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Biden campaign official blew everyone’s mind with what they admitted about Kamala Harris

Everyone knows Kamala Harris is the weak link for the President Biden. Now we know why.

Because a Biden campaign official blew everyone’s mind with what they just admitted about Kamala Harris.

Usually, Democrats will go on a network like MSNBC or CNN and get fielded softball questions to make themselves and their Party look good to the viewers tuning in.

What’s funny is that somehow the Democrats have even managed to mess that up on occasion as their radicalism comes through and just puts off the average American simply catching the news in the morning or evening.

Exactly that happened this past weekend when a Joe Biden campaign official went on CNN.

Ashley Allison was brought on CNN during a segment when a panel was talking about Nikki Haley saying that Kamala Harris is unqualified to be President.

Nikki Haley was pointing out that the vast majority of Americans don’t like Kamala Harris because they view Harris as out of touch and even a little unhinged.

So it makes sense that people wouldn’t want Kamala Harris to be in a position as commander-in-chief of the United States, but that’s a real possibility if Joe Biden is reelected.

But according to Ashley Allison, Kamala Harris is simply misunderstood by the American public.

According to Allison, Harris has noted “failed” on a number of issues like immigration even though she’s the border czar.

No, instead, Harris has done quite well. Americans just don’t know it yet because they don’t like her because she’s the first black, female Vice President.

“I think that this is happening for a couple of reasons. Most people don’t know what vice president do,” Allison began.

She then said that because Harris is a “history maker” she’s an easy target for the American people.

“And now she is a history maker. She is a woman. She is a black. And it’s the easy thing to do to say, ‘She’s the attack dog, go after her.'”

Allison also tried to defend Harris’s record, saying that Kamala Harris is not to be faulted for continuing immigration crises.

“She was not put in charge of the border. She was put in charge of the root causes,” the Biden-Harris campaign staffer said.

“Everyone admits our immigration policies are in crisis. It’s not because of Kamala Harris,” she added.

Allison also made a bold prediction that Americans will like Kamala Harris more if she can get in front of more Americans on the campaign trail and boast of her supposed accomplishments. Then “you will see her numbers start to increase” according to Allison.

You can check out this clip from Allison’s appearance on CNN below:

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Mitch McConnell was booed off stage for this humiliating reason


Senator McConnell is worse for wear. His failing health have led many to question if he’s fit to lead.

And Mitch McConnell was booed off stage for this humiliating reason.

During the 143rd annual Fancy Farm Picnic in Kentucky, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell began to address the crowd, but quickly found himself facing a storm of voices.

The mood quickly shifted from fun to frustration.

He also encountered a chorus of disapproval as he shared with the audience his enthusiasm for returning alongside his wife, Elaine, to the picnic.

The event, containing a bipartisan lineup of nearly 20 Democratic and Republican speakers, is a kickoff for the upcoming fall campaign season.

“My friends, I’ll be honest, it’s not hard for Republicans to look good these days,” remarked Mr. McConnell, even amidst the uproar of disapproving voices from the crowd.

During his speech, McConnell did not leave his script and failed to address national issues, meaningful political concerns, or even Donald Trump, who this weekend has described McConnell at an event in South Carolina as “perhaps the worst leader in the history of our country running the Senate.”

The echoes of McConnell’s falling out with former President Donald Trump were also present, with Trump mocking the Senate minority Leader in a post on his Truth Social platform. “I AGREE!” wrote Trump, a 2024 Republican presidential candidate.

The former president also urged him to “step up and do something” to help him fight his recent legal battles.

McConnell instead focused on “easy” topics like the rise in pork prices and the Democrats who “turned their backs on rural America.”

Even though the jeers and yells from the crowd were impossible to ignore, the Senate minority leader refused to acknowledge them and instead went on with his speech. He criticized the current Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear (D), for his handling of COVID-19 and the restrictions on small businesses.

Although McConnell appeared unfazed by the crowd, the sentiment is shared across American politics. One spectator summed up the sentiment, saying, “We’ve entrusted our representatives with the responsibility to serve our interests. When those interests are neglected, it’s our duty to make our voices heard and demand accountability.”

And it’s not only Mitch McConnell. The heckling is just a taste of the much wider call surrounding representation, responsibility, and the demands of average American.

The chants of “retire” and “ditch Mitch” symbolize a call for elected officials to be held accountable to their voters.

Just weeks before the picnic, McConnell was giving a routine press conference when he froze and stared off into the distance. He did not speak again and had to be escorted away by nearby staffers.

Mr. McConnell has tried to make light of the incident, saying that he was “sandbagged,” a reference to President Joe Biden’s tumble on stage during graduation at the United States Air Force Academy in June.

In addition to his incident at the press conference, there have also been reports of a recent fall just weeks before. Sources have further verified that McConnell fell while disembarking from a plane at Ronald Regan Washington National Airport earlier that month.

Even though McConnell did not sustain any injuries and resumed work as normal that day, the frustrations mount as we seem to be lead by incompetent and incoherent political elites.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Democrat went on MSNBC and made eyebrow-raising claims about Joe Biden


Some within President Biden’s party are starting to sour on him. But no one saw this coming.

Because a top Democrat went on MSNBC and made these eyebrow-raising claims about President Biden.

Republicans in the U.S. House believe they are getting closer every month, every week, and every day to having enough evidence to impeach President Joe Biden.

They don’t want to just impeach him and have the articles of impeachment fail in the U.S. Senate like the phony impeachment charges against Trump did.

They want to ensure that the U.S. Senate does not have any cover to run and hide from the truth of the Biden family crimes.

The Democrats, of course, are extremely nervous about the possibility of Joe Biden being impeached within the next twelve months because he is already an extremely vulnerable incumbent U.S. President.

That impeachment may be enough to turn independents away from Biden and towards the eventual GOP nominee who will likely be either Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump.

When asked about the possibility of impeachment for Joe Biden during an appearance on MSNBC, House Democrat Representative Nancy Pelosi completely dismissed the idea and criticized Republicans for even looking under that rock.

“How do you feel about the push by the House Republicans – many of them – the Speaker certainly you know certainly flirted with this idea of impeachment proceedings against President Biden because of unfounded allegations that he was involved with his son Hunter’s businesses?” the MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell asked of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi responded saying that the Republicans were entertaining “frivolous” ideas of impeachment and that they were using “divisionary” tactics before saying that the Republicans don’t have anything “to offer the American people.”

Though, the MSNBC host Mitchell didn’t let Pelosi off the hook so easily.

She asked Pelosi about the fact that she was absolutely behind the impeachment articles being brought against Trump even though those were just as serious charges as ones that would be brought against Biden.

She also highlighted how Republicans may simply be exercising caution in impeaching Joe Biden because once that can of worms is open, there’s no putting it back.

“As you well know, you were very cautious about starting impeachment proceedings for the very reason that once you start in a special committee or the judiciary committee, it’s very hard to stop that process,” Mitchell said to Pelosi.

Though, Pelosi didn’t seem to care at all. She tried to accuse Republicans of “changing the subject.”

They have to change the subject, and they have nothing to offer the American people in terms of jobs and the rest. They talk about it, but then they change the subject when it’s time to deliver,” Pelosi said.

She then went on to ramble about Joe Biden’s “economic success,” which very few Americans can tangibly feel right now.

What’s interesting about Pelosi bringing up Biden’s record on the economy is that the polls of American voters are not kind to Biden on either the economy or corruption.

Only roughly 30% of Americans “approve” of Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S. economy, meaning a vast majority think he’s doing a poor job.

Furthermore, polls show that upwards of two thirds of Americans would like to see Joe Biden impeached if the corruption of Hunter Biden is proven true.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any Joe Biden impeachment news.

Nancy Pelosi was just smacked upside the head by Donald Trump


Pelosi’s fall from grace has come extremely fast. Now she’s learning just how small she really is.

And Nancy Pelosi was just smacked upside the head by Donald Trump.

Former President Donald Trump has attacked Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), calling her a “wicked witch” who would one day “live in hell.”

Trump attacked Pelosi on his social media network Truth Social after she said in an interview Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that he looked like a “scared puppy” arriving in Washington, DC, to be arraigned in the January 6 Capital riot case, according to Breitbart News.

His remark on Sunday was straightforward:

Pelosi had said in the interview, amongst other observations, “To see the president of the United States be arraigned, it was interesting to hear Mr. Dunn talk about how it felt for him in the courtroom.

I wasn’t in the courtroom, of course, but when I saw his coming out of his car and this or that, I saw a scared puppy.

He looked very, very, very concerned about his fate. I didn’t see any bravado or confidence or anything like that. He knows. He knows the truth, that he lost the election, and now he has to face the music.”

The 45th president and leading Republican presidential candidate pleaded not guilty Thursday to four counts alleging conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results, including Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, Conspiracy Against Rights, Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding, Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding, and Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding.

This was Trump’s third indictment this year, with two coming from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigations and one from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

In the other federal case, Trump is accused of mishandling secret papers after leaving the White House, whereas Bragg is accused of corporate fraud.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden, who had classified documents hidden in boxes in his garage has yet to be served any legal challenges.

Couple that with the fact that Congress has uncovered irrefutable evidence that Joe Biden and his family have sold access and secrets for bribes.

But if you only ever got your news from MSNBC, you would think Biden is squeaky clean and Trump is the dirtiest politicians to ever hold office.

It’s a complete 180 from reality.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty surprise he never saw coming


Rep. Schiff has been a thorn in Trump’s side for years. He isn’t going away anytime soon.

And Adam Schiff hit Trump with a nasty surprise he never saw coming

Schiff is tied to Trump for one reason and one reason only – he made his name and fame from peddling lies about the former president.

Throughout Trump’s entire term, Schiff claimed there was irrefutable evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Of course, all of that turned out to be a lie, and since he was caught in the act, he’s been trying to find a new way to target Trump.

And he thinks he’s finally stumbled upon an ace in the hole.

Thirty-eight House Democrats, led by California Rep. Adam Schiff, have demanded that former President Trump’s federal criminal trials be televised for the public.

“We are writing to request the Judicial Conference explicitly authorize the broadcasting of court proceedings in the cases of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump,” they said in a Thursday night letter to federal officials.

“It is imperative the Conference ensures timely access to accurate and reliable information surrounding these cases and all of their proceedings, given the extraordinary national importance to our democratic institutions and the need for transparency,” they wrote.

It was issued only hours after Trump pleaded not guilty to four charges stemming from his and his associates’ alleged efforts to derail the 2020 presidential election.

On Thursday, Trump was arrested in a federal court in Washington, D.C., after Special Counsel Jack Smith announced the second of two federal grand jury indictments against him. He is also the subject of a previous criminal indictment in New York City.

With a few exceptions, cameras are not permitted in federal courts.

However, scores of Democrats who spoke to the Judicial Conference, which controls federal court policy, maintained that broadcasting Trump’s trials is necessary for Americans to “fully accept” their outcome.

“As the policymaking body for the federal courts, the Judiciary Conference has historically supported increased transparency and public access to the courts’ activities. Given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings,” the lawmakers wrote.

“If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted, the strength of the evidence adduced and the credibility of witnesses,” they wrote.

Schiff was censured this year for advancing suspicions that the Trump 2016 campaign collaborated with Russia to win the election while chairing the Intelligence Committee last Congress.

He also played a key role in both of House Democrats’ impeachment attempts against Trump. During the first impeachment, he was an impeachment manager and a member of the January 6 select committee when the former president was impeached over the Capitol riot.

Other members of the now-defunct Jan. 6 panel, including its chairman, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Reps. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Pete Aguilar of California, and Zofgren of California, signed Schiff’s letter.

A request for response from Trump’s spokeswoman was not immediately returned.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump sent the Supreme Court an urgent message that changes everything

Former President Donald Trump views the Supreme Court as his allies. That’s why he’s making this move.

Because Donald Trump sent the Supreme Court an urgent message that changes everything.

In light of the legal battles Donald Trump is facing, the former President is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to step in to save him from the attacks from the Left.

Trump took to his Truth Social account to share that he’s having to spend less time on the campaign trail and doing rallies while he focuses on trying to defend himself in the courtroom.

“CRAZY! My political opponent has hit me with a barrage of weak lawsuits, including D.A., A.G., and others, which require massive amounts of my time & money to adjudicate,” Trump said on Truth Social.

“Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts throughout the Country,” he continued.

He continued on saying that he believes this is election interference because he is leading the polls against the Republican field and against incumbent President Joe Biden, who he calls “Crooked Joe.”

As such, he believes the Supreme Court ought to intercede in the case proceedings.

“I am leading in all Polls, including against Crooked Joe, but this is not a level playing field. It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede. MAGA!”

After this, he questioned the constitutionality of bringing charges against a leading Presidential candidate like the DOJ under President Biden are currently doing.

“Biden & Garland file bogus cases against me so it becomes difficult for me to campaign. Nothing like this has every happened before. Must be Unconstitutional? BUT SOMEHOW, WE WILL WIN IT ALL!!!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

There does not appear to be anything unconstitutional about bringing charges against a presidential candidate, because as far as the law is concerned, someone running for office is no different than a regular citizen.

The sitting-President does have special legal rights such as the ability to pardon anyone in the United States, including him or herself.

But historically, these privileges have not been extended to former Presidents when they are no longer in office.

That being said, former Presidents very rarely ever run for office again like Donald Trump is doing in 2024.

It will be important to keep an eye on the Republican primary polls as these trials for Trump play out to see if he maintains his seemingly dominant position in the race for the Republican nomination.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump might get acquitted due to this loophole Jack Smith didn’t know about

Special counsel Jack Smith thought he had Trump dead to rights. But he’s made a critical mistake.

Because Donald Trump might get acquitted due to this loophole Jack Smith never accounted for.

As imperfect as the court system can be in the United States, at the end of the day if the evidence is heavily in the favor of one party, that party will likely win.

There are times that’s not been the case and that’s because we’re all just human. There’s no way for the court system to get every case right. That’s why the courts will review previously ruled cases when substantial evidence comes up.

The burden of proof being on the prosecution may be Donald Trump’s saving grace when all is said and done in the indictment trials he is facing.

In the latest Trump indictment over allegations that he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election, the federal prosecutors have to prove that Donald Trump knowingly tried to violently wrestle back the White House like an insurrectionist.

And already the prosecution has made a huge mistake in being able to prove that.

A new report from CBS News indicates that special counsel Jack Smith and his office may not have done their homework properly in reviewing all evidence before bringing the latest indictment charge against Donald Trump.

It is possible, according to the report, that Jack Smith was seeking to charge Donald Trump without having all the facts in order.

CBS reports:

Special counsel Jack Smith’s office may not have fully reviewed thousands of pages of records turned over by former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik before seeking an indictment of former President Donald Trump Tuesday, says Kerik’s attorney, Tim Parlatore.

CBS notes that when asked about this mistake, former federal prosecutors admitted to it possibly being an “oversight” prior to bringing the indictment charges.

“It may have been an oversight,” Scott Frederickson shared with the media.

This is huge for Donald Trump because it may play right into his hand of trying to prove that the Jack Smith office is targeting him politically.

All along, Donald Trump has been saying that he believes that Jack Smith and the Democrats are going after him because he’s the leading Presidential candidate for the 2024 cycle.

If his lawyers were able to prove that Jack Smith and company specifically ignored important documents and evidence in the case prior to bringing indictment charges, that would be utterly huge.

That would be just a hop and a skip away from arguing that the federal prosecutors had made up their mind about charging Trump long before the probing process began.

Any federal judge who sees enough evidence for this would be quick to acquit Donald Trump lest they risk their judicial career and future.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on any developments in the Trump indictment trials.

VP Kamala Harris caught doing this unspeakable act on camera

Most Americans despise Kamala Harris according to polls. This is sure to send her number tanking.

And VP Kamala Harris was caught doing this unspeakable act on camera.

On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris responded to a question about demands for protections for the unborn at the point of viability while still allowing some abortion by saying that “the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies.”

TMJ4 Chief Political Reporter Charles Benson asked, “Wisconsin has an 1849 abortion ban law in place after the Supreme Court decision was reached on Roe v. Wade. Prior to that, it was a 20-week ban on abortion. So, my question for you is, what is your position on protecting reproductive rights while those and others are saying they want some protection as well for fetus viability?”

Harris answered, “Let’s start with this: And I think it’s very important for us to all agree that one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply-held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling women what to do with their body. She should be able to make that decision, if she chooses, with her pastor, her priest, her rabbi, whomever. But the government should not be telling women what to do with their bodies.”

“And so, when we look at this issue and we know that the highest court in our land just took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the women of America, from the people of America, I think we all have to step up and say that we need to have leaders lead by having some level of compassion and understanding that they should trust women to make decisions that are in their best interest and that they, women, are in the best position to know what is in their own best interest. It’s that simple,” Harrison finished.

“No laws?” Benson then inquired.

Harris responded, “It’s not about saying that — it is about saying that we need to, first of all, codify and put back into place the protections of Roe v. Wade. That is what we are fighting for. And when Congress does that, the president will sign it.”

Let’s unpack this a little. There are plenty of faiths that would require a complete abandoning of to allow abortion.

Take Joe Biden’s supposedly beloved Catholic Church in its Catechism:

Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life.

That means by helping a woman to get an abortion, as Joe Biden has done legislatively for decades, causes one to be automatically cut off from the Church.

Next, Kamala’s insinuation that abortion is a constitutional right is completely wrong.

Just because an activist court decided it was back in 1973, that does not mean it isn’t just a lie that lived too long.

But the Vice President isn’t concerned with the truth, just pushing her agenda.

Lastly, when you look at polls conducted by Pew Research, it shows that Kamala’s position of allowing abortion past viability is not popular.

Only 29% of those polled believe abortion should not be allowed past 24 weeks, the point at which a baby could be born and survive without any medical attention.

Meanwhile, 48% say it should definitely be illegal, and 18% are undecided.

It just goes to show that this isn’t about compassion or mercy. It’s not even about doing the will of the people. It’s about passing enshrining their ideology into law.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Senator has medical emergency and now all hell is breaking loose


Congress is in shambles. One of their own may not be around for long.

And a top Senator had a medical emergency and now all hell is breaking loose.

The average age in of the Senate is getting older and older, and with that comes a lot of problems.

The most obvious is that health issues could strike out of nowhere.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), a 90-year-old legislator who has faced calls to resign due to medical difficulties, did not attend a scheduled event in San Francisco on Wednesday.

Feinstein’s office told the San Francisco Chronicle that the senator was unable to attend the 150th anniversary commemoration of the city’s cable cars due to health issues.

“She is not feeling well and has a cough. She decided it was best to stay at home,” Feinstein’s spokesperson, Ron Eckstein, told the news outlet.

Feinstein is the Senate’s oldest active member, and some colleagues have expressed worries about her mental competence and capacity to execute the job in recent years.

Scrutiny increased after she returned to the Senate in a wheelchair this spring, capping off a months-long sabbatical during which she received treatment for and recovered from shingles.

Feinstein made waves last week when she appeared to become confused and began delivering a speech during a vote on Capitol Hill.

Feinstein announced her intention to run for re-election in 2024 in February.

Reps. Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee, all prominent House Democrats, have declared campaigns to succeed Feinstein in the Senate.

However, several of Feinstein’s Democratic colleagues have urged her to resign before the end of her tenure.

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) has said he will give the “situation the benefit of the doubt” and is “hopeful” that Feinstein will be able to complete her obligations.

According to the Chronicle, House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) attended the cable car ceremony and insisted that Feinstein was “good… she’s doing her job.”

“Even though she had the diagnosis of shingles, she went back there and she was there for every vote so that the judges could be confirmed even though the other side would not cooperate,” Pelosi added.

“It’s a tribute to her that we wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t made that strong step when she was mayor in San Francisco to save the cable cars. She’s present in so many ways.”

Stay tuned to the Prudent Politics.

This Republican just ruined his presidential hopes with two words

The race for the White House is heating up. But one candidate’s ride has come to an end.

And this Republican just ruined his presidential hopes with two words.

When you’re running a campaign, you never want to shy away from taking a strong stance on the issues that matter most.

If nothing else, that strengthens your platform for the primary.

But what you do want to avoid is commenting on obscure issues that no one has interest in or the party greatly disagrees with.

And that’s what one Republican just did.

Vivek Ramaswamy, a 2024 presidential candidate, is “skeptical” about whether the 9/11 Commission told the truth about the terrorist attacks on September 11, claiming the public can take the truth.

In an interview with Blaze TV’s Alex Stein on Tuesday night, Ramaswamy questioned the commission’s findings. Stein questioned him if he thought 9/11 was a “inside job” or “exactly like the government tells us.”

“I don’t believe the government has told us the truth,” Ramaswamy said.

“I’m driven by evidence and data. What I’ve seen in the last several years is we have to be skeptical of what the government does tell us.”

“I haven’t seen evidence to the contrary, but do I believe everything the government told us about it? Absolutely not. Do I believe the 9/11 Commission? Absolutely not,” the Republican candidate continued.

Ramaswamy later stated on X, formerly Twitter, that he is not disputing the US’s responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.

“Do I believe our government has been completely forthright about 9/11? No. Al-Qaeda clearly planned and executed the attacks, but we have never fully addressed who knew what in the Saudi government about it. We *can* handle the TRUTH,” Ramaswamy posted.

According to RealClearPolitics, Ramaswamy is now in third position in the 2024 presidential election.

He has stated that he is running to advance the “America First” platform and has a reputation for demanding transparency from government institutions and agencies.

He has made the abolition of the “Deep State” a central theme of his campaign, and he has urged for former President Donald Trump to be pardoned if he is found guilty of federal criminal charges in two separate indictments.

While Ramaswamy’s positions in politics are generally agreeable to the American public, this random stance serves no one.

Why is he talking about 9/11? It was 22 years ago.

And America is currently facing economic, military, and immigration crises. Maybe he should focus more on that.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Manchin ripped Joe Biden to shreds for this massive failure


U.S. Senator Joe Manchin is basically a Democrat in name only. He may still end up switching parties.

Because Joe Manchin ripped Joe Biden to shreds for this utterly massive leadership failure.

After Fitch downgraded the country’s credit rating, West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin urged the federal government to fix its finances, calling the downgrade a “stark warning” that “cannot be ignored.”

For the first time since 2011, a credit rating agency (Fitch) lowered a country’s AAA status to AA+ on Tuesday, citing a “erosion of governance” as the reason. A fierce debate and a last-minute resolution to a stalemate over the country’s debt ceiling preceded the downgrading both then and now.

The Fitch downgrade sparked the usual recriminations between the parties’ top officials, with Democrats blaming Republicans for their insistence on budget cuts and the Republicans criticizing the trillions in extra expenditure approved by the Biden administration. After Fitch highlighted the incident on January 6 at the Capitol as a factor in its judgment, former President Donald Trump also came under fire.

But West Virginia’s moderate Democratic senator, Joe Manchin, blasted the downgrade as a “historic failure of leadership by both political parties and the Executive branch.”

He pleaded with lawmakers and the president to fund the government and prevent a prolonged shutdown. To accomplish so, though, he suggested fiscal reforms are necessary.

Before “we wake up to a future where America’s superpower status is in jeopardy and we have lost the confidence of our allies around the world,” Manchin warned, “we must act now to fully fund the government and address our national debt.”

Manchin said “every American will suffer if Washington politics get in the way of long-term solutions that address these challenges.”

Another fight in Congress over federal spending is on the horizon, although one with reduced stakes. By reaching an agreement in May on what amounts to a spending limit for next year, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and President Joe Biden were able to escape a default. The debt ceiling was raised in exchange, but only until the next election, in 2024.

Right-wing McCarthy supporters are so angry over the compromise that they are threatening to remove him as speaker if he doesn’t push for even greater budget cutbacks. Washington is once again headed for a showdown before the September 30 funding deadline as a result of the demands and the Senate’s willingness to violate the budget restrictions put out in the deal, at least for more defense spending.

It’s possible that party leaders will decide to pass a short-term continuing resolution to put off the fight until December.

As the September 30th funding deadline for the federal government approaches, “September will be a crucial month,” Manchin stated.

“Now, more than ever, it is time for elected leaders from both parties to work together and send a clear message” to the world that “we will take the necessary fiscal and budgetary steps to restore our credit rating and keep America’s economy strong for this generation and the next.”

Manchin, who is considering a reelection bid next year in a solidly Republican state, has positioned himself as a moderate in the U.S. Senate. He has considered running for president as a third-party candidate under the banner of No Labels, but he told New Hampshire voters last month that he has no interest in becoming a “spoiler” in the 2024 election.

Whereas most Democrats will not utter a single negative thing with Joe Biden at the helm in the White House, Joe Manchin is unafraid to say it like it is.

Joe Manchin has plenty of confusing takes at times and his voting record simply isn’t as good as he’d lead people to believe.

But it’s hard to ignore how he is willing to go after Joe Biden and the White House for their failed leadership, because that’s what it is.

The Biden administration has let the American economy crumble under the weight of unbelievable interest rates and inflation largely due to his administration’s eye-watering spending sprees.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Congress introduces new game-changing bill that hits Biden where it hurts


The Biden administration has tried to get away with doing whatever it wants. But that time is over.

Because Congress has introduced a game-changing bill that hits Biden where it hurts most.

A major way that the radicals on the Left have pushed their propaganda is through institutions to bring their extreme ideas everywhere.

One of the ways that do this is through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Executive abuse of federal agencies to waste taxpayer money? Color us surprised.

At the expense of the American taxpayer, Democrat administrations like the Biden admin or the Obama admin can use the USAID to bring “woke” ideas internationally and drum up international support for their agendas.

Well U.S. House Republicans have had enough of this abuse of American tax dollars.

Concerned that USAID is utilizing taxpayer funds to preach “wokeism” overseas, Republican Representative Matt Gaetz (FL) presented a bill to eliminate USAID on Tuesday.

According to a report from the Heritage Foundation published last year, which Gaetz referenced in a news release, the agency is spending American tax dollars on “leftist activism” abroad. The measure would effectively shut down the agency’s operations.

According to Gaetz’s news release, “American taxpayer dollars are being wasted to fund radical leftist propaganda in foreign countries.”

“We will not accept its force-feeding abroad under Old Glory, and neither will the American people tolerate government-funded degeneracy at home.”

“USAID does not serve a meaningful purpose,” he continued.

The law would also “rescind the unobligated funds made available for the agency and transfer all other assets or liabilities to the Secretary of State,” as stated in the news release.

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Eli Crane (R-AZ), and Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) are all on board as cosponsors of the bill, which criticizes USAID for spreading what they call “leftist ideology.”

According to the law, the agency has used tax dollars to fund grants for various leftist causes, including $850,000 for “the rights of gender diverse people” in Bangladesh, a $1 million grant for ”LGBTI human rights advocacy in Asia,” and a $370,000 grant for ”the human rights of LGBTI people in Armenian society.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced their intention to invest up to $50 million to advance “digital gender equality” in Africa and elsewhere in April.

According to a research by the Heritage Foundation, the Biden administration “weaponizes” foreign aid by supporting and spreading “climate alarmism,” gender ideology, and access to abortion.

On Tuesday, Gaetz tweeted that the plan was an excellent “way to cut spending.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.