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Maxine Waters freaked out on public television over this huge Trump victory


Democrat House Rep. Maxine Waters is definitely one of the more out-of-touch members of Congress. But she just took it to a whole new level.

Because Maxine Waters freaked out on public television over this huge Donald Trump victory.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who was elected to Congress in 1991, has faced controversy throughout the majority of her more than 30 years in government.

Rep. Waters is an advocate of the entire radical agenda of the Left, from the Green New Deal to tax increases to outright gun bans.

However, Maxine Waters is renowned for being among the loudest, most vociferous Democrats in Washington, D.C.

Rep. Waters advocated for widespread violence during a march for Black Lives Matter in Minnesota in 2021 if police officer Derek Chauvin was not found guilty in George Floyd’s death.

Reportedly 2018, Waters incited left-wing protestors to frighten and threaten members of the Trump administration in public spaces.

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,” Waters told the crowd. “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” she continued, before adding “and you push back on them – and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Maxine Waters obviously despises former President Donald Trump.

Over the past few years, she’s referred to Trump by numerous insults like “bigot,” “fascist,” and “a racist and indecent man with no good values who is woefully unfit and undeserving of the office in which he serves.”

Maxine Waters, however, has nothing but utmost hatred for Trump’s fans as well.

Rep. Waters expressed her “very disturbed” feelings about Elon Musk allowing Trump to return to Twitter during an appearance with MSNBC.

“Congresswoman Waters, what is your reaction to Trump being back on Twitter?” Jonathan Capehart of MSNBC questioned Waters.

“I am terribly disturbed about it,” Waters remarked.

“I know that he is going to try to use it to continue to organize his constituency.”

Then, though, Waters used two phrases to allude to Trump supporters that are dreadful in light of President Joe Biden’s weaponization of the Justice Department.

“It also gives him an opportunity to try and make people believe why he should be President of the United States,” Waters added.

“So he is going to politicalize it, he is going to use it, and all of those domestic terrorists that he is leading will have a voice. This has me really disturbed.

Of course, allowing the former President of the United States to use social media is not in any way “disturbing.”

In light of the Biden administration’s illegitimate persecution of the political opponents of the Left, it is alarming to hear a sitting congresswoman refer to the 74 million Americans who supported Donald Trump as “domestic terrorists.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more U.S. Political News.

Michelle Obama just delivered this ultimate betrayal to Joe Biden that has him going berserk


Joe Biden has announced his intention to run again in 2024. But which Democrat will Trump face is still up for debate.

And Michelle Obama just delivered this ultimate betrayal to Joe Biden that has him going berserk.

Michelle Obama has long been the Democratic Party’s ideal presidential candidate.

According to polls, Michelle Obama may be the most popular Democrat in America.

And there are others who doubt Joe Biden will run for re-election in 2024.

According to exit polls from the midterm elections, 67 percent of respondents do not want Biden to run for re-election.

According to The Hill:

A huge 67 percent of all voters don’t want Biden to seek a second term. Just 30 percent do want him to run again.

That’s not just a partisan issue. Among those who hope Biden bows out, 31 percent voted for Democrats in the House.

But if Biden dies in 2024, Michelle Obama will not come to his aid.

BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty questioned the former First Lady if she planned to run for President.

Michelle Obama tersely answered, “no, I’m not going to run.”

In an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts, Michelle Obama addressed the uncertainty surrounding Joe Biden’s 2024 candidacy.

Roberts asked Obama if she was ready to endorse Joe Biden for re-election in 2024, and she said she would have to wait and see.

“I — will have to see. The reason I don’t speak on that is because I know what it feels like to be on the other side of it, and I think that that’s a personal decision that he and his family have to make,” Obama stated. “Probably, if I hadn’t been through it, I’d feel more cavalier about opining on it, but I know it’s a personal call, and I don’t want to be one of the millions of people weighing in on what he should do, he and Jill should do.”

Regardless of what transpired in the midterm elections, Joe Biden remains tremendously disliked.

The Real Clear Politics polling average has Joe Biden’s job popularity at 42 percent.

Joe Biden isn’t getting any younger, and his senility is worsening by the day.

Democrats like Michelle Obama look at the big picture and are still hesitant to back Joe Biden in 2024 because they aren’t confident he can win.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden turned on Fox News and couldn’t believe what he heard from this surprise guest


The embarrassment of the Biden administration mean’s Joe isn’t safe from attacks within his own party. And those attacks have reached new heights.

Because Joe Biden turned on Fox News and was stunned by what he heard from this surprise guest.

Joe Biden’s lackadaisical approach to border security is allowing tens of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants into the country.

Because of this, border towns have been overrun and destroyed, and this depravity has already spread to every neighborhood in America.

Joe Biden does not appear to be bothered by this at all.

Though even several Democrats are sounding the alarm.

Representative Henry Cuellar, who sits in the United States House of Representatives as the representative for Texas’ 26th District, is one such Democrat.

Rep. Cuellar is aware personally of the terrible effects that illegal immigration has on his constituency because the 26th District shares a very long and broad border with Mexico.

Rep. Cuellar was open about his dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s soft posture on border security on Fox News’ America Reports last Tuesday.

When asked about his stance on Joe Biden’s border policies, Rep. Cuellar claimed “Well, look, policies have to change, policies have to change. You can change individuals, but if you don’t change the policies, then you’re not going to make a difference at the border.”

He then went on to say, “I will tell you this, that when you have large numbers of individuals coming in, you have to make sure that every person doesn’t have a criminal record . . . So, yes, when you have large numbers of people, you always run the risk that you’re going to find some bad apples in that large number.”

The fact that a Democrat is making these assertions ought to serve as a wake-up call to all Democrats who have been oblivious to this situation for years.

Democrats routinely reject worries about the southern border by characterizing them as “political” or “racial,” which is admittedly how they do with nearly any urgent issue they do not want to solve.

Border security is a problem shared by all political parties, therefore Joe Biden would be wise to prioritize it on his agenda.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem likely that this will occur anytime soon.

The reason for this is that by closing the border, Joe Biden and his radical allies in Washington, D.C., stand to lose politically.

Joe Biden’s main concern is turning illegal immigrants into Democratic voters, thus the more that enter the country, the more opportunity he has to do so.

After all, career politicians like Joe Biden are just interested in winning elections.

For political reasons, Joe Biden should stop prioritizing border security, but the results will be nothing short of catastrophic.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on the southern border.

A federal judge handed the FBI a ruling about Hunter Biden that has the Bidens panicking


The Hunter Biden laptop continues to be a thorn in the side of the Joe Biden administration and the Democrats. And it’s only just now heating up.

Now the Bidens are panicking after a federal judge handed the FBI this ruling about Hunter Biden.

Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg ignited controversy when he confessed that the FBI had pressed the business to delete stories about Hunter Biden by spreading false information about Russian disinformation while appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

When U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Doughty agreed to order FBI official Elvis Chan to testify in their lawsuit against the Biden administration for pressuring social media platforms to censor criticism of vaccine mandates and the Hunter Biden laptop story, Attorneys General Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry won a significant legal victory.

According to National Review:

An FBI official will be deposed in a lawsuit over alleged collusion between the Biden administration and social-media companies to censor speech on topics ranging from Hunter Biden’s laptop to Covid-19, a judge ruled Monday.

The ruling comes in response to a lawsuit by Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt and Louisiana attorney general Jeff Landry accusing the federal government of working “hand-in-hand with social media companies to censor freedom of speech on their platforms.” The lawsuit has grown to include 67 defendants, including top officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the White House, and others.

Last month, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana granted the two states’ request for depositions from several top-ranking governmental officials.

Courts have often decided that the First Amendment is violated if the government exerts pressure on a private actor to restrict information or viewpoints because the private corporation is now functioning as the government’s agent.

Previously, Landry and Schmitt were successful in getting decisions that required Dr. Fauci and other administration representatives, such as Jen Psaki, to testify regarding their knowledge of the administration’s use of Facebook and Twitter to silence accounts that were opposed to vaccine requirements.

Judge Doughty determined that Agent Chan would have direct knowledge of the FBI officials who pushed Facebook to remove the story about the Hunter Biden laptop and their motivations.

Now that the case has been cleared up, Attorneys General Schmitt and Landry can investigate the FBI’s interference in the 2020 election.

There’s little doubt in the minds of millions of Americans that hiding a damning Biden story just before the 2020 election cycle tipped the scales in the Democrats’ favor.

But that’s not all the Bidens and the Democrats have to worry about.

Reports from the past several weeks have indicated that federal officials have enough to prosecute Hunter Biden on hundreds of federal violations.

And the U.S. House now under control of the GOP is poised to investigate the Biden family closer over these alleged crimes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more on this story.

Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk


Joe Biden saw the midterm elections as a significant success. Then he noticed an issue hiding beneath the surface.

And Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk.

President Joe Biden appeared to be on a high after Democrats’ unexpectedly good result in the midterm elections.

However, voters are suggesting that if he decides to run for a second term, he may have a significant difficulty.

The Biden border issue has been one of the worst disasters of his presidency, and a new survey shows that people will not forgive him in 2024.

On Election Day, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted an exit survey, which revealed that the Biden border crisis is a top issue for Americans, and it might come back to harm Biden if the crisis persists.

According to the exit poll, 62% of respondents want tougher border security and deporting illegal immigrants.

Furthermore, only 32% of respondents backed the open borders attitude of amnesty and allowing additional illegal immigrants in.

Half of voters polled by FAIR said that “securing the border and stopping illegal immigration” should be the top immigration issue for the next Congress to tackle.

“Voters want the border brought under control, the wall built, and our nation’s immigration laws enforced,” FAIR President Dan Stein said.

With Republicans poised to take control of the House following the midterm elections, they will be able to begin addressing the border situation.

“The likely Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, pledged that a border security bill will be the first piece of legislation he brings to the floor next year, and he has a clear mandate to fulfill that pledge,” Stein continued. “Additionally, the House must use its power of the purse to ensure that this administration is not given a blank check to spend taxpayer money to undermine immigration laws, as they have for the past two years.”

Spending bills must be introduced in the House, providing Republicans the authority to halt financing for the Biden regime’s open borders lunacy.

“When it comes to immigration and border enforcement, the Biden administration has betrayed the trust of the American people,” Stein noted. “It is now up to congressional Republicans to show they can earn that trust.”

Some top Republicans appear to be up to the task of confronting the Biden administration over the border crisis.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) stated that border security should be a major priority for Republicans in the upcoming Congress.

“The Biden administration has created the worst humanitarian crisis in modern American history,” Banks said. “Next Congress, Republicans’ top immigration priority will be securing our southern border and voters will reward us for it in 2024.”

With Donald Trump announcing another presidential bid, border security will be front and center amid the Biden border crisis.

In a blow to Biden, the FAIR poll indicated that 64% want Trump to finish his border wall.

If Joe Biden runs for re-election, the border situation will be a huge political issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A U.S. General sent Biden a demand that is shaking up the White House


The Biden administrations failures on the international level are well documented at this point. But those in the military have had enough of his games.

Because a U.S. General sent Biden a demand that sent panic throughout the White House.

Senior U.S. military personnel appear to be growing impatient with President Joe Biden’s protracted proxy conflict with Russia in Ukraine.

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, outraged Democrats by saying that the upcoming winter lull in fighting in Ukraine provided the perfect opportunity for Russia and Ukraine to hammer out a diplomatic settlement and end the war before it spirals out of control. Milley had earlier angered conservatives with remarks about so-called “white rage” being the cause of January 6.

General Milley said that since neither side could prevail militarily, a political resolution to the conflict was required.

“The debate within the administration took off last week after Milley, who also strayed from White House talking points in the previous administration, shared his assessment that neither Ukraine nor Russia can win militarily,” Politico’s report reads.

“Both sides need to reach a ‘mutual recognition’ that a military victory ‘is maybe not achievable through military means, and therefore you need to turn to other means,’” Milley said, adding that the potential stalemate provides ‘an opportunity here, a window of opportunity for negotiation,’” the report continued.

The Biden administration hastily provided an explanation for General Milley’s remarks and insisted that its policy of backing the Ukrainian adventure at all costs and hazards has not changed.

“The Biden administration is in damage control mode after a top U.S. general said a window for peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow could open this winter, with senior officials scrambling to assure Ukraine it wasn’t undercutting its goal of expelling the Russians,” Politico’s report added.

“Specifically, senior U.S. officials are telling their counterparts in Ukraine that the expected winter fighting pause doesn’t mean talks should happen imminently,” Politico added.

“Instead, they’re relaying that Washington will continue to support Kyiv’s militarily as it launches the next phase of advances on the battlefield, according to Ukrainian and U.S. officials familiar with the outreach.”

And President Biden’s foolishness in Ukraine has significant hazards.

The war in Ukraine brought the world closer to nuclear Armageddon than at any time in the previous 60 years, as Biden himself acknowledged last month.

General Milley is aware of the potential for Biden’s war against Russia to bring about the end of civilization.

General Milley advocated for the beginning of peace talks between Ukraine and Russia for this reason.

These calls for peace talks have fallen on deaf ears with the Democrats and the Biden White House, though.

The Democrat Party claims to be the “anti-war” party, but their fueling of the Ukraine-Russia war with taxpayer dollars says otherwise.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on the Ukraine-Russia affair.

A massive voter fraud arrest pushed Democrats to make a shocking admission


Democrats like to say that there is no evidence of voter fraud in the United States. But that doesn’t hold water anymore.

And a massive voter fraud arrest pushed Democrats to make a shocking admission.

Pennsylvania Democrat Attorney General Josh Shapiro defeated Republican opponent Doug Mastriano in the Commonwealth’s gubernatorial election.

After leading the charge for former President Donald Trump’s charges of election fraud in the 2020 election, and attending the January 6 protest, Shapiro characterized Mastriano as a “election denying, domestic extremist.”

The corporate-controlled media celebrated Shapiro’s victory as a triumph for democracy.

However, one week after the election, Shapiro admitted to election fraud, revealing the arrest of Democrat political strategist Rasheen Crews for gathering fake petition signatures in order to qualify his clients for the ballot in the 2019 Philadelphia municipal elections.

“In advance of the 2023 municipal elections, this arrest is an important reminder that interfering with the integrity of our elections is a serious crime,” Shapiro stated.

“By soliciting and organizing the wide scale forgery of signatures, the defendant undermined the democratic process and Philadelphians’ right to a free and fair election. My office is dedicated to upholding the integrity of the election process across the Commonwealth, to ensure everyone can participate in Pennsylvania’s future.”

Shapiro revealed how Crews recruited aides to fake signatures in order to qualify Democratic candidates for the ballot in a news release.

Following the discovery of the fraud, these candidates withdrew from the contest.

“An investigation by the Office of Attorney General found that in 2019, multiple candidates hired Crews to help them obtain the requisite amount of signatures needed for their nomination petitions for the Democratic primary races,” Shapiro stated.

“Crews recruited individuals to help with the petition work, bringing them to a hotel room and asking them to write names, addresses, and forged signatures on multiple petitions. Crews then had these petitions notarized and filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State on behalf of his clients.”

“Of the petitions that were reviewed, over one thousand signatures were determined to be duplicated,” he admitted.

“Many names and addresses were found repeated on various petition pages, some pages appeared to be photocopied entirely, and some of the listed individuals claimed to have never signed the petitions in question.”

“Due to the questions around the petition signatures, some candidates chose to withdraw entirely from the election,” the Attorney General concluded.

Whether Democrats and the corporate-controlled media want to accept it or not, every American election has some element of fraud.

The true election denial and “threat to democracy” is denying its existence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded one thing from Joe Biden that left him red with rage


Another scandal has erupted around New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s making things even more difficult for Democrats.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded one thing from Joe Biden that left him red with rage.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order in the run-up to the midterm elections that pardoned anyone convicted of federal charges for simple marijuana possession.

After years of pressure from leftist activists, the move was an attempt to toss a bone to the Democrat Party’s most radical left-wing before the election.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her “Squad” are enraged that the executive order did not go far enough.

President Biden’s pardon only applies to American citizens, but Ocasio-Cortez believes it is insufficient.

“Contrary to rhetoric, Biden is not actually pardoning ALL federal simple marijuana possession convictions, only some,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on social media. “His executive order discriminates based on immigration status, which is frankly upsetting and inexcusable.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez wants illegal aliens to benefit from Joe Biden’s latest criminal gift.

Now, AOC and her “Squad” are upping the ante by requesting that President Biden pardon illegal aliens convicted of federal marijuana charges and reassess the immigration status of illegal aliens deported for marijuana offenses.

“Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the Administration pardon all simple marijuana possession offenses – regardless of immigration status,” the Democrats wrote. “Using the power of the pardon is a constitutional imperative and a critical tool in rectifying the compounding racial injustices of draconian drug policies.”

Biden’s marijuana pardon is only an opportunity for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to advocate for a backdoor amnesty for some illegal immigrants.

“Granting pardons to all simple marijuana possession offenses – regardless of immigration status – demonstrates genuine compassion while ensuring that our country continues to mitigate the inhumane and ineffective drudge policies that have ravaged communities of color for so long,” the letter adds.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked that Biden reopen “the immigration cases of those who were deported for marijuana-related offenses.”

Unsurprisingly, the Biden administration appears to be caving in to AOC’s absurd demand of pardoning illegal immigrants.

According to a Biden administration official, the pardon only applies to American citizens and green card holders, but others – presumably illegal aliens – might seek for one as well.

“This particular pardon is limited to U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents who committed simple possession of marijuana,” the official said. “Others who believe they have persuasive cases for clemency can apply through the regular pardon process.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will not be pleased until the Democratic establishment caves in to all of her irrational demands.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Tucker Carlson was stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell


Millions of Americans like Tucker Carlson because he often calls it like it is. That’s also why D.C. politicians hate him to death.

That’s why Tucker Carlson was flat out stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell.

Republicans in the Senate were well-positioned to seize control of the Upper Chamber during the midterm elections.

But once Republicans failed to unseat even one incumbent Democrat Senator and lost in Pennsylvania, the midterms turned into a nightmare.

Mitch McConnell, the minority leader of the Senate (R-KY), is taking pressure for the terrible outcomes for Senate Republicans.

Republicans had one of their greatest chances to unseat a Democrat incumbent in the Arizona Senate race.

One of the Democrats standing for reelection this year who was thought to be most vulnerable was Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

Blake Masters, a political outsider and businessman, who had Donald Trump’s support, was Kelly’s opponent.

Masters ran as a fervent proponent of America First conservatism and threatened to scuttle McConnell’s intentions to give President Joe Biden more legislative victories.

The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), McConnell’s political action committee, dropped $8 million in television advertising from the Arizona Senate election, leaving Masters high and dry.

One of the strongest supporters of Republican Senate candidates is the SLF.

Masters fell behind in his fundraising for the General Election as a result of a contentious Primary that took place in August.

Kelly outspent Masters in terms of campaign money, and Masters sorely required the SLF’s assistance to keep up.

Kelly was able to win by a slim margin thanks to his enormous cash advantage.

Tucker Carlson featured Blake Masters tonight and said that Mitch McConnell “doesn’t deserve” to be the leader of the Senate Republicans.

He stated that “Arizonans deserve better” after highlighting Arizona’s egregious mistakes in overseeing elections and tallying votes in Maricopa County.

“So, Maricopa County elections, maybe they are working hard, God bless them, it’s at best, just incompetent,” Masters said. “But do you know what else is incompetent, Tucker? The establishment. The people who control the purse strings.”

Despite spending at least $230 million, Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund was unable to gain even one additional Senate seat.

“Senate Leadership Fund, Mitch McConnell, McConnell decided to spend millions of dollars attacking a fellow Republican in Alaska instead of helping me defeat Senator Mark Kelly,” Masters continued. “Had he chosen to spend the money in Arizona, this race would be over and we’d be celebrating a Senate majority right now.”

While McConnell withdrew from Arizona, he was spending millions to support Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of the worst RINOs in the Senate.

In Alaska’s four-candidate general election, Murkowski faced a challenge from Republican Kelly Tshibaka, who had received Trump’s endorsement.

Protecting Murkowski came before trying to defeat a Democrat in Arizona, according to McConnell.

McConnell “didn’t deserve” to lead Senate Republicans going ahead, according to Masters.

Mitch McConnell’s position as the Republican Senate Leader is under serious consideration in the wake of the unsatisfactory midterm elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden was given an order from the U.S. Senate that completely blindsided him


The Biden administration has been running like there’s no consequences to their actions. But everyone has had enough of their antics.

That’s why Joe Biden was just given a direct order from the U.S. Senate that completely blindsided him.

With Sens. Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) abstaining, the Senate ended President Joe Biden’s pandemic emergency on Tuesday night with a bipartisan vote of 62-36.

The emergency was extended last month by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), and it will now endure at least through January 11.

Less than a month before to the extension, the president declared that “the pandemic is over” in an interview with “60 Minutes.”

With the exception of Sasse, who abstained, every Republican senator voted to end the emergency, as did 12 Democrats and Sen. Angus King (I-ME), a member of the Democratic caucus.

Sen. Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS), who proposed the resolution on the Senate floor, cited the president’s statements. However, as the senator stressed in his remarks, the problem is not just hypocrisy.

“It was this government imposed state of emergency that justified their continued lockdowns of small businesses and schools… that justified their mask and vaccine mandates, including a military vaccine mandate that has resulted in the removal of more than 8,000 active-duty troops… that justified President Biden and Congressional Democrats spending binge, increasing the total amount of government spending by more than $9 trillion since February 2021 and lighting the fire for record inflation…” Marshall said.

“Congress must take the responsible action of reigning in this massive expansion of government and restore Americans fundamental rights by terminating the COVID-19 national emergency declaration,” Marshall added.

Beyond just the White House, there were negative responses that turned out to be rather comical. The senators in question received a tweet from state senator Nina Turner (D-OH), who unsuccessfully sought for Congress on many occasions and couldn’t even get beyond the primary. What she intends to do beyond tweeting “we see you” to them is unclear.

Another hilarious response came from Mehdi Hasan of MSNBC, who used an angry face emoji in response to the news that Marshall had proposed the resolution. The Senator responded by using his own emoji to literally sling shade.

This one has to sting if you’re in the Joe Biden corner.

More than a dozen Democrats voted to side with a Republican-originating resolution to end the COVID-19 pandemic panic.

Which just leaves egg on the faces of the Biden administration.

You love to see it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are losing their minds after this major media shakeup


The mainstream media doesn’t like anyone horning in on their propaganda machine. And they weren’t prepared for what just happened.

Now Democrats are losing their minds after this major media shakeup.

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential contender, has been hired as an on-air contributor by Fox News.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

One month after leaving the Democratic Party, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is joining Fox News as a paid contributor.

A representative for the conservative-leaning cable channel confirmed Gabbard signed a deal Monday and will start appearing on its programs next week.

Gabbard, 41, pursued the 2020 Democratic nomination for president. But she has been distancing herself from the party ever since and has appeared as a frequent guest on Fox News, including its most-watched shows, “The Five” and “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Gabbard made headlines last month when she announced her departure from the Democratic Party owing to the Left’s embrace of awakened ideology and Constitution-shredding agenda.

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that’s under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers who are driven by cowardly woke-ness, who divide us by radicalizing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms that are enshrined in our Constitution, who are hostile towards people of faith and spirituality,” Gabbard explained as her reasoning for leaving the Party.

Gabbard then endorsed other Republican candidates and campaigned for them on the campaign trail.

Gabbard’s split with the Democratic Party began in 2016, when she refused to back Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The Hawaii Democrat refused to support Clinton because she supported a confrontation with Russia over Syria.

Following her defeat, Clinton vilified Gabbard as a Russian asset.

Gabbard’s role at Fox News will further fuel speculation that if Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination, he may choose her as his running mate in 2024.

Both Trump and Gabbard advocate an America First foreign policy that opposes irresponsible country building and endless conflicts abroad.

And both Trump and Gabbard are critical of Democrats’ treatment of wokeness as a religion.

It remains to be seen whether Donald Trump will be able to secure the Republican nomination in two years.

However, Gabbard will most likely use her position on Fox News to raise her political profile during that time frame.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kellyanne Conway made an appearance on Fox News that completely shook up the GOP


Kellyanne Conway was a major advisor for Donald Trump during his first term in office. She still commands respect within conservative circles.

That’s why when Kellyanne Conway went on Fox News and made just one comment, it shook the whole Republican Party.

Trump was incensed that Fox News, the New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal all blamed him for the Republican Party’s poor performance in the midterm elections and suggested that the GOP could turn to DeSantis’ 19-point victory over Charlie Crist in his reelection bid.

DeSantis’ performance as governor was downplayed by Trump in his message, which also claimed that DeSantis only won in 2018 because of his support.

Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway addressed this conflict during an appearance on Jesse Watters’ Fox News show.

She stated that she believed both men should be proud of their accomplishments and successes, and that she would like to see them both support Herschel Walker in the December 6 Georgia runoff.

“Here’s what I think: I’m glad both men, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, are in the Republican Party and have records of accomplishment that people can point to and want to emulate in their own states and people who want to run for office because they are inspired by candidates, by leaders like them who don’t back down, who get things down, who work with volume and velocity,” Conway began.

“I would love to see the two of them up on the stage in Georgia with, I don’t know, throw Brian Kemp and Mike Pence in there, too.”

Conway stated that in order to ensure Herschel Walker wins the Senate runoff election, all Republicans—including Trump—must put their differences aside.

“I think we need more unity and less divisiveness in the Republican Party. Because guess what? We have the best policies and messages, we don’t have unity right now,” Conway continued.

“The Democrats have no good policies and no aspirational, hopeful, forward-looking messages but they showed a lot of unity last week ginning up their base and it paid off in some of these elections.”

However, it appears like the GOP Presidential primary is already in full swing, and Conway’s call for unity will not last long regardless of the outcome of the Georgia Senate runoff.

Kellyanne Conway is making a ton of sense here, however.

There’s no real point in DeSantis or Trump fighting it out in the public eye.

What the GOP needs to do if they want to make major political strides in the future, it’s all about exposing the radicalism of the modern Democrat Party, as Conway noted.

Everyone knows the Democrats’ policies don’t work.

And if a strong conservative can lead by example, like DeSantis, then it would completely change the political landscape.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.