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Treasonous statement by Democrat governor leaves citizens in shock


Democrats are not known for their love of America. But sometimes things are taken too far.

And now, this treasonous statement by a Democrat governor has left citizens in shock.

Politicians in America will always disagree with one another, and more likely than not, will always have issues with each other.

However, the one thing that all politicians should agree upon is that they need to put America first, and the needs of the people of the country they are elected in need to come first.

Yet, unfortunately, that is not the case anymore these days, and so many Radical politicians are being elected who seem to hate America and want to see it destroyed.

Now, that seems to be the case with California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Gavin Newsom is not known as a good leader, a strong politician, or someone who puts the needs of the citizens of his state first.

But it still came as a shock to many when he uttered this treasonous statement.

Newsom promised that California was going to become “China’s long-term, stable, and strong partner.”

That is the exact opposite sort of thing that anyone would want to hear coming from an elected leader in the United States of America… especially with all of the tension between the two countries right now.

China’s leader Xi Jinping visited with California Governor Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, and since the meeting, Chinese state propaganda media sites have not stopped gushing about how wonderful the meeting was.

One “media” outlet in China wrote that the meeting was a wonderful triumph of “mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.”

However, anyone who gets such high praise from a propaganda site for a massively communist nation should immediately be a red flag for Americans.

The meeting largely centered around California and China working together regarding climate change, green energy, and electric vehicles.

After the meeting, Newsom stated that he wanted to mend relationships with China and improve communication and partnerships.

On Wednesday, he told CNN “We’ve got to turn down the heat. We’ve got to manage our strategic differences. We’ve got to reconcile our strategic red lines.”

The meeting and the response come not too long after tensions with China have reached a boiling point.

There have been tense exchanges between US and Chinese aircraft and Naval ships, and just a few months ago a Chinese spy balloon was shot down after flying over the entire US.

The relationship with China is tense, and many people might applaud Newsom for trying to mend relationships, however at what cost does that come for the American people?

China is a dangerous opponent that should not be underestimated, and they are trying to infiltrate America and American politics in as many ways as they can.

They have already infiltrated the highest level of the US government as their relationship with the Bidens and their bribes have proven.

To hear a US elected official say the things Newsom said about China is certainly concerning for many Californians and Americans alike.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden’s health concerns resurface in a major way


Joe Biden has had many health concerns in the past. But none seem to be quite as serious as this.

And now Biden’s health concerns resurface in a major way.

The President of the United States is one of the most powerful people in the world and that person is in control of countless decisions and is placed in charge of countless things.

So, naturally, the United States, as well as the world, would benefit from a strong and healthy president in America, and we would all suffer if the president had major health concerns.

Well, health concerns are no new thing in American politics, and people are noticing some very concerning red flags when it comes to the health of Joe Biden.

During a recent press conference, Joe Biden was once again caught with cheat sheets and note cards, but there’s something different this time.

The note cards do not just contain speech notes or key points to remember to talk about, no. Instead, the cards had the names and pictures of reporters so he could remember people.

This most recent incident happened during a joint press conference Joe Biden had with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Wednesday.

Both world leaders took questions from four reporters; two of them from each respective country.

Some of the concern comes from the fact that this was a small press conference and Joe Biden only needed to remember four names and faces, so why did he need so much help?

If the president cannot remember four names and faces, is he fit to serve as president in the greatest and most powerful country in the world?

The concerns regarding Joe Biden’s mental fortitude have been growing in recent months as he has been struggling even more with basic tasks like reading and speaking.

Some rumors have circulated that the president might have some form of Dementia or other disease that seems to be eating away at his brain.

People have even speculated that what reporters Joe calls on, what questions get asked, and what answers are given are all scripted by staff ahead of time.

There seems to be proof of that from another joint press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol in April.

President Biden was seen holding a card with the pronunciation of a journalist as well as a pre-written question and pre-written answer; and, the fake question was asked and the fake answer was given.

Many people are concerned that if Biden cannot even handle a simple and small press conference with a few questions, how can we expect him to lead the country?

It also calls into question who is really doing the leading here…

If all of Biden’s questions are pre-approved and his answers are already given for him, then what is it that Joe Biden is really doing here?

If Joe Biden is struggling this much mentally in public, many people are concerned with what might be going on behind closed doors and who really might be leading this country.

Whatever the case is, it is clear that Joe Biden is unfit to serve since he cannot read, write, speak, remember names and faces, or come up with his own answers to questions.

This is a terrifying reality for Americans that in a time of so much unrest and violence across the nation and the world, our president is a bumbling, rambling, incompetent fool.

America needs a strong leader who will save this country and the world.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Judge orders Trump to do something absolutely outrageous and it has Americans infuriated


Trump prosecutions have been taking turn after turn. And many of the developments have been disgusting.

But now this order by a judge has Trump doing something so outrageous that it has Americans infuriated.

Last week, a gag order was placed on Trump that violated his First Amendment rights and barred him from saying certain things about prosecutors who were coming after him.

That alone outraged countless Americans, and some people were even worried that their rights might be removed by the Radical Left, just like they tried to remove Trump’s.

However, this most recent demand by judges truly infuriates and terrifies Americans.

The judge who is presiding over the civil fraud case against Trump in New York, has now demanded that Trump pay a $10,000 fine.

Trump apparently violated the gag order according to Justice Arthur Engoron after Trump told reporters that the person next to Engoron was “partisan.”

According to Reuters, Trump said, “This judge is a very partisan judge, with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”

Earlier this month, Trump posted pictures of Engoron’s principal law clerk Allison Greenfield, standing next to Chuck Schumer who is the Senate Majority Leader.

However, Trump took to the witness stand on Wednesday to deny the claims that the statements he made were about Greenfield.

Trump said the remarks were made to “You and Cohen” when Enrogon asked who Trump was referring to.

Enrogon responded by saying that he was “very protective of my staff, as I should be” and that he did not “want anybody killed.”

Enrogon continued, “I stated the last time that any future violations would be severely punished. Why should there not be severe sanctions for this blatant, dangerous disobey of a court order?”

Trump had already been fined $5,000 for not taking down his post, and the judge warned that any further violation could even result in jailing Trump.

In the court fine Enrogon wrote, “Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, steeper financial penalties, holding Donald Trump in contempt of court, and possibly imprisoning him.”

Trump took to Truth Social to express his outrage over the entire situation writing, “I will soon be leaving for Crooked Joe Biden’s ‘Political Opponent Court’ in Lower Manhattan. I have a very partisan and angry Judge, a Corrupt Attorney General, and am not allowed a Jury Trial under the Statute they have chosen to use (for the very first time ever!).”

He continued by saying, “The good news, that even the Fake News is seeing, is that the facts are ALL on my side! I BUILT A GREAT COMPANY, FAR BIGGER & STRONGER THAN ANYONE HAD ASSUMED! This is a RIGGED TRIAL, right out of a Banana Republic, but sadly, it gives the Republicans the right to do the same thing when we assume office…And remember, Crooked Joe Biden is the most CORRUPT (and Incompetent!) President in the history of the U.S., VERY FERTILE GROUND THERE, but very bad for our Country! This unfair political Witch Hunt is causing companies to leave New York at a record pace. They don’t want this to happen to them!”

While some people may think that Trump is exaggerating, many Americans feel as outraged as the former president, and they demand justice.

If judges can take away our right to free speech, then what are our freedoms actually and are we ever safe from the justice system?

The Radical Left is showing that they can just take people’s rights away and ban them from doing certain things and then punish them if they “disobey.”

This is supposed to be America… the land of the free where we are free to express our opinions and beliefs, yet the Radical Left is doing everything they can to control the narrative.

They are silencing anyone who disagrees with them and then punishing people for exercising their rights as set forth in our Constitution.

The Radicals have finally taken over, and the American people have had enough.

It is time to vote out these corrupt officials who are seeking to destroy America.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we tell the TRUTH no matter the consequences.

Chilling Pentagon warning shows just how close to disaster we truly are


The nation and even the entire world are in a time of massive uncertainty and unrest. US officials can’t pretend nothing is happening anymore.

But, this chilling Pentagon warning shows just how close to disaster we truly are.

The conflict in the Middle East is stressing countries and resources across the world, but American troops and resources are being affected in a unique way.

Shortly after Hamas brutally invaded Israel and committed unspeakable atrocities, other Middle Eastern troops started attacking US troops.

There have been numerous drone strikes and attacks on US troops in places like Iraq and Syria, and US officials are becoming increasingly worried.

A senior defense official had a briefing on Monday in which details were laid out regarding the attacks and the concerns from top officials.

The official said, “We’ve seen rocket and [unmanned aerial vehicle] attacks against bases housing U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria. And what you’ve heard from the president, from Secretary Blinken, from Secretary Austin, and many of the spokespeople across the U.S. government is our concern about the escalation of these attacks in the days ahead.”

According to the official, there is increasing concern that even more attacks on US troops will follow and that the belief is that Iran is behind it all.

The official stated, “We see a prospect for much more significant escalation against U.S. forces and personnel in the near term. And let’s be clear about it, the road leads back to Iran. Iran funds, arms, equips, and trains militias and proxy forces, all across the region that have consistently undermined the stability, cost in civilian life, and at a cost the entire region of security and stability.”

Apparently, several groups in the region have been saying, “If there is a ground incursion, we are going to scale up our attacks” publicly, so many officials are worried.

The Pentagon has taken a number of steps already in order to secure troops in the Middle East.

They have sent the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the area, and the USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group is already in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Also, a number of US forces are under orders to “prepare to deploy” in case a “rapid response” is needed.

However, even with all of the extra measures the US is taking, terror groups in the Middle East do not even seem slightly deterred.

Already, Syria has launched rockets at Israel, and anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon.

A Twitter account under the name of “Israel War Room” has been reporting on such attacks:

There have already been half a dozen attacks on US troops from Iran-backed groups, and even more attempts have been thwarted by the US.

Thankfully, there have not been any deaths in relation to these attacks so far, but officials are worried that with an increase in attacks, there will be more victims.

Even though the President has warned other groups and areas to not attack Israel, the warnings from him and other officials have fallen on deaf ears.

When visiting Israel, Biden said, “My message to any state or any other hostile actor thinking about attacking Israel remains the same as it was a week ago: Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.”

His message was later on repeated by top officials who said, “Our advice to those who might seek to exploit the situation or amplify the conflict is simple: Don’t.”

It appears that the US’s attempts at thwarting any further attacks on either Israel or US troops have failed, and many officials are worried.

Now is the time when America needs a strong leader who will step up and do the right thing, but instead, we have one of the weakest leaders in American history.

Americans need to understand the seriousness of not having a strong leader with foreign diplomacy and foreign experience in the White House.

We need to vote for a strong leader who can save American and the world.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New FBI developments in Biden investigation could spell the end of the Biden family


Investigations into the Biden family have been going on for weeks now. And many people are wondering what the outcome might be.

But now these new FBI developments in Biden investigation could spell the end of the Biden family.

The Biden family’s corruption extends far past just Joe or Hunter, but that is where most of the corruption stems at least.

The Biden family, Democrats, and the Radical Left, all claim innocence and ignorance and some go as far as to deny hard facts.

However, as more and more evidence comes out against the Biden family, it becomes increasingly clear that this corruption is destroying America, and many people knew about it long before any investigations.

Senator Chuck Grassley wrote a letter on Tuesday to an attorney outlining that the FBI had over 40 confidential sources that detailed “criminal information” on the Biden family.

However, Grassley claims that there was an effort to shut down any sort of investigation into the Biden family even though the reports and evidence were stacked against them.

He writes, “Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family.”

He goes on further to claim that “such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley also released files that show many different tips, investigations, and allegations against the Biden family that were all reported, yet no formal investigation was opened.

It certainly begs the question of: why? Why was there no investigation even though there was evidence, proof, countless tips, etc?

Well, it seems the answer is simple: someone or some group of someones were shutting down any attempts at uncovering the truth about the corrupt Biden family.

Grassley writes, “There is—and has been—an effort among certain Justice Department and FBI officials to improperly delay and stop full and complete investigative activity into the Biden family, including but not limited to FD-1023s referencing the Biden family.”

He continued, “An essential question that must be answered is this: did the FBI investigate the information or shut it down.”

He finished by adding that if these sources were “improperly shut down, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for the FBI.”

That file in question, FD-1023, detailed Biden corruption in Ukraine. It alleged that “Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma Holdings, bribed Joe and Hunter Biden after then-Vice President Biden withheld aid to Ukraine until then-President Petro Poroshenko fired a prosecutor investigating Burisma” according to Breitbart reports.

Whatever the situation in the FBI, it is clear that the Biden family corruption does not stop with Joe and Hunter or even James Biden; the corruption extends into even the FBI and justice system of our government.

That level of corruption and covering of the truth is truly a terrifying thought.

The Biden administration and those on the Radical Left are doing everything they can to censor the truth regarding the Biden family.

However, the truth is out and the American people know it. Joe Biden and his entire family and administration are dangerously corrupt, have constantly lied to the American people, and they should be removed from power immediately.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the LEFT is too scared to.

Top Republican’s shocking 2024 election plans could completely shake up the race


2024 is another election year, and with the stage seemingly already set, any changes at this point are shocking. But is it too late?

Now this top Republican’s shocking 2024 election plans could completely shake up the race.

It seems to be too late for a person to be shaking things up for the election next year, but Glenn Youngkin has done just that: shaken everything up.

He has decided to conduct a litmus test for 2024 by urging state Republicans to support a 15-week ban on abortion.

Virginia’s November 7 elections see all 140 seats of the General Assembly up for grabs, and Youngkin is attempting to help GOP candidates in that race.

He has urged legislators to support this 15-week ban calling it a “reasonable” and “common” approach.

The ban has exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the pregnant women, and outlines plans for cutting down on abortions and saving the lives of the unborn.

There is a $1.4 million ad blitz that Gov. Youngkin is running funded by Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia has said: “Here’s the truth: There is no ban.”

The Virginia election is the only major one in the country before next year’s presidential election, so many are seeing this as a sort of litmus test for GOP candidates.

Fox News refers to this as “a critical test for national Republicans who have struggled on a common pro-life message since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.”

While Democrats outraised Republicans in September, Youngkin is using his own surge in support to the advantage of Republicans in Virginia.

Youngkin’s surge comes as he himself flirts with the idea of a Presidential run, and he has used this to back Republicans in order to flip the Democratic VA Senate.

If he succeeds in keeping control of the House and flipping the Senate in VA it will give him more leeway to push a more conservative agenda and be able to make his own moves more freely.

When Roe v Wade was overturned, Democrats used that as an opportunity to rally support for themselves, while many Republicans seemed unable to use the situation to their advantage.

A spokesperson for Youngkin’s Spirit of Virginia PAC said, “There was no Republican response, none, and the results were tough in the ’22 midterms.”

He continued, “Republicans didn’t talk about where they were. They didn’t swat back the misstatements, the sometimes outright lies.”

While Youngkin is hoping to use this strategy as a positive thing for Republicans, some Democrats are using it to help themselves.

The Democratic Party of Virginia chairwoman Susan Swecker told reporters “I hope they keep it up. We’re the only Southern state that doesn’t ban abortion and [protecting access] is something that resonates across the commonwealth in all social, economic and diverse communities.”

A media tracking company found that 42% of ads aired by Democrats referenced abortion while only 3% of ads aired by Republicans did.

While this move might be risky for Youngkin’s own attempts in the political world, he is set on his push and wants to see VA fully flipped.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden just spat in Americans’ faces with one despicable move


Joe Biden and his administration do not care about past traditions. In fact, they do not care about anything other than what they want.

Now, Biden just spat in Americans’ faces with one despicable move.

President Biden has announced that he will be breaking 100 years of tradition in order to prove a point.

He said he would be filing to place his name on New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary ballot.

Biden’s campaign announced on Tuesday that the president will be passing on the filing as a way to punish “candidates who compete in unsanctioned primaries.”

Biden’s campaign manager said, “While the president wishes to participate in the Primary, he is obligated as a Democratic candidate for President to comply with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention promulgated by the Democratic National Committee.”

He continued, “In accordance with this guidance, Biden for President will refrain from submitting a Declaration of Candidacy for the Primary ahead of Friday’s candidate filing deadline for the Primary.”

Traditionally, New Hampshire has hosted the first presidential primary vote for a century and Iowa held the first caucasus for Republicans and Democrats.

However, Democrats have been continuously pushing back against this order for years since they feel the states do not represent the party.

Republicans have avoided making any major changes in their schedule even as Democrats are majorly shaking things up.

The president and his supporters have claimed that the plan will “empower minority voters” on whom many Democrat candidates have relied on for support… sometimes going as far as using them or lying to them though.

However, New Hampshire actually has a law in place mandating that they actually hold the first presidential primary a week before any other.

Because of new DNC regulations, New Hampshire has to toss aside their century-old law and add early voting options in order to comply.

New Hampshire has been pushing back as it is currently controlled by a Republican governor and both houses of the state legislature.

Fox News reports that “top Democrats in the Granite State are expected to lead a write-in campaign for Biden in the primary.”

However, some say that Biden’s decision to not appear on the ballot could lead to a protest vote.

Biden has been facing failing support even among Democrats, and his approval numbers have just reached yet another all-time low.

Democrats still are trying to brainwash the public into believing that Biden has a chance to win the re-election and that his support is at an all-time high.

One Twitter user said, “The reality is that Joe Biden will win the NH FITN Primary in January, win renomination in Chicago, and will be re-elected next November. NH voters know and trust Joe Biden that’s why he is leading Trump in NH by double digits.”

However, Americans know the truth, and we know that if we want freedoms and a good economy, Biden is not the option.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New House Speaker developments rock Republicans to their core


The House Speakership position has been vacant for weeks now. And Republican candidates have been losing support ever since.

And now new House Speaker developments rock Republicans to their core.

When McCarthy was ousted as the Speaker of the House, Americans both within politics and not had assumed the switch would be a difficult one.

However, most people did not imagine it would take this long and there would be this many challenges to fill the Speakership position.

Steve Scalise was the original nominee for the position, however, once it became clear that he lacked the support in actual votes for the position, he stepped down.

Next, Jim Jordan was the nominee and seemed like a strong candidate for the position, however through multiple different failed rounds of voting, it became clear his support was falling as well.

Next, Mike Emmer was the nominee for the position, but he also withdrew due to a lack of support.

Now, the most recent nominee has sent shockwaves through the political world.

Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana is the most recent nominee winner after entering the race for the first time on Saturday.

He finished second to Emmer during the first round of voting on Tuesday, however once Emmer withdrew it became clear that Johnson was now the top option for House Republicans.

Johnson’s original pitch to colleagues on Monday was simple: “My theme is simply trust and teamwork,” he said, adding “We have to get back on track.”

The message earned a lot of support from Republicans as the reliable conservative option in these tumultuous times.

However, the nomination has certainly thrown a wrench in things as Republicans now have to come up with a new plan on how to win the actual speakership behind Johnson.

Jim Jordan went through multiple rounds of voting and vowed to keep fighting, and many Republicans put all of their hope in Jordan and are now scrambling to back Johnson and get him enough support.

Americans need a strong leader to lead the House, and many options are coming and going, but could Johnson be the nominee that America needs right now?

At the very least, Republicans have rallied decently around Johnson, but will he survive the actual vote?

This fiasco has been going on long enough and people are starting or continuing to be very frustrated with the whole situation.

The House has been Speaker-less for long enough and America desperately needs a strong leader since we will not get on in the White House right now.

House Republicans are struggling to all rally around a single candidate for the position of Speaker, but that is what Americans need.

Plenty of options have come and gone, but Republicans need to act together for the good of the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your updates on world news.

GOP candidate drops bomb on the Trump campaign


Trump currently has no challengers within the race for the GOP nomination. But that could all be about to change.

Because now a GOP candidate dropped a bomb on the Trump campaign.

Donald Trump is leading in every poll by a significant amount, and in a matchup between Biden and Trump, he is projected to win squarely.

It seems like there is nothing that will stop Trump from winning the nomination and taking office once again.

But now, Chris Christie is warning the American people that things might not really be as they appear.

He has warned that he believes that Trump will “face real jail time” due to the indictment and federal charges he is dealing with.

In an interview on CNN’s “The Situation Room”, Chris Christie was asked how worried he was that Donald Trump was going to face jail time.

The anchor, Wolf Blitzer, said, “The former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows reportedly testifying with immunity in the federal investigation of Donald Trump and the 2020 election subversion.”

He then continued on and asked, “How worried should Trump be right now about Mark Meadows being granted immunity?”

To which Christie replied with an “impending doom” take on the whole thing.

He said, Desperately worried. Reportedly what Mark Meadows is testifying, that you knew all along that what you were saying was not backed up by the facts. Donald Trump is in very, very big trouble. He is going to face real jail time for doing this if that’s what’s proven in court.”

When asked if this would change the minds of Republican voters, Christie went on to warn that “the walls are closing in on Donald Trump” which cannot mean anything good.

Wolf asked, “Right now Trump is still the dominant front-runner for the 2024 presidential nomination. Will this latest development with Mark Meadows actually impact how Republican voters feel about the former president?”

He stated “Wolf, the walls are closing in on Donald Trump. Jenna Ellis pled guilty today. She’s agreed to testify against the former president. Sidney Powell’s agreed to testify against the former president. Ken Chesebro has agreed to testify against the former president. Not only in Atlanta, but also in the federal January 6th trial for Jack Smith. And now Mark Meadows.”

These new developments in the cases Trump is facing are certainly not any good news, but Trump supporters and Americans across the nation are still hoping for the best for Trump.

Christie’s warning has more and more Americans worried about the outcomes of this “witch-hunt” and more people are becoming wary of the justice system in America.

However, it doesn’t seem that support is falling for Trump, and if anything, the prosecution of a former president in this way is drawing more support for Trump.

Even as Democrats and the Radical Left try everything they can to turn the people on Trump or affect his polling numbers, support keeps growing.

The reason is that Americans are seeing what a corrupt system will do to anyone who stands in its way, and we do not want that.

We need strong and honest leadership that will not prosecute political rivals just for disagreeing with them.

The American people know the truth and we will make sure that the current corrupt administration does not make it any further.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Democrat candidate caught in a shameful act that brings shame to Biden


Democrat leaders make sure they stay in the news one way or the other. But this newest stunt is sure to keep them in the news for a while.

Now a Democrat candidate was caught in a shameful act that brings shame to Biden.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has been caught in a heinous situation during her run to become the next mayor of Houston.

Tapes were released recently in which Lee was heard berating and harassing her staffers, calling them terrible names, and treating them terribly.

All of this outrage from Lee was simply because the staffer in question did not know the exact date of an event.

Lee used so much profanity and called the staffer so many horrible names that I cannot even put the whole exchange here.

In the exchange, Lee is berating staffers calling them “‘Two G**d*** Big A** F***ing Idiots” among many other words that I cannot write.

The exchange is long and Lee berates and harasses her staffers calling them incompetent and stupid repeatedly.

However, as bad as the exchange is, Lee’s response to the audio being leaked has people even more outraged: she has blamed Republicans.

She claims that it is “something trotted out by a political opponent that worked to exploit this, and backed by extreme Republican supporters.”

Lee cannot even apologize and take responsibility for her own words and instead blames Republicans as if Republicans were the ones harassing her staffers.

In her statement Lee claims that she “strongly believes that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect”… even her staff.

But, as the old saying goes, ‘actions speak louder than words’ and Lee’s actions have spoken loudly enough for the whole world to hear.

Instead of apologizing to the staffers, Lee claimed that many of her staffers have gone on to “bigger and better opportunities” after working with her.

She also completely avoided any semblance of an apology and instead called the leaked tape a “political attack and stunt.”

This is the exact sort of thing Democrats are doing; they are caught doing something terrible or at least embarrassing, yet they refuse to acknowledge or admit any wrongdoing.

Democrat leaders refusing to take responsibility for their actions is as sure as the sun rising and setting every day.

Lee is not the sort of leader Americans need right now, and she is certainly not the kind of leader that should ever lead in a country as great as America.

She is a corrupt politician who cannot admit wrongdoing and who resorts to berating and harassing staffers.

Americans need to stay informed when they go to the polls to vote, and they need to make educated decisions about who they want to lead.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

House Republicans confirm shocking truth about Biden family corruption


The investigation into the Biden family is ongoing. As more and more details emerge, the Bidens keep trying to deny the truth.

But now House Republicans have confirmed this shocking truth about the Biden family’s corruption.

The Biden family has been under investigation for corruption for a while now, and as more and more news and information comes out, the picture gets worse for the Bidens.

House Republicans have uncovered hard evidence that shows payments to Joe Biden from his shady business dealings.

As Joe Biden continues to deny any wrongdoing, the evidence is stacking against him; the Radical Leftists demanded there be proof and now here it is… as clear as anything.

Rep. James Comer, the House Oversight Committee Chairman, said “I think we’ve already produced a lot of evidence, but the media says, well you’ve gotta have a payment to Joe. Well, here we go — here’s the first payment to Joe.”

Comer is right that there has already been extensive evidence produced and there is enough to open investigations into Biden and his dealings, but now the evidence is even more clear and it is exactly what Democrats demanded.

That proof: a $200,000 check for Joseph R. Biden, Jr. from Sara and James Biden (the President’s brother).

The check was written the exact same day that James Biden received a check from Americore, which “specializes in acquiring and managing rural hospitals” according to its website.

Comer states, “He convinced this company to give him $600,000 and they did it in increments, so that last increment was $200,000.”

According to bankruptcy court documents obtained by the House Oversight Committee, the payments were “based upon representations that his last name” … could “open doors” and that he could “obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

The White House has tried once again to deflect blame and claim there is no proof saying, “It’s a loan repayment from when President Biden loaned his brother money. When he was out of office in 2018, no less.”

However, the American people, and thankfully many in the government and in charge of the investigation know the real truth.

Peter Schweizer, author and president of the Government Accountability Institute, stated that “f you’re using an LLC to simply pass through money, that’s where allegations of money laundering or other crimes occur. In other words, why are you creating a complex structure to move money from bank to bank to bank.”

An attorney for James Biden has said, “The Committee has the bank documents that show both the loan Jim received from his brother in January 2018 and the repayment by check six weeks later. At no time did Jim involve his brother in any of his business relationships.”

Democrats and Radical Leftists continue to refuse to acknowledge any sort of wrongdoing by Biden even when faced with concrete proof.

Joe Biden has been caught in so many lies that he has nowhere to hide anymore, and the walls are closing in on him from all sides.

This lying disgrace of an administration has no business holding power, and the longer Joe Biden is in office, the worse the lives of Americans will be.

Americans need to vote this disgraceful corrupt man out of office and never let him or any of his corrupt family anywhere near politics ever again.

We need a strong leader who will not abuse their power and lie repeatedly to the American people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the Left tries to hide from you.

Obama releases terrifying statement that has Biden sweating bullets


President Obama hasn’t been in office for years. Yet many think he’s still pulling the strings.

And Obama released a terrifying statement that has Biden sweating bullets.

Obama led the nation into a number of conflicts during his presidency due to his failed foreign policies, and his opinions certainly haven’t changed much since he was president.

Obama is a true politician and knows how to say a lot of words without actually saying anything, maybe that is why he and Joe Biden get along so well.

Obama manages to make arguments for both sides of the conflict in the Middle East without taking a side.

He pushes anti-Semitic rhetoric and spreads lies about Israel and how they have been treating civilians.

It seems that Obama has forgotten that it was Hamas and not Israel that has been using human shields.

At the end of his long post, Obama includes a reading list for people to inform themselves about the conflict between Hamas and Israel, yet the articles he recommends all seem fairly one-sided.

Obama appeals to the far-left mob that wants to see the Jewish community annihilated and Israel destroyed.

In trying to appease everyone instead of taking a side, Obama has appealed to the pro-terrorism group that endorses the murder of innocent civilians and the use of babies as human shields.

Obama is a weak politician and we remember his weak leadership from his time in the White House, and he is continuing down the same path.

Because Obama is trying to appeal to everyone and keep everyone happy, he has condemned Israel and the Jewish community as a whole.

It has become even more clear why Netanyahu never trusted Obama.

Obama has succumbed to the Radical mob and has used his position to push his pro-Hamas propaganda.

When Obama tried to keep everyone happy, he lumped both sides together in the war in the Middle East, but it is not Israel who has committed these heinous crimes.

America needs strong leaders who will take care of their allies and have strong opinions instead of weak and watered-down mindless thoughts that do nothing for any communication.

America needs leaders with strong foreign policies and strong rhetoric who can lead this country from our current decline.

We need to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and only elect strong leaders.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news.