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White House Press Secretary makes chilling admission


The White House has made it clear what they care about in this nation. But the truth will still shock many.

And now the White House Press Secretary made a chilling admission.

The priorities of the Biden administration have always caused many Americans to worry, but now this admittance by Karine Jean-Pierre regarding the White House’s top priority is chilling.

Most people would hope that the top priority of the White House would be to serve the needs of the American people, improve the economy, or make America great as it once was.

But instead, the current administration has admitted that the top priority for them is Palestine.

The White House Press Secretary admitted to the world that “President Biden has made it a top priority to ensure that the Palestinian people receive urgently needed humanitarian aid.”

This has come as a shock to many, but perhaps it shouldn’t have and maybe we should be used to Biden’s shocking policies at this point.

During the worst immigration and border crisis this nation has ever faced, during a failed economy, during crisis in the Middle East with our strongest ally, Joe Biden has made Palestinian aid his top priority.

This admittance comes shortly after Biden stated he would be sending aid to Gaza and as long as Hama did not steal the aid, more would be coming.

In that statement on Thursday, Biden said, “In discussions with the leaders of Israel and Egypt, I secured an agreement for the first shipment of humanitarian assistance from the United Nations to Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”

He continued, “If Hamas does not divert or steal this shipment, these shipments, we’re going to provide an opening for sustained delivery of Life Saving humanitarian assistance for the Palestinians.”

A few days after the announcement, Joe Biden told the world that the first shipment had arrived in Gaza.

It is shocking as an American that foreign countries are more top priority for the President of the United States than the needs of the American people.

In a time when the American family is struggling now more than ever, cities are overrun with illegal immigrants, and the economy is in the toilet, Americans hoped to hear of some aid or help for themselves.

However, in true Biden form, the current administration is more concerned with foreign countries and using taxpayer dollars to fund wars in other places.

The American people deserve better than this; we deserve a president who cares about America and her citizens.

Instead, we are stuck with a president who doesn’t know the first thing about foreign policy and seems so concerned that he will send more taxpayer dollars to other countries instead of using them to secure or aid America.

Americans need to push back and hold our elected officials accountable.

Our elected officials should be prioritizing America and its needs before the needs of other countries.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Biden administration quietly admits to this horrible mistake


The Biden administration is a disgrace and they have committed countless critical errors. But they never seem to take responsibility or even acknowledge any mistakes unless they are forced to.

Now the Biden administration quietly admitted to this horrible mistake.

In the middle of tragic crises all across the nation and the world, the Biden administration released news as quietly as possible to avoid any notice.

The United States Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) quietly released its data for the fiscal year of 2023 and the results expose the Biden administration for their failures.

The data shows that the number of illegal immigrants in the US has skyrocketed since Biden took office, and the data also shows that a record 2.4 million apprehensions happened at the border in the 2023 fiscal year.

This is a new record and it tops last year (which was the previous record at 2.3 million).

Donald Trump Jr. called out the administration for their questionable timing on the release of the information.

He said, “Of course, Customs and Border Patrol waits until Saturday morning to release the new disastrous border numbers so that no one is paying attention.”

He continued, “So we understand what the invasion looks like; 267 terrorists (these were caught imagine how many got through?), 8M+ illegal aliens since Biden took office, 72,823 illegal special interest aliens (from countries that harbor terrorism) over the last 2 years.”

He concluded by saying, “This is not an accident or a coincidence, this is deliberate by Democrats and it will destroy our country.”

Many Americans agree with these sentiments and are outraged that the administration waited until the world was asleep or distracted to release these telling numbers.

Americans are waking up to the destruction of the left and are speaking out against their harmful policies.

Senator Josh Hawley sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security asking what was being done about “uptick in potential terrorist-linked illegal aliens.”

He wrote, “I write with alarm regarding the uptick in potential terrorist-linked illegal aliens encountered at the southern border. This development follows the barbaric attack perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on innocent American and Israeli civilians.”

He stated that it was “imperative that [he] address this issue immediately to ensure the safety of American citizens, especially Jewish Americans, who are facing increased threats to their physical safety following the Hamas attack.”

These numbers and data released by the CPB seem to make the answer obvious: Democrats are doing nothing.

Democrats are not securing the border, they are loosening restrictions, and they are letting more illegals, terrorists, and dangerous individuals in than ever before.

The Biden administration’s Radical policies are destroying this country and we need to stand up for this ourselves and hold this corrupt administration accountable.

The Biden administration must be removed from power before they can do even more harm.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics while we bring you the TRUTH that the Left will not.

Radical Democrat DA has shocking take on a pressing problem


As crime skyrockets under Democrat leadership, those on the Radical Left continue to deflect blame. But this one response will leave you speechless.

As a Radical Democrat DA has shocking take on a pressing problem.

Everyone in this country and maybe even the world knows how bad the situation in Portland is, but for some reason, the Radical Leftists refuse to acknowledge any problem.

The district attorney for Portland has made a shocking statement that deflects any and all sort of blame for the city’s skyrocketing violent crime.

In fact, District Attorney Mike Schmidt said, “I grade myself, quite frankly, very highly. I’d say ‘A.’”

The city has seen a massive increase in homicides and open drug use, yet the DA refused to accept any sort of responsibility and instead resorted to blaming the police.

When asked about how well he’s done at his position, Schmidt said, “This has been the toughest three years in the history of Multnomah County to be the district attorney. A pandemic, civil rights, gun violence, fentanyl hitting our streets, defense attorney crisis, a state hospital that’s overflowing.”

Instead of accepting any blame, the DA only pointed out the issues and the city has faced under his leadership.

A reporter also directly called him out in regards to crime rates, and the DA stated “What the district attorney can do to try to alter the trajectory of crime rates is: not a lot. I agree with that. But as long as I’m going to get blamed for the crime rates going up, I’d like to advertise that the crime rates are going down.”

However, while in recent weeks the crime rate has gone down slightly, overall since Schmidt took office, crime rates have skyrocketed under his oversight.

Schmidt also blamed police officers for the decrease in prosecutions and said that law enforcement was “spread thin.”

Schmidt said, “We’re seeing dramatically fewer cases come from the Portland police. This is particularly true of misdemeanors. The traffic unit was disbanded, and we saw a massive decrease in traffic crimes being referred to our agency.”

He continued saying, “Another area we saw a big drop is thefts. I asked the chief what’s going on here? It’s a mixed bag of reasons. Police have been stretched thin dealing with violent crimes.”

Here it is… the DA admitting that the police are stretched thin dealing with violent crimes, yet he is doing nothing about it and even saying he has done a great job as the DA.

Liberal leadership and Radical politicians are destroying our country and refusing to take any blame or accept any consequences.

The Radicals in the nation want to force their Radical policies on American citizens, destroy cities and states, and walk away scot-free.

The reporter confronted Schmidt a final time to try and give the DA a chance to accept the blame and asked about why so many criminal are walking free when facing trial.

He said, “But aren’t you part of the problem? You campaigned on eliminating cash bail—and you helped push recent legislation that limited its use. Do you have any regrets about that?”

To which Schmidt replied, “No. How much money you have should not dictate whether or not you are released. We should be looking at risk.”

Democrats are destroying this country and Portland is an obvious example of that.

It is time for Americans to stand up for their rights and their lives and hold these corrupt officials accountable.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Rashida Tlaib’s response to horrific tragedy has people shocked and infuriated


Rashida Tlaib has been in the news for all the wrong reasons recently. But this most recent reason is disgusting.

Her response to a horrific tragedy over the weekend has left people shocked and horrified.

Over the weekend in Detroit, the president of a synagogue was found stabbed to death outside of her home.

While police and politicians alike are refusing to call the attack what it is, a hate crime, people like Rashida Tlaib are taking it a step further.

The president, 40-year-old Samantha Woll, had been president of the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue since 2022 and was a prominent member in her community.

She had served as an aide to Rep. Elissa Slotkin and was a former campaign staffer for Attorney General Dana Nessel.

Woll was also known for founding and establishing the Muslim-Jewish Forum of Detroit.

Woll’s synagogue is in the 13th district, not far from Tlaib’s 12th district, and it even had once been part of the 12th district before areas were redrawn.

The media has been reporting that “police don’t have a motive” for the crime even though the tragic attack had a clear motive, and this started the beginning of the outrage.

As police, officials, and politicians alike pretend to wonder over the motive, Twitter users have been quick to speculate on the issue.

According to Rashida Tlaib’s Facebook page, she and Woll were “friends” yet Tlaib has been notably silent in any sort of response regarding the murder.

Tlaib has been spreading lies and anti-Semitic rhetoric since the tragic Hamas terror attacks in Israel, and people are furious that she has not responded to the murder of her “friend.”

Twitter users have been quick to call out Tlaib and express their anger and one Twitter user has pointed out the obvious:

If Woll had been Muslim, the media would have been all over the story and politicians like Tlaib would have immediately been blaming Jewish people for the murder.

But instead, because Woll is Jewish, even her own “friends” are refusing to call the attack what it is and condemn those who committed the atrocious act.

People are also drawing comparisons to the murder of Wadea Al-Fayoume and how it was immediately labeled as a hate crime, yet people are refusing to do so now that the roles are reversed.

The American people need to hold politicians accountable and people like Tlaib should not be allowed to serve in public office when it is so clear that they do not care about the people.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this breaking story.

Senator Tom Cotton sends stark warning to Biden and Democrats that leaves them trapped


Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to push their woke agenda on the world. Thankfully they have people who oppose their ideas.

And now, Senator Tom Cotton has issued a strong warning to Biden and the Democrats.

President Biden recently sent a request for $105 billion in foreign aid that Senator Cotton has declared as “dead on arrival” in the Senate.

Cotton says in a statement that the bill in its current form will not go anywhere and changes will need to be made if Biden hopes for there to be any foreign funding.

Cotton said, “President Biden’s slush fund proposal is dead on arrival, just like his budgets. We will not spend, for example, $3.5 billion to address the ‘potential needs of Gazans,’ essentially functioning as a resupply line for Hamas terrorists.”

He continued saying, “We will also not spend $11.8 billion to fund the Ukrainian government’s own non-war spending, such as funding retirement pensions for Ukrainian government employees.”

And there were even more issues that the Senator had with the proposed bill: “Nor will we spend $4.7 billion for housing, transportation, and ‘services’ for illegal aliens in the United States rather than deporting them.”

Shockingly, these statements are “controversial” in this day and age, and many people are furious over Senator Cotton’s words.

We live in a time where Radical Leftists dominate the media, and they share their harmful and radical ideologies freely.

However, many Americans feel the same way as Cotton, and we demand Biden and Democrats be held accountable for how they spend our money.

Townhall reports that “Biden has requested sending $61 billion to Ukraine, $14 billion for military aid to Israel, and $14 billion to address the border crisis. Another $7.4 billion is slated for Taiwan and Indo-Pacific allies, as well as $10 billion for humanitarian purposes in Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza.”

However, none of the proposed funding in this bill is even slightly helpful nor does it address any real problems that America or the world is facing.

Take for example the funding for the border crisis; instead of using that money to secure the border, Joe Biden instead wants to use the money to encourage more illegal immigration and give out rewards to illegal immigrants.

In his statement, Cotton concluded by saying, “The Biden proposal is going nowhere, and Senate Republicans will take the lead on crafting a funding bill that protects Americans and their interests.”

The sentiments of Cotton and other Republican senators are shared by many across America.

Democrats need to understand the American people will not sit by idly while our taxpayer dollars are being used in such ridiculous ways.

Even after outspoken opposition in the Senate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has promised to advance the funding as quickly as possible.

He stated that “this legislation is too important to wait for the House to settle their chaos. Senate Democrats will move expeditiously on this request, and we hope that our Republican colleagues across the aisle will join us to pass this much-needed funding.”

However, with strong opposition from a number of Senators, it leaves many Americans hopeful that the ridiculous propositions of the Democrats will not continue on any further.

Americans need to elect officials who will put the needs of the people first and not the needs of foreigners, terrorists, or illegal aliens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Joe Biden made one slip-up that led to utter disaster


Joe Biden’s speeches are always embarrassing and terrible. But ones as important as these people hoped would be better.

But Joe Biden made one slip-up that led to utter disaster.

On Thursday night, Joe Biden gave an important speech from the Oval Office regarding the state of the war in the Middle East.

However, in true Biden form, the speech was an absolute disaster and Joe Biden once again made people wonder how he ever got elected as president of the greatest country in the world.

During the speech, which was designed to inform and update the nation regarding to the war in Israel, Joe Biden dropped the ball numerous times.

He tried to direct the narrative back towards Ukraine and how funding the war in Ukraine was in the best interest of America.

He also proposed more funding for Israel which is facing constant attacks from Hamas and other radical terrorist groups.

During this speech, Joe Biden highlighted one of his biggest weaknesses (besides remembering his own name): foreign policy.

Joe Biden’s foreign policies have been an absolute disaster for America and many argue that Joe Biden is responsible for so many of the failed foreign issues since he took office.

Joe Biden refused to address how he plans to avoid issues and wars like this in the future.

He also failed to provide any sort of solution other than sending billions in taxpayer aid to foreign countries while leaving America completely open to attack.

Biden made generic comments that didn’t mean anything such as:

“There is nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together. Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but this is what they have in common, they both want to annihilate neighboring democracies.”

Biden also did not even once mention the attacks on American troops in Iraq and Syria over the past few days, and he did not even acknowledge an issue.

Over the course of 48, American troops in Syria and Iraq were targeted and attacked 7 times and Biden did not even mention them once.

To his credit, Biden did however speak out against the attack on the hospital and reiterated that it was NOT Israel who bombed the hospital.

He made this statement even while many of his Radical allies claimed that Israel targeted a hospital on purpose.

However, making a truthful statement should not be the bar for the President of the United States.

The President of the United States needs to be someone who will have strong policies and understand foreign affairs… neither of which Biden has.

America needs a strong leader and one who will put America first and defend her and her troops.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Surprising House Speakership announcement stuns Americans


The struggle to fill the speakership is one that is slowly wearing down all involved. Many people are worried if the vacancy will ever be filled.

But this Surprising House Speakership announcement stunned Americans.

Jim Jordan has made an announcement that leaves Democrats infuriated and Republicans happy.

With so much uncertainty and after losing the speakership vote twice, many were wondering if Jim Jordan would stay in the race for the speakership position.

While many true patriots know that he is a strong choice for the position, others still oppose Jordan.

However, Jordan put all rumors to rest when he made an announcement that calmed many nerves.

Jordan declared, “I’m still running for speaker, and I plan to go to the floor and get the votes and win this race.”

Jordan also said, “We made the pitch to members on the resolution as a way to lower the temperature and get back to work, we decided that wasn’t where we’re gonna go.”

Jim Jordan is not giving up easily and he is certainly not going down without a fight.

The Ohio representative is showing that he will do whatever it takes to secure the votes needed to win the speakership position for the House and for America.

This is the kind of leadership America needs right now; we need strong leader who won’t back down to opposition and won’t bend over backwards to keep everyone happy.

Jordan knows that people oppose him, but he also knows that he is the leader that America needs right now, and he won’t stop fighting until he has won for all of America.

In the first round of voting, Jordan had 20 Republicans vots against him, and in the second round on Wednesday, 22 Republicans voted against him.

Many people assumed that Jordan would step down and open up the position to someone else, but that has certainly not been the case.

Democrats are thrilled that there is so much infighting among Republicans, and Jordan knows this.

He knows that in order to beat the Radical Left, Republicans need to rally together to stop these harmful and destructive politicians.

Even though Jordan seems to be losing support among Republicans, he has vowed to rally them together so that the entire Republican House can stand up against the Democrats.

America and the world need a strong leader like Jordan, and we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and remember who the real target is: the Radicals who are seeking to destroy everything.

Americans need to stand up for the truth and for policies that are going to help America and its people… not hurt and destroy them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics while we bring you the TRUTH in the news.

Donald Trump latest move leaves Democrats in a panic


Democrats hate Trump. They are doing everything they can to stop any progress he has made and keep him from the White House.

But Trump’s latest move has left Democrats in a panic.

The newest Emerson polls spell out grave danger for Democrats if they want to re-elect Joe Biden and keep opposing Trump.

According to a new poll released on Friday, Donald Trump’s approval is increasing among younger voters, a demographic that Democrats thought they controlled.

Democrats have assumed that their brainwashing of the youth in public schools and liberal colleges have won them the younger vote, but they are sorely wrong.

The younger generation has entered into the world and seen exactly what these liberal policies are doing for America.

Since the last month, Trump’s polls have increased by two points, and Joe Biden’s have remained where they are, which is not good news for Biden and the Democrats.

In a head-to-head election poll, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden 47-45 with another 8% undecided.

In other polls from CNBC and Bloomberg, Trump leads by a greater margin and he is also leading in seven of the key swing states for the 2024 election.

According to polls, young people are more inclined to support Trump than Biden, and Donald Trump is leading in young male voters 18-29 by more than three and a half points.

Among 30-39-year-olds, Donald Trump is leading by a much greater margin… closer to 11 points.

Every single recent poll shows Donald Trump leading in the polls, and Democrats are starting to worry more.

Even with all of the legal cases they have brought against him, even with the media takeover and the anti-Trump propaganda the Left is flooding the news with, Donald Trump still leads in every single poll.

Democrats know that Americans have had enough… they know that their policies have effectively destroyed our economy, ruined our border security, and overall harmed every single American family.

Democrats have destroyed this country and we Americans demand it back.

The way that happens, is with Joe Biden being removed from office and a strong leader placed in the White House.

Never again can America elect a leader so weak and destructive as Joe Biden.

Americans need to step up and vote for a president who will strengthen our country and propose and enact strong policies that are pro-America.

Joe Biden and his Radical Left allies have done the exact opposite: they have put America last every chance that they have gotten, and Americans have realized this.

It is time to hold our officials accountable and to take the power back from the politicians and place it into the people’s hands.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the truth.

Biden administration makes yet another boneheaded decision


The Biden admin has made a number of terrible mistakes in the past. They have even sent money to terrorists.

But now the Biden administration has made yet another boneheaded decision.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden announced another massive package of aid for a foreign country, but you will never guess which country.

With the conflict in the Middle East going on even longer between Israel and Gaza, many people all over the world have been watching intently to see what the US would do.

Israel is one of the US’s strongest allies, so the expectation was that Joe Biden would send aid to Israel.

But instead, on Wednesday Joe Biden announced that the US would be sending $100 million to Hamas-ruled Gaza.

“Today I am also announcing $100 million in new US funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank,” announced Biden.

“This money will support more than one million displaced in the conflict affecting Palestinians including emergency needs in Gaza,” he continued.

The announcement comes just weeks after Joe Biden sent $4 billion to Iran for a hostage exchange, and many hoped Biden had learned his lesson.

However, it is apparent that he has not and that his foreign policies are even worse than people had originally assumed.

Biden attempted to appease people by saying, “If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people and it will end.”

But, I do not think it is a matter of “if Hamas” diverts the aid but rather a matter of when.

The news comes after the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) claimed (in a since-deleted post) that they had received reports of people claiming to be Hamas loading the supplies onto trucks.

The post claims, “UNRWA fuel and other types of material are kept for strictly humanitarian purposes — any other use is strongly condemned.”

However, even though the UNRWA has since backtracked those statements, officials from the UN and Israel say the reports are true and that Hamas is taking and using the supplies.

The Times of Israel claims that Hamas had stolen 24,000 liters of fuel as well as medical supplies from UNRWA.

Joe Biden’s foreign aid policies are harming Americans as we send over hundreds of millions and even billions in tax payer dollars to foreign countries, but Joe Biden’s decisions on who to send the aid to are extremely questionable.

America and the world need a strong US president with a strong foreign policy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top GOP donors send out chilling warning for top presidential candidates


Running for public office can be very expensive, and even the richest candidates rely on massive donations from groups. Without these donors, chances of election are much much slimmer.

And now, top GOP donors have sent out a chilling warning to the top presidential candidates.

During the third quarter of 2023, Donald Trump received a staggering $45.5 million in donations for his campaign.

While Donald Trump had a record quarter, many of his competitors in the race are losing support rapidly.

Top GOP donors have stopped funding “Trump contenders” as they seem to understand he is the clear frontrunner and no one will have a chance to beat him.

A longtime GOP strategist has said, “It’s becoming clear the cavalry’s not coming. The donor community has come to recognize the strength of Trump and the difficulty in dislodging a major part of the base from him. You’re tilting at windmills if you try.”

Donald Trump is leading in every poll and it is not even a close race.

Because of this, donors have realized that no one will be able to challenge the former president for the nomination so instead they are backing him and cutting funding to his competition.

Trump has the polling numbers, he has the support of the people, he has the money, and every time polls show a rematch between Trump and Biden, Trump wins.

Even though Trump is facing four criminal cases, he is still growing in support among the people as more and more of America wakes up to the destruction of Biden.

While Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley still have some support from donors and in the polls, it is clear that Trump will receive the nomination.

Other candidates like former VP Pence, former Governor Christie, and others, all have dropping support in the polls, and more and more donors are pulling funding.

These donors pulling their funding, likely mean the end of the race for many of these less successful candidates.

Even with Trump not participating in the RNC debates, his numbers continue to grow and his lead over the rest of the field continues to get larger.

America knows that what we need right now is the strong no B.S. leadership of someone like Donald Trump and many donors are realizing that too.

While some larger donors are still trying to oppose Trump, it remains clear that his lead is so decisive no one will be able to challenge him.

One Super Pac co-chair said that “this electorate is locked up” and advertisers would be “wasting money” backing anyone besides Trump until the field is at least more narrowed down.

When representatives for DeSantis, Haley, and Scott pitched GOP donors last week, there did not seem to be any clear success and many reports say they did not “prove immediately convincing.”

Donors, voters, and Americans alike all know that Trump is the solution to the Biden problem America is facing.

Americans need a strong leader who will put the needs of the people first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Horrifying discovery of terrorist infiltration in highest level of American government


American politicians should be officials that we can trust. But recently there have been terrifying claims that have led to a shocking find.

And this horrifying discovery of terrorist infiltration in the highest level of American government is scary.

American politics from the Radical Left have fallen so far that we literally have terrorist supporters serving in our Congress.

The two most notable terror supporters are Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and they have (especially recently) been extremely outspoken and vocal in their support of known terror groups.

They have refused to condemn acts of terror in the past, and they have a history of known anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Omar is the frontrunner of the two and her history is shocking:

She has refused to condemn the terror attacks on 9/11 and has refused to call the instigators terrorists; Instead, Omar said the tragic day was when “some people did something.”

Omar also claimed in an absurd and ridiculous tweet that Israel had hypnotic power over the world.

Now, in more recent days, Omar and Tlaib have been spreading false news and misinformation regarding the tragic terror attacks in Israel.

Omar and Tlaib have been extremely vocal in their support of Hamas, a terrorist group, and are trying to convince the world that Hamas has done nothing wrong.

Their most recent incident came when they promoted and spread a false narrative that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza.

As the Radical Leftist media rushed to spread this fake news, Tlaib and Omar did as much as they could to help spread these lies.

Tlaib even went so far as breaking down into tears in DC during a pro-Hamas rally.

However, the truth is that the fault of the destruction of the hospital had nothing to do with Israel and was the fault of Gaza.

One Twitter user shared a post that showed just how much the headline changed over the course of a day.

Other social media user was quick to point out the false narrative being pushed by the liberal media.

One user stated, “I didn’t even think about that. NYT used a picture from a completely different location while (falsely) blaming the strike on Israel because the hospital location doesn’t have any destroyed buildings.”

When even President Joe Biden called out the misinformation, Omar tried to backtrack on twitter claiming that it was the media’s fault.

She tried to blame the Associated Press while claiming that much of the news these days was misinformation.

Well, if much of the news is misinformation, why are you spreading harmful and destructive lies across your social media without checking to see if the facts are true?

The blatant lies and spreading of a false narrative in order to support the horrific actions of a terrorist group are not things America should have from their elected officials that represent the US.

Americans need to hold these corrupt officials accountable for their crimes and they need to be banned from serving in any capacity in our country while they support terror groups.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics where we tell the TRUTH… not spread misinformation.

Joe Biden caught in another ridiculous lie during his recent trip to Israel


Joe Biden cannot seem to go even one day without lying to the world. It seems the lies get even more outrageous when he is in foreign countries.

And Joe Biden has been caught in yet another ridiculous lie while on a recent trip to Israel.

During his recent (and extremely short trip) to Israel, Joe Biden yet again tried lying to the world about some ridiculous issue.

He claimed that he had met former Prime Minister Golda Meir on a trip he took right before the Six-Day War.

However, since he has tried telling this lie already numerous times before, it has been proven to be a complete falsehood designed to make himself look good in the public eye.

Biden started his trip to Israel by saying, “I remember the first time I was in Israel with Golda Meir. It was right before the Six-Day War.”

Yet, once again, the Radical Left refuses to “fact-check” our deranged President but will fact-check any of their political opponents even when telling the truth.

The Left highlights everything wrong in this country starting with their attempt to control the narrative and blatantly lie to the American people.

The Radical Left does not care an ounce for the truth, and they will lie out of their rears as much as they possibly can in order to feel better about themselves and make the public believe their agenda.

Joe Biden did not in fact visit Israel before the Six-Day War. That would have been impossible since he was still in law school at Syracuse during the time.

Also, the Six-Day War was in 1967, and Joe Biden did not become a U.S. senator until 1973.

Once again, Sleepy Joe is caught in more lies that are easily and immediately disproven, but the Radical Left refuses to acknowledge there is anything wrong.

Anytime any Conservatives slip up (intentionally or unintentionally) and frankly many times when they are telling the truth even, the Left rushes in to claim they are lying and try to fact-check them.

But, when the Left lies through their teeth repeatedly, there are no consequences whatsoever.

The Left is controlling the narrative and trying to brainwash the American people and the world into believing what they want us to believe.

This is not the first time Joe Biden has given the world this exact lie, and people confronted him then, but Joe doesn’t care… or maybe more accurately: Joe doesn’t remember.

Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve, and his ability to act as President of the United States is nonexistent.

The President of the greatest country in the world should not be some bumbling, lying fool, but instead a strong leader who remembers his own lifetime.

We need to hold our president accountable and remove him from office for lying to the world in countless different ways.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH while the Left brings you LIES.