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Kamala Harris was just exposed for doing this one thing to Joe Biden


Harris is known to perform “favors” to advance her career. That’s how she got her start in this business.

Kamala Harris was just exposed for doing this one thing to Joe Biden.

Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the least liked people in politics. Her cackling laugh and refusal to answer even the simplest questions has gotten her backlash from conservatives and the Left.

Her approval rating is an abysmal 38.4% and has been stuck there for the better part of a year.

That’s why she’s taking a page out of her old playbook.

If you didn’t know, Kamala Harris began her career in the Almeda County District Attorney’s Office in California. While there, the then 29-year-old Kamala Harris began an affair with the married 60-year-old speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown.

Harris would go on to become the mayor of San Francisco. And Kamala Harris was conveniently elected San Francisco’s district attorney during Brown’s tenure as mayor.

Obviously, Kamala Harris has no qualms with doling out “favors” and using anyone to propel her political ambitions.

And one former Democrat just called her out for using Joe Biden as a “meal ticket.”

On Monday, Former California state Senate Majority Leader Gloria Romero destroyed Kamala Harris in a Fox News interview.

“Let’s face it, Joe Biden is Kamala Harris’s meal ticket to potentially the presidency,” Romero said.

She then went on to say that Kamala Harris keeps pushing the idea that Joe Biden will run again to prevent any potential opponents from preparing a campaign. That way, she can swoop in at the last minute as the leader of the pack.

“She needs to go ahead and to keep putting out there for the public and especially potential other opponents that Joe Biden is running because the longer that people can believe that myth, the greater the opportunity is that no other contender like Newsom or Buttigieg change or even Hillary Clinton might step into the fray.”

Romero also blasted Kamala for demonizing former president Trump to distract from the important issues the Biden administration won’t address, like rampant inflation and the FBI’s politically motivated raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

“I think many of us, probably most of us, are appalled, whatever we think of Donald Trump, of what happened to the president, the former president of the United States, so I am disenchanted with that,” Romero said.

“Once again, it’s politi-speak,” she continued. “It’s a way to try to reshape and to try to encourage the electorate to not look at inflation, to not look at the supply chain, to not look at the crisis of a very unsecured border, and to try to focus on these so-called divisive issues such as an activist court. It is a disappointment.”

Unfortunately for Kamala and the Left, Americans can feel the pain of the Democrat agenda in their wallets. And with the November elections right around the corner, it’s not looking good for the radical Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump couldn’t stop laughing after this Democrat admitted he was right all along


During his four years in office, Donald Trump turned a ton of heads for breaking the status quo. He drove the political establishment crazy.

But Donald Trump couldn’t stop laughing after this Democrat admitted he was right all along.

Ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the Democrats have shifted their message on immigration hard to the far-left.

They now proclaim that there’s no such thing as illegal immigrants and because, in their eyes, they never broke a law.

That’s blatantly untrue, but that doesn’t stop them from claiming it.

Even inner city Democrats thousands of miles from the southern border play this virtue signaling game as well.

One such Democrat is none other than Chicago’s mayor Lori Lightfoot.

She’s said for years now that everyone, regardless of legal immigration status, is welcome in Chicago.

So Texas Governor Greg Abbott took her up on that since Texans need help taking the brunt of the ongoing southern border crisis.

He recently bussed migrants to Chicago where they would be apparently welcomed.

But as anyone could have predicted, Lori Lightfoot quickly changed her tune.

She’s reportedly bussed half of those migrants to a Hampton Inn in Burr Ridge, a Republican suburban area, to keep them there for the next month.

Fox News reports:

The Republican mayor of a suburban Chicago town is calling out Windy City Mayor Lori Lightfoot after over 60 migrants were shipped to his town and dropped off at a local hotel.

After being bussed from Texas, 147 migrants arrived in Chicago on Wednesday, according to FOX 32. Sixty-four of those migrants were then taken to a Hampton Inn hotel in Burr Ridge, which is outside of Chicago, where they will be for at least the next 27 days.

This is not a surprise.

Democrats want to play the virtue signaling game by saying everyone is welcome in their Democrat utopias.

They have to give lip service to their radical Leftist base or they will be committing political suicide.

But when the rubber hits the road, they realize not everything is all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to actually dealing with the issue of immigration.

Donald Trump saw this a million miles away.

He regularly called out major Democrats for their hypocrisy on the issue of immigration, saying they would not be singing the same tune if they were in the shoes of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

This time, Donald Trump is getting the last laugh.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Bill Barr betrayed Donald Trump in a stunning interview


The FBI and DOJ’s raid of Mar-a-Lago has been front-and-center in the news. Donald Trump is figuring out who his true allies are during all of this.

Bill Barr sold Donald Trump down the river in this shocking interview.

The former attorney general for Donald Trump, Bill Barr, has long had a complicated relationship with the former President.

At times, he’s been one of Trump’s most ardent defenders.

And at other times he’s sided with Deep State actors who want nothing more than to see Trump behind bars.

There’s almost no in-between with Bill Barr.

So when Barr was making an appearance on Fox News to share his latest opinion on the FBI-DOJ and Trump debacle, everyone was tuned in.

And Trump most certainly didn’t like what he heard.

Barr would go on Fox News to say that the special master that Donald Trump as been afforded shouldn’t have ever been offered and that the government should appeal it.

He also seemingly sided with the FBI and DOJ with the idea that Donald Trump was allegedly “obstructing” their investigation.

Barr started out saying “The opinion, I think, was wrong, and I think the government should appeal it. It’s deeply flawed in a number of ways. I don’t think the appointment of a special master is going to hold up, but even if it does, I don’t see it fundamentally changing the trajectory.”

“But I think that the fundamental dynamics of the case are said, which is the government has very strong evidence of what it really needs to determine whether charges are appropriate, which is government tax documents were taken, classified information was taken and not handled appropriately,” Barr added.

Once again, Bill Barr is, for whatever reason, choosing to bandwaggon with the radical Leftists and the Deep State who just want to throw Trump in prison and never allow him close to the White House again.

As much as he claims to be a conservative, his take is anything but conservative.

The federal judge who offered Trump’s legal team the special master said Trump deserved one because he has rights like any other citizen.

She also noted that his case ought to be treated with even more care considering the high profile nature of the case.

Bill Barr, of all people, should know that.

And he likely does.

But he’s seemingly turning his back on Trump just to be “on the rightside of history” somehow.

The truth is, there is no crime that the FBI or the DOJ have said Trump’s committed.

This could very well turn out to be yet another failed nothing-burger concocted by the Deep State and D.C. Swamp to destroy Donald Trump.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe what the FBI just stole from Donald Trump


The FBI is in hot water over its raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. But new details are proving just how corrupt the agency has gotten.

And you won’t believe what the FBI just stole from Donald Trump.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to find out that the federal government is the same swamp Donald Trump was hacking away at during his presidency.

Its endless departments staffed by Leftist bureaucrats who write up rules out of thin air is bloated to the seams. And thousands of government staffers are getting paid six-figure salaries with guaranteed pensions with no way to fire them.

And the FBI’s recent raid on Donald Trump and his family shows that the country’s most senior law enforcement agency isn’t immune to the long tentacles of the swamp monsters.

As anyone who has been paying attention knows, the FBI raided Donald Trump’s Florida residence, accusing him of harboring “classified files.”

But reports are coming out that they took far more than allegedly classified documents.

And Donald Trump just confirmed as much in a post criticizing the FBI on his Truth Social account saying:

Not only did the FBI steal my Passports in the FBI Raid and Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, but it has just been learned through court filings that they also improperly took my complete and highly confidential medical file and history, with all the bells and whistles (at least they’ll see that I’m very healthy, an absolutely perfect physical specimen!), plus personal Tax Records (Illegal to take), and lawyer/client/privileged information, a definite NO, NO. Days of the Soviet Union!

The revelation that the FBI stole Trump’s medical records was released in a court order from Judge Aileen M. Cannon if the Southern District of Florida after she granted Trump’s request for a Special Master to review the documents the FBI seized.

As Breitbart reports:

Cannon ordered a special master be appointed to review the seized property, manage Trump’s assertions of privilege, make recommendations, and evaluate claims for return of property.

Cannon also temporarily enjoined, or prohibited, the government from further review and use of any of the materials seized from Mar-a-Lago for criminal investigative purposes pending resolution of the special master’s review process.

There’s no doubt that the FBI’s raid was a politically motivated attempt to intimidate Donald trump from seeking a second term as president.

Unfortunately for the radical Left, their plot was exposed almost immediately.

And knowing Donald Trump, this has likely set a fire in him to come back with a vengeance in 2024.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden was just embarrassed for all the world to see in this stunning video


One of Biden’s biggest areas of failure has to be his foreign policy. Even Democrats agree that his foreign policy has been downright awful.

And it’s getting worse. Because President Biden was just embarrassed for all the world to see in this stunning video.

About a week ago was the anniversary of President Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

He and his administration hastily left leaving billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment and Americans at risk of retaliation by terrorists.

The botched Afghanistan pullout truly started to tank Biden’s approval ratings, and they haven’t recovered since.

Now, the major foreign policy failure has been brought back to the attention of Americans.

According to the reports, the Taliban recently celebrated the Biden administration’s colossal failure by parading in front of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

The Taliban also lit off fireworks and demonstratively bragged about taking over the region since the Afghan failure one year ago.

Afghanistan had long been a disaster in the hands of George Bush and Barack Obama.

Donald Trump was given a mess, and tried to make the very best of it he could. Though some conservatives say he didn’t do quite enough during his time in office to safely pullout.

Then Biden comes along and hastily pulls our troops and has no idea what he’s doing.

He blames Donald Trump, but it’s been a mess 20 years in the making.

On top of that, Biden left billions of dollars of equipment for the terrorists to do with it what they please.

This political embarrassment is likely a stain on his administration he can’t rid himself of.

The Taliban are celebrating Biden’s incompetence, make no mistake about it.

It’s hard to imagine any foreign threat performing any such demonstration in front of a U.S. Embassy with a President like Donald Trump in office.

There’s no doubt that he carried a serious sense of strength about him that foreign powers didn’t want to mess with>

Biden on the other hand, seems like he has no idea what’s going on at any point, so he couldn’t possibly demonstrate strength.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

This one shocking video just exposed Joe Biden and CNN


President Joe Biden has been an outright disaster. He’s relied on the mainstream media to bend the rules for him.

His administration’s been caught. And this one shocking video just exposed Joe Biden and CNN

Last Thursday, Joe Biden was criticized for demonizing half the nation for supporting Donald Trump.

Even though “MAGA” stands for Make America Great Again, Joe Biden condemned MAGA Republicans in his PA speech, saying they are a threat to American Democracy.

He also said that a majority of conservatives are not MAGA Republicans.

That’s truly laughable considering the vast majority of conservatives and Republicans support Donald Trumps and Trump’s America First conservative policies.

Leftists are defending Biden to the death, however.

CNN even went so far as changing their video broadcast of Joe Biden in front of a blood-red broadcast to appear as though he was appearing in front of a pink broadcast instead, during his PA speech demonizing Trump supporters.

The New York Post reports:

CNN is facing questions from critics after the network was busted altering the lighting for President Biden’s Thursday address, softening the blood-red hues to calmer shades of pink.

The president came in for withering mockery online for the harsh black and red backdrop, with many comparing the optics to “Star Wars” and “V for Vendetta.”

While networks like CNN, MSNBC, CBS and C-SPAN carrying the speech all originally appeared consistent, CNN noticeably altered the color of the background from red to pink in real-time.

CNN blamed the pink coloring on CBS.

However, multiple news networks used CBS’s footage for their reporting.

CNN was the only network that had pink footage of Joe Biden.

Almost certainly, CNN was looking for a way to make Joe Biden appear less authoritarian.

They likely saw the optics of Biden’s speech and made a change of the appearance to make Biden come across as more palatable.

But Biden truly stood in front of a blood-red background and demonized half of American voters.

There’s no getting around that.

It’s likely that CNN covered for the Biden administration.

It wouldn’t be the first time that happened either.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.