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The White House launched a devastating attack on Republicans with major consequences

Joe Biden and his pals in his cabinet want everyone to bend the knee to their ideology. They’re showing exactly what they’ll do if you refuse.

And the White House launched a devastating attack on Republicans with major consequences.

You either drive or get out of the car when it comes to the Left.

If you’re not going to march in lockstep with their most radical ideas, then you may as well be an enemy to their agenda.

And they’ll make it hurt for not showing loyalty to their ideas.

And, in what some call retaliation for the state’s pro-life measures, the Biden administration recently withdrew $4.5 million in funds from the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s (OSDH) family planning programs.

According to the OSDH, the grant was cancelled by Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) because the OSDH’s pro-life family services were judged “out of compliance” by the federal government.

As a result, the OSDH is currently unable to provide family health services to around 30,000 low-income persons, including as counseling, STD testing and treatment, physical examinations, and prenatal care and education.

HHS violated Title X of the Public Health Services Act, according to OSDH authorities, by rescinding the $4.5 million in family planning payments. Title X specifies that “none of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning,” and then goes on to list a number of healthcare procedures for which the funds can be used, all of which are services provided by OSDH.

On June 1, Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford wrote to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, requesting that the money be reinstated and accused HHS of deliberately misinterpreting Title X.

“HHS has chosen to prioritize abortion instead of prioritizing actual health care, by suspending Title X funding awarded to OSDH because of its obligation to abide by federal law and the state laws of Oklahoma,” Lankford wrote in his letter. “It is absurd that HHS is suspending funds previously granted to OSDH for its refusal to refer for a procedure that the underlying federal statute explicitly forbids.”

“Abortion is not family planning,” he added:

It is family destruction. Every abortion takes an unborn child’s life. Oklahoma’s laws protect women and unborn children from the violence of abortion in the interest of promoting families, keeping Oklahomans safe, and protecting life.

The HHS action against Oklahoma is merely the most recent in a series of interventions against pro-life states and policies. Following the return of abortion control to the states by the 2022 Supreme Court decision last year, conservative states such as Texas passed pro-life measures, prompting HHS to penalize them for protecting unborn lives.

HHS refused to boost Medicaid payments to Texas moms of infants in August 2022.

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Biden promised a “all-of-government” effort to defend and promote abortion across the country. Two weeks later, he issued an executive order requiring healthcare providers to assist in the “implementation of federal efforts to protect reproductive rights and access to healthcare.”

The decree fully ignored the Hyde amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of most abortions.

Lankford stated in his letter that HHS’s latest measures are once again targeting pro-life states.

“OSDH has made every attempt to lawfully provide Oklahomans with family planning services under Title X,” he wrote. “They are now being financially punished for not violating state and federal law.”

Lankford gave HHS until June 12 to reinstate funding. It remains unclear what HHS’s response will be.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Adam Schiff’s day of reckoning arrives in a big way


Democrat House Representative Adam Schiff is a disgrace. He’s abused his power unlike anyone else.

But Adam Schiff’s day of reckoning has arrived in a big way.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) may soon have some genuine issues of his own as he gloats and grins about the arraignment of former and possibly future President Donald Trump in Miami earlier on Tuesday for his handling of secret papers.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to censure and penalize Schiff for advancing the “Russia collusion” narrative and has also proposed a motion to eject her Democratic colleague from the House of Representatives.

The two lawmakers are back in the spotlight after Luna brought a motion to reprimand Schiff to the floor on Tuesday. The representative has a video of her reading the resolution listing the offenses for which Schiff would be censured and fined posted as the pinned tweet on her campaign account.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) has tweeted his enthusiasm for a vote on the issue, indicating that the GOP leadership is eager to move through with a vote.

The vote is anticipated in the near future.

The Democrats are considering their options to avoid being censured. To do so, they would have to make a procedural motion to table the proposal, which would need a majority vote in a house where the Republicans hold a majority.

On Tuesday, CNN obtained a letter from Schiff to his Democratic colleagues in which he pleaded for their support while attempting to sound eloquent.

In it, he bemoaned that the country, our democracy, and the credibility of the House of Representatives will all suffer as a result of the mere “consideration” of the resolution. His argument continued that this “is not only a terrible misuse of House precedent and resources, but a clear attack on our constitutional system of checks and balances.”

The troubled congressman has also used the congresswoman’s resolution as a fundraising opportunity in a number of tweets shared from his campaign account.

So that he could further play the victim card, Schiff went on to say that the resolution “takes issue with me for investigating Donald Trump, for impeaching him, for getting the first bipartisan vote to convict a president in U.S. history.”

Schiff said his detractors “hope he will back down,” but he’s not going anywhere and “will never back down.” Schiff shifts to claiming that others are being singled out, saying that Luna and others are “trying to intimidate anyone else in the future from speaking out against the twice impeached, now twice indicted, disgraced former president.”

At the end, Schiff repeats the key talking point of the Democratic Party, saying, “This is an attack on our democracy.” However, he continues, “it’s an attack on me and the institution of Congress,” despite the fact that the motion to censure is being brought forth by House members themselves.

Schiff also tweeted a video of himself bragging to CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Republicans brought the legislation out of fear.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on the developments in the vote to censure Adam Schiff.

UPDATE: The vote to censure Schiff failed in the U.S. House by a vote of 225-196 as 20 Republicans decided to defend Schiff from consequences for his reckless abuse of his position of power. House Republicans are planning another vote in the coming weeks.

Kamala Harris was hit with shocking news that will change her life forever

Vice President Harris has fumbled everything she’s been handed. It’s why many have called for her to resign.

And Kamala Harris was hit with shocking news that will change her life forever.

As Biden’s designated “border czar,” Kamala Harris has proven just how ineffective of a leader she truly is.

Millions have poured into this country and the only thing Kamala Harris will say is that there isn’t a crisis.

But despite her terrible immigration track record, her radical policy positions have made her a darling to some of the most hardened Leftists.

One of her pet-projects is expanding a woman’s ability to kill her child in the womb.

To her, abortion is almost sacred rather than just a medical procedure.

That’s why she said people don’t have to “abandon their faith” to support the abortion-on-demand – something most Christians would disagree with.

But that’s why in the run-up to the 2024 presidential race, a pro-abortion political action committee plans to spend “tens of millions of dollars” boosting Vice President Kamala Harris’ public image.

Emily’s List, a pro-abortion political action committee, explained its tactics to POLITICO.

According to the site, “such an investment in support of a sitting vice president is politically unprecedented,” and it “underscores the growing recognition that Harris may play an outsized role in what is sure to be a tough election.”

The President of Emily’s List, Laphonza Butler, discussed the objective of the investment, remarking, “We’re going to tell the story about who she is, what she’s done, support her at every turn and really push back against the massive misinformation and disinformation that’s been directed towards her since she’s been elected.”

While the PAC is still determining how much money it will spend to support the vice president, POLITICO reported that it will be “in the range of tens of millions of dollars,” while Laphonza stated that the investment will go toward efforts to target voters across multiple platforms.

“Some age groups and demographics get their information from things like YouTube or from TikTok,” said Butler.

“For some demographics, they are much more interpersonal and in terms of how they get and disseminate information.”

Meanwhile, an anonymous Republican strategist claimed that Harris is “a boogeyman that Republicans can use to push their message,” adding that “a President Harris would be even worse than a President Biden because she campaigned as a progressive fighter and had to moderate herself when she became Biden’s running mate.”

The PAC’s plans come as Harris has lately been highlighted by the White House, appearing during debt discussions between President Biden and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy only days before she appeared in front of thousands on a teleconference aimed at building support for a debt ceiling resolution.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden is going to wet himself when he learns what he’s being forced to do


President Biden has a nightmare scenario for his re-election campaign. That nightmare could be coming true.

Because Biden is going to wet himself when he learns what he’s being forced to do.

The Democrat National Committee controversially announced weeks ago that they were not planning any debates for the Democrat primary race.

Immediately, the Democrat voting base made their discontent with this decision known in no uncertain terms.

The former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, took to Twitter recently to say that the Democrats need to have debates as he shared a video of Joe Biden taking yet another fall on stage earlier this month.

The reality of Joe Biden being run again in 2024 for the Democrats because the Democrats have no other option is sickening for most Americans.

That’s why so many are speaking out.

But the Democrat Party’s hand could be forced to hold debates between the top contenders like Biden, Kennedy, and Williamson if this latest news is any indication of which direction the wind is blowing.

According to a new poll from USA Today/Suffolk University, about 80% of all likely Democrat Party voters want there to be debates held during the primary cycle.

Joe Biden was leading the pack in the poll, with 58% of individuals saying that they would vote for Biden if the primary elections were held right now.

But what’s worth noting is that 58% is an incredibly low number for an incumbent President’s base within the his party.

Also, that’s 80% of Democrat Party voters who want Joe Biden to appear on the debate stage, not 80% of all Americans.

If you were to ask the average American sample, it would likely be even higher, potentially as high as 90% or more.

The simple truth is that Democrat voters want the choice to reject Joe Biden if they deem him to be unfit for office in 2024.

“The decision not to debate is ignoring the 82% of women, 84% of union households, 86% of independents, and 90% of young voters who are not only planning to vote in their state’s Democratic primary or caucus next year but also would like to see a series of Democratic primary debates,” a Suffolk University Research Center official said of the poll results.

Should the Democrats insist that he won’t have any debates, it could easily backfire in a major way.

First of all, it will make Democrats lose confidence in their candidate in 2024. That could turn into a lower turnout than he got in 2020 because Biden’s own voter base from 2020 would feel betrayed.

Secondly, undecided voters might see this as the Democrats admitting that Joe Biden is simply unfit for office and that Biden’s Republican challenger would obviously be a better choice for them to put into the Oval Office.

Could you imagine Biden running against Ron DeSantis who is just 44 years old? And could you imagine Biden on a debate stage against DeSantis or Trump?

Biden might get out of the Democrat primary debates, but there’s no way he’s let off of the hook of the general election debates.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis was smacked with a haunting threat and he’ll never be the same


Florida Governor DeSantis is hot on the campaign trail. This threatens to throw him right off the tracks.

And Ron DeSantis was smacked with a haunting threat and he’ll never be the same.

Ron DeSantis has quickly rocketed from a no-name Republican in Congress to a conservative powerhouse.

Serving in the U.S. House of Representatives for five years, DeSantis made his claim to fame by beating Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum for the governorship by a narrow 30,000 margin.

Taking leadership in stride, DeSantis waged a self-described “war on woke” in Florida, keeping the state open during COVID, ridding explicit books from school library shelves, and giving Floridas massive tax breaks.

His policies were so popular that he won re-election by 1.5 million votes last year – leaving his opponent, Charlie Crist, with the worst turnout for Democrats in over 100 years.

Needless to say, Floridians love their governor, but some of his policies have made him major enemies.

And those enemies transcend our national borders.

Mexico’s pro-migration administration has threatened retaliation against Florida’s pro-American governor, Ron DeSantis, whose campaign-trail border policies have put him at odds with Mexico’s president.

“The Government of Mexico emphatically condemns the practice of transporting migrant persons from states bordering Mexico toward other parts of the United States with electoral and political ends … Legal and diplomatic measures will be explored,” said the June 8 statement from Mexico’s foreign ministry.

According to the statement, Mexico’s government will “guarantee the defense of Mexican persons who live abroad, regardless of their migratory status.”

DeSantis’ campaign pledges — and his flights of migrants to California — represent a growing political challenge to Mexico’s government’s pro-migration policies.

DeSantis, for example, told a group of Texas sheriffs on June 7 that if elected, he will encourage Mexico to stop the flow of migrants and drugs across the border:

We have different levers that we can push — that would just be a no-brainer … The cartels directly, obviously, are a huge, huge problem. I mean, they’re responsible for killing in the last year tens of thousands of Americans. I mean, are you kidding me? To just turn a blind eye to it and do nothing? That’s a complete and utter failure.

DeSantis’ press secretary also mocked Mexico’s June 8 warning, which came after Mexico’s president attacked Governor DeSantis’ pro-America policies in Florida.

“From the U.S. Border, you can see individuals on Mexican soil engaged in drug and human trafficking,” Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for Gov. DeSantis, told Breitbart News on June 9. He went on to say:

It would be great if the Mexican Government could focus on these problems rather than wasting its breath on some unfounded legal claim relating to illegal immigrants that voluntarily get a free ride to a sanctuary jurisdiction that purports to welcome them with open arms.

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is becoming increasingly concerned about DeSantis’ pro-American posture.

Obarado has stated frequently that he wants to cooperate with Biden to bring in even more Latinos, notably Mexicans.

“Just imagine: There are 40 million Mexicans in the United States — 40 million [including people] who were born here in Mexico, [or] who are the children of people who were born in Mexico,” Obrador gushed at a January 10 press conference with President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Obrador went on to say:

I fully trust President Biden … I’ve asked President Biden to insist before the U.S. Congress to regularize the migration situations of millions of Mexicans who have been in the States working, living in the United States, and contributing to the development of that great nation, which is the United States of America.

At least someone has confidence in Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean-Pierre humiliated Joe Biden with this slip of the tongue

Press Secretary Jean-Pierre has been an embarrassment for the White House. Her sidestepping and lies aren’t even believable.

And now Karine Jean-Pierre humiliated Joe Biden with this slip of the tongue.

It seems like the world is crashing down around Joe Biden.

His foreign policy has pushed us closer to World War III with Russia and has allowed China to get a further foothold around the world.

His domestic policy has allowed millions of illegal immigrants into the country while Americans deal with constant inflation.

On top of that, most Democrats are hoping they get someone else as their nominee in 2024.

Now he has natural disasters in the form of the Canadian wildfires choking American cities to worry about.

Never one to miss an opportunity to use a crisis for political points, the Democrats are blaming wild fires on, you guessed it, climate change.

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, claimed the Canadian wildfires, which have caused record-low air quality in many parts of the northeast, are the product of a “climate crisis.”

Winds have brought bad air quality from Canadian wildfires into the northeast since Monday.

“As of Wednesday, Canada was on track to experience its worst wildfire season ever, with officials reporting more than 400 active fires, with more than 240 listed as ‘out of control’” the Washington Post reported.

The air was so dense with harmful particles that it was felt as far away as Florida, making the skies drab and orange.

According to Breitbart News, various locations, including Long Island, New York City Metro, Eastern Lake Ontario, Central New York, and Western New York, are under a health advisory due to poor air quality.

Despite admitting she is not a climate specialist, Jean-Pierre used the rare chance to promote Biden’s legislative agenda of so-called climate policies.

“[It’s] yet another alarming example of the ways in which the climate crisis is disturbing our lives and our communities,” Jean-Pierre said during the White House press briefing.

“The west coast has dealt with this for some time.”

“So, this is not uncommon, sadly. It’s only getting worse,” the continued. “But this is why the president has made climate change a priority. This is why he has taken these aggressive actions.”

Instead of sending federal resources to protect vulnerable communities, like those respiratory and heart diseases, the Biden administration is just going to blame us and anyone who uses fossil fuels.

That’s not just harebrained, it’s a dereliction of duty.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Here’s how Democrats are trying to start a civil war

Americans have never been as divided as they are now. Much of that is the design of the Democrat Party.

And here’s how the Democrats are actually planning to start a civil war.

It’s pretty hard to be optimistic about the possibility that Americans will be united on the major issues facing our country any time soon.

The sad reality is that there are political sowers of discord among the American people who want to divide people from a healthy community.

This is what the radical Left does when they try to divide everyone along lines of race, sex, gender, social class, and economic class.

For those on the Left, you simply cannot even try to disagree with their enshrined victimhood mentalities that they hold so precious.

That victimhood mentality is what charges their “us vs. them” political core that has led to the division we are living in today.

A perfect example of this is what recently happened in Montgomery County, Maryland earlier this month.

Muslim American parents of children in public schools were protesting a new corrupt school rule that meant that their kids would not be allowed to opt-out of LGBTQIA+ lessons and teachings during the school year.

Now, parents will be informed that their children must take part in these lessons on Leftist gender ideology or face the consequences.

Over 400 individuals were protesting this shocking new rule that strips parents of their natural parental rights earlier this month.

The parents were merely asking for the option for their kids to be opted-out of the lessons so that they can teach their kids what they believe from within the home, not from the firehose of the state.

But this crosses the line for the radical Left. The LGBTQIA+ topic is all the rage for those on the Left, so even Muslims who are a “protected class” in the eyes of victimhood Lefties are not allowed to contradict the LGBT agenda.

This much was made evident by what a Democrat Maryland city councilwoman said of these Muslims who were protesting the changed rule.

Democrat Kristin Mink said at a school board meeting this week that Muslims who are protesting the rule are actually “White supremacists.”

“This issue has unfortunately does put some Muslim families on the same side of an issue as White supremacists and outright bigots,” she shockingly said.

She said this directly to children who were standing up for their ability to believe whatever religion they want without being force-fed Leftist garbage.

One middle school student said “his religion teaches to respect all religions and all human beings and their rights. So does my country’s law. And I want my right back to have an opt-out option.”

Another graduate from the local school system said “Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right that protects the conscience of all people. It allows us to think, express and act upon what we deeply believe. But around the world and in the United States, this freedom is eroding.”

Democrat councilwoman Mink’s comments are out of line, but they expose a sad reality within the Democrat Party.

They do not care about the American people. They care about dividing and conquering. It’s all about using the popular victim class to get what they want.

They will wage a civil war against normal, everyday Americans if they won’t get their way. We’re already seeing it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The CIA smacked Joe Biden with a jaw-dropping warning that made all hell break loose

Joe Biden and intelligence agencies have been working hand-over-fist to help each other. It’s exactly what you’d expect from the D.C. swamp.

But the CIA smacked Joe Biden with a jaw-dropping warning that made all hell break loose.

One of the little talked about policies of the Biden administration is their unyielding support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Since Russia invaded the sovereign state in February of 2022, the United States has shelled out almost $38 billion in military and financial aid.

Americans have been told to rest easy – the resources we’re sending over will only be used to defend Ukraine in Ukraine, not anywhere else.

But that turned out to be a lie, and Joe Biden knows it.

According to a study released Tuesday, the Biden administration was alerted by the CIA that the Ukrainian military was planning a clandestine attack on the undersea Nord Stream pipeline three months before the damage occurred.

According to the Washington Post, an elite six-man diving squad reporting directly to Ukraine’s commander in chief was responsible.

They took a hired yacht obtained with forged passports and left a German port before laying explosives that cut the pipelines.

According to the assessment, which was compiled by Shane Harris and Souad Mekhennet, intelligence material was frequently shared within the White House and beyond. It reads:

Details about the plan, which have not been previously reported, were collected by a European intelligence service and shared with the CIA in June 2022. They provide some of the most specific evidence to date linking the government of Ukraine to the eventual attack in the Baltic Sea, which U.S. and Western officials have called a brazen and dangerous act of sabotage on Europe’s energy infrastructure.

The European intelligence reporting was shared on the chat platform Discord, allegedly by Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira. The Washington Post obtained a copy from one of Teixeira’s online friends.

The Post piece goes on to identify more sources for the leak that revealed how Ukraine destroyed the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project.

It adds on assertions made in February that there is no evidence that Moscow was engaged in the collapse of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, as reported by Breitbart London.

The intelligence report was based on information “obtained from an individual in Ukraine,” according to the report, which adds, “The source’s information could not immediately be corroborated, but the CIA shared the report with Germany and other European countries last June, according to multiple officials familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence operations and diplomatic discussions.”

The highly specific details including numbers of operatives and methods of sabotage show “for nearly a year Western allies had a basis to suspect Kyiv in the sabotage.

That conclusion has further grown in recent months, as German law enforcement authorities unearthed information about the attack that “bears striking similarities to what the European service said Ukraine was planning,” according to the Post story.

Following the September explosions, Western figures such as US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and German Economy Minister Robert Habeck claimed the reverse and blamed Russia.

The Kremlin, for its part, has previously blamed the British, stating that the Royal Navy was involved in the “planning, provision, and implementation of a terrorist attack in the Baltic Sea” to destroy the pipelines.

The British government dismissed the allegation of British involvement as “epic-scale false claims.”

Regardless of who ended up committing the act of sabotage, it should make Americans uneasy to think that civilian targets outside of Ukraine could be hit with out weapons.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN’s headquarters is on fire after receiving this pink slip

Cable news has been on the decline in recent years. But CNN is on life support.

And now CNN’s headquarters is on fire after receiving a stunning pink slip.

Over the past few years, CNN’s viewership has been dropping faster than the stock market in 1929.

CNN has maintained a number three spot behind Fox News and MSNBC, but its recent numbers indicate that it will be potentially dropping out of the top five major outlets.

Even Newsmax recently beat out CNN in prime time viewership at times.

Of course, this means that they’ve been bleeding cash like no tomorrow.

Multiple outlets have reported that CNN’s operating profit has dropped below $1 billion for the first time since 2016.

In response, CNN has been playing musical chairs with its personalities and has even gotten rid of longtime staples like Brian Stelter and Don Lemon in a desperate attempt to turn things around.

But now the layoffs have reached the highest levels of the company — even the CEO Chris Licht.

According to several reports, Chris Licht will be removed as the CEO of CNN as the parent company Warner Bros. grows tired of the failing network.

It’s hard to ignore that this moves comes shortly after CNN allowed Donald Trump to appear at their town hall and completely embarass the network.

That event was one of CNN’s most watched events in recent years and served as a highlight for just how much of a joke CNN has become.

Without Donald Trump, CNN is nothing. Since he left office in January 2021, the network has struggled to find a “boogeyman” to blame for absolutely everything as they did for more than four years.

CNN isn’t in a unique position when it comes to cable news networks suffering setbacks as of late. Fox News has fallen victim to that as well.

But it’s obvious to everyone that CNN is falling the hardest and it wouldn’t be too surprising if in a not-too-distant future CNN is no longer a major network.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The White House was just rocked by this high profile arrest

Joe Biden and his lackeys have made one of the most corrupt cabinets in US history. Now they’re starting to crumble.

And The White House was just rocked by this high profile arrest.

The Biden administration has made some pretty boneheaded mistakes over the past two and a half years.

But one of their biggest has been tacking on diversity hires without properly vetting their past and qualifications.

Now one of them is going to jail yet again.

Sam Brinton, an embattled former top Department of Energy (DOE) employee, was apprehended late Wednesday as a “fugitive from justice” by Maryland police.

Brinton was arrested in Rockville, according to county documents examined by Fox News Digital. The arrest was related to the theft of airport luggage, according to a representative for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Police, which is the principal law enforcement organization for both Washington, D.C., area airports. This is Brinton’s third such criminal case.

“Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police executed a search warrant May 17 in Montgomery County, Maryland, in connection with allegations of stolen property in luggage from Reagan National Airport that was brought to the department’s attention in February 2023,” James Johnson, a spokesperson for the MWAA, told Fox News Digital in an email.

“With the assistance of Montgomery County Police, Samuel Otis Brinton, age 35, of Rockville, Maryland, was taken into custody Wednesday pending charges of Grand Larceny,” Johnson said.

A witness who claimed to be Brinton’s neighbor told The Daily Wire, which initially reported the arrest, that Brinton was arrested roughly an hour after four unmarked police cars arrived.

“Montgomery County Police assisted in the arrest of Sam Brinton,” Shiera Goff, a spokesman for the Montgomery County Police Department, told Fox News Digital. “The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police are lead on this.”

“Brinton was arrested at approximately 10 p.m. last night in their home on College Parkway,” Goff added.

“They are being held in the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit on a no-bond status as they await an extradition hearing. That’s all of the information we have on our end.”

Brinton was arrested a month after escaping jail in two separate cases involving luggage thefts in Minnesota and Nevada. Brinton made headlines last year after being appointed to the position that oversees nuclear waste policy at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy as a non-binary gender-fluid person.

Brinton was charged in October with taking $2,325 in luggage from the luggage carousel at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport after flying in from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 16.

In early December, prosecutors in Las Vegas accused Brinton with grand larceny of an item worth between $1,200 and $5,000.

Brinton was charged by police of stealing a luggage worth $3,670 on July 6 at Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport. The luggage contained jewels worth $1,700, clothing worth $850, and makeup worth $500.

Brinton may face up to 15 years in prison for the two alleged offenses. However, in both cases, the presiding judges concluded that no jail sentence was required.

Furthermore, Brinton was accused in February by a female Tanzanian fashion designer located in Houston of wearing her own creations that were packed in a baggage she reported lost in 2018. The case was reported to the FBI by Houston police.

Brinton left the DOE on December 12, but the DOE would not comment on the cause for his departure.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

U.S. Senator exposes Joe Biden’s money fraud schemes

President Biden is more corrupt than anyone ever imagined. Everyday there’s more scandals coming out.

And now a U.S. Senator has shockingly exposed Joe Biden’s money fraud schemes.

The recently debt ceiling deal that passed the U.S. House, Senate, and was signed into law by Joe Biden took a lot of flak from both sides of the aisle.

Some conservatives in the U.S. House said the bill gave Americans no real win as it simply kicked the debt ceiling can down the road once again with nothing in return.

U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) recently went on Fox News to discuss the deal that was recently signed by Joe Biden.

Lee called the bill’s so-called “savings” for taxpayer dollars were “worse than fake” and said that the bill will actually cost taxpayers more than the deal that was “in place before.”

One of the most concerning facts about the bill, though, is that there’s billions of dollars being shifted to the Department of Commerce that is completely untraced.

Americans have no idea what $22 billion going to the Department of Commerce is doing, even though it’s all taxpayer dollars.

Lee said of this:

“As to the $28 billion in claw-backs that you refer to: $22 billion of that immediately goes into a slush fund at the Department of Commerce that nobody knows what it does.”

Republicans in the House were hoping to claw at some of the ridiculous IRS expansion that the Joe Biden administration has been pushing in recent years.

Many Americans were horrified to learn that there will be 87,000 new IRS agents to build up the IRS bureaucracy to go after Americans unfairly.

Senator Lee says that the “deal” to pull back on IRS spending that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden agreed to simply isn’t enough.

He said that the IRS cuts will amount to “less than $2 billion.”

“And, as for the IRS spending, we’re talking about, I believe, less than $2 billion that will be saved out of that – out of $80 billion. This is not at all what they promised. This is not at all how they’ve sold this,” Senator Lee said.

He added that these minor cuts just aren’t enough to deal with the growing debt that is projected to reach $36 trillion in a little more than a year.

Furthermore, he alleges that 98% of the expansion that Joe Biden has in mind for the IRS will stay in tact.

“Armed with a hefty budget and a woke agenda, the IRS will become an even stronger instrument of political bias and partisan manipulation,” Senator Lee lamented.

We already know that the Washington, D.C. Swamp loves to spend taxpayer dollars like there’s no tomorrow. That’s nothing new.

But what is new is hearing that there’s literally billions of taxpayer dollars being moved to “slush funds” that have no apparent purpose.

What is the Joe Biden administration doing with that money?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden had a nervous breakdown after the FBI made this shocking admission

President Biden is under a massive investigation into his alleged crimes. Now the FBI is finally weighing in.

And Joe Biden had a nervous breakdown after the FBI made this shocking admission.

A prominent Republican legislator stated on Wednesday that FBI Director Christopher Wray verified the existence of a file containing allegations of a “criminal bribery scheme” involving President Joe Biden.

In a statement issued after meeting with Wray, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said the FBI director offered to allow lawmakers to view the documents at FBI headquarters but will not commit to providing them to Congress — a clear indication that their standoff over a subpoena is far from over.

“We have been clear that anything short of producing these documents to the House Oversight Committee is not in compliance with the subpoena,” Comer said.

“If the FBI fails to hand over the FD-1023 form as required by the subpoena, the House Oversight Committee will begin contempt of Congress proceedings.”

The FBI said in a statement that during the Wednesday call, Wray “offered to provide the Committee’s Chairman and Ranking Member an opportunity to review information responsive to the subpoena in a secure manner to accommodate the committee, while protecting the confidentiality and safety of sources and important investigative sensitivities.”

“The FBI has continually demonstrated its commitment to working with the Committee to accommodate its request, from scheduling briefings and calls to now allowing the Chair to review information in person,” the bureau added.

“The FBI remains committed to cooperating with the Committee in good faith.”

Comer previously stated that the FBI would not admit the existence of the documents he wanted.

The FBI does, however, provide cautions about the risks of sharing unvetted material from confidential human sources that agents record in FD-1023 forms.

“The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people. Releasing confidential source information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk,” the bureau told The Daily Wire.

Comer and his Senate colleague Chuck Grassley (R-IA) have stated that whistleblower disclosures led them to believe the DOJ and FBI have an unclassified FD-1023 form describing the alleged scheme involving Biden and a foreign national dating back to his time as vice president.

Comer issued the subpoena on May 3 with a deadline of May 10, but it was later extended until Tuesday.

This particular FD-1023 form may reference some variant of “five million” and “June 30, 2020,” Comer wrote in a letter to Wray last week.

“These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome,” he added.

More information about the alleged plan has not been revealed, but the dollar amount and timing imply that it may be tied to Ukraine or China.

You can bet the FBI will hold out as long as possible to prevent Joe Biden’s name from being muddied, just like they did in 2020.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.