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Democrats are going mental after one Democrat admitted defeat


With millions of votes to tally, we still don’t know the full election results. But the Left doesn’t like their chances.

And Democrats are going mental after one Democrat admitted defeat.

America is about to find out just how big the red wave is going to be, but few people have any doubts that it will be big.

Democrats have spent the past few months ensuring they do everything in their power to throw this election.

Whether it’s pushing inflation to historical levels that eat away at people’s wages…

Or opening up the country’s entire southern border to millions upon millions of illegal immigrants, the Democrats have shown just how out of touch they truly are.

It’s gotten so bad that even some in the mainstream media are waving the white flag of surrender.

Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen expected dismal results for her party, blaming them on their own failure to “listen to voters” in the weeks and months building up to Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Rosen spoke on CNN’s “State of the Union” panel, led by Dana Bash, and projected that Democrats would have “a bad night” on Tuesday, owing to their failure to tailor their election message to the issues that voters indicated were most important, notably inflation and the economy.

Rosen began by saying that while she considered herself a “loyal Democrat,” she was not pleased with the path her party’s leadership had taken in recent weeks.

“I’m a loyal Democrat, but I am not happy. I just think that we are — we did not listen to voters in this election and I think we are going to have a bad night,” Rosen began, noting that there fate was sealed.

“You know, this conversation’s not going to have much impact on Tuesday, but I hope it has an impact going forward,” Rosen continued. “Because when voters tell you over and over and over again that they care mostly about the economy, listen to them! Stop talking about democracy being at stake! Democracy is at stake because people are fighting so much about what elections mean. I mean, voters have told us what they wanted to hear, and I don’t think Democrats have delivered this cycle.”

CNN’s Bakari Sellers jumped in, claiming that while national messaging had gone awry, there were some Democratic candidates running solid elections and focused on what their communities wanted, including Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA).

However, Rosen said that while there were Democratic candidates who were somewhat popular, there were equally Republican candidates who were popular in their own right or who were buoyed in part by the fact that Biden was not popular.

“Mark Kelly is popular,” Rosen agreed. “But Kari Lake is more popular. And the combination of Kari Lake’s popularity and Joe Biden’s unpopularity is going to hurt Mark Kelly. And so I think we’re going to — we’re in trouble because of the top of the ticket.”

While no one will know for certain how badly the Democrats are off after this election yet, it isn’t looking good.

And when your allies in the media are throwing in the towel for you, you know you’re in trouble.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This $1,500,000 election contribution made by George Soros has landed him in serious trouble


George Soros is a major supporter of left-wing initiatives in the United States. In the final days of the campaign, some of those links are coming back to haunt the Left.

And this $1,500,000 election contribution made by George Soros has landed him in serious trouble.

Arizona Democrat Senator Mark Kelly raised more than $70 million this election, but his advantage over Donald Trump-endorsed Republican Blake Masters dwindled owing to voters’ concerns about his support for Joe Biden’s socialist spending and open immigration plan.

Despite the fact that establishment RINOs like Mitch McConnell withdrew funds from Masters in the hopes of assisting Democrats in winning the election, a new CIVIQS poll found the race to be deadlocked at 49 percent.

One of the major factors driving Democrats down is their support for defunding the police.

Kelly is under fire for his connections to the Soros-funded Live United for Change Group, which paid canvassers $350,000 to knock on doors and turn out the vote for Democrats.

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

A dark money group that wants to defund police and abolish federal immigration agencies has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Arizona Senate race, providing a last-minute boost for Democratic senator Mark Kelly, whose once-sizable lead has evaporated ahead of Election Day.

Living United for Change in Arizona has spent nearly $350,000 since Oct. 21 to help the Kelly campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records. The expenditures have gone to pay wages for canvassers to knock on doors in the Grand Canyon State to turn out the vote for Kelly.

In the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter insurgency, Live United for Change was one of the early backers of defunding the police.

A Facebook post from Live United for Change in Arizona on June 2, 2020, clearly called for the defunding of the police.

“Tomorrow the Phoenix City Council will vote to adopt their tentative annual budget. Phoenix has one of the deadliest police forces in the country and their violence has been on full display during the past week of protesting. The police budget should be going to programs and services that will create healthy communities. The police do not protect or serve us. We need to show up tomorrow to demand that the city council defund police,” the post read.

Kelly’s get-out-the-vote operation on behalf of Live United for Change channeled money to numerous of his allies.

“While the Kelly campaign does not directly work with Living United on the canvassing effort, Living United has paid $210,000 to FieldCorps, a consulting firm with links to Kelly. Francisco Heredia, a Mesa city councilman who owns FieldCorps, has campaigned this year for Kelly. The Kelly campaign lists Heredia as a member of its “Latinos for Kelly Coalition.” 

Living United paid another $138,546 to ADP Payroll to cover wages for canvassers, according to campaign finance disclosures,” the Free Beacon also reported.

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation contributed $1,500,000 to Live United for Change in 2019.

Now, their support for defunding the cops could be crucial in one of America’s tightest Senate elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s impeachment could be on the horizon after this mega DOJ report dropped


The DOJ and the FBI have come under a ton of fire lately for their partisan actions. It’s caused House Republicans to question the legitimacy of Biden’s DOJ.

But now Joe Biden could be impeached after this mega DOJ report just dropped.

Ever since Donald Trump’s house in Mar-a-Lago was raided by the FBI, it’s caused red flags to pop up in the eyes of many Americans.

But it wasn’t just Donald Trump who fell target to Biden’s FBI and DOJ games.

Dozens of pro-lifers have been raided by the FBI as well, and some sentenced to prison unjustly.

In response, U.S. House Republicans have been putting the Biden administration on notice, saying that they plan to investigate the White House’s involvement with the DOJ and the FBI.

Some Republicans have even called for the impeachment of Joe Biden.

One such Republican who is fed up with the partisan games is Representative Jim Jordan out of Ohio.

Jordan in cooperation with Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee have published a 1,000-page report on how the Biden White House has used the DOJ and the FBI as their partisan arms.

Here’s the key allegations in the report:

1. The FBI leadership abusing its law-enforcement authority for political reasons.

2. The FBI artificially inflating and manipulating domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes.

3. The FBI downplaying and reducing the spread of the serious allegations of wrongdoing leveled against Hunter Biden.

4. The Justice Department and FBI using counterterrorism resources to target parents resisting a far-left educational curriculum.

5. The FBI abusing its foreign surveillance authorities.

6. The Justice Department and FBI conducting an unprecedented raid on a former president’s home.

7. The FBI stalking a Republican Congressman on a family vacation to seize his personal cell phone.

8. The Justice Department and the FBI continuing to allow attacks on pro-life facilities and churches to go unabated while pushing an anti-life agenda.

9. The FBI conducting an “intelligence” assessment of a conservative charity under the guise of investigating unrelated alleged crimes.

10. The FBI purging employees who refuse to align themselves with the leadership’s political ideology.

11. The FBI helping Big Tech to censor Americans’ political speech.

This is just what Jim Jordan and his fellow Republicans were able to gather without having majority rule in the House of Representatives.

With Kevin McCarthy set to take the role as Speaker of the House from Nancy Pelosi, Jim Jordan’s efforts to uncover more schemes from the Biden White House to abuse the DOJ and FBI could come to light.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer is losing his mind after Tulsi Gabbard endorsed the Republican candidate in this critical battleground state


The trend in the 2022 midterm elections appears to have moved in favor of Republicans in recent weeks. Polls now predict that Republicans will retake the House majority and have a decent chance of retaking the Senate as well.

And Chuck Schumer is losing his mind after Tulsi Gabbard endorsed the Republican candidate in this critical battleground state.

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) are defending razor-thin majorities in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Republicans just need to change one Senate seat and five House seats to depose Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer, thereby making Joe Biden a lame-duck President.

Democrats were hoping to give Schumer some insurance by flipping a seat previously held by Republicans in Ohio.

Prior to Donald Trump’s election, Ohio was one of the most important battleground states in the country.

Even though Ohio voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, Senator Schumer and Democrats believed Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH) had a real chance of winning the seat if they could persuade voters that he is a “moderate,” even though he voted with President Biden 100% of the time in Congress.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) recently waded into the debate, encouraging Republicans to vote for left-wing radical Tim Ryan on Tuesday, because Republican challenger J.D. Vance is a Trump-endorsed candidate.

But Vance recently received a major endorsement from the same former Democrat Presidential candidate who chastised Tim Ryan during the 2020 Presidential debates.

Tulsi Gabbard, former Hawaii congresswoman, and 2020 Democratic presidential contender, has announced her departure from the Democratic Party because it is “under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.”

Gabbard also endorsed Republican J.D. Vance for U.S. Senate in Ohio in a tweet on Tuesday.

“Tim Ryan represents everything that is wrong with the warmongering Washington Establishment,” Gabbard tweeted. “I’m endorsing @JDVance1 because he knows the cost of war, and that our government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.”

Vance responded to Gabbard’s endorsement on Twitter with his own message.

“Grateful to have the support of the last person to clean Tim Ryan’s clock on the debate stage,” Vance wrote in response. “Thanks Tulsi! And thanks for putting country over Party.”

Vance is alluding to the 2019 Democratic Presidential Primary debate, in which Gabbard attacked Rep. Ryan for supporting the continued presence of US soldiers in Afghanistan indefinitely.

“We must have our State Department engaged, we must have our military engaged to the extent they need to be,” Ryan said during the debate.

“Is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in Afghanistan — ‘Well, we just have to be engaged?’” Gabbard retaliated.

Gabbard has always opposed an interventionist foreign policy of nation-building and world policing.

She has also been a staunch supporter of free expression in the face of Big Tech’s left-wing censorship regime.

Democrats are familiar with Gabbard from her presidential campaign.

In a campaign that is likely to be close, her endorsement could be enough to send J.D. Vance over the top and wreck Chuck Schumer’s chances.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are in a frenzy after Liz Cheney made this shocking decision


RINO Liz Cheney has become a thorny issue for Democrats. She may wind up costing Democrats control of the House.

Democrats are in a frenzy after Liz Cheney made this shocking decision.

RINO Liz Cheney is desperately trying to stay relevant after Wyoming GOP voters humiliated her Congressional career with a 37-point setback to Trump-backed Harriet Hageman.

During the midterm elections, Cheney is carrying on her insane personal vendetta against former President Donald Trump.

She’s spending money through her personal PAC to target Trump-backed candidates running for office this year.

Cheney’s mask came off when she began endorsing Democratic politicians while professing to be a Republican.

Cheney chose to become involved in the Ohio Senate campaign by endorsing another Democrat.

J.D. Vance, an author and businessman, won a crowded Republican primary in Ohio thanks to Donald Trump’s endorsement.

Vance is running against Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan in a campaign that is closer than predicted.

With only a few days to Election Day, recent polling showed Vance with a razor-thin advantage over Ryan.

However, Vance’s candidacy will benefit from Liz Cheney’s endorsement of his Democratic opponent.

Cheney stated during a forum with PBS NewsHour presenter Judy Woodruff at Cleveland State University that if she lived in Ohio, she would vote for Democrat Tim Ryan since Vance is a “election denier.”

Cheney stated, “I would not vote for J.D. Vance.”

“So, if you were a Buckeye State voter, you’d be voting for Tim Ryan?” Woodruff inquired.

Cheney said, “I would.”

“While we can say, look, the Biden economic policies are not policies we would support, and we believe in limited government, low taxes, and a strong national defense, we don’t even get to have those debates if we elect Donald Trump again,” Cheney said. “And we don’t get to have that debate if we elect election deniers who embrace what the former President is doing and saying now, and what we know now that he was willing to do, and what we know that he did.”

Cheney isn’t even claiming to be a Republican anymore.

Despite her claims to support “limited government, low taxes, and a strong national defense,” Cheney chose a Democrat who has voted along party lines for President Joe Biden’s extreme agenda.

Cheney’s support is a gift to Vance’s campaign in a state Trump has won twice.

Cheney is a radioactive substance.

Her attempts to cripple Republicans this year are backfiring spectacularly.

After Cheney’s PAC attacked Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, her funding increased dramatically.

Liz Cheney’s stupid attempt to enter the midterm elections is unknowingly benefiting Trump Republicans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis just gave Chuck Schumer the worst news of his life


Chuck Schumer has been sweating bullets over the midterm elections. His role as the Senate Majority Leader is on thin ice.

Now Ron DeSantis just gave Chuck Schumer the worst news of his life.

The rise of Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has been a force to be reckoned with.

Many Democrats have tried to stop his rise in popularity among the average American voter, but with little to no success.

DeSantis has been unflappable at every turn and it’s led many to view him as one of the prime leaders of the Republican party and in conservative circles, along with former President Donald Trump of course.

And just like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis’s endorsements matter way more than the average Republican politician.

So when he pulls out an endorsement of out his pocket to hand out, everyone pays attention because it can tip the scales.

Chuck Schumer was hoping DeSantis would keep quiet about the Republicans running for Senate who could cause him to lose his Senate Majority role.

But his hope was misplaced. Ron DeSantis recently took to Twitter to announce his support for Don Bolduc, the Republican running for New Hampshire against Democrat Maggie Hassan.

The New Hampshire U.S. Senate race has become a razor-thin one with election predictors shifting this race from a safe Democrat win to a toss-up.

The Republicans winning just one of the close races in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and New Hampshire could give the Republicans the 51-seat majority they need to overcome Kamala Harris’s Vice Presidential vote in the chamber which gives Democrats their current majority.

Ron DeSantis announcing his support for Don Bolduc is a major move that could help Bolduc edge out his Democrat opponent.

Senate races have been tightening in the favor of the GOP for the past several weeks, causing Democrats to campaign in areas they never thought they’d have to defend.

And it’s not just Senate races either.

Historically deep blue districts in the northeast are being threatened by Republicans who have dramatically closed the gap.

The only question is how much of a red wave is on the horizon this Tuesday.

We’ll be sure to update you on how the chips fall.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

This video of Bill Clinton will make you red with rage


The Clintons are one of the most disgraced families in politics. Their corruptions have run deep in Washington, D.C. for decades now.

And now this video of Bill Clinton that just came out will anger you beyond belief.

The Democrats are in utter panic and are pulling out absolutely every trick in the book to try to limit the red wave incoming.

Joe Biden just made a speech condemning Republicans yet again as “threats” to our democracy and voting rights.

Barack Obama has been on the campaign trail for Democrats in place of the sitting Democrat president.

And even Hillary Clinton has been making more appearances than usual in the media during this midterm cycle.

But now her husband Bill is even hitting the campaign trail for the Democrats.

Appearing on stage while campaigning for a New York Democrat running for Congress, Josh Riley, Bill Clinton attacked Republicans as wanting Americans to be “very miserable.”

He argued that Republicans want to anger voters to make drive voters in their corner and then just “blame” the Democrats when things go wrong.

This is funny considering that’s literally what the Democrats are doing right now with the economy going down the tubes on the Joe Biden administration’s watch.

“The Republicans are pretty simple actually, and pretty straightforward,” Clinton said.

“They say, ‘I want you to be very miserable, and I want you to be very angry. And I want you to vote for us, and we’ll make it worse, but we’ll blame them.’”

Bill Clinton’s wrong for a variety of reasons, but he seems to forget that he’s literally contradicting himself.

Earlier this year in a sit-down interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Bill Clinton claimed that Republicans “scare the living daylights out of swing voters.”

“The Republicans always close well. Why? Because they find some new way to scare the living daylights out of swing voters about something. That’s what they did in 2021 when they made critical race theory sound worse than smallpox,” Clinton said in September.

So, on the one hand, Republicans anger voters but then on the other, they scare the living daylights out of them.

Which is it? It can’t be both.

What Bill Clinton and the Democrats are lamenting is the fact that Republicans are simply pointing out to voters how truly insanely radical the Left and the Democrat Party has become.

If voters reject that radicalism, that’s the fault of the Democrats and they should maybe do some soul-searching about why Americans are rejecting their Marxist agendas.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on the 2022 midterms.

This Democrat just became a laughingstock after their latest embarrassment


There has been no shortage of gaffes and missteps for the Democrats this election cycle. Americans can’t even take them seriously.

And this Democrat just became a laughingstock after their latest embarrassment.

We’re just five days away from the most consequential election of Joe Biden’s first term as president.

Polls are showing the Democrats are almost certain to lose the House of Representatives and may even lose the Senate.

If they lose their majorities, Joe Biden’s entire agenda will come crumbling down.

And with Democrats and Republicans alike not wanting him to run again in 2024, this could be the last chance for the 79-year-old.

Now Biden is facing lackluster excitement as he takes to the road to stump for Democrats before the midterms.

And in Florida, he just got the shock of his life.

At the first of three events in Florida at Hallandale Beach, Biden was greeted by a sparse crowd.

Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz hosted the event starring Vice President Joe Biden and tried to get the crowd pumped up, pleading with them to “wake up!”

“You want to improve people’s lives? I bet some people in here want to improve people’s lives. Are you with me?” Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) asked the audience before the president took the stage.

After getting a brief applause from the crowd, the ex-chair of the Democratic National Committee and current congresswoman tried a little more to energize the crowd, to mixed results.

“C’mon people, let’s wake up! We got the president of the United States in the house! C’mon now! I know you got a little more energy than I hear,” Wasserman Schultz begged, raising her voice and snapping her fingers at the crowd.

On Wasserman Schultz’s cue, the crowd applauded briefly before falling silent again.

“OK. Thank you very much. That’s the crowd I know. Those are the people I represent. OK. Just wanted to make sure you’re still here,” Wasserman Schultz reacted to the brief increase in cheering.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Joe Biden took the stage and immediately flubbed his speech.

He started by saying he has no “greater friend in the United States Senate” than Wasserman Schultz.

The problem? Wasserman Schultz works in the House of Representatives. What a dumpster fire.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are furious after Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag


Joe Biden crossed a boundary when he revealed the truth about the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s home. Democrats believe that no crisis should be wasted.

And Democrats are furious after Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag.

Speaking at a Democrat Party luncheon in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden went on a rant over a nudist protester and a mentally ill guy allegedly assaulting Nancy Pelosi’s husband in their house.

Despite living in far-left Berkeley, California, and having a long history of left-wing politics, Biden ranted and raved about how Donald Trump and everyone who opposed COVID regulations and questioned the 2020 election were somehow to blame for the assault.

Biden yelled to the audience:

You know, it’s reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on January 6th in the attack on the U.S. Capitol. I’m not making this up. This is reported. I can’t guarantee it. I can tell you what’s being reported. And the chant was, “Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy? Where’s Nancy?”

This is despicable. There’s no place in America. There’s too much violence, political violence, too much hatred, too much vitriol. [Applause.]

And what makes us think that one Party can talk about “stolen elections,” “COVID being a hoax,” “this is all a bunch of lies,” and it does not affect people who may not be so well balanced? What makes us think that it’s not going to corrode the political climate?

Enough is enough is enough!

According to the media, the attacker published a right-wing blog that promoted “conspiracy theories.”

This blog was removed, and no one in the public has confirmed that it belonged to the attacker.

Police have also not determined whether the incident was politically motivated.

Biden, other Democrats, and the corporate-controlled media took advantage of the fact that the police have not disclosed entire facts of the attack to fill in the gaps with a predetermined political narrative.

Democrats made January 6 their closing campaign slogan, while Republicans allegedly incited violence to undermine democracy.

Because the event at the Pelosi residence fits into that narrative, Biden seized on it without even waiting for a complete accounting of the facts.

Democrats have also been silent when Republicans bring up the fact that Rep. Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter some years ago.

Or when Rand Paul was beaten by his neighbor.

No one cried fowl then, but Democrats don’t care about consistency. They only want to push their radical agenda by any means necessary.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden doesn’t want you to see his results in this report


President Biden has been on thin ice with the American people this year. He could be forced out by his own party.

That’s why Joe Biden doesn’t want you to see his results in this report.

Everyone has been feeling the impact of rampant inflation over the past year and a half.

Ever since Biden took office, everything from gas prices to housing has been skyrocketing in average pricing.

2022 has been particularly brutal for the pocketbooks of millions of Americans, as reports have shown savings accounts reaching lows not seen since 2008 after being adjusted for inflation since that time.

With major holidays coming right around the corner like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Americans are worried about being able to provide for their families.

And apparently, those worries are not unfounded.

According to a report from Wells Fargo, the price for a turkey is 23% higher in 2022 compared to 2021.

Furthermore, eggs are up 32.5%, butter is up 25.8%, and flour is up 17.1%.

Even fruits and vegetables are up 7.3% this year compared to last.

All this comes from a Wells Fargo report authored by Courtney Buerger, Brad Rubin, and Michael Swanson which evaluated how much a family could expect to spend on major Thanksgiving items compared to last year.

You can read the whole report here: https://global.wf.com/hub_blog/year-dine-thanksgiving/

As the report indicates, some of this can be chalked up to anomalies like bird flu that are driving up prices by skewing the supply and demand equilibriums.

But that wouldn’t be telling the whole story as those alone usually don’t impact prices as much as they have been lately.

The Biden administration and the federal reserve have been on a spending spree in a foolish effort to “combat” inflation.

Joe Biden signed a $740 billion “Inflation Reduction” act that will almost certainly just make inflation worse, not better, in the long run.

How? The answer is really quite simple.

If everything is affordable because the federal reserve prints money out of thin air, consumption will continue to skyrocket artificially as it has for the past two years.

If consumption continues to skyrocket, the natural reaction from market prices is to inflate in reaction to supply and demand equilibriums shifting.

Meaning the simple truth is that the federal reserve and the Biden administration spending like there’s no tomorrow is the main driver of inflation.

It’s almost like increasing money supply will force the market prices to react accordingly.

Who would have thought?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates.

Hunter Biden is terrified after a pair of Republicans made this unexpected move


Hunter Biden’s issues continue to mount with no end in sight. But with this one decision, he was given a curveball.

And Hunter Biden is terrified after a pair of Republicans made this unexpected move.

Federal prosecutors in Delaware are considering charging Hunter Biden with a crime.

A federal grand jury is investigating whether Hunter committed tax evasion in connection with his corrupt overseas business agreements that were contingent on his father’s political position.

According to the Washington Post, federal investigators investigating the case feel there is more than enough evidence to charge Hunter with tax evasion and lying on a federal guns background check form about his drug usage.

Now, a pair of Republicans are assisting the federal prosecutor in Delaware, David Weiss, with information on Hunter’s alleged offenses as he considers charging the President’s son.

Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) have led the Senate investigation into Hunter Biden.

The couple provided Weiss over 200 pages of data detailing payments made by Chinese corporations to Hunter-owned companies.

The Republican Senators supplied the materials to ensure that Weiss’ inquiry into Hunter is “thorough.”

“If you are conducting a full and complete investigation, you should already possess these records. In the case that you are not and do not possess these records, we suggest that you review them in detail,” the Senators wrote to Weiss.

The majority of the financial transactions described in the documents include payments made by the now-defunct Chinese business CEFC China Energy.

After the firm fell due to irregularities, CEFC China Energy was dubbed the “Enron of China.”

The corporation went bankrupt after being caught attempting to bribe African officials in an oil deal.

The communist government also kidnapped its President.

CEFC China Energy and its associates paid Hunter about $6 million through Hudson West III, a company he founded.

According to the bank records obtained by the Senators, Hunter and his Uncle James went on a “spending spree” after receiving the money.

“We are also providing bank records showing that credit cards were collateralized by a $99,000 preauthorized withdrawal from Hudson West III,” Grassley and Johnson wrote.

The money was spent on meals, hotels, travel, and Apple stores, according to the report.

David Weiss has refused to answer Johnson and Grassley’s queries about the Biden administration’s political influence in the case.

“We are providing these records because you have failed to answer our legitimate Congressional oversight questions with respect to how you are conducting the Hunter Biden criminal case, whether you have been provided all necessary resources and support from the Justice Department and if you’ve acquired these bank records – as well as others – during the course of your review,” the letter concluded.

Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson provided David Weiss with material that could be crucial in bringing Hunter Biden down.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden was stabbed in the back by the Fake News Media with these five words


Everyone knows the Fake News Media covers for Joe Biden and the Democrats whenever they can. But they are also trying to cover their behinds.

And Joe Biden was stabbed in the back by the Fake News Media with just five words.

On Sunday, panelists from CNN, NBC, and MSNBC debated whether former President Obama’s involvement in the midterm elections will benefit Democrats.

On CNN’s “State of the Union” Scott Jennings made light of the fact that Obama’s involvement in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections produced “amazing results.”

Scott Jennings added however that Joe Biden “can’t be out there,” arguing that Biden is toxic for anyone running for office.

“I think the fact he’s out there also tells you what we know about the election. Joe Biden can’t be out there. So this is the only person they can put out. Democrats have bet everything on abortion, everything,” Jennings began.

“And with nine days to go, it’s Social Security, it’s Medicare, it’s fear, it’s — and finally it’s we made a huge mess, and what are you going to do to clean it up? It’s too late. It’s not going to work,” Jennings added.

Obama helped Democrats win the 2018 midterm elections, according to Karen Finney, a former senior strategist to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. She also said that no Democratic candidate was solely focused on the issue of abortion.

Jonathan Martin of the New York Times argued that Biden’s not being able to help out Democrats on the campaign trail “says a lot” about the Democrats and how they were very short-sighted in the 2020 Presidential election.

“I think Obama being out there in places that Biden cannot go, Georgia, Nevada, the two most obvious examples, it does say a lot about Democrats, sort of where the party is today, right? But Biden was essentially an emergency nominee in 2020, because the entire criteria of the party, who can beat Trump, and he was obviously the answer. But there was not a lot of thought given to longer-term planning, so they now have a near 80-year-old incumbent president,” the New York Times’s Jonathan Martin said during CNN’s “Inside Politics.”

On NBC’s “Meet the Press” contributor Kimberly Atkins Stohr said that Obama needs to be successful for the Democrats to avoid utter disaster on election night.

“The Democrats hope that he’s the closer. I mean I talked to two people yesterday just in regular conversations, like, you know. Barack Obama is so good at this. I think that’s what they’re counting on, especially for that youth vote,” she said.

All of these Big Media talking heads turning their backs on Joe Biden truly says a lot about how poor of a President he’s been so far.

The Democrats are in desperation mode to drum up last-minute support to prevent a complete red wave takeover on November 8th on the part of the GOP.

But most argue that the Obama-play at the last minute simply isn’t going to work to prevent the Democrats from losing big time.

Most political experts say that the GOP will at least take back firm control of the U.S. House of Representatives. And now the betting odds are in the GOP’s favor to take back the Senate as well.

If the GOP take back the House and the Senate this year and force Biden into an early lame-duck situation in his first year, the Democrats will be utterly screwed.

Biden’s underwater approval ratings mean he likely can’t win in 2024, and the Democrats have no one else they could turn to for the 2024 election.

So if the Republicans win the House and the Senate this year, it’s looking like the Republicans have a bright future in Washington, D.C.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.