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Trump was left completely speechless when this surprising report hit his desk


Former President Trump is on the warpath to the White House. And things are starting to heat up.

But Trump was left completely speechless when this surprising report hit his desk.

Recently, Howie Carr exclaimed that he did not think Trump could be beat “at this point.”

Carr said, “I don’t think there’s any way Trump could be stopped at this point. I mean, especially with as many people as there are in the field, I mean, it’s just going to split it up.”

Carr believes that Vivek Ramaswamy is doing well, and that DeSantis might have some support, however, he does not believe however that Trump can be beaten.

Many of the current issues plaguing America and Americans, are all issues that Donald Trump directly addressed during his presidency.

The economy was arguably at its best point ever, citizens were happy, immigration was under control, and America wasn’t literally on fire.

On top of his proven policies, Trump has a large amount of support from people who think that the Democrats are weaponizing the judicial system.

Many Americans look at what is happening with Trump and are shocked that it is allowed to happen.

Especially when his political rivals have all done the same things that he is being accused of.

The release of Trump’s mugshot at the end of last week proved this point.

The Trump campaign used the image to raise even more support and awareness for their campaign.

The Trump campaign claims they have raised around $7 million in support since Trump’s most recent arrest.

The polls show that Donald Trump has an astonishing lead regardless of what Democrats want people to think.

Trump has the love of the people, proven policies that help Americans win, and a very interesting personality that is easy to get behind.

And now Trump has a decisive lead in the polls, and immense support from the people.

There seems to be very little that anyone can do to stop Trump from receiving the Republican nomination.

Even though the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop Trump from taking office again, it seems like that will be next to impossible.

It appears Trump will be receiving the nomination unless he dies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden blindsided by stunning Republican accusation


Biden has faced constant pressure and accusations. Some of them are outrageous, but many of them are true.

And now he has been blindsided by this shocking accusation.

In a recent interview, Senator John Kennedy had some very strong comments regarding the Biden family.

He said that American’s being lectured regarding privilege by the Biden family would be the same as being lectured by Alec Baldwin regarding gun safety.

Kennedy went on further to say that he believes Hunter Biden is the prime example of “privilege.”

“Huntergate is about two things: privilege and sleaze,” Kennedy stated.

“First, the privilege. President Biden and many members of the media lecture us incessantly about the injustice of privilege, especially so-called ‘white privilege.’ But to me, that’s like being lectured about gun safety by Alec Baldwin.”

Senator Kennedy remarked how strange it was that the Biden family spends so much time preaching to the American people about privilege, yet never talk about Hunter.

Kennedy claimed that the millions of dollars that Hunter “earned” were all “earned: through privilege.

He asked, “How smart is it to try to deduct your hookers on your federal income tax? The next time we are lectured about privilege, I want people to remember that.”

Joe Biden claims that he is merely a “devoted father” and that is why so many phone conversations and so much help came from him.

Kennedy, however, believes that “President Biden was well aware of what his son was doing, and he aggressively enabled it.”

Regardless of what you might believe, it is hard to deny that Hunter Biden grew up in a house full of “privilege.”

He also made millions of dollars in foreign countries because of his father’s help as a major politician and then as the Vice President.

Hunter Biden has not had to work hard for things in his life, and it clearly shows.

Whenever there are any issues, he runs crying to his daddy.

That is exactly what we have seen during this “Huntergate” scandal.

Except this time, it may have backfired and incriminated them all.

Joe Biden and his family are surrounded by lies and “privilege.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this story.

New liberal justices added to Supreme Court in earth-shattering shift of control


The radical Left is furious about the Supreme Court being in control of conservatives. So they’ve taken extreme measures.

And now new liberal justices being added to the bench are going to have insane consequences.

Over the past year, we’ve seen the U.S. Supreme Court hand down some game-changing rulings on major issues like abortion, gun rights, states rights, and much more.

The ruling in the Dobbs case, in particular, made those on the radical Left extremely upset that there was no longer anything protecting their precious right to end the lives of innocent babies in the womb.

Since then, the Left has been laser-focused on the issue of abortion, claiming that it is their ticket to winning in 2024 in the U.S. House, the Presidential election, and more.

Whether or not that is true remains to be seen, but if there’s anything that should concern conservative Americans, it’s what just happened earlier this month in the state of Wisconsin.

You see, conservatives controlled the Wisconsin state Supreme Court for fifteen years until earlier this month when the liberals took back control of the state’s highest court.

Janet Protasiewicz beat her conservative opponent Daniel Kelly in the Wisconsin election to decide the next Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, which tipped the scales in the favor of the liberal justices on the bench.

Daniel Kelly was a former Justice who had already served, meanwhile, Janet Protasiewicz is a newcomer.

What might be concerning for conservatives is that Protasiewicz beat Kelly by more than 11 points in their election, so it really wasn’t all that close. Portasiewicz was open in her support for abortion, which is exactly what the Left wanted to see.

Protasiewicz represented a far-left base that ultimately succeeded in taking back control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the first time in fifteen years. The liberals on the bench will be in control of the Wisconsin court for at least the next two years.

The results have already been game-changing in the state.

According to the Washington Post, the new liberal justices have already been trying to strip the conservative chief justice of as much power as possible.

The Washington Post writes:

Within days, the new majority stripped duties from the court’s conservative chief justice and fired its administrative director, a conservative former judge who once ran for the court. The abrupt changes prompted the chief justice to accuse her liberal colleagues of engaging in “nothing short of a coup.” Before long, Republican lawmakers threatened to impeach the court’s newest member.

Conservatives in the state have acknowledged just how big of a loss this is for them.

C.J. Szafir, an executive with the Institute for Reforming Government, called this a “seismic shift” for Wisconsin.

He added that the Left is going to “usher in a very progressive Supreme Court” for the next two years.

Conservatives need to provide real answers to Americans on issues that they are concerned about, of which abortion is just one, if they have any hope of reversing the Leftist takeover.

This is precisely why a candidate like Donald Trump continues to enjoy success in the polls because he still represents a shake-up in American politics and society that millions want to see.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House erupted in chaos after being caught in this heinous lie


The Biden administration isn’t known for its honesty. They seem to lie whenever they get the chance.

And the White House erupted in chaos after being caught in this heinous lie .

The White House has handled the recent tragedies in Hawaii about as terribly as possible.

From Joe Biden’s response (or rather, lack of one) to their recent lies, the entire handling of the tragic fires has been disgraceful.

The White House and Democrats have been pushing their political agenda and trying to claim that the fires were due to climate change.

However, recent news has exposed that as a lie.

A top White House energy official claimed that the fires were “fueled by climate change.”

The White House has done everything possible to deflect any and all blame.

Senator Ed Markey said, “This is devastating. This is a climate emergency.”

Senator Jeff Merkley tried to phrase the fires as the “new norm” due to “climate chaos wreaking havoc on ecosystems everywhere.”

Other officials proposed that Biden declare a “climate emergency.”

One political leader exclaimed that the “climate crisis is here and it’s killing people.”

However, recent news has come to light that exposes the Democrats and the White House for who and what they are: liars seeking to further divide America.

Hawaii officials have attributed the cause of the fires to failures on the part of the state’s major power company.

In a recent lawsuit, Hawaiian officials claim that Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) “failed to properly down live electrical equipment” in the middle of a red flag windstorm earlier this month.

Due to the failures, downed lines started to spark and caused upwards of three fires on the island.

In a recent statement, Maui County said, “The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th.”

The power company also failed to properly maintain the power grid and supporting system.

So, not only is there proof that the power company failed to do their due diligence, but there is a current lawsuit that explains all of the details.

And still, Democrats and key White House officials want to blame human-caused climate change.

They are an administration that spews lies and pits people against each other.

They refuse to take any blame for anything and instead are pushing their political agenda on others any chance they get.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this developing story.

RINO Republican throws Trump under the bus with one awful betrayal


The witch hunts against Trump don’t only come from Democrats. Sometimes it’s his own party who wants to take him down.

And RINO Republican throws Trump under the bus with one awful betrayal.

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele stated on Friday that if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election, he may never leave office.

“Donald Trump, a year before all this began, was telling us, ‘If I lose this election, it’s rigged because I own this election. This is mine. I’m going to be president for as long as I want to be president,'” Steele told an MSNBC panel on Morning Joe.

According to Steele, voters must grasp the consequences of re-electing Trump.

“What the hell you think he’s gonna be trying to do for the next four years?” he said.

“He’s not gonna say, ‘Well, thank you for the four years, I’m ready to move on.'”

“He’s got enough role models, globally, to look at how he can try to lock in his power.”

Steele believes that someone like former Attorney General William Barr will not be present to prevent a “back end” process in the future.

“He’s not gonna have, you know, people who are gonna stand up to him in the FBI or any place else,” according to Steele.

Is Steele really this dense? Has he not been paying attention to the massive amount of FBI corruption and targeting of conservatives?

They organized raids of Donald Trump and everyday, pro-life Americans.

They punted on investigating Hunter Biden until after the 2020 election in an obvious favor to Biden.

They even purge their agents and staffers of any conservatives.

Are we really going to sit here and pretend that the FBI isn’t full of conservative-hating bureaucrats?

Steele went on to ramble about how he thinks Trump will just appoint yes-men.

“He’s gonna put sycophants in place who will nod and say, ‘Yes, sir. How much of this do you want us to take for you?'”

As if Biden hasn’t already done that throughout his entire tenure.

What a joke.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump indictment prosecutors smacked with game-changing news


The Trump indictment trials are now well underway. But the trial was just handed a curveball.

Because the Trump indictment prosecutors have been smacked with game-changing news.

Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis has received intense backlash since her decision to indict former president Donald Trump.

Many accuse her of being overly political and claim that she is just being used as a weapon for the left.

And while those claims certainly may be true, it is the newest pieces of news that have the ability to turn her whole life upside down.

Donald Trump was indicted in Fulton County because he challenged the Georgia election results.

Interestingly enough, the very prosecutor who stuck him in one of the most dangerous prisons, also disputed Georgia’s election results.

Benny Johnson broke the news on Twitter.

He shared a Facebook post from Fani Willis in which she was “feeling annoyed” on election day.

Benny Johnson also stated that, “A dive into Fani Willis’ social media proves that she is a hardened, radical activist — not an unbiased “attorney.” Fani’s pages are littered with BLM propaganda and deep partisan adherence to left-wing ideology. She openly worships Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

A House Judiciary committee has launched a probe into Fani Willis.

She has been seen with a “proud Democrat” mug, and she has made it clear on social media that she is as far from impartial as it gets.

Willis denied results, questioned polling and voting data, and requested a new administration in Georgia that “more closely mirrors our values.”

How is this any different from what Trump was indicted for?

It would be different if Fani Willis had made these comments years ago or before she was in office, but all of these statements were made either while she was in office or running for office.

And they were also regarding the same exact election that Donald Trump was questioning.

Fani Willis’s career is surely over.

No attorney should be allowed this level of partisanship and hypocrisy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we dive deeper into this story.

The Biden family’s miserable end has finally come

The Bidens have been facing immense pressure recently. And it seems to have taken its toll.

Now after years of fighting, the Biden family’s miserable end has finally come.

It is no secret that the Biden family has been in the news in recent months and years.

There has been controversy swirling around specifically Hunter Biden and Joe Biden for a while now, and an investigation is underway.

The family is starting to feel the toll, and it has finally paid off.

The Bidens are done for.

Investigators have clear proof of Joe Biden’s corruption and him lying about his dealings with his son Hunter.

The proof is undeniable: Joe Biden really did fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin for investigating Burisma, and ultimately him and Hunter.

This is a shocking realization for many, as Congress now has a decision to make.

Donald Trump was impeached for the very issue that Biden has been exposed for.

In 2019 when attempting to impeach Trump, the Left “redefined the impeachment bar” as “leveraging foreign aid to Ukraine to benefit one’s political career.”

Now, tell me how that isn’t exactly what Joe Biden was caught doing.

Donald Trump was impeached for false claims, and now that there is undeniable proof of Joe Biden and his family’s corruption, surely, he will be impeached next, right?

Trump has been indicted on charges that could all be for Biden as well.

Taking out classified documents? Biden did that too.

The corruption is beyond evident, and now that the truth has been exposed to the people, it is clear they want no more of Biden.

His polls are at an all-time and historic low.

His Bidenomics are failing, and the people hate it.

And now he has been caught in such a large scandal that there is nowhere to turn.

As investigations and prosecutions ramp up, it is clear that this is the end for the entire Biden family.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this breaking story.

Tragic death rattles this presidential campaign


Politics can be dangerous for many. But no one expected it to go this far.

And now, a tragic death rattled this presidential campaign.

The senior advisor to Donald Trump had a grim message to share with viewers:

The GOP presidential debate would be the “death” of Ron DeSantis’s campaign.

Jason Miller, the senior advisor, stated that Donald Trump’s interview which aired the same time as the debate, had an estimated ten times more views than the debate.

He also claimed that those who thought DeSantis won the debate were liars.

“I heard someone earlier on the panel say Desanctimonious did OK. That’s not right,” Miller stated.

“We saw the death of Ron DeSantis’s campaign tonight as Vivek Ramaswamy leap-frogged him into second place.”

This was Ron DeSantis’s first time appearing on the national debate stage, but it was a repeat appearance for many others.

And while some have criticized DeSantis, others have pointed out that most Americans who watched the debate though he did the best.

According to a Washington Post poll, conducted alongside FiveThirtyEight and Ipsos, 29% of Republican voters polled said that DeSantis performed the best out of the eight candidates on the stage in Milwaukee.

The poll was conducted from Aug. 23-24 and polled 775 potential Republican primary voters who watched the debate.

But that didn’t stop Miller from saying that “President Trump looks like a genius by skipping the pig pile tonight.”

But what else would you expect from a very deeply entrenched pro-Trump advisor?

DeSantis is, in many polls, the only other candidate with double-digit support, so he is the most likely threat to Trump’s hegemony in the race.

But only time will tell if DeSantis or Trump will pull ahead, as there are plenty of debates ahead.

Trump remains extremely popular among conservatives, and he is not afraid to address the issues that Americans want addressed.

But he also is being hit with constant legal challenges that threaten to derail him and his message.

Other candidates don’t have that kind of baggage.

Americans are sick of Bidenomics and are obviously sick of Joe Biden’s America.

They want their freedom back, and they want their lives back.

Many just want a strong candidate to fight back against the Leftist onslaught.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more news and headlines.

Top Democrat shocks all by denying constitutional rights to law-abiding Americans


Democrats are known for their illegal and awful policies. And Democrat states are a terrible place for its citizens.

And top Democrat shocks all by denying constitutional rights to law-abiding Americans.

The New Jersey Attorney General has beyond crossed the line in his most recent announcement.

He has pledged to deny his citizens their Second Amendment rights.

He has announced a new program in which spent shell casings will have an identifier stamped on them by new technology.

The tech uses the firing pin to imprint a unique identifier on the spent shell casings in a supposed attempt to solve “unsolvable” gun crimes.

However, there are two major flaws with this technique of gun control (besides it infringes on the people’s right to hold and bear arms).

The technology has no effect on revolvers, so criminals can just use revolvers, and also the same technology has been attempted before…with terrible results.

Maryland has tried this same tech for 15 years and spent over 5 million dollars before scrapping the project because it did not help or work.

Despite all of this, AG Platkin remains optimistic regarding this effort.

“This amazing yet straightforward technology – imprinting unique identifiers on the firing pin of firearms – will have a profound impact on public safety across the state.”

He added that it “will aid our law enforcement officers in swiftly identifying crime guns and holding perpetrators accountable.”

The NRA has been quick to debunk the myth that micro-stamping will have any effect.

Even if it does work, which it does not always as the tech can be quite faulty, the stamp can be erased in a matter of seconds with common hand tools.

Regardless of the technology or whether it works or not, this new motion just furthers Republicans’ resolve.

The Democrats are taking things too far.

Impeding on a citizen’s right to bear arms uninfringed upon is directly against the Constitution. It is directly against what America stands for.

Democratic mayors and governors across the country have made it clear though:

They do not care about their citizens or their citizens’ rights.

It is time to vote these frauds out of office.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates.

What Trump just revealed to Tucker Carlson will utterly stun you


The race for President is well underway. But this could throw a wrench in the whole process.

But what Trump just revealed to Tucker Carlson will utterly stun you.

During a 46-minute interview with Tucker Carlson that aired Wednesday night, Trump had a significant amount to say regarding his political rivals.

He spent time blasting GOP presidential candidates, Joe Biden, and also the criminal charges he is facing.

This impressive interview aired just a few minutes before the presidential debate, so many viewers were catching up on both.

While GOP hopefuls were taking to the stage to argue why they should receive the nomination instead of Trump, Trump was speaking on the same topic.

Trump said he did not feel the need to share the stage and that he didn’t “think it’s the right thing to do.”

Trump also made surprising statements such as calling Chris Christie a “savage maniac” and Asa Hutchinson “weak and pathetic.”

While many share his sentiment, the statements came as a shock to others.

Trump also continued to emphasize that Mike Pence “had the absolute right to send the votes back to legislatures.”

Trump said, “I haven’t spoken to him in a long time. I was very disappointed in him.”

Donald Trump remains the strong frontrunner for the GOP primary race.

Every poll, both state and national, make it clear that Donald Trump has a strong lead.

And while his rivals were attempting to convince the public otherwise, Donald Trump made some excellent points according to many.

Trump emphasized the illegitimacy of the legal claims against himself claiming his indictments are “all bull****.”

Even while Trump was tearing into Joe Biden for his terrible economy and awful handling of the recent Hawaii tragedies, the current administration was trying to save themselves.

The administration claimed that the interview was just a “softball” event in order to push “wild, debunked conspiracy theories” and “out-of-touch positions.”

While some mush-brained liberals might agree, many Americans feel the interview was extremely successful and that it allowed Donald Trump to speak.

Even though Donald Trump did not even attend the debate, many critics and supporters alike are proclaiming Donald Trump as the clear winner.

Many Americans believe that only Donald Trump can go toe-to-toe with Joe Biden and remove him from office.

Even though Donald can sometimes have a brash way of saying things, many Americans feel his boldness and love for America is exactly what is needed in the White House.

Whether or not people love or hate him, Donald Trump is a strong character that many hope can bring America back from the brink of destruction.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Key Republican drops jaws with this shocking betrayal


Politics has become a battleground, especially between Republicans and Democrats. However, it is becoming more common even within party lines.

And a key Republican drops jaws with this shocking betrayal.

Wednesday night was a major night across the nation as the first Republican presidential debate took place.

The night was already surrounded with controversy; the main one being Trump opting out of the debates.

While many were disappointed, there was still optimism for what the other candidates might have to offer.

At the end of the debate, Florida rep Byron Donalds had an interesting statement to make.

Rep. Donalds stated that the real winner of the debate was Donald Trump.

This came as a shock to many since Trump was not even there, but Donald’s governor was.

Many considered this to be a betrayal of DeSantis by Donalds.

Donalds went on further to say, “It’s not a two-person race at this point. In my view, it’s a one-person race with a lot of other people in the race. And that’s what I think really came out of this debate tonight. That’s why I think in the grand scheme, Donald Trump is the winner of this debate. Nobody on that stage, from what I saw, really galvanized Republicans.”

Another Floridian, Matt Gaetz, also agreed with Donald’s statement and thought that Trump was the overall winner.

Two candidates on the stage, Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie, both said they would not support Trump if he became the party nominee if he was convicted in court.

They were the only two on stage to make the claim.

While the opinions on winners and losers were certainly mixed, one sentiment is shared by many:

Donald wanted the candidates to spend more time attacking Joe Biden instead of each other.

While the support of Donald Trump is an important issue for many, many more Americans just want to know what will be done to ease their suffering.

In a time where the average American is suffering tremendously under Bidenomics, voters want to know what candidates will do to help.

Trump has addressed that issue and has no qualms going after Biden, which may just be even more of a reason why people are drawn to him.

Regardless of personal opinions on Trump, it is hard to deny his boldness towards opposition and his willingness to help the American people.

The people want change, and it’s past time to vote out Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on this story and more.

Former Pence ally drops bombshell testimony that has Trump worried sick


The January 6 investigations have all over the news recently. And rumors have started spreading regarding what really happened.

Now, a former Pence ally drops bombshell testimony that has Trump worried sick.

Former chief of staff to the White House, Mark Meadows, was a “central” figure in Donald Trump’s plan to overturn the 2020 election, claims former chief of staff for Pence.

This news comes shortly after Mark Meadows has attempted move his indictment in Georgia to a federal court.

He also filed a motion over the weekend to have the charges dismissed.

However, even as he is claiming that these charges are bogus, former chief of staff to Pence is saying the opposite.

Former chief of staff Marc Short said, “I think it was it’s fair to say that Mark was the ringleader of much [of] the events that happened around Jan. 6, he was somebody who was — the president sought to find additional attorneys who gave advice different than White House counsel, and it was very central to the events that happen on that day.”

Short claims that Pence made it very clear he did not have any power to overturn the election, but that Meadows was “central” to the attempts to overturn the election results.

Short says that Meadows was a key figure in “whispering” in Trump’s ear and telling making the president believe there were certain powers that Pence would have.

“And I think what’s often missed in the coverage is the weeks leading up [to] that, in which the vice president made it clear that he did not think that there was some magical authority vested upon a vice president of the United States, had never been used in 250 years of our republic that allowed him to overturn the election results. So there had been a lot of conversations leading up to this, and Mark was central to pulling together many of those who were, I think, whispering falsehoods into the president’s ear,” says Short.

Short has made it clear that he believes Meadows was a key figure leading up to January 6, and that Meadows deserves the indictment he received in Georgia.

Trump and other defendants are surrendering in Georgia this week.

However, Meadows remains firm and has asked a court to block his arrest.

Whatever political affiliations one might have, it is strange and even sad that most of the defendants are older and are being booked into the infamous Fulton County Jail.

In a time of so much uncertainty, many politicians and key figures continue to make opposite claims, and it does nothing but confuse the American people.

We Americans want the truth.

We want integrity and justice to prevail, and when so many of our politicians are so corrupt and deceitful, it is hard to believe that can ever happen.

It is past time to hold our politicians accountable.

Whether Marc Short is right or not, it is frustrating with the amount of division within the Republican party.

It makes it very difficult to discover the truth and know who to vote for.

In times of so much breaking news and major headlines, stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates.