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Biden changes his angle and makes a dangerous pro-terrorist statement


Joe Biden and the Radical Left are always changing their angles and saying whatever they think will get them votes. But now, this could majorly backfire.

Because Biden has changed his angle and made a dangerous pro-terrorist statement.

Up until recently, Biden seemed to be taking a stance against terrorism (at least in some cases).

And while he most certainly hates America, people didn’t really think he loved terrorists.

But now, all of that has changed, and he has made his true intentions known, and the world is terrified.

In an apparent reversal in U.S. policy toward the Gaza war, State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters during a briefing on Tuesday that the U.S. shares the objective of “degrading” Hamas rather than using the word “defeating.”

President Joe Biden agreed with Israel’s objective of “defeating” Hamas, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday, but he thought Israel did not have to assault Hamas in its final bastion, Rafah, to accomplish this:

“The President told the Prime Minister again today that we share the goal of defeating Hamas, but we just believe you need a coherent and sustainable strategy to make that happen.

Now, the President has rejected — and did again today — the strawman that raising questions about Rafah is the same as raising questions about defeating Hamas. That’s just nonsense.

And from the U.S. perspective, this is not a question of defeating Hamas. And anytime I hear an argument that says, “If you don’t smash into Rafah, you can’t defeat Hamas,” I say, “That is a strawman.”

[T]he President is not focused on what’s popular, what’s not popular, how do you shape public opinion. He’s interested in how do we get to the right result, and the right result is the enduring defeat of Hamas, a two-state solution that has a secure Israel and a Palestinian state that vindicates the aspirations of the Palestinian people, and a broader normalization of relations so that Israel also has peace with all of its Arab neighbors.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed on Tuesday, as Breitbart News reported, that defeating Hamas would require entering Rafah.

He claimed that even though he would be willing to discuss this with the Biden Administration, it was a move that had to happen in order for Hamas to be defeated.

Patel was subsequently asked to comment on Netanyahu’s remarks on Tuesday.

In order to “target key elements of Hamas, help secure the Egypt-Gaza border, and do so without a major ground operation in Rafah,” Patel stated that the Biden Administration was looking forward to talks about “alternative approaches” with Israeli authorities in Washington.

After that, Patel spoke of “our shared goal of degrading Hamas,” which is not the same as “defeating” Hamas.

Patel also took issue with alleged Israeli plans to establish a one-kilometer-wide buffer zone inside Gaza along its border with Israel in order to thwart future terror attacks

Patel informed reporters that “there can be no reduction in territory in Gaza.”

This is a major shift and it is clear that Biden’s sympathy for murderous terrorists has grown.

We cannot allow this madness to continue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Shocking new report exposes the Radical Left’s control of the media


The Left does everything they can to control the media and brainwash the people. But now all of that has come crashing down.

Because a shocking new report has exposed the Radical Left’s control of the media.

According to FBI statistics that NBC News revealed on March 19, 2024, there were over a million background checks per month for gun transactions in 2023, a year in which crime decreased.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) screenings for gun transactions have exceeded a million per month for 47 consecutive months, according to information published by the Washington Examiner on July 4, 2023.

Mark Oliva of the National Shooting Sports Foundation told Breitbart News on March 19, 2024, that more than a million NICS checks have been made for 55 straight months.

This indicates that while Americans flocked to gun stores in the run-up to and during 2023 to purchase firearms, NBC News’s “fourth-quarter numbers” revealed “a 13% decline in murder in 2023 from 2022, a 6% decline in reported violent crime, and a 4% decline in reported property crime.”

“It suggests that when we get the final data in October, we will have seen likely the largest one-year decline in murder that has ever been recorded,” said former CIA analyst Jeff Asher in response to the lower crime statistics.

Following a spike in gun sales in 2013, a similar circumstance existed.

According to Breitbart News, there were 21,093,273 background checks for private gun transactions in 2013, and the FBI reported a decline in “offenses” in the violent and property crime categories in the first half of 2014.

Broadly speaking, Breitbart News noted a 2012 Congressional Research Service research indicating that the number of privately held firearms increased from 192 million in 1994 to 309 million in 2009.

Concurrently, the rate of “firearm-related murder and non-negligent homicide” in the United States decreased from 6.6 per 100,000 people in 1993 to 3.6 per 100,000 people in 2000 and finally to 3.2 per 100,000 people in 2011.

The Radical Left does absolutely everything they can to convince the American people that guns are horrible devices from the devil himself.

However, that is absolutely not the case as this data shows.

When more and more law-abiding citizens have guns and can protect themselves, criminals will be less willing to commit crimes against them.

The Left has taken over the media with their fake news and lying fact checkers, but now the American people know the truth.

Crime does not go up when more people buy guns… it is the exact opposite: crime decreases when people purchase more guns.

Many people find it a strange coincidence that the Radical Left wants to disarm the American people.

And now, with illegal aliens bringing in a massive new wave of violent crimes, Americans need to stand up for themselves and their 2nd Amendment rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Terrifying warning issued by Trump ally minutes before being attacked by Biden’s DOJ


The Radical Left has been coming after Trump for years. But now, everything is about to change, because they are coming after us all.

A terrifying warning was issued by a Trump ally just minutes before being attacked by Biden’s DOJ.

Shortly before going to prison, former Trump advisor Peter Navarro held a press conference in Miami and declared that the US legal system will “have done a crippling blow to the constitutional separation of powers and executive privilege.”

Navarro additionally denounced the “emergence of lawfare and the partisan weaponization of our justice system, which we have seen done to this country with a vengeance since the coming of Donald John Trump as president.”

“I am the first senior White House advisor in the history of our republic that has ever been charged with this alleged crime,” Navarro stated.

Navarro was found guilty of contempt of Congress and given a four-month prison sentence for refusing to cooperate with the subpoena on the grounds of executive privilege.

Navarro told US District Judge Amit Mehta that “”When I received that congressional subpoena…I had an honest belief that the privilege had been invoked,” during his January sentence hearing.

“I saw alleged because, for hundreds of years, this has not been a crime. And for 50 years, the Department of Justice has maintained the principle of absolute testimony immunity, and it was only with my case that somehow that has changed,” said Navarro.

“And an executive privilege goes back to George Washington and his remarks to the Congress regarding the Jay Treaty and he said, very simply and clearly, succinctly, elegantly, that to write to the Congress he said, I cannot command you as members of Congress to come to be, you cannot command me to come to you.”

Navarro in his outrage noted that he would be the only person in that prison because of a misdemeanor.

He claimed, “Everyone else is in there for felonies.”

He then added that he “will gather strength from this.”

Navarro fiercely proclaimed that his mission “is to defend the Constitution, separation of powers, and executive privilege.”

Navarro showed great boldness and strength when he informed reporters that he was “not nervous” but instead was “afraid for this country because this, what they’re doing should have a chilling effect on every American regardless of their party.”

Navarro then spoke out and issued a chilling warning to the people of America:

“They’ve come for me, they can come for you.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top intelligence agency pushes crossdressing on agents


The push for DEI and radical agendas are now bleeding into our government agencies. And this newest discovery is absurd.

Because now, top intelligence agencies are pushing their agents to crossdress.

According to an internal document obtained by The Daily Wire, agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies received a newsletter that praised an intelligence official for cross-dressing, stating that it makes him “a better intelligence officer.”

Personnel throughout the entire Intelligence Community received the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s weekly newsletter, known as “The Dive,” which The Daily Wire was able to get through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Featured in this newsletter was an anonymous official’s claim that being a crossdresser improves one’s ability to gather intelligence.

The article, titled “My Gender Identity and Expression Make Me a Better Intelligence Officer,” claimed, “I am an intelligence officer, and I am a man who likes to wear women’s clothes sometimes.”

The author proceeds to argue that, considering the current discourse surrounding gender identity and expression and professional appearance, the decision to crossdress “merits attention.”

Each page states that it is “for official use only” and “not cleared for public release.”

However, the unclassified newsletter was made available to The Daily Wire last week; however, details like author names are withheld throughout.

It was produced by the IC Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Office of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and distributed to all intelligence community members.

The ODNI, a cabinet-level organization, is in charge of the IC as a whole, which includes the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence divisions within each branch of the armed forces.

The newsletter is released at a time when the Biden administration has entrenched the DEI agenda throughout the operations of the Intelligence Community and the larger federal bureaucracy, and Trump is getting ready to end the administrative state should he win the presidency again.

In the newsletter, the anonymous intelligence officer states, “I think my experiences as someone who crossdresses have sharpened the skills I use as an intelligence officer.”

He says that he is “more aware of, and hopefully more supportive of, my women colleagues” and that he has a “better appreciation for how it can be uncomfortable to wear women’s clothes sometimes.”

“I know firsthand how wearing heels can make your feet hurt and make it take longer to walk somewhere,” he wrote.

The officer also admits that his crossdressing is distracting, but he does it anyway.

“When I crossdress it still distracts people, even though it is professional,” he writes.

“It is my hope that we can learn to accept a wider range of gender identities and expressions.”

This is simply the newest effort by the Radical Left to force their radical ideologies onto us all.

Our government agencies that are supposed to be protecting American lives are instead teaching their agents to be crossdressers.

We cannot allow this to continue. We must hold our officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Liberal judge makes disturbing illegal alien ruling that could put millions of lives in danger


The Radical Left seems bent on the destruction of America. And their hatred for American citizens is obvious.

But now, a liberal judge has made a disturbing illegal alien ruling that could put millions in danger.

According to a District Court judge in Illinois, it is unconstitutional to forbid illegal aliens from owning firearms.

On March 8, US District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman declared that defendant Hariberto Carbajal-Flores was a victim of a “violation of the Second Amendment as applied” by the “noncitizen possession statute” as outlined in 18 USC Section 922(g)(5).

This rule, which declares that it is illegal for a person “who, being an alien, is illegally or unlawfully in the United States,” was broken by Carbajal-Flores, who was detained in June 2020 while carrying a weapon in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois.

Having stated that he “received and used the handgun for self-protection and protection of property,” he denied ever having been convicted of a criminal.

Obama appointee Coleman cited the 2022 Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle and Firearm Association v. Bruen, which held that New York State could not legally forbid persons from carrying a firearm in public.

Coleman stated that this instance “established a framework for analyzing whether a challenged firearm regulation violates the Second Amendment.”

Courts will use this paradigm to decide whether the “Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct.”

“This Court previously held that Carbajal-Flores’ conduct is covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment…Nothing has occurred that would cause the Court to depart from its prior ruling.”

According to Fox News, Coleman earlier rejected Carbajal-Flores’ request to have his indictment dismissed in April 2022, concluding that the prohibition was lawful.

Later, following the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling, he asked the court to reexamine.

Coleman said, “Second Amendment’s plain text presumptively protects firearms possession by undocumented persons.”

“Carbajal-Flores has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involving the use of a weapon. Even in the present case, Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property during a time of documented civil unrest in the Spring of 2020,” wrote Coleman.

“Additionally, Pretrial Service has confirmed that Carbajal-Flores has consistently adhered to and fulfilled all the stipulated conditions of his release, is gainfully employed, and has no new arrests or outstanding warrants.”

“The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores’ criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense,” Coleman added.

Eventually, Coleman declared: “Thus, this Court finds that, as applied to Carbajal-Flores, Section 922(g)(5) is unconstitutional.”

The implications of this ruling are far-reaching, and Americans are worried.

Not only has crime already drastically risen under Biden’s open border policies, but not, illegal immigrants can carry weapons.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

Trump made a shocking VP announcement that no one saw coming


Many Americans have been on the edge of their seats for months waiting to hear news about who Trump would pick for VP. But people were shocked when this news broke.

And Trump has made a VP announcement that no one saw coming.

On January 15, Ramaswamy withdrew from the Republican presidential contest and swiftly gave his support to Trump, who has since won the party’s nominee.

On February 20, the former president told FOX News’ Laura Ingraham during a town hall in Greenville, South Carolina, that Ramaswamy was on his shortlist of individuals to consider as running partners.

However, according to reports on Monday, Vivek Ramaswamy is no longer being considered by Donald Trump as his vice presidential candidate.

Instead, the former President informed his previous competitor that he would attempt to place him in a cabinet post.

Sources close to the situation told Bloomberg that Trump personally called Ramaswamy to break the news.

The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is apparently one of the roles under consideration.

Representative Elise Stefanik, former US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and Doug Burgum, the governor of North Dakota, are among the people Trump and his team are considering for possible Cabinet roles.

According to Bloomberg “Trump is looking for a running mate who isn’t motivated by the limelight, but who will help give him a measurable edge in the race against President Joe Biden, according to those familiar with his thinking.”

“Trump has confided to close advisers and allies that none of the names circulating as potential running mates have impressed him much. His list of options has only grown longer, not shorter, according to people close to the former president.”

Bloomberg also reported that the former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., is very interested in a significant role during any transitionary phases.

Many people are surprised and some are even disappointed that Vivek is no longer being considered as Trump’s VP.

Vivek seemed extremely popular in the polls, and many conservative Americans were rooting for him to become Trump’s VP pick.

However, Trump still obviously wants Vivek as a close ally and part of his Cabinet.

According to Trump, the “first quality” he is looking for in a running mate is the ability to be “a good president because if something should happen, you have to have somebody that’s going to be a great president.”

He did, however, acknowledge that he thought primary voters were more concerned with the name at the top of the ticket than with the running mate.

“The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how little of an impact the vice president choice has,” Trump declared. “It just seems to be whoever the president is.”

Also, during a prior town hall in January in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump had hinted that he had already chosen his running partner.

Whoever Donald Trump chooses to pick as his running mate will definitely be a better pick than Kamala Harris.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Illegal alien caught at border making an alarming threat


Joe Biden’s border crisis has left America open to all sorts of attacks. But now people are getting even bolder.

And an illegal alien was caught at border making an alarming threat.

Recently, a Lebanese national was apprehended by US border officers on the southern border.

The man claimed to be a terrorist from Hezbollah who was preparing to detonate a bomb in the US.

According to the New York Post, on March 9th, in the vicinity of El Paso, Texas, Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was taken into custody by US Border Patrol officials.

The Post was able to obtain an internal Border Patrol document that classified Ebbadi’s arrest as a “Significant Arrest.”

The document said, “El Paso Sector Intelligence Agents assigned to the Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT) interviewed Basel Bassel EBBADI from Lebanon after he made terroristic threats to personnel at the EP Sector Hardened Facility.”

“Post Miranda, Basel Bassel EBBADI claimed membership to a foreign terrorist organization,” it added.

The document revealed that after he was arrested, Ebbadi was being evaluated by medical staff.

They asked him what he was planning on doing in the US to which he replied, “I’m going to try to make a bomb.”

He admitted to U.S. officials that he had spent seven years training with Hezbollah, an Islamic terrorist organization with Iranian support that is headquartered in Lebanon, and that he was an active participant in securing the organization’s arsenal.

According to the investigation, he told officials that his training was centered on “jihad” and killing people “that was not Muslim.”

He claimed that his intention was to travel to New York.

On Sunday, the Post piece received tens of millions of views on X, and prominent reactions were sent out by conservative figures.

“Biden’s open border is an open invitation for Iran-backed terrorists to infiltrate our homeland. This will only get worse until Biden secures the border,” wrote Senator Joni Ernst from Iowa.

Joe Biden and the Radical Left try to act as if the border crisis is simply a matter of Republicans and Conservatives hating immigrants.

However, the issue is much more severe than that.

Because of Joe Biden’s failed policies and refusal to secure our border, America is under attack, and American lives are in severe danger.

This is not the first instance of dangerous terrorists at the border, and it certainly won’t be the last.

We must stand up for America and fight back against this oppression from the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Leading prosecutor makes bold prediction on Biden impeachment and Dems are terrified


The Radical Left has been doing everything they can to keep Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry out of the news. But all of that is about to change.

Because now, the leading prosecutor has made a shocking prediction that has left Dems terrified.

Many people have noticed that news on Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry has been strangely absent in mainstream media these days.

The Radical Left is doing everything they can to ensure that Americans do not know the truth about the corruption of the Biden administration and family.

However, the recent news coming from the impeachment proceedings is major.

The lead investigator of the probe said that the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden will certainly lead to criminal referrals.

On Fox News, House Oversight Chairman James Comer broke the news.

He was disclosing his plans to continue with a public hearing even though Hunter Biden chose not to participate himself.

Comer said, “If he does not show up, then it’s not going to end well for the Bidens, because we have three witnesses that … have already testified under oath to significantly different stories as to what exactly the Biden influence peddling schemes were.”

“This is very serious because we’re at the point now of criminal referrals,” the Chairman added.

When he was asked by the news anchor just how many referrals there would be, Comer said there would be “multiple.”

This news does not bode well with the Biden family, and the Left knows that if the American people know the truth then Joe Biden has no hopes of remaining in office.

Using the term “sham” investigation and a lack of impeachable charges, Biden and his supporters have attempted to thwart the impeachment attempt.

Nevertheless, there is undeniable proof that Biden met and conversed with his family members’ associates, contradicting the president’s allegations that he was involved in their business operations.

Comer also informed the public that there has been “massive obstruction” from the White House and the Biden legal team.

He did note, however, that investigations were still “able to get probably 80% of the information that we have requested.”

Comer said, “We have accumulated lots of evidence of wrongdoing, from the 170 suspicious activity reports to the multiple shell companies that were used to launder the money and then send the ten different Biden family members incremental payments, all the payments from Romania, from Kazakhstan, from Ukraine, from Russia that were sent to the Bidens during — most of which was — happened during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president of the United States.”

“We have given the Bidens opportunities to explain what business they were actually in. And, as of this point, I can’t tell you a single legitimate business the Bidens had, other than they were influence peddling. And I think most Americans would agree that we don’t need the immediate family of our President of the United States profiting to the tune of tens of millions of dollars from our adversaries around the world,” he added.

And then he told America something that made every Democrat across the nation shudder to hear:

“So we’re at the point of holding people accountable for criminal wrongdoing. And I think we have already demonstrated several instances of criminal mischief by multiple members of the Biden family.”

Joe Biden and his corrupt family will NOT escape justice.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

AOC brutally attacked in NY by opponent and politicians are shocked


Politics can be very dangerous. Especially for people as controversial as AOC.

And now, AOC was brutally attacked in NY by an opponent and it has left politicians speechless.

Ramses Frias, a candidate for the New York Assembly in District 39, is making an effort to draw attention to the appalling circumstances afflicting a Queens neighborhood that falls under the congressional district of New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Walking around the neighborhood’s streets, Frias captured the unsettling reality in a video that was only made available to Fox News.

In the video, an array of illicit vendors can be seen selling everything from toys and picture frames to clothes and sneakers.

Frias bemoaned the absence of responsibility towards these sellers, claiming that they operate with impunity and occupy public spaces without facing any repercussions.

Frias told Fox News Digital, “Like most of my like-minded residents, we see this as a third-world market.”

“Basically, you just see clothes thrown across the floor … the items are stolen from donation bins or stolen from stores, and they just set up shop outside brick-and-mortar businesses. They take away trade from these businesses and don’t pay taxes,” Frias said.

While AOC and the Radical Left pretend like they care about people, these videos and this proof speak much louder than the hollow words of a politician.

Is this what we have let America become?

Are we really going to sit back idly and let the Radical Left continue destroying this great nation?

Frias opened the eyes of many Americans as to what Radical Left leadership actually looks like.

He told Fox News that there is blatant and unhidden prostitution in many parts of the area and at all times during the day.

“They do whatever they please, they are open about it and not discreet,” said Frias.

“They line up all along 90th street in front of a pizzeria, a 99-cent store and just try to pull men. You’ll see multiple women in scantily clad clothing. Now it’s cold, they are a bit covered up, but it will get worse in the summer.”

Frias was once a Democrat, but the leadership of the Radical Left has helped him understand that the Left does not care about this country.

He has now even been endorsed for the New York State Assembly by New York City Mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa.

Frias said, “I have lived here my whole life, I’ve seen the changes go from good, too bad to worse, and it’s at that peak of worse right now, and I don’t want it to go past that.”

We cannot sit here and allow this madness to take over our great nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden’s disgusting past comments have come back to bite him


The Radical Left loves to attack people for their comments. However, many Democrats have a very dark past.

And now, Joe Biden’s disgusting past comments have come back to bite him.

The Radical Left has been attacking Donald Trump recently for his comments in which he used the word “bloodbath.”

However, Joe Biden used the exact same word in his 2020 campaign.

In 2020, when Biden and Bernie Sanders engaged in personal attacks in their quest for the Democratic nominee, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden issued a warning against a “bloodbath” in the Democratic primary.

“What we can’t let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath,” Biden stated in a speech to campaign supporters.

These statements have lately come back to light following criticism of former President Trump for using the term “bloodbath” at an Ohio rally to disparage Biden’s leadership of the auto industry.

News sites jumped on Trump’s remarks, which focused on what may happen to the car sector if Biden was reelected.

This resulted in headlines and interpretations implying that Trump was calling for violence in the event that he lost the election in November.

These interpretations, however, failed to take into account the context that Trump’s words supplied, which centered on his worries about how Biden’s policies would affect the car industry.

The former President’s supporters also brought up the fact that Merriam-Webster defines “bloodbath” as “a major economic disaster.”

“Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” said Trump.

Referring to potential effects on the car industry and the economy overall under a second Biden term, Trump warned that it would be “a bloodbath for the country.”

He was in no way at all threatening violence like the Leftist media has been trying to make it seem.

Countless liberal figures and politicians have pushed this fake news and false narrative in order to make Trump look worse.

Democratic leaders, including Nancy Pelosi, seized the chance to advance the narrative that Trump was encouraging violence despite the contextual clarification, misrepresenting his intentions when she appeared on CNN’s Sunday morning show.

“We just have to win this election because he’s even predicting a bloodbath. What does that mean? He’s going to exact a bloodbath? There’s something wrong here.”

However, the American people know the truth, and we will not fall prey to the lies of the Radical Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more of the TRUTH in the news.

Trump makes alarming statement about Biden that has the Left scrambling


One thing Trump is known for is his strong rhetoric. America seems to love that he speaks the truth in his campaign speeches.

But now, Trump has made an alarming statement about Biden that has the Left scrambling.

In a recent exclusive interview with Breitbart, Donald Trump claimed that the parents of Laken Riley are “great people” who “lost an angel” when their daughter was killed by an illegal alien that Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration allowed into the country.

While in Georgia for his campaign last weekend, Trump had a meeting with Riley’s parents. Over the weekend, Trump had a meeting with the parents of Laken, Jason Riley, and Allyson Phillips, at a rally in Rome, Georgia.

Laken Riley was murdered while out on a jog towards the end of February.

After delaying acknowledging for weeks that the illegal alien he allowed into the country was suspected of killing her, Biden eventually broke his script and spoke her name during the State of the Union address, albeit pronouncing it incorrectly.

This was in response to criticism from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

During his 90-minute interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday night at Mar-a-Lago, Trump discussed his meeting with Laken Riley’s parents over the weekend.

Trump said, “They lost a person they loved more than anybody else. She was the top in her class and everything she ever did. She wanted to be a nurse and maybe would have ended up being a doctor.”

“Her friends were there too. They said, ‘We were not as good as her.’ She was like this perfect person and a good person. Her parents are very good people. I spent time with them. I met with her sister, who’s beautiful also, inside and out. These are people that can’t believe what happened,” Trump added.

Trump also took the opportunity to attack Biden for refusing to admit what happened and said Biden has shown “no compassion” to the Riley family in the aftermath.

“They’ve been shown no compassion from Biden other than he called out the name with the wrong name,” Trump claimed.

Trump also rightly pointed out that even when Biden addressed the murder, he did it wrongly and only did it because he was directly called out.

“He only called it out because Marjorie Taylor Greene shamed him. It’s like he picked up the pin to try to read it and he didn’t read it very well. These are people who can’t believe what happened to them and can’t believe what he’s doing. They’ll never be the same.”

Trump also took the moment to express sympathy for all Angel Families (families of victims who have been murdered by illegal aliens).

Trump claimed that the Left despises and hates them.

“They’re hated by the liberals. They’re hated,” Trump said emphatically.

Trump then said one thing that has Liberals even more terrified: “The Angel Moms love Trump.”

“The thing that most amazes me, and I meet a lot of them, is they’re really good people. They lost their son or their daughter, and when I say ‘lost’—one of them was stuffed in a car and set on fire. The whole thing is crazy. Yet the liberal media and the liberals generally treat them horribly.”

Trump claims that these Angel Families are on his side and support him against the Radical Left.

The Left cannot afford to lose even more votes, so now they are scrambling because of his comments.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Trump receives shocking endorsement by unlikely ally and Democrats are worried


As the primaries draw nearer and nearer, Democrats are starting to sweat. Many of their past supporters have ditched them in order to endorse Trump.

But now, Trump has received a shocking endorsement from an unlikely ally, and Democrats are deathly afraid.

Over the past few years, the Radical Left has seemingly done everything they can to put America at risk with foreign powers.

Since Joe Biden has taken office, foreign powers no longer respect us, and after countless military disasters, the US is the laughing stock of the Middle East.

But now, people are speaking out against Biden and reminiscing on the peace the world enjoyed under Trump.

U.S. Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith said in an interview with CBS News on Thursday that Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden have all “pushed” NATO members to increase their defense spending to 2% of GDP.

However, she also said that Trump deserves “credit” for the rise in the number of NATO members meeting the defense spending target and that it is ultimately beneficial for the United States and its allies for members to fulfill their obligations.

Under Donald Trump, there mas mass peace across the world, but especially in the US.

Trump leveraged US military resources as well as skilled diplomats and even personal visits to keep foreign powers at peace and at respectful distances.

The world did not have to wake up every morning to mass destruction and death on the news every single day.

But because of Joe Biden’s failed foreign policies, the US and our allies are under constant attack.

Smith highlighted that even though other presidents have done beneficial things for NATO and peace across the world, Trump deserved most of the credit.

Smith said, “What we decided ten years ago is that every member of this alliance should spend 2% of their own GDP on their own defense. And by investing in their own defense, it ultimately makes the alliance stronger, because we have better forces, better capabilities, and the ability to support one another for any threat that we might face. … [W]e started with just three allies in the alliance spending 2%, and this year, we’re going to be somewhere between 18 and 20 allies spending 2%. So, that’s a huge leap.”

She specifically highlighted who deserves praise by saying, “I credit three U.S. Presidents: President Obama, President Trump, President Biden, they’ve all pushed on this. And now, we have two-thirds of the alliance spending what they need.”

“We still have work to do. We’re going to get those other allies across the line in the next couple of years. Everybody has a plan in place, but, ultimately, the bottom line is, a stronger NATO means that it can help protect America’s interests, and it can help protect the interests of our allies. So, an alliance that is spending more is ultimately good for the United States and good for our allies,” she added.

Later on, Smith said, “In terms of some of the rhetoric we’ve heard out on the campaign trail in the United States, what I will say is encouraging the Kremlin to attack NATO allies is absolutely irresponsible and irrational, but it’s also dangerous. It puts the lives of U.S. troops at risk, and it puts the lives of allied soldiers at risk.”

While Smith and the Radical Left certainly do not agree with Trump and conservatives on many things, they understand that a strong US and strong foreign policies are what the US needs right now.

We cannot keep letting Joe Biden get the United States and our military service members caught up in these tragic conflicts across the world.

We must stand together and demand Joe Biden protect US servicemembers and our resources.

We must vote for leaders who will prioritize America instead of opening us up to constant attack.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politic.s