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Leading Democrat stuns all with disgraceful resignation


Democrats rarely face the consequences for their actions. It isn’t going their way this time.

But now a leading Democrat stuns all with disgraceful resignation.

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs mysteriously stepped down on Wednesday afternoon, leaving the Treasurer, Kimberly Yee as acting governor.

The governor’s office did not release any information regarding the reasoning behind her stepping down.

Her spokesperson announced, however, that Hobbs was “under the weather” and would “return to her duties tomorrow.”

However, the strange occurrence leaves many people speculating as to other reasons why the governor might have stepped down.

The timing, at the very least, is certainly strange when you think about the events in Arizona over the past few weeks.

The Democratic governor has been extremely outspoken against Donald Trump, and her liberal policies are seemingly destroying the state.

Under her leadership, the state is facing a number of challenges, including a drought, a border crisis, and a growing homeless population.

In the meantime, Treasurer Kimberly Yee will serve as acting governor.

Yee is a Republican who was elected treasurer in 2018.

Yee has been a critic of Hobbs and other Democrats. She has also been a supporter of Trump.

Yee’s appointment as acting governor is likely to be controversial.

Some Democrats have accused her of being unqualified for the job. Others have expressed concern about her political views.

However, many Republicans are encouraged by the decisions, and are pleased with Yee and how she has handled her responsibility.

Yee announced that she would refrain from confirming the thirteen agencies that continue to have vacancies.

Yet, she did say, “I do hope when the Governor returns to Arizona, she will promptly name qualified directors to these important state agencies.”

She went on further to say, “I expect to see a quick resolution on this matter, so we can get the work done for Arizona taxpayers.”

Americans deserve stronger leadership than they often receive, but it is an encouragement that there are still strong leaders like Yee who will step up when the time calls for it.

Many Americans and specifically those from Arizona secretly hope that Hobbs’ absence will extend longer so that they can have more of Yee’s leadership.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.

Trump schools the RNC with an enormous truth bomb


Donald Trump has been staying away from the RNC presidential debates. And many people understand exactly why.

But now Trump schooled the RNC with an enormous truth bomb.

The most recent presidential debate was considered by many to be a complete disaster, with some calling it “boring and inconsequential.”

Many voters are frustrated because they feel the debates have not been helpful in helping them decide who to vote for in 2024.

The questions being asked seem irrelevant, and the stage is mostly a place for Republicans to attack fellow Republicans.

Donald Trump’s campaign released a statement following the debate, where the senior advisor urged the RNC to stop hosting these debates.

Chris LaCivita said in the statement, “The RNC should immediately put an end to any further primary debates so we can train our fire on Crooked Joe Biden and quit wasting time and money that could be going to evicting Biden from the White House.”

Many Americans find themselves wholeheartedly agreeing that the debates have been subpar and do nothing to address the real issue: Biden.

The American people might not agree on debate questions or tactics, but we all agree that Joe Biden has long overstayed his welcome in the White House.

Americans are sick of Joe Biden and his horribly destructive and anti-American policies.

That is something everyone can get behind, and the RNC needs to be using more of their resources to get rid of Joe Biden and making sure the best candidate to beat him will be put forward.

In a recent post, Donald Trump stated that, “Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and others, are far more important than ‘Aida,’ Sloppy Chris, Lyin’ Mike Pence, Nikki ‘Birdbrain’ Haley, Ron (‘Dead Campaign’) DeSanctimonious, and the others.”

And while some might find his words a bit strong, or the way he phrases things, the truth is that most Americans agree with this statement.

The RNC needs to be spending far more time going after Joe Biden and coming up with ways to make America the mighty country it once was, yet instead they seem focused on yelling matches between a bunch of adults.

The American people deserve better from the RNC, and the RNC needs to step up to start serving the people and putting the needs of the nation ahead of themselves.

Americans took to Twitter after the debate to express their frustrations, mostly centered around the Univision presence there.

The people have made it clear that they agree with Trump on this matter: the RNC needs to stop spending so much time and resources on debates that do nothing in getting Joe Biden out of the White House.

That should be the main goal of the RNC at this point in time: remove Biden and his entire corrupt administration from power.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Corrupt Senator’s bribe money is bringing down the entire Democrat Party


Bob Menendez has been at the center of a major scandal for a while now. And Democrats all over are trying to distance themselves from him.

But Senator Menendez’s bribe money is bringing down the entire Democrat Party.

Senator Bob Menendez is a corrupt politician who is poisoning the entire Democratic Party with his dirty money.

Menendez has been accused of bribery, corruption, and extortion, and he has been indicted on multiple charges.

Despite this, he continues to serve in the Senate and to spread his dirty money throughout the Democratic Party.

Menendez has been linked to a number of shady deals, including a scheme to bribe a government official in exchange for favors.

He has also been accused of using his position in the Senate to enrich himself and his friends.

Menendez’s corruption is not just a problem for himself. It is also a problem for the entire Democratic Party.

Menendez’s dirty money is corrupting the party from within and making it more difficult for Democrats to win elections.

In the 2022 midterm elections, Menendez spent millions of dollars on his own campaign and on the campaigns of other Democrats.

He also donated heavily to the Democratic Party. Menendez’s money helped to elect a number of Democrats, but it also came at a cost.

The cost of Menendez’s money is that the Democratic Party is now more corrupt than ever before.

Menendez’s dirty money is influencing the party’s agenda and making it more difficult for the party to represent the interests of the American people.

Even though Democrats have been trying to claim their own innocence in the matter, the truth is that Bob Menendez’s corrupt money is already so thoroughly in the party, that they have no hope of being fully protected.

Nine top Democrats received dirty money from Bob Menendez as “donations” to their campaign, however many Americans see even that as corruption too.

Some Democrats have stated that they plan to return the dirty money, however many others have also remained silent on the matter.

The truth is that even though Bob Menendez is extremely corrupt, he is not the only corrupt Democrats.

Many more Democrats knowingly partook in his corrupt activities and accepted dirty money, and now that Menendez has been caught, still refuse to return the money.

Democrats across the board are attempting to distance themselves from the corrupt politician, however actions will always speak louder than words.

Even if they attempt to claim Menendez should step down or accuse him of crimes, many of these Democrats still refuse to return the illegal money.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump smacked with outrageous ruling from a Democrat judge


Donald Trump has been facing many legal troubles. And the left seems out to get him.

But now, Trump was smacked with an outrageous ruling from a Democrat judge.

A New York court recently ruled that Donald Trump had committed fraud, and the ruling has Trump furious.

On Tuesday, a New York judge that was overseeing a 250 million dollar lawsuit against Trump by NY AG Letitia James.

The judge ruled that Donald Trump had committed fraud by “inflating his net worth” which in and of itself is an outrageous claim.

Donald Trump was infuriated and took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to call the move an “Un-American attack.”

“The widespread, radical attack against me, my family, and my supporters has now devolved to new, un-American depths, at the hands of a DERANGED New York State Judge, doing the bidding of a completely biased and corrupt ‘Prosecutor,’ Letitia James, who ran for office based on a ‘GET TRUMP’ platform, before even knowing anything about me.”

The ruling is a win in the books for James and is certainly harmful to Trump and his image.

Trump’s legal troubles seem to be completely biased and are solely a weaponization of the justice system by the Radical Left in order to not allow him as president again.

The politically motivated attacks are extremely unconstitutional and violate Trump’s basic rights.

The rulings that have been passed down have been founded on lies, and the judges are all on the Biden payroll.

For example, the ruling that Trump inflated his net worth is absurd.

The judge who claimed that valued Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate at $13 million instead of the estimated $300 million.

These judges are so deep in the Biden’s pockets that there is no hope of Donald Trump getting any true justice.

Donald Trump warned that “We are rapidly becoming a Communist Country, and my Civil Rights have been taken away from me.”

And while some might think his words are a bit too strong, many see the truth in his warnings.

The Radical Left is controlling the narrative and using the judicial system as a weapon against their political opponents in order to silence them.

Americans are becoming increasingly worried as they fear they might be the next to have their rights stripped away from them by the Radical Left.

Donald Trump was right when he said, “This is Democrat Political Lawfare, and a Witch Hunt at a level never seen before.”

Americans deserve a government of justice and honesty and not one of corruption and lies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Bombshell report has Joe Biden shaking in terror


Joe Biden is the weakest president America has ever had. And he has plenty of reasons to be worried.

But now this bombshell report has Joe Biden shaking in terror.

The newest Washington Post/ABC News poll came out on Sunday, and the picture it painted was a very bleak one for Joe Biden and his entire administration.

Joe Biden’s campaign manager seems to be extremely worried regarding the recent polls as it shows a potential matchup between Trump and Biden, which seems increasingly more likely.

Even with all of the Radical Left’s attempts to lock up Trump and stop him from running again, he seems to be the public’s top choice.

Regardless of political affiliation, American voters are sick of Joe Biden and his destructive policies.

Most Americans feel strongly that Joe Biden is destroying the economy and the livelihoods of average everyday citizens.

And now the polls are showing the truth: Americans have had enough of Joe Biden, and they are not likely to vote him into the White House again.

In a recent interview, Joe Biden’s campaign manager admitted that he is “concerned” about Biden’s low approval ratings and the fact that he is trailing former President Donald Trump in early polls.

Richmond’s concerns are well-founded. Biden’s approval ratings have been underwater for months, and he is facing a number of headwinds, including high inflation, a border crisis, and a war in Ukraine.

Trump, on the other hand, is very popular among Republicans and has a proven track record of strong policies and a strong economy.

Richmond’s comments are a sign that the Biden campaign is starting to panic. They know that Biden is in a very vulnerable position, and they are trying to figure out how to turn things around.

However, it is not clear what the Biden campaign can do to improve the president’s chances of reelection.

Joe Biden has had plenty of opportunity and time to fix any number of issues regarding inflation, the economy, the border crisis, etc., yet he has refused to do anything and is now facing the consequences.

If Biden’s approval ratings remain low and Trump runs for president again, it is likely that Biden will lose the 2024 election.

Biden is facing a number of challenges that are going to be very difficult for him to overcome which is one of the reasons his chances seem so poor.

He is deeply unpopular with the American people, and he is facing a strong economy.

If Joe Biden doesn’t improve his approval ratings soon, he is going to be in a lot of trouble in 2024.

America has a strong candidate in Trump, and they are facing a weak opponent in Biden.

If Trump can keep the focus on the issues that are important to the American people, he has a good chance of winning the election.

And many Americans are willing to accept a mean tweet here and there while being able to afford groceries, and gas, and not have their city flooded with illegal aliens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news as we bring you the TRUTH.

Trump makes chilling warning for every American to hear


Donald Trump has been warning the people for years. And many of the things he warns about come true.

Now Trump has made a chilling warning for every American to hear.

Donald Trump has issued a chilling warning against the latest attempt at automatic voter registration in Pennsylvania, calling it a “disaster.”

Pennsylvania has become the latest state to start this practice and is now the 24th state to automatically register voters.

Donald Trump took to his platform, Truth Social, to express his fears.

He said in a recent post, “The Radical Left Governor, Josh Shapiro, has just announced a switch to Automatic Voter Registration, a disaster for the Election of Republicans…This is a totally Unconstitutional Act, and must be met harshly by Republican Leadership in Washington and Pennsylvania.”

Trump also urged the RNC to spend more time on issues of importance, such as this, instead of wasting so much time on “meaningless Debates where I am up by more than 50 points.”

This push for automatic voter registration is definitely suspicious.

The governor announced the plan right after new polls showed that Joe Biden and Donald Trump were tied and that a Democratic senator was trailing to a Republican in the polls.

The suspicious timing has raised concerns for many Republican voters, as they feel this move is the Radical Left’s newest attempt at flooding the polls with liberal voters.

Democrats know that this next election is a crucial one that will most certainly decide the fate of the nation, and so they are doing everything they can to once again control the people.

Donald Trump has encouraged people to, “Start suing now, & get the right lawyers this time! The Pennsylvania Republican Party must likewise not let this happen. It will be a disaster for our Nation, which is being destroyed by these Lunatics, Marxists, & Fascists, whose only real ability is to CHEAT on Elections.”

Republicans are worried that this newest policy will further allow Democrats to cheat elections.

It brings a callback to the previous election where non-citizens and dead people were sending in ballots… a very suspicious incident that has still yet been properly uncovered.

Democrats have been cheating the system for decades, but in recent years have managed to propose absurd policies that are harmful to voter integrity.

Those on the Radical Left have even gone so far as to suggest that voters would not need to show an ID in order to register or vote.

The left’s attempts at suppressing Republican votes while flooding the system with illegal voters should be frightening for all Americans.

Even as the left tries to play off this new move as just making it easier for people to vote, it is a barely disguised attempt at something far worse.

The left knows they have to keep control next year, and they have made it clear they are willing to do whatever it takes to stay in power.

The American people need to wake up and vote out these crooked politicians who are corrupt and stealing elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news and headlines.

Republican Kari Lake makes alarming claim about this Republican candidate


The race for the White House is off to the races. But this most recent incident has people raising eyebrows.

And Kari Lake has made an alarming claim about this Republican candidate.

Kari Lake, a former Arizona gubernatorial candidate, has made a shocking error in her comparison of Ron DeSantis to Gavin Newsom.

In a recent appearance on the PBD podcast, Kari Lake painted a ridiculously erroneous picture of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

She accused the governor of taking “a page out of Gavin Newsom’s playbook” by closing beaches at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

She even went so far as to claim that DeSantis forced interventions such as vaccines and face masks for children.

Lake said, “Let us not forget that DeSantis also shut the beaches down. DeSantis took a page out of Gavin Newsom’s playbook. Despite what he says he shut the beaches down. He did force vaccines. He did force face masks on our kids. So he tries to act like he was perfect and Florida …”

The host even gave her a chance to reconsider what Lake was claiming asking if DeSantis really did “force vaccines on kids?”

However, instead of backing down, Kari Lake doubled down and emphatically restated her initial piece.

Not only is Kari Lake wrong, but she is also as far from the truth as anyone could possibly be on this matter.

Florida was known for being one of the most patriotic responses to the COVID pandemic, and they certainly did not mandate any vaccines or masks.

Florida was one of the first states to open their schools back up in the fall of 2020, and DeSantis has taken further legal steps to ensure that unconstitutional mandates will not be possible in the future.

Florida had one of the lowest COVID death rates in the country, and the state’s economy recovered far more quickly than almost any other.

Governor DeSantis’s handling of the pandemic was extremely patriotic, pro-America, and pro-Constitution.

The fact that anyone would deny his handling of the issue as anything other than exemplary is absurd and outrageous.

While DeSantis did initially close beaches in March of 2020, he also reopened them again just a month later in April.

And from there, the Governor listened to advice from public officials, but he allowed local governments to make decisions for themselves… as it should be.

Kari Lake’s ridiculous lies have been criticized across the political spectrum and many conservatives are outraged at her insane accusations.

DeSantis has been widely praised for his handling of the pandemic, which was far more balanced and less restrictive than Newsom’s approach in California.

Lake needs to be held accountable for her outrageous claims, and the public should now from now on to take her information with a grain of salt.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and updates.

Joe Biden’s drug problem came to light and now all hell is breaking loose


The American people have always known there was something “off” about Biden. But it’s even worse than you think.

And Joe Biden’s drug problem came to light and now all hell is breaking loose.

Joe Biden has started distributing drug paraphernalia to drug addicts via the “harm reduction” program.

This absurd program, which was created under the White House’s national drug control strategy in April 2022, provides funding to non-profit organizations to distribute “Smoke Kits” to drug users.

These “Smoke Kits” include a “small, cylinder glass”: a crack pipe.

This harmful program directly violates Texas law.

Under Texas law, it is illegal to use or possess drug paraphernalia with the intent to use it to inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance.

A non-profit called the El Paso Alliance, however, has accepted over $800,000 from the federal government in order to distribute these crack pipes.

When the administration first announced this program, they promised that it would not be used to purchase drug paraphernalia, yet in true Biden fashion, they directly lied to the American people.

The Radical Left tried to cover up the lies and used the fake news media to “fact check” anyone who spoke the truth, but like so many other things the left has tried to cover up, the evidence speaks for itself.

It has since been discovered that the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition includes glass pipe stems and mouthpieces in their kits, and The Church of Safe Injections and Maine Access Points, two non-profits in Maine, were also reported to be actively distributing crack pipes to addicts.

The Biden administration’s harm reduction program is actually encouraging further drug use and enabling drug users to become more addicted.

This “program” is simply a way to enable drug use and waste taxpayer money.

The program does nothing to address the root causes of drug addiction, and it instead enables drug users to continue using drugs without any consequences.

The fact that the program may be violating state law is just the icing on the cake.

The Biden administration should immediately defund the program and focus on real solutions to the drug crisis, such as enforcing drug laws and providing treatment to drug users.

Americans are sick of the puppet president sleepy Joe and want a strong leader to take over in the White House.

We do not want a president who will continue to encourage drug addicts to keep using illegal substances, instead, we need a president who will crack down on crime.

Joe Biden is a failure and a joke to hard-working Americans. He spends our hard-earned money on drugs for criminals.

Americans are demanding change, and it is time to vote out Joe Biden and his entire corrupt administration.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH even as the left will not.

Donald Trump drops bombshell on Senate Democrats that could be a game changer


The Democrat party tries to act like they are honest with the American people. Yet they have exposed themselves in a new scary move.

And now Donald Trump has dropped a bombshell on Senate Dems that could be a game changer.

Donald Trump has called for the mass resignation of Senate Democrats in regard to the Bob Mendez scandal.

Donald Trump said, “Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived.”

This accusation comes after New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was indicted by a federal grand jury on corruption charges.

Menendez, a Democrat, has been accused of accepting bribes from a wealthy donor in exchange for political favors.

Trump, who has long been a critic of Menendez, said that the senator should “step down immediately” and that he is “a disgrace to New Jersey and to the United States Senate.”

“Bob Menendez is a corrupt politician who has been caught red-handed,” Trump said in a statement. “He has betrayed the trust of the people of New Jersey and must resign immediately.”

Senate Democrats have so far remained silent on the matter. Menendez is a powerful member of the Senate and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is also close to President Joe Biden.

The fact that Senate Democrats have so far remained silent on the matter is a sign that they are more concerned with protecting their own power than with holding their members accountable.

It is unclear whether Menendez will resign. He has denied any wrongdoing and has said that he will fight the charges.

Trump is right to call for Menendez to resign. Menendez has been accused of serious crimes and he should not be allowed to continue serving in the Senate.

The indictment of Bob Menendez is a sign of the deep corruption that exists within the Democratic Party.

Menendez is just one example of a Democrat who has been caught using his power for personal gain.

The fact that Senate Democrats have so far remained silent on the matter shows that they are more interested in protecting their own than in holding their members accountable.

The American people deserve better. They deserve a government that is honest and accountable. They deserve a government that puts the interests of the people first.

The American people must stand up against the corruption that is rampant in the Democratic Party. They must demand that their elected officials be held accountable for their actions.

Democrats are leading this country into complete and total destruction, and they are doing it on purpose.

They believe more in their own power than in democracy and integrity… two things this nation was founded on.

It is time for Americans to stand up for America and vote these corrupt officials out of power.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden’s allies jump ship thanks to this idiotic blunder


The Biden administration has caused countless crises since Joe Biden took office. And the effects are starting to show now more than ever.

Now Biden’s allies are jumping ship thanks to this idiotic blunder.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is worsening, with a record number of migrants apprehended at the southern border in August.

This is just the latest sign of Biden’s incompetence and his failure to uphold his oath of office to protect the American people.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), agents encountered 203,600 migrants at the southern border in August.

This is the highest number of migrant encounters in any month since March 2000. The number of migrant encounters in August was also 24% higher than the number of encounters in July.

Joe Biden is encouraging illegal immigration and is rolling back Trump-era border policies.

Some on the Radical Left have defended the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis, arguing that it is working to address the root causes of migration from Central America.

However, the American people are losing trust in Biden’s ability to handle the border crisis. A recent poll found that only 33% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance on immigration.

Now, many of Biden’s own supporters and fellow Democrats are calling for him to do more to address the crisis.

Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas has said that the Biden administration is “losing control of the border.” Cuellar has also said that the Biden administration is “not doing enough to deter illegal immigration.”

Both the Massachusetts Governor and NYC Mayor have been harsh critics of Joe Biden’s handling of the border, even going so far as to declare a state of emergency and call in the National Guard.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is a threat to national security, public safety, and the economy.

The Biden administration’s open border policies are also encouraging drug cartels and other criminal organizations to smuggle drugs and other contraband into the United States.

Joe Biden spends billions of dollars each year on illegal immigrants while continuing to let Americans suffer and struggle to even pay for simple things like gas and groceries.

The American people deserve a secure border. The Biden administration needs to take immediate action to secure the border and stop the flow of illegal immigration.

The Biden administration’s border crisis is a direct result of Biden’s incompetent leadership and his reckless open border policies.

With support failing among the American people and his own supporters in politics, many expected Joe Biden to address the border crisis, however, things have only continued to get worse.

Joe Biden is a disgrace to this amazing country, and his handling of the situation on the border further proves his incompetence.

The American people need a president who will put the needs of the American people before the desires of violent and illegal criminals entering our country illegally.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you more updates on this story and others.

White House makes a disturbing claim with alarming consequences for Americans


Joe Biden and the Radical Left are doing everything they can to lie to the American people. They have been gaslighting everyone for years.

And now the White House has made a disturbing claim with alarming consequences for Americans.

The White House is currently trying everything in their power to blame Republicans for the impending government shutdown.

Instead of doing anything helpful or trying to avoid one, the current administration seems set on letting the shutdown happen so they can turn Americans against Republicans.

However, the American people are waking up and finally pushing back.

In a recent poll, 72% of Americans said that they believe that President Biden and the Democrats are more responsible for a potential government shutdown than Republicans.

The poll also found that only 18% of Americans believe that Republicans are more responsible for a potential government shutdown.

The White House’s attempt to blame Republicans for a potential government shutdown is an obvious attempt to turn the public against Republicans.

The fact is that President Biden and the Democrats have refused to negotiate with Republicans on a spending bill.

The Democrats are demanding that Republicans agree to a massive spending bill that includes billions of dollars in wasteful spending.

Republicans have refused to agree to the Democrats’ demands, and the White House is now trying to blame them for a potential government shutdown.

The American people are not fooled by the White House’s game. They know that President Biden and the Democrats are responsible for the potential government shutdown.

In an interview with Fox News, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that the White House is “desperate to blame Republicans for a shutdown.”

“The American people know who’s to blame,” McCarthy said. “It’s Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

The American people deserve better. They deserve a government that is responsible and accountable.

Previously, the White House has repeatedly said that it would not allow a government shutdown to happen. However, the White House is now backtracking on those promises.

It is obvious that Joe Biden does not care even a bit for the American people, and cares only instead on public relations and saving face.

The White House has not made any serious effort to negotiate with Republicans on a spending bill. The Democrats have simply demanded that Republicans agree to their demands, and they have refused to compromise.

Democrats and the Radical Left have a history of blaming Republicans for problems that are of its own making.

But Americans are waking up and we know the truth.

The agenda of Crooked Joe and the entire Radical Left is the complete and utter destruction of America, but Republicans and the American people are not willing to let that happen yet.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

One whistleblower just ripped this Hunter Biden testimony to shreds


The Hunter Biden proceeding have been all over headlines for weeks now. And the Left remains steadfast that neither Hunter nor Joe have done anything wrong.

But one whistleblower just ripped this Hunter Biden testimony to shreds.

Last week, a third IRS whistleblower came forward to give more credit to the other whistleblower’s claim and told investigators that Joe Biden’s DOJ did in fact block David Weiss from charging Hunter Biden.

The new whistleblower, who has been granted anonymity by the committee, said that Weiss was prepared to charge Hunter with tax evasion, money laundering, and other crimes, but was blocked by the Justice Department.

One of the whistleblowers, who was a former colleague of Weiss, said that Weiss was “furious” when he was told by the Justice Department that he could not charge Hunter.

“He said that he had never seen anything like it before,” the whistleblower said. “He said that the Justice Department was protecting Hunter Biden because he was the son of the president.”

Another whistleblower, who is a current Justice Department employee, said that the decision to block the investigation into Hunter Biden was made by the highest levels of the department.

“The decision was made by the Attorney General himself,” the whistleblower said. “Merrick Garland is protecting Hunter Biden.”

The new whistleblowers’ claims come as Hunter Biden is facing increasing scrutiny over his business dealings in Ukraine.

Hunter’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee was widely criticized for being evasive and unconvincing.

He repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, but he was unable to provide clear answers to many of the committee’s questions.

Hunter’s attorney also tried to get Hunter out of having to appear in person for his arraignment.

The Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden is abhorrent and disgusting, and Americans know the truth: they are protecting Hunter Biden because he is the son of the president.

The new whistleblowers’ claims are likely to further fuel those accusations and could lead to a congressional investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation.

In addition to the whistleblowers’ claims, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that Hunter Biden engaged in illegal activities while he was on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings.

For example, in 2018, the New York Times reported that Hunter Biden received a $3 million salary from Burisma Holdings, despite having no experience in the energy industry.

The Times also reported that Hunter Biden used his father’s position as Vice President to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings.

Even as the Radical left tries to continue denying the truth, more and more evidence appears proving Hunter and Joe’s guilt.

Hunter and Joe have no business ever leading anything or holding any public office ever again.

The American people know the truth and justice will be served.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the left is too scared to.