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Top Republican Governor makes the ballsiest move that has Leftists crying


The Democrat Party never saw this loss coming their way. But it’s rocking them to their core.

Because a major Republican Governor made this ballsy move that has Leftists foaming at the mouth.

Iowa is a critical state that interests both the Democrats and the Republicans greatly for the 2024 election.

The Republican primary gets kicked off in Iowa with the caucus there that will take place on January 15th next year.

The Democrats, on the other hand, want to try to flip the state back blue after it has seemingly grown to be more red in the past two elections with Donald Trump winning it by about 10 points in both 2016 and 2020.

Simply put, all eyes are on the state right now with the 2024 election heating up and both parties digging their heels into this cycle to set themselves up for political success in the decade to come.

Unfortunately, sometimes when the spotlight is on, politicians will simply cower in fear of making any move that they think the Washington, D.C. Swamp won’t approve of or one that will anger independent voters.

This is usually the case with RINO Republican politicians like Mitt Romney who seemingly shut down entirely anytime there’s a major election cycle.

So when Iowa’s House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban abortion after six weeks into a pregnancy, the pressure was definitely on for Republican Governor Kim Reynolds.

Kim Reynolds has talked a big game about being a defender of Life and a bulwark for conservative values in Iowa. Was she going to fold and expose herself as yet another RINO who can’t deal with the pressure? Or was she going to stick to her guns like her conservative base wants her to?

Well, just hours after the Iowa House of Representatives passed the bill, the Iowa senate passed it as well. The bill would now go to Kim Reynold’s desk in the Governor’s mansion for a signature.

And what did Kim Reynolds do? She gave pro-Lifers something to cheer for as she took to Twitter to cheer on the bill, indicating that she will be proudly signing the pro-Life bill.

She even took pictures with the courageous men and women involved with seeing the bill passed through the Iowa legislature to get it to her desk.

Naturally, the Democrats in the state lost their minds and borderline called for violence after the bill passed.

Democrat state Rep. Jennifer Konfrst called for her constituents to “fight like hell” and said that the Republicans are “going to see why they’re wrong.”

“They’re going to see why they’re wrong. We’re doing this in the summer because they want us to forget,” Konfrst said to a crowd of protesters.

“We’re going to fight like hell today. We will show up. We will stand up. And I need you all in this fight,” she continued.

As for Governor Kim Reynolds, you have to give her credit. She could have folded and been exposed as just another RINO in a growing list and history of them.

But she didn’t. She showed herself to be true in wanting to defend the sanctity of Life no matter how outraged the radical Left wants to become.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Nancy Pelosi is panicking after this Democrat was caught breaking the law


Democrats are already in the minority. They can’t afford to lose anyone else.

And that’s why Nancy Pelosi is panicking after this Democrat was caught breaking the law.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is taking aim at Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), sending her a thorough paper describing a rule that prohibits insider trading on the stock market, despite the fact that the Ohio Democrat voted in favor of the bill more than a decade ago.

On Wednesday afternoon, the NRCC delivered the document, titled “How To Not Violate The Law You Voted For,” to Kaptur’s office in Washington, D.C. According to the NRCC, Kaptur violated the STOCK Act earlier this year, as detailed in the two-page document.

“After spending 40 years in Congress hiding from constituents, it’s clear Marcy Kaptur cannot be trusted to meet even the most basic levels of transparency,” NRCC spokesman Chris Gustafson told the Washington Examiner.

“The NRCC is happy to provide Kaptur with this guide on how to be a lawmaker, not a lawbreaker, and remind voters that Kaptur’s time in office is coming to an end.”

According to filings, Kaptur sold $1,280 in Andersons stock in October but did not record the transaction until May 15, thus violating the STOCK Act’s 45-day deadline for disclosing periodic transaction reports.

Kaptur was fined $200 for the infraction.

The document, obtained exclusively by the Washington Examiner, specifies when the reports must be filed and provides step-by-step directions on how to do so. Throughout the letter, there are several tongue-in-cheek remarks.

“This memo introduces the reporting requirements for the STOCK Act (FYI, you voted for it),” the introduction reads.

“If you personally conduct a transaction, you need to report it on a PTR within 30 days of the transaction (NOT 205),” the memo later states.

“Even if you did not conduct or direct a transaction, you may still be required to report it (You are). Transactions must be reported within 30 days of being made aware of the transaction, but no later than 45 days from the date of transaction (Again, not 205).”

Kaptur’s staff defended her actions, stating that the representative has never acquired or traded equities personally.

Rather, her office stated that she received the stocks following the death of her brother in 2021, later transferring the proceeds to a certificate of deposit and saying she would not trade or sell them.

“In 2022, it became clear that as a result of redistricting Congresswoman Kaptur would represent the Ohio agribusiness whose stock she had inherited. To avoid even the appearance of any conflict with her official work, Congresswoman Kaptur promptly sold all of her shares in the stock — a total of $1,280.03,” a spokesperson for Kaptur said.

“Upon discovering the $1,280.03 transaction exceeded the reporting limit of $1,000, she filed the required report and a $200 fee for the delay in recognizing the oversight.”

The NRCC named Kaptur’s seat as one of its top objectives in the 2024 cycle, making the 21-term congressman one of the most vulnerable incumbents next year.

The nonpartisan Cook Political Report has rated Kaptur’s seat as “lean Democratic.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Top Biden official reveals startling national defense bombshell

Thanks to Biden’s Presidency, the US is closer to war now than anytime under Trump. It may be right around the corner.

And this top Biden official revealed a startling national defense bombshell.

During an interview on Monday, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry stated that the problem with the fighting in Ukraine was that it was contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases that are causing climate change.

Kerry made the statements while President Joe Biden traveled to Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom to “take part in a ceremony for King Charles III and host a forum focusing on clean energy strategies,” according to the Washington Examiner.

While in England, Kerry stated on MSNBC, “Lots of parts of the world are exacerbating the problem right now.”

“But when you have bombs going off, and you have damage to septic tanks or to power centers, etc., you have an enormous release of greenhouse gas, of methane, you know, all of the family of greenhouse gases,” he continued.

“And the result is it’s adding to the problem.”

“I’m not, you know, believe me, that’s ehhhh, the fight in Ukraine is a fight that we have to make, that the world has to make,” he said.

“The values at stake are enormously important to all of us. So I’m not suggesting by any fashion, that, that this is not a fight we shouldn’t be involved in. But I am saying that there are ancillary impacts as a result of it.”


Kerry’s words were extensively criticized online.

“John Kerry seems to think that the worst thing about the Russia-Ukraine war is the release of greenhouse gases,” attorney Will Chamberlain wrote.

“I disagree. I think it’s the death and destruction.”

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley tweeted, “John Kerry tells us the problem with the war in Ukraine is the increase in greenhouse gases? You can’t make this stuff up. The end of the Biden (Harris) administration can’t come fast enough.”

“The problem with the war in Ukraine, says decrepit con man John Kerry, is that bombs are damaging septic tanks and exacerbating the made-up climate crisis,” radio host Gerry Callahan tweeted.

“Wait till he hears about all the dead women and children.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Jim Jordan spanked Joe Biden with this demand for his FBI


The FBI has become more corrupt than ever before under Joe Biden’s admin. House Republican Jim Jordan is sick of it.

Because he just spanked Joe Biden with this stunning demand for Biden’s FBI.

Americans have watched for two years as the FBI has become more and more politicized at the hands of the Biden administration for the Democrats’ gain.

The FBI has raided the homes of innocent pro-life protesters, doing so unconstitutionally in many cases.

And as everyone knows, the FBI worked with the DOJ to raid the home of a former U.S. President, Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago.

The White House and Joe Biden himself say they had nothing to do with the FBI/DOJ raid of the Trump residence in Mar-a-Lago, but there’s been evidence coming out that this may not be true.

In the wake of all of this, Americans simply don’t have much trust left in the FBI to be blind to the politics of Washington, D.C. and stick to what they are supposed to be doing in investigating how the execution of the law needs to be enforced.

House Republicans are sick of this politicization of the FBI as well and are working on putting an end to this nonsense.

Top House Republican Jim Jordan believes he knows how to do just that.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is advocating for the FBI to relocate its headquarters from Washington, D.C. to Huntsville, Alabama in an effort to remove politics from the bureau’s operations.

The story claims that until the bureau relocates to a mid-sized community in Alabama, around 700 miles from the nation’s capital, Jordan will halt financing.

At the moment, the FBI wants to relocate its headquarters out of the city and into the suburbs of Virginia. According to the Journal, Republicans are still angry at the agency over its targeting of former President Donald Trump and have threatened to cut funds for the new site as a result.

According to the report, the FBI said that any budget cuts imposed by Congress would be “detrimental to the support the FBI provides to the American people,” and that there were “numerous operational reasons” to keep the facility close to the D.C. region.

The Federal News Network announced in April 2021 that the Huntsville location will be a part of a recent agency’s multiyear growth at the Redstone Arsenal, which is located on around 1,100 acres and now houses 860 people and is planned to increase to approximately 3,400 by 2026.

An expansion of the FBI certainly seems concerning for many Americans as there just simply isn’t that trust and respect for the FBI that the public once had. An expansion right now just comes across like blatantly ignoring the concerns of Americans of the FBI being abused by D.C. bureaucrats.

Jim Jordan wants the FBI to get as far away from the Washington D.C. Swamp as possible because he believes that the FBI being so close to the nation’s Capitol only serves to make it easier to abuse the FBI’s power.

To make this happen, he wants to pressure House Republicans to threaten the FBI with the power of the purse by potentially cutting major funding to the FBI unless they comply with a move to a more distant area like Alabama.

House Republicans do have a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, but it is a slim one. They would need to keep all Republicans in lock step with each other in hopes to make this happen.

Be sure to stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates about the FBI and its potential expansion and moving plans.

Republicans are panicking after a Democrat censorship scheme was just uncovered


Democrats are struggling to defend any of their positions. The easiest way to win for them is to make sure Republicans can’t respond at all.

And Republicans are panicking after a Democrat censorship scheme was just uncovered.

A screenshot sent to the Daily Caller News Foundation shows that the famous conservative social media account Libs of TikTok has already been blocked on tech giant Meta’s new text-based app Threads.

The screenshot was posted to Twitter and shows that Libs of TikTok, which is headed by Chaya Raichik, wrote that “[n]on-binary isn’t real” on Threads Friday morning, and the newly released app banned her the same day owing to its “hate speech” restrictions.

According to Raichik, the takedown was unsurprising given Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s history of conservative repression on Facebook and Instagram.

“Within hours of joining I got death threats, had people sharing my address, and was told to kill myself,” Raichik told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“None of those posts were removed despite me reporting them. Only my factual post was removed.”

The “Terms Of Use” for Threads explain that the new app follows the same “Community Guidelines” as Meta’s Instagram because “the service is part of Instagram.”

Raichik shared a video on Twitter of the harsh content thrown at her that allegedly still exists on Threads.

This, Raichik told the Daily Caller News Foundation, defies Zuckerberg’s intention for Threads to be “a friendly place.”

Instagram’s guidelines state that it removes “hate speech,” defining it as “a direct attack against people … on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.”

“It’s clear that the biased censorship from Big Tech is still thriving everywhere except Elon’s Twitter,” Raichik told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “I think I’ll stick with Twitter.”

Other notable conservatives, including as Donald Trump Jr. and DC Draino, have also complained about restrictions on Threads since its inception on Wednesday.

The pair both claimed that Threads asked users if they are “sure” they want to follow the accounts and flagged that both have “repeatedly posted false information,” according to screenshots.

“Are you sure you want to follow [the account],” the warning reportedly asks. “This account has repeatedly posted false information that was reviewed by independent fact-checkers or went against our Community Guidelines.”

Meta did not immediately reply to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden DOJ releases document that could determine Donald Trump’s fate

Donald Trump is public enemy number one to the Democrats. He faces a very real possibility of being thrown behind bars.

And the Biden DOJ released a document that could determine Donald Trump’s fate

When it comes to Donald Trump, you either love the man or hate the man.

It should surprise no one that after years and years of conditioning by the left-wing media, Democrats are willing to do anything to bring Trump down.

That includes accusing him of everything from stealing classified information to assaulting a woman in a changing room in New York.

The accusations range from the bizarre to the outrageous with no end in sight.

And that’s exactly the point. The Democrats are banking on gumming up Trump’s campaign for presidency with legal paperwork to slow him down.

Then, if he starts to talk about the cases against him, they threaten him with gag orders and fines.

Now we’re getting an inside look into the allegation that he kept classified documents. This the same allegation that supposedly justified raiding his home in Florida.

More of the search warrant affidavit that authorized the FBI to raid former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion and resort was ordered to be made public by Florida Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart on Wednesday, and the Justice Department cooperated.

Reinhart’s decision refused media organizations’ request that the entire affidavit be unsealed, but permitted the Justice Department to distribute a less-redacted version of the document on Wednesday.

The newly unredacted portions of the affidavit suggest that the FBI was aware, prior to the search, that Trump was keeping boxes “in at least two different rooms within the premises” “between January 21, 2021, and late August 2021.”

According to the affidavit, when FBI agents and DOJ officials met with Trump’s counsel at Mar-a-Lago on June 3, 2022, to retrieve documents subpoenaed by the Justice Department, they discovered approximately 50-55 boxes inside a storage room at Trump’s Palm Beach, Fla., club after 15 boxes were provided to the National Archives and Records Administration out of the approximately 85-95 boxes Trump was believed to be in possession of.

“It appears that approximately fifteen to thirty of the FPOTUS BOXES had previously been relocated elsewhere. The FBI agents also observed that the composition of boxes differed such that fewer Bankers boxes were visible, while more plain cardboard boxes and storage bins were present,” an unredacted portion of the affidavit reads.

“Other items were also present in the STORAGE ROOM, including a coat rack with suit jackets, as well as interior décor items such as wall art and frames,” it continued.

The document notes that “the door to the STORAGE ROOM was painted gold and had no other markings on it” and the room was “located approximately mid-way up the wall and is reachable by several wooden stairs.”

Aside from the boxes of documents, the affidavit states that Trump kept “merchandise such as challenge coins, garment bags, Mar-a-Lago memorabilia such as photograph frames and other decor items” in the room.

The search warrant also includes a photograph of the storage room from special counsel Jack Smith’s federal indictment of Trump.

According to Reinhart, the DOJ agreed to make some further elements of the search warrant public, but wanted to keep others redacted to “comply with grand jury secrecy rules and to protect investigative sources and methods.”

Trump, 77, has been charged with 37 felony counts connected to Smith’s probe into his handling of confidential White House records, including deliberate retention of national security information and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

The former commander-in-chief has pleaded not guilty in the matter and fiercely denies any wrongdoing, claiming that he declassified the records and that the DOJ is conducting a “witch-hunt” against him.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kristi Noem went on Fox News and demolished Leftists with facts and logic

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has become popular with the American people. She just demonstrated why.

Because Kristi Noem went on Fox News and utterly blasted Leftists with this perfect truth bomb.

When Ben & Jerry’s demanded that the United States return Mount Rushmore to Native American groups whose territory had been “stolen” by the federal government, South Dakota’s Republican governor, Kristi Noem, responded with some hard pills for Leftists to swallow.

During an interview with Fox News, Noem claimed she would not listen to “a bunch of liberal Vermont businessmen who think they know everything there is to know about this country and haven’t studied our history.”

Founded in Vermont by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream said on their website on July 4 that the United States must return “stolen Indigenous land.”

According to Ben & Jerry’s, the region in South Dakota that eventually become Mount Rushmore was once known as Tunkasila Sakpe to the local Lakota Sioux.

After decades of conflict, the federal government negotiated treaties with various Native American tribes, including the Lakota, granting them 35 million acres, which included the Black Hills.

The corporation explained how the government abandoned the treaties after gold was discovered and residents flocked to the area. The Sioux people, originally from several separate tribes, were relocated to tiny reservations far away.

Ben & Jerry’s said that the tribes seek nothing more than the return of their land, despite the fact that the Supreme Court determined in 1980 that the land had been stolen and offered the tribes financial compensation.

Noem referred to Mount Rushmore as “the greatest symbol of our freedom” in American history.

“We can learn from the men on that mountain. We can do better, but boy did they lead us through some challenging times,” she said of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on the mount.

Noem argued that national landmarks like Mount Rushmore serve as sources of motivation for Americans.

“We should be proud of America and knock off what Ben & Jerry’s is doing. They don’t have any idea what they’re doing,” she asserted.

Kristi Noem is saying what the vast majority of Americans are feeling right now.

Americans are sick and tired of Leftists trying to make people feel bad for history from hundreds of years ago at this point that no one can control.

It would be ridiculous to say that indigenous groups have not been treated fairly by the federal government in helping them preserve their cultures.

Millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars have gone to preserve indigenous lands and populations.

What Noem is pointing out is that you can still be proud of the ideas that the men on Mount Rushmore represent.

Wanting to destroy Mount Rushmore just shows how anti-American these woke Leftist companies like Ben & Jerry’s are.

But as we all know by now: when you go woke, you go broke.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Underdog Republican gave Trump and DeSantis the shock of their lives

The race for the Republican nomination is underway. It’s not going how everyone expected.

And this underdog Republican gave Trump and DeSantis the shock of their lives.

If you follow the news, you know that the two leading candidates for the Republican nomination are Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.

The match has been determined since at least last November, when Trump’s endorsed candidates showed lackluster results, while DeSantis and Florida became a Republican stronghold.

Over the past few months, rumors stirred that DeSantis would throw his hat in the ring, with Trump throwing not-so-subtle jabs at the popular Florida Governor.

Then, DeSantis announced his candidacy in late May of this year, and the race was on.

But there are far more candidates than two in the race. Though many are garnering next to no support, one has shot forward into the limelight.

According to the most recent Echelon Insights study, anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy broke into the double digits in the Republican primary contest.

The poll, like previous national polls, reveals former President Donald Trump with a solid lead in the primary campaign, with 49 percent support.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trails by 33 points, with only 16 percent support. Ramaswamy is a close third with 10% support, just six points behind DeSantis, making him the only other contender to reach into double digits.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley are tied with 5% support.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott has 4% support, followed by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with 2% and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, each with 1% support.

Ramaswamy appears to be third in battleground states as well. Trump has a majority of support in battleground states, with 56 percent, followed by DeSantis with 22 percent and Ramaswamy with 7%.

The survey was conducted among 1,020 likely voters from June 26-29, 2023, and has a +/- 3.9 percent margin of error.

Ramaswamy, who has shown a big gain in name recognition and favorability in Morning Consult’s weekly poll, has made headlines after challenging rival presidential contenders to join him in pledging to pardon Trump on his first day in office.

“I challenge every US Presidential candidate to join me in standing for TRUTH. Commit to pardon Donald Trump for these federal charges on Day 1, or explain why you won’t,” Ramaswamy wrote in a social media post on June 13:

Pence is among many who have declined to declare if they would pardon Trump, claiming that it is “premature” to have that discussion.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump just forced Joe Biden to do the one thing he hates

Even though Trump is out of office, that doesn’t mean his political power has waned. Now even Biden is having to bend the knee.

And Donald Trump just forced Joe Biden to do the one thing he hates.

Homeland Security announced Friday that it will construct 20 more miles of border wall, fulfilling a key campaign promise made by former President Donald Trump.

The government claimed it had no choice but to begin construction due to the wording of the 2019 funding bill, which included money explicitly for border wall construction.

Some $190 million remains unspent, and President Biden risks breaking the law if he does not spend it on the wall by September.

“Until and unless Congress cancels these funds, the law requires DHS to use the funds consistent with their appropriated purpose,” Customs and Border Protection said in an unsigned statement announcing the new construction.

The move marks a significant retreat for Mr. Biden, who during the 2020 campaign had vowed there would “not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration.”

CBP stated that the new construction will take place in the Yuma and El Centro sectors of the Border Patrol, which span southeastern California and southern Arizona.

The wall will be an 18-foot steel bollard design, as approved by the 2019 funding bill and described by CBP as “the most operationally effective design.”

In addition to the fence panels, the department plans to install lighting, access roads, and sensors to identify unauthorized crossings. The Trump administration dubbed the package the “wall system,” and claimed that it was all necessary for border security.

Mr. Trump left office with more than 450 miles of barrier, the majority of which replaced outmoded designs. However, the Trump administration was late in constructing the roads and wall extensions. According to the Government Accountability Office, less than 69 miles of the whole wall system will have been built by 2021.

According to the audit, the government raced to build the panels in order to satisfy Mr. Trump’s campaign pledges, but cut corners on other components of the system.

“While the wall panels are typically the most costly part of border barrier construction, the full wall system remains incomplete,” GAO said.

CBP had plans and money to build more than 200 miles of wall when Mr. Trump departed office.

Mr. Biden put a stop to that on his first day in office.

He first returned funds diverted from the Defense Department for wall construction by Mr. Trump, then pleaded with Congress to cancel the remainder of the funds appropriated by Congress for the wall.

Those attempts failed, and some of the funds budgeted for 2019, 2020, and 2021 remain in the pipeline.

Congress, for example, allotted $1.375 billion in 2019. According to Homeland Security, $190 million remains and must be spent on the wall.

Late Friday, CBP stated that it will continue to plan substantial consultation with landowners, state, local, and tribal governments on how and where to build.

“DHS remains committed to the protection of the environment and will conduct environmental surveys, analyze the potential for environmental impacts from the implementation of the projects, and develop measures that avoid or minimize impacts to the greatest extent possible,” the department said.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Kamala Harris’ career ending secret exposed by watchdog

Vice President Harris is one of the least likable politicians in the country. But things just got so much worse for her.

And Kamala Harris’ career ending secret was just exposed by a watchdog.

According to data from a conservative watchdog group, the Biden administration is aggressively working to employ artificial intelligence to promote a woke, progressive ideology, with left-wing activists leading the effort.

The American Accountability Foundation investigated the administration’s AI ambitions and is now warning in a document that top US officials under President Biden are attempting to implant “dangerous ideologies” into AI systems.

“Under the guise of fighting ‘algorithmic discrimination’ and ‘harmful bias,’ the Biden administration is trying to rig AI to follow the woke left’s rules,” AAF president Tom Jones told Fox News Digital.

“Biden is being advised on technology policy, not by scientists, but by racially obsessed social academics and activists. We’re already seen the biggest tech firms in the world, like Google under Eric Schmidt, use their power to push the left’s agenda. This would take the tech/woke alliance to a whole new, truly terrifying level.”

AAF mentioned several examples of the administration’s “campaign to make AI woke” in its memo.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, for example, produced a “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” in October.

The document warns of “algorithmic discrimination,” in which AI systems treat people differently based on their race, gender, or other qualities, and requests that data “used as part of system development or assessment” be “reviewed for bias based on the data’s historical and societal context.”

To address such concerns, the blueprint suggests “proactive equity assessments as part of system design,” among other measures.

While speaking at the Summit for Democracy in March, Arati Prabhakar, director of Biden’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, praised Biden’s signing of an executive order the previous month that, in her words, “promotes data equity,” directs agencies to combat “algorithmic discrimination,” and ensures these agencies use AI to advance “equity.”

One of the purposes of the executive order, which Biden signed in February, is to “root out bias in the design and use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.”

In its memo, AAF also mentions how, months later, in May, the White House’s Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, which falls under Prabhakar’s purview, released the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, which calls for more resources to combat “harmful biases” and warns that “AI systems are prone to ‘hallucinate’ and recapitulate biases derived from the unfiltered data from the internet used to train them.”

The report goes on to say that “understanding how AI can reduce inequities stemming from systemic, structural and individual bias is an important area of research.”

The report’s AI committee is part of the National Science and Technology Council, whose highest-ranking member is Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden named “AI czar” to lead the administration’s new initiative “to promote responsible AI innovation that protects Americans’ rights and safety.”

Harris has previously highlighted similar concerns about racial bias in artificial intelligence and the need to overcome it.

“When we look at … issues like AI and machine learning, there is a real need to be very concerned about how being built into it is racial bias,” Harris said in 2019 while a senator from California.

“It’s a real issue, and it’s happening in real time. And the thing about racial bias in technology is that, unlike the racial bias that you can pretty easily [detect] when you get stopped in a department store or while you’re driving, the bias that is built into technology will not be very easy to detect.”

Kamala and the Biden administration’s insistence on training AI to peddle the Democrat’s social and cultural policies is sure to sink their already failing approval ratings lower and lower.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden struck with another crushing court loss

President Biden thinks he can do whatever he wants with no consequences. But he’s been taken to court for his actions.

And now Joe Biden was hit with yet another crushing court loss that left him fuming.

A federal judge has ruled that President Joe Biden and the ATF overstepped their authority by banning so-called “ghost guns,” dealing another setback to Biden’s anti-gun agenda.

On Friday, United States District Judge Reed O’Connor ruled that the ATF had exceeded its authority by prohibiting partially completed firearms. O’Connor presides over cases in the Southern District of Texas.

O’Connor argued that the case was a test of whether the Gun Control Act of 1968 allowed the federal government to control weapon components, related firearm items, and other tools and materials. The court ruled that the recently passed final rule by the government was an unconstitutional agency action made in excess of the ATF’s statutory jurisdiction since the government could not lawfully regulate the items in question. Accordingly, the Court set aside the Order.

It’s expected that the Justice Department will file an appeal of the verdict. It follows the repeal of restrictions on so-called “bump stocks” and portends poorly for the administration’s most recent move to outlaw adjustable braced handguns in the AR pattern.

Supporters of the Second Amendment were relieved by the verdict, seeing it as another blow to Biden’s attempt to seize firearms without going through Congress.

In this case, ATF has determined that even partially assembled firearms are nonetheless subject to regulation. The court ruled that the components were not illegal firearms.

Attorney General Merrick Garland released the rule on gun frames and receivers last year, claiming he was merely “modernizing” a law from 1968 by giving them the name “guns.” However, the court laughed off ATF’s contention that firearm components are also capable of being assembled into rifles.

“The issue in this case is whether ATF may properly regulate a component as a ‘frame or receiver’ even after ATF determines that the component in question is not a frame or receiver. It may not. Logic dictates that a part cannot be both not yet a receiver and receiver at the same time. Defendants’ reliance on that logical contradiction is fatal to their argument,” wrote the judge.

At issue are pre-assembled firearms that a buyer must assemble. Usually they are eighty percent complete and just need drilling and assembly to become guns. There are no serial numbers or mandatory background checks for purchasing one because the law does not consider them to be firearms.

Law enforcement officials are split on whether or not these guns are actually being used in crimes.

“This is a monumental victory against the tyrannical ATF. Firearms Policy Coalition and Law have argued that this rogue agency has unlawfully attacked gun owners in this latest round of ‘rulemaking,’ and we are grateful to see the court agree,” said Richard Thomson, the FPC’s vice president of communications.

Alan M. Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, commented on the ruling, saying, “This decision amounts to another court blow to Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda, which threatens the very Constitution he swore to uphold and defend when he took office.”

Adam Kraut, executive director of the Second Amendment Foundation, said in a press release that “this case is one more example of the Biden administration’s ongoing effort to exceed its authority in order to place as many restrictions as possible on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.”

The Biden administration and the radical Democrats continue to wax on about “common-sense” gun legislation, but the truth is, they don’t know a d*mn thing about guns.

Anyone who tries to argue that a block of aluminum needs to be classified as a weapon and subject to a background check is out of their mind.

This is all ultimately about control, not “common-sense.” That’s why the Left is so desperate to take away the freedom of Americans to be able to even get the materials they want to build or accessorize their weapons.

If the Left actually cared about firearm violence, they’d be focusing on cleaning up their streets in Detroit, Chicago, and San-Francisco.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Biden proves he’s lost his mind with one TV appearance

Voters are concerned that Biden’s mental acuity could be compromised. This leaves no room for doubt.

And Biden proved he’s lost his mind with one TV appearance.

If you look at the most recent NBC News poll, Joe Biden has plenty to worry about going into 2024.

His overall approval rating is in the low 40s, but that isn’t the worst of it.

The poll also found 68% of all voters say they have concerns about Biden having the necessary mental and physical health to be president, including 55% who say they have “major” concerns.

Not only that, but in 2020, 21% of Democrats said they had moderate/major concerns about Biden’s fitness. Now it’s 43% of Dems who say this.

Almost a majority of his party are seriously concerned that he isn’t all there and can’t effectively lead.

And Biden’s recent interview on MSNBC surely isn’t going to allay any fears.

While the cameras were still rolling, President Joe Biden abruptly stood up and exited a live televised appearance on MSNBC Thursday afternoon.

“Deadline” host Nicole Wallace was closing up the softball interview when Biden slid out of his seat.

“Mr. President, thank you,” Wallace said as the president walked over and shook her hand.

In a television clip, Biden can be seen heading off set behind Wallace as she’s looking into the camera to tease her next section.

“Don’t go anywhere, it’s a very exciting day around here,” Wallace said to the audience.

“We’ll have reaction and analysis to everything we just heard from the president.”

During the conversation, Biden, 80, had numerous difficult moments, including mixing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution while debating the Supreme Court’s judgment that race-based college admissions are prohibited.

“Its value system is different, and its respect for our institutions is different,” Biden said of the Supreme Court.

“And in that sense, it’s not as embracing of all, what I think the con—the Constitution says, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator.’ It’s the uniqueness of America – we’ve never fully lived up to it, we never walked away from it. And this court seems to say, ‘No, that’s not always the case.’ The idea that there’s no right of privacy in the Constitution, giving states power that we fought a war over in 1960 [sic]. You know, I just think it’s — this is not your father’s Republican Party.”

The portion of text from the Constitution that Biden used is actually from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.