraine and its allies, and it may occur before Kyiv receives recently promised supplies of American and European combat tanks.

Politico recently reported that the United States will provide Ukraine with an advanced Abrams tank configuration.

Leopard 2 battle tanks would be given to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s military, according to Germany, which also announced it would grant requests from other nations to do the same.

Even after deploying 300,000 more troops in the fall, U.S. and European intelligence officials reportedly doubt that Russia has the capacity for a significant new offensive.

Stay tuned to the Prudent Politics.

This Republican just slapped Nancy Pelosi with a massive defeat


Nancy Pelosi is a product of the “Swamp” in Washington, D.C. The long-time political insider has spent decades enriching herself.

And this Republican just slapped Nancy Pelosi with a massive defeat.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s career in public service has paid off handsomely (D-CA).

She’s been a fixture in Congress for decades, and her work has paid off handsomely for the Pelosi family.

Rep. Pelosi and her husband, Paul, have made a career out of making perfectly timed stock trades in firms that Congress is regulating before the information becomes public.

Pelosi recently sold 30,000 shares of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, only one month before the Biden Department of Justice launched an antitrust probe into the firm.

The Pelosi’s have been accused of using the Congresswoman’s political power to make well-timed stock trades that have increased the couple’s net worth to approximately $115 million.

The tremendous regulatory power of Congress gives politicians an advantage in the stock market.

Bipartisan support is increasing in Congress for a ban on Members and their families trading individual equities in order to prevent them from profiting financially from their political position.

Despite bipartisan support for the prohibition, the legislation never had a chance to pass in the House under Speaker Pelosi’s authority.

She initially opposed the law, but changed her mind after her husband was caught in yet another well-timed stock deal that netted the couple a sizable profit.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is introducing another bill to prohibit Members of Congress and their spouses from trading stocks, aimed squarely at Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

The Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act was sponsored by the Missouri Senator.

The PELOSI Act would make it illegal for members of Congress and their families to buy, acquire, or sell stocks while in office.

Members of Congress would have six months to sell their individual equities or transfer them to a blind trust that would give another party control over their contributions.

Members or their spouses who violate the legislation risk forfeiting any stock earnings and being penalized by a Congressional Committee.

The measure would require the Government Accountability Office to conduct compliance audits on members of Congress.

“While Wall Street and Big Tech work hand-in-hand with elected officials to enrich each other, hard working Americans pay the price,” Hawley said. “The solution is clear: we must immediately and permanently ban all members of Congress from trading stocks.”

Senator Hawley accused lawmakers of writing rules for their own profit rather than the welfare of the American people.

Despite some members of Congress’ criticism, the law is extremely popular among voters.

According to a recent Trafalgar Group study, 76% of Americans believe Congress has a “unfair advantage” in the stock market, and 95% oppose Members trading individual stocks.

Nancy Pelosi’s days of enriching her family with her political position may be coming to an end.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

One U.S. Senator just ruined Joe Biden’s day with five words


Biden thought he had reached rock bottom in the past few weeks. But he’s got another thing coming.

Because a U.S. Senator just flat-out ruined Joe Biden’s day with five words.

The new GOP-controlled House has been causing a ton of problems for the Biden administration and the Democrats.

They’ve been announcing investigations that Biden is certainly going to be nervous about, like regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

On top of that, the new GOP-controlled House has been making it clear that they won’t be cutting deals with Joe Biden or his Democrat lackeys in legislative sessions.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) knows this and delivered Joe Biden a major wake-up call.

Sen. Rand Paul stated that “conservatives will not vote to raise the debt ceiling” without “significant budget reform” during a press conference on the national debt on Wednesday.

Additionally, he criticized President Joe Biden’s stance that there should be no discussions, highlighting how the GOP’s commitment to change will compel Biden to “negotiate.”

Paul remarked, “President Biden says he won’t negotiate over raising the debt ceiling.”

“I have news for him. He absolutely will negotiate.”

The debt ceiling is the highest amount of money that the federal government is permitted to borrow in order to fulfill its legal responsibilities, such as paying for Social Security, interest on the debt, and other obligations.

On January 19, the U.S. government reached the debt ceiling with a $31.4 trillion total national debt.

When this has happened in the past, Congress has agreed to raise the debt ceiling, sometimes without any modifications and other times with built-in cuts to government expenditure.

If the GOP is as serious as they sound, it could very well be true that Biden will be forced to make big compromises.

The general public tend to view budgetary government shutdowns negatively, specifically when it comes to the sitting President and their administration.

Don’t forget that the Biden admin is already underwater in approval ratings.

A government shutdown would only make that worse at a time when the Democrat Party truly can’t afford taking on that political water in their boat if they want a chance at surviving in 2024.

According to the Biden administration’s Treasury Department, the federal government has about 6 months to really figure out the issue of the debt ceiling.

So Joe Biden is on the clock in terms of trying to figure out in which ways he wants to compromise.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Major conservative news outlet gets SHUT DOWN


The radical Left have dominated cable news for years. Now they want TOTAL control.

Because this major conservative news channel just got shut down.

While Fox News is the most popular cable news network, that doesn’t mean that the major news outlets are generally conservative.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Big Media is largely dominated by the radical Left with the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and even internet or print outlets like The Washington Post.

On top of that, many of the Big Tech companies behind the infrastructure that allow news networks to reach their viewers are also controlled by Leftists.

AT&T is a prime example of that.

In fact, AT&T was just caught shutting down one of the biggest cable news networks from their DirectTV service.

The victim?

The ever popular Newsmax.

According to Newsmax, AT&T directed DirectTV to cut Newsmax off at midnight, preventing them from reaching their millions of viewers.

They also say this is the second time it’s happened in the last twelve months.

Newsmax reports:

At midnight Tuesday, AT&T’s DirecTV cut Newsmax’s signal, immediately shutting the network off from more than 13 million customers of the satellite service, DirecTV Stream, and U-Verse.

This is the second time in the past year AT&T has moved to cancel a conservative channel, with DirecTV deplatforming OAN in April.

Newsmax also argues that DirectTV pays other channels way more than Newsmax despite Newsmax being one of the highest rated channels.

DirecTV pays cable license fees to all top 75 cable channels and to all 22 liberal news and information channels it carries. Almost all of these channels are paid hefty license fees significantly more than Newsmax was seeking — and despite the fact that most of the channels have much lower ratings than Newsmax.

“This is a blatant act of political discrimination and censorship against Newsmax,” the CEO of Newsmax, Christopher Ruddy, said.

“The most extreme liberal channels, even with tiny ratings, get fees from AT&T’s DirecTV, but Newsmax and OAN need to be deplatformed,” Ruddy ranted.

This is allegedly a part of a conspiracy to deplatform Newsmax from the DirectTV platform, and as news reached Congress, GOP Congress members took action to put an end to it.

“…41 Republican congressmen led by Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, sent a letter to the CEOs of AT&T, DirecTV, and hedge fund TPG Capital, the minority operator of the satellite system, warning of hearings,” Newsmax reports.

It’s no surprise that Big Tech and the radical Left are doing what they can to deplatform conservatives, and this is just the latest example of that gross censorship.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.